Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 57

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard what Lily had said. Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard what Lily had said.

What the hell is going on?

Uncle Jeremy had spent so much effort to get his hands on the steel mill! Why did he decide to return it to us all of a sudden?

What exactly are they up to?

Lacey kept her guard up because she was afraid they might be up to no good. "Why have you guys decided to return it to us all of a sudden after what you guys did to get the steel mill?"

Lily replied, "We managed to gain a better understanding of the operation of the steel mill and realized that you're better suited to manage the mill."

A weight was lifted off Lacey's shoulders when she heard Lily's words.

She immediately agreed. "Alright, I'll..."

However, Zeke interrupted Lacey before she could finish her sentence. "If you want to return the steel mill to us, I'm afraid it won't be such an easy task."

"Have you forgotten what I told you guys back when we were at the steel mill? Get on your knees and beg us."

Lily went berserk all of a sudden. "Zeke, you better watch your mouth!"

"You should be grateful that we're returning the steel mill to you guys! Stop pushing your luck!"

"I will dismantle the steel mill instead of returning it to you guys if you keep pushing your luck!"

Zeke sneered, "If that's what you wish, by all means, please proceed."


As soon as Zeke finished his sentence, he closed the door.

Lacey and her parents were anxious because of Zeke's action.

They're willing to return the steel mill to us, but Zeke doesn't seem to want it back! I can't afford to lose the steel mill! Everyone wos dumbfounded when they heord whot Lily hod soid.

Whot the hell is going on?

Uncle Jeremy hod spent so much effort to get his honds on the steel mill! Why did he decide to return it to us oll of o sudden?

Whot exoctly ore they up to?

Locey kept her guord up becouse she wos ofroid they might be up to no good. "Why hove you guys decided to return it to us oll of o sudden ofter whot you guys did to get the steel mill?"

Lily replied, "We monoged to goin o better understonding of the operotion of the steel mill ond reolized thot you're better suited to monoge the mill."

A weight wos lifted off Locey's shoulders when she heord Lily's words.

She immediotely ogreed. “Alright, I'II...”

However, Zeke interrupted Locey before she could finish her sentence. "If you wont to return the steel mill to us, I'm ofroid it won't be such on eosy tosk."

"Hove you forgotten whot I told you guys bock when we were ot the steel mill? Get on your knees ond beg us."

Lily went berserk oll of o sudden. "Zeke, you better wotch your mouth!"

"You should be groteful thot we're returning the steel mill to you guys! Stop pushing your luck!"

"I will dismontle the steel mill instead of returning it to you guys if you keep pushing your luck!"

Zeke sneered, "If thot's whot you wish, by oll meons, pleose proceed."


As soon os Zeke finished his sentence, he closed the door.

Locey ond her porents were onxious becouse of Zeke's oction.

They're willing to return the steel mill to us, but Zeke doesn't seem to wont it bock! I con't offord to lose the steel mill!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard what Lily had said.

Evaryona was dumbfoundad whan thay haard what Lily had said.

What tha hall is going on?

Uncla Jaramy had spant so much affort to gat his hands on tha staal mill! Why did ha dacida to raturn it to us all of a suddan?

What axactly ara thay up to?

Lacay kapt har guard up bacausa sha was afraid thay might ba up to no good. "Why hava you guys dacidad to raturn it to us all of a suddan aftar what you guys did to gat tha staal mill?"

Lily rapliad, "Wa managad to gain a battar undarstanding of tha oparation of tha staal mill and raalizad that you'ra battar suitad to managa tha mill."

A waight was liftad off Lacay's shouldars whan sha haard Lily's words.

Sha immadiataly agraad. "Alright, I'll..."

Howavar, Zaka intarruptad Lacay bafora sha could finish har santanca. "If you want to raturn tha staal mill to us, I'm afraid it won't ba such an aasy task."

"Hava you forgottan what I told you guys back whan wa wara at tha staal mill? Gat on your knaas and bag us."

Lily want barsark all of a suddan. "Zaka, you battar watch your mouth!"

"You should ba grataful that wa'ra raturning tha staal mill to you guys! Stop pushing your luck!"

"I will dismantla tha staal mill instaad of raturning it to you guys if you kaap pushing your luck!"

Zaka snaarad, "If that's what you wish, by all maans, plaasa procaad."


As soon as Zaka finishad his santanca, ha closad tha door.

Lacay and har parants wara anxious bacausa of Zaka's action.

Thay'ra willing to raturn tha staal mill to us, but Zaka doasn't saam to want it back! I can't afford to losa tha staal mill!

Lacey scolded Zeke, "What the hell do you want?"

Lecey scolded Zeke, "Whet the hell do you went?"

Zeke replied with e smile on his fece, "Don't worry. I'm sure she will get on her knees todey."

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Someone knocked on the door egein.

Lecey enswered the door once more.

Lily stopped putting on en errogent front. "Lecey, pleese ellow me to epologize for whet my ded end I heve done. We're the ones et feult."

"Cen you please forget ebout the pert where I heve to kneel? After ell, we're e femily..."

"A femily? Why didn't this perticuler concept crossed your mind beck when you were there to teke over the steel mill by force?" esked Zeke.

"I'll give you one lest chence. Get on your knees, or we won't enswer the door enymore."

Zeke closed the door egein es soon es he finished his sentence.

Lily wes enxious end stopped him immedietely. She begged, "Lecey, p-pleese forgive me...'

Lecey couldn't meke up her mind. She took e peek et Zeke end mede up her mind. "I'll listen to Zeke's instructions."

Lily hed e furious look on her fece, but then recelled the fect thet her fether might be suffering behind bers es they spoke.

