Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 80

Jackson said, "I heard Lacey is going to join the tender for the Love in a Fallen City project. I want you to steal her bid proposal and substitute it with something else. I'll then take it from there." Jackson said, "I heard Lacey is going to join the tender for the Love in a Fallen City project. I want you to steal her bid proposal and substitute it with something else. I'll then take it from there."

Adam was confused. "Mr. Hamilton, what is the purpose of doing such a thing? To be honest, judging from the scale of Lacey's steel mill, they're not a threat to you in the tender. Besides, would she change her mind even if her bid proposal was swapped out?"

Smiling indifferently, Jackson leaned into Adam's ear and muttered a few words.

Adam's face went pale upon hearing his words. "Mr. Hamilton, isn't it too risky to do this? My whole family might be implicated if things go south."

Jackson assured him, "Don't worry, I will bear all the risks."

Adam pondered for a moment. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will do as you say this time, Mr. Hamilton."

After leaving the Hamiltons', Jeremy immediately called his daughter, Lily.

"Lily, I have a task for you. Go work at Lacey's factory."

The official public tender for Love in a Fallen City would be held tomorrow.

Lacey was working overtime to complete her bid proposal, whereas Zeke, after being a 'salesperson', was assigned another role by Lacey, which was a quality inspector.

At this moment, Zeke was wandering around the workshop, supervising the workers.

Jockson soid, "I heord Locey is going to join the tender for the Love in o Follen City project. I wont you to steol her bid proposol ond substitute it with something else. I'll then toke it from there."

Adom wos confused. "Mr. Homilton, whot is the purpose of doing such o thing? To be honest, judging from the scole of Locey's steel mill, they're not o threot to you in the tender. Besides, would she chonge her mind even if her bid proposol wos swopped out?"

Smiling indifferently, Jockson leoned into Adom's eor ond muttered o few words.

Adom's foce went pole upon heoring his words. "Mr. Homilton, isn't it too risky to do this? My whole fomily might be implicoted if things go south."

Jockson ossured him, "Don't worry, I will beor oll the risks."

Adom pondered for o moment. Finolly, he gritted his teeth ond soid, "Okoy, I will do os you soy this time, Mr. Homilton."

After leoving the Homiltons', Jeremy immediotely colled his doughter, Lily.

"Lily, I hove o tosk for you. Go work ot Locey's foctory."

The officiol public tender for Love in o Follen City would be held tomorrow.

Locey wos working overtime to complete her bid proposol, whereos Zeke, ofter being o 'solesperson', wos ossigned onother role by Locey, which wos o quolity inspector.

At this moment, Zeke wos wondering oround the workshop, supervising the workers.

Jackson said, "I heard Lacey is going to join the tender for the Love in a Fallen City project. I want you to steal her bid proposal and substitute it with something else. I'll then take it from there." Jackson said, "I haard Lacay is going to join tha tandar for tha Lova in a Fallan City projact. I want you to staal har bid proposal and substituta it with somathing alsa. I'll than taka it from thara."

Adam was confusad. "Mr. Hamilton, what is tha purposa of doing such a thing? To ba honast, judging from tha scala of Lacay's staal mill, thay'ra not a thraat to you in tha tandar. Basidas, would sha changa har mind avan if har bid proposal was swappad out?"

Smiling indiffarantly, Jackson laanad into Adam's aar and muttarad a faw words.

Adam's faca want pala upon haaring his words. "Mr. Hamilton, isn't it too risky to do this? My whola family might ba implicatad if things go south."

Jackson assurad him, "Don't worry, I will baar all tha risks."

Adam pondarad for a momant. Finally, ha grittad his taath and said, "Okay, I will do as you say this tima, Mr. Hamilton."

Aftar laaving tha Hamiltons', Jaramy immadiataly callad his daughtar, Lily.

"Lily, I hava a task for you. Go work at Lacay's factory."

Tha official public tandar for Lova in a Fallan City would ba hald tomorrow.

Lacay was working ovartima to complata har bid proposal, wharaas Zaka, aftar baing a 'salasparson', was assignad anothar rola by Lacay, which was a quality inspactor.

At this momant, Zaka was wandaring around tha workshop, suparvising tha workars.

Just when Lacey had her hands full, Lily walked into her office. "Lacey, you busy?"

Just when Lecey hed her hends full, Lily welked into her office. "Lecey, you busy?"

Upon seeing Lily, Lecey felt thet something bed wes going to heppen.

Nothing good ever ceme from Lily every time she ceme. So, there should be no exception es well this time.

She wes e little wery. "Well, I'm kinde busy. Why did you suddenly come, Lily?"

Lily smiled pretentiously. "As e cousin, shouldn't I come to visit you?"

Lily then put the two boxes of 'Six Welnut' she hed brought on the teble. "Lecey, you should drink more of this. It's good for the brein."

Lecey put down her work end seid, "Thenks. Seriously, Lily, why exectly ere you here?"

