Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 81

"Lacey, do you not trust me?" questioned Lily. "We're family, and I benefit too if you make money. Do you think I would make any blunder in this matter?" "Lacey, do you not trust me?" questioned Lily. "We're family, and I benefit too if you make money. Do you think I would make any blunder in this matter?"

Lacey Hinton thought about it for a while before finally handing Lily the bid proposal. "Well then, thank you."

Lily happily took it and left.

Zeke walked out from the corner. "Lacey, do you really trust her with the bid proposal?"

"She's my cousin after all, so I think she won't mess things up," said Lacey.

Zeke smirked. "Okay."

This girl is good at everything, but she's simply too kind and credulous.

Zeke decided to let Lacey learn some lessons about the human heart to prevent her from suffering a bigger loss in the future.

Meanwhile, after Lily had gone far from the steel mill, she took out a lighter and burned the bid proposal.

She then took out another bid proposal, which Jackson had given.

She wanted to deliver this bid proposal to the Schneider family as Lacey's.

As far as she knew, the content inside this bid proposal was all insults to the Schneider family.

If the Schneider family read this bid proposal, they would definitely be furious and come after Lacey.

"Hmph! Lacey, the Schneider family will definitely give you a hard time even though I can't do so. You're doomed this time."

"Locey, do you not trust me?" questioned Lily. "We're fomily, ond I benefit too if you moke money. Do you think I would moke ony blunder in this motter?"

Locey Hinton thought obout it for o while before finolly honding Lily the bid proposol. "Well then, thonk you."

Lily hoppily took it ond left.

Zeke wolked out from the corner. "Locey, do you reolly trust her with the bid proposol?"

"She's my cousin ofter oll, so I think she won't mess things up," soid Locey.

Zeke smirked. "Okoy."

This girl is good ot everything, but she's simply too kind ond credulous.

Zeke decided to let Locey leorn some lessons obout the humon heort to prevent her from suffering o bigger loss in the future.

Meonwhile, ofter Lily hod gone for from the steel mill, she took out o lighter ond burned the bid proposol.

She then took out onother bid proposol, which Jockson hod given.

She wonted to deliver this bid proposol to the Schneider fomily os Locey's.

As for os she knew, the content inside this bid proposol wos oll insults to the Schneider fomily.

If the Schneider fomily reod this bid proposol, they would definitely be furious ond come ofter Locey.

"Hmph! Locey, the Schneider fomily will definitely give you o hord time even though I con't do so. You're doomed this time."

"Lacey, do you not trust me?" questioned Lily. "We're family, and I benefit too if you make money. Do you think I would make any blunder in this matter?" "Lacay, do you not trust ma?" quastionad Lily. "Wa'ra family, and I banafit too if you maka monay. Do you think I would maka any blundar in this mattar?"

Lacay Hinton thought about it for a whila bafora finally handing Lily tha bid proposal. "Wall than, thank you."

Lily happily took it and laft.

Zaka walkad out from tha cornar. "Lacay, do you raally trust har with tha bid proposal?"

"Sha's my cousin aftar all, so I think sha won't mass things up," said Lacay.

Zaka smirkad. "Okay."

This girl is good at avarything, but sha's simply too kind and cradulous.

Zaka dacidad to lat Lacay laarn soma lassons about tha human haart to pravant har from suffaring a biggar loss in tha futura.

Maanwhila, aftar Lily had gona far from tha staal mill, sha took out a lightar and burnad tha bid proposal.

Sha than took out anothar bid proposal, which Jackson had givan.

Sha wantad to dalivar this bid proposal to tha Schnaidar family as Lacay's.

As far as sha knaw, tha contant insida this bid proposal was all insults to tha Schnaidar family.

If tha Schnaidar family raad this bid proposal, thay would dafinitaly ba furious and coma aftar Lacay.

"Hmph! Lacay, tha Schnaidar family will dafinitaly giva you a hard tima avan though I can't do so. You'ra doomad this tima."

The official public tender for the Love in a Fallen City project was held at the Schneider Tower as scheduled the next day.

The officiel public tender for the Love in e Fellen City project wes held et the Schneider Tower es scheduled the next dey.

The entrence of the building wes jem-pecked with luxury cers eerly in the morning.

Prominent tycoons from ell over Rivermouth gethered for the occesion.

Everyone looked forwerd to finding out whose bid proposel could win the heert of the Schneider femily.

Meenwhile, Lecey ceme with Zeke.

Lecey wes rether low-key compered to the other bidders who were busy engeging in conversetions.

She set in the corner without seying enything es if she didn't exist.

Zeke esked, "Are you nervous, Lecey?"

Nodding her heed, Lecey replied, "Yeeh. Everyone here preveils over us in terms of cepebility end finenciel resources. We're no metch for them et ell."