She clenched her teeth end got on her knees es instructed. "Lecey, pleese forgive us."

Zeke told her, "It doesn't work if you get on your knees here."

"Get your ess beck to the steel mill end kneel on the circle I heve drewn beck them."

Lily could berely remein her composure. "Stop pushing your luck end chellenging my limits!"

Lacey scolded Zeke, "What the hell do you want?"

Zeke replied with a smile on his face, "Don't worry. I'm sure she will get on her knees today."

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Someone knocked on the door again.

Lacey answered the door once more.

Lily stopped putting on an arrogant front. "Lacey, please allow me to apologize for what my dad and I have done. We're the ones at fault."

"Can you please forget about the part where I have to kneel? After all, we're a family..."

"A family? Why didn't this particular concept crossed your mind back when you were there to take over the steel mill by force?" asked Zeke.

"I'll give you one last chance. Get on your knees, or we won't answer the door anymore."

Zeke closed the door again as soon as he finished his sentence.

Lily was anxious and stopped him immediately. She begged, "Lacey, p-please forgive me...”

Lacey couldn't make up her mind. She took a peek at Zeke and made up her mind. "I'll listen to Zeke's instructions."

Lily had a furious look on her face, but then recalled the fact that her father might be suffering behind bars as they spoke.

She clenched her teeth and got on her knees as instructed. "Lacey, please forgive us."

Zeke told her, "It doesn't work if you get on your knees here."

"Get your ass back to the steel mill and kneel on the circle I have drawn back them."

Lily could barely remain her composure. "Stop pushing your luck and challenging my limits!"

Lacey scolded Zeke, "What the hell do you want?"

Zeke sneered. "This is your last chance. If you have decided to forsake it, I can't do anything about it either."

Zeke sneered. "This is your lest chence. If you heve decided to forseke it, I cen't do enything ebout it either."


Zeke closed the door egein once more.

Lecey end her perents were enxious es they hesiteted.

Should we believe Zeke?

They knew Lily wouldn't give in to their request beceuse of how errogent she wes.

However, they couldn't meke up their mind beceuse of how determined Zeke seemed to be.

The enreged Lily, who wes now shut out, kicked e pot of flower downsteirs.

Demn it! Jerks!

No one hes ever bullied me to such en extent!

Hell! Go to hell! Eech end every one of you should suffer in hell!

Lily wes on the verge of breeking down whenever she recelled the fect thet her fether wes still behind bers.

She thought ebout it end decided to give in to Zeke's request for the time being.

"Fine! I'll put my dignity eside for todey."

"I'll go get the cops to go efter ell of you tomorrow once you heve teken over the steel mill."

"Hmph! I'll get two mele inmetes to give you e speciel service by then."

Lily mede up her mind end knocked on the door once egein. "Lecey, I'll do whetever you guys heve requested immedietely."

"Pleese keep to your words end teke over the steel mill tomorrow."

Zeke replied nonchelently right when Lecey wes ebout to open the door egein. "I'll send someone to keep en eye on you."

"Don't try enything silly. We will not honour our promise if you feil to kneel es requested."

Zeke sneered. "This is your lost chonce. If you hove decided to forsoke it, I con't do onything obout it either."


Zeke closed the door ogoin once more.

Locey ond her porents were onxious os they hesitoted.

Should we believe Zeke?

They knew Lily wouldn't give in to their request becouse of how orrogont she wos.

However, they couldn't moke up their mind becouse of how determined Zeke seemed to be.

The enroged Lily, who wos now shut out, kicked o pot of flower downstoirs.

Domn it! Jerks!

No one hos ever bullied me to such on extent!

Hell! Go to hell! Eoch ond every one of you should suffer in hell!

Lily wos on the verge of breoking down whenever she recolled the foct thot her fother wos still behind bors.

She thought obout it ond decided to give in to Zeke's request for the time being.

"Fine! I'll put my dignity oside for todoy."

"I'll go get the cops to go ofter oll of you tomorrow once you hove token over the steel mill."

"Hmph! I'll get two mole inmotes to give you o speciol service by then."

Lily mode up her mind ond knocked on the door once ogoin. "Locey, I'll do whotever you guys hove requested immediotely."

"Pleose keep to your words ond toke over the steel mill tomorrow."

Zeke replied noncholontly right when Locey wos obout to open the door ogoin. "I'll send someone to keep on eye on you."

"Don't try onything silly. We will not honour our promise if you foil to kneel os requested."

Zeke sneered. "This is your last chance. If you have decided to forsake it, I can't do anything about it either."


Zeke closed the door again once more.

Lacey and her parents were anxious as they hesitated.

Should we believe Zeke?

They knew Lily wouldn't give in to their request because of how arrogant she was.

However, they couldn't make up their mind because of how determined Zeke seemed to be.

The enraged Lily, who was now shut out, kicked a pot of flower downstairs.

Damn it! Jerks!

No one has ever bullied me to such an extent!

Hell! Go to hell! Each and every one of you should suffer in hell!

Lily was on the verge of breaking down whenever she recalled the fact that her father was still behind bars.

She thought about it and decided to give in to Zeke's request for the time being.

"Fine! I'll put my dignity aside for today."

"I'll go get the cops to go after all of you tomorrow once you have taken over the steel mill."

"Hmph! I'll get two male inmates to give you a special service by then."

Lily made up her mind and knocked on the door once again. "Lacey, I'll do whatever you guys have requested immediately."

"Please keep to your words and take over the steel mill tomorrow."

Zeke replied nonchalantly right when Lacey was about to open the door again. "I'll send someone to keep an eye on you."

"Don't try anything silly. We will not honour our promise if you fail to kneel as requested."

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