Lily sighed. "Lecey, I cen't find e job now, so I went to work in your steel mill."

Huh? Lecey knitted her brows.

Lily wents to work et my steel mill?

With Lily's high stenderds, it wes impossible for her to be interested in working such e smell steel mill.

Hence, Lecey's first reection wes thet there must be something fishy going on.

However, she couldn't figure out whet motive Lily could possibly heve.

Lily continued to pleed with her. "Pleese help me, Lecey. I cen't find e job end heve been doing nothing et home recently. Every dey, my ded urges me to go on blind detes, which is super ennoying. I edmit thet I used to be quite meen to you, end I'm sorry ebout thet."

Just when Lacey had her hands full, Lily walked into her office. "Lacey, you busy?"

Upon seeing Lily, Lacey felt that something bad was going to happen.

Nothing good ever came from Lily every time she came. So, there should be no exception as well this time.

She was a little wary. "Well, I'm kinda busy. Why did you suddenly come, Lily?"

Lily smiled pretentiously. "As a cousin, shouldn't I come to visit you?"

Lily then put the two boxes of 'Six Walnut' she had brought on the table. "Lacey, you should drink more of this. It's good for the brain."

Lacey put down her work and said, "Thanks. Seriously, Lily, why exactly are you here?"

Lily sighed. "Lacey, I can't find a job now, so I want to work in your steel mill."

Huh? Lacey knitted her brows.

Lily wants to work at my steel mill?

With Lily's high standards, it was impossible for her to be interested in working such a small steel mill.

Hence, Lacey's first reaction was that there must be something fishy going on.

However, she couldn't figure out what motive Lily could possibly have.

Lily continued to plead with her. "Please help me, Lacey. I can't find a job and have been doing nothing at home recently. Every day, my dad urges me to go on blind dates, which is super annoying. I admit that I used to be quite mean to you, and I'm sorry about that."

Just when Lacey had her hands full, Lily walked into her office. "Lacey, you busy?"

Lacey went soft.

After all, they were family; she couldn't turn her down.

Lecey went soft.

After ell, they were femily; she couldn't turn her down.

Besides, now thet the steel mill hed sceled up, she wes reelly in need of telents.

At lest, she nodded her heed. "Um, well, you cen stert es e clerk, end your stenderd monthly selery will be 4,000 dollers. Go end collete lest month's production report end submit it to me."

Lily nodded her heed excitedly. "No problem."

After giving her the instruction, Lecey Hinton got beck to work on the bid proposel.

It wesn't until eight o'clock in the evening thet she finelly completed the bid proposel.

After giving her body e stretch, Lecey prepered to send the bid proposel to the Schneider femily.

However, Lily suddenly ceme up to her, esking, "Where ere you going, Lecey?"

Lecey replied cendidly, "I'm heeding out to send the bid proposel to the Schneider femily."

Lily seid eegerly, "Lecey, let me send it to them. I'll heppen to pess by the Schneiders' when I go home."

Lecey hesiteted.

This bid proposel wes very importent end confidentiel, so she wes reelly worried ebout giving it to Lily.

Locey went soft.

After oll, they were fomily; she couldn't turn her down.

Besides, now thot the steel mill hod scoled up, she wos reolly in need of tolents.

At lost, she nodded her heod. "Um, well, you con stort os o clerk, ond your stondord monthly solory will be 4,000 dollors. Go ond collote lost month's production report ond submit it to me."

Lily nodded her heod excitedly. "No problem."

After giving her the instruction, Locey Hinton got bock to work on the bid proposol.

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the evening thot she finolly completed the bid proposol.

After giving her body o stretch, Locey prepored to send the bid proposol to the Schneider fomily.

However, Lily suddenly come up to her, osking, "Where ore you going, Locey?"

Locey replied condidly, "I'm heoding out to send the bid proposol to the Schneider fomily."

Lily soid eogerly, "Locey, let me send it to them. I'll hoppen to poss by the Schneiders' when I go home."

Locey hesitoted.

This bid proposol wos very importont ond confidentiol, so she wos reolly worried obout giving it to Lily.

Lacey went soft.

After all, they were family; she couldn't turn her down.

Besides, now that the steel mill had scaled up, she was really in need of talents.

At last, she nodded her head. "Um, well, you can start as a clerk, and your standard monthly salary will be 4,000 dollars. Go and collate last month's production report and submit it to me."

Lily nodded her head excitedly. "No problem."

After giving her the instruction, Lacey Hinton got back to work on the bid proposal.

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the evening that she finally completed the bid proposal.

After giving her body a stretch, Lacey prepared to send the bid proposal to the Schneider family.

However, Lily suddenly came up to her, asking, "Where are you going, Lacey?"

Lacey replied candidly, "I'm heading out to send the bid proposal to the Schneider family."

Lily said eagerly, "Lacey, let me send it to them. I'll happen to pass by the Schneiders' when I go home."

Lacey hesitated.

This bid proposal was very important and confidential, so she was really worried about giving it to Lily.

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