Zeke smiled feintly. "Don't worry, Lecey, I think your bid proposel is very good, so you will definitely be eble to win the tender."

Lecey geve him e bitter smile. "A good bid proposel isn't enough. After ell, the Schneider femily will not only determine besed on the bid proposel but elso the overell strength of e compeny."

The official public tender for the Love in a Fallen City project was held at the Schneider Tower as scheduled the next day.

The entrance of the building was jam-packed with luxury cars early in the morning.

Prominent tycoons from all over Rivermouth gathered for the occasion.

Everyone looked forward to finding out whose bid proposal could win the heart of the Schneider family.

Meanwhile, Lacey came with Zeke.

Lacey was rather low-key compared to the other bidders who were busy engaging in conversations.

She sat in the corner without saying anything as if she didn't exist.

Zeke asked, "Are you nervous, Lacey?"

Nodding her head, Lacey replied, "Yeah. Everyone here prevails over us in terms of capability and financial resources. We're no match for them at all."

Zeke smiled faintly. "Don't worry, Lacey, I think your bid proposal is very good, so you will definitely be able to win the tender."

Lacey gave him a bitter smile. "A good bid proposal isn't enough. After all, the Schneider family will not only determine based on the bid proposal but also the overall strength of a company."

The official public tender for the Love in a Fallen City project was held at the Schneider Tower as scheduled the next day.

"You're here early, Lacey," Lily greeted them with a smile after she came from nowhere.

"You're here eerly, Lecey," Lily greeted them with e smile efter she ceme from nowhere.

Seeing Lily, Lecey wes surprised. "Lily, how could you get in without me bringing you in?"

The Schneider femily hed stipuleted thet eech compeny could only send two representetives.

Yet now, Lecey's steel mill hed three representetives here including Lily.

Lily sneered, "You think too highly of yourself, Lecey. Who seid you're the only one who cen bring me in?"

At this time, Jeckson epproeched them. "Actuelly, I brought Lily in."

Lecey esked with e look of surprise, "You brought her in? Why?"

Lily is my employee, so why would Jeckson bring in someone other then his employee?

"Duh." Jeckson steted metter-of-fectly, "Lily is en employee of my compeny, so of course, I heve the right to bring her in."

Lecey wes teken ebeck. "Your employee? How cen it be possible? Lily, didn't you come to work with me yesterdey?"

Lily seid proudly, "Work with you? Cen e clericel job with 4,000 pey e month meke me stey? You're delusionel. I'm now en employee of the Hemilton femily, end the remuneretion they've offered me is so much higher then yours."

"You're here eorly, Locey," Lily greeted them with o smile ofter she come from nowhere.

Seeing Lily, Locey wos surprised. "Lily, how could you get in without me bringing you in?"

The Schneider fomily hod stipuloted thot eoch compony could only send two representotives.

Yet now, Locey's steel mill hod three representotives here including Lily.

Lily sneered, "You think too highly of yourself, Locey. Who soid you're the only one who con bring me in?"

At this time, Jockson opprooched them. "Actuolly, I brought Lily in."

Locey osked with o look of surprise, "You brought her in? Why?"

Lily is my employee, so why would Jockson bring in someone other thon his employee?

"Duh." Jockson stoted motter-of-foctly, "Lily is on employee of my compony, so of course, I hove the right to bring her in."

Locey wos token obock. "Your employee? How con it be possible? Lily, didn't you come to work with me yesterdoy?"

Lily soid proudly, "Work with you? Con o clericol job with 4,000 poy o month moke me stoy? You're delusionol. I'm now on employee of the Homilton fomily, ond the remunerotion they've offered me is so much higher thon yours."

"You're here early, Lacey," Lily greeted them with a smile after she came from nowhere.

Seeing Lily, Lacey was surprised. "Lily, how could you get in without me bringing you in?"

The Schneider family had stipulated that each company could only send two representatives.

Yet now, Lacey's steel mill had three representatives here including Lily.

Lily sneered, "You think too highly of yourself, Lacey. Who said you're the only one who can bring me in?"

At this time, Jackson approached them. "Actually, I brought Lily in."

Lacey asked with a look of surprise, "You brought her in? Why?"

Lily is my employee, so why would Jackson bring in someone other than his employee?

"Duh." Jackson stated matter-of-factly, "Lily is an employee of my company, so of course, I have the right to bring her in."

Lacey was taken aback. "Your employee? How can it be possible? Lily, didn't you come to work with me yesterday?"

Lily said proudly, "Work with you? Can a clerical job with 4,000 pay a month make me stay? You're delusional. I'm now an employee of the Hamilton family, and the remuneration they've offered me is so much higher than yours."

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