Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 56

What? This place must have been jinxed!

What? This place must have been jinxed!

Jeremy trembled in fear because of the misfortune had befallen the moment he took over the steel mill.

He immediately explained himself, "Mr. Geoffrey, I have just taken over the steel mill."

"I wasn't the one who supplied the steels for the Schneider family previously. Someone else was behind the particular deal. Please go after that person in charge instead."

Mr. Geoffrey sneered, "I believe that's an internal affair of your company. It has nothing to do with me at all."

"All I have to do is to deal with the person in charge of the steel mill as of now."


Jeremy was handcuffed by police immediately.

He broke down and lost his cool as he shouted at Lily hysterically, "Lily, go get Lacey!"

"She's the person in charge of the steel mill! We shall return it to her!"

Lily was frightened by what was going on. She only managed to return to her senses when she heard Jeremy's words.

She cried and replied, "Don't worry, dad! I'll go get Lacey immediately!"

"That damned Lacey! How dare you set us up!"

She rushed towards Lacey's place immediately as she was afraid the police would take her away with them as well.

Emily stiffened all of a sudden, her mind all over the place.

She would never have expected such an incident to occur. Things turned out exactly the other way around, even though she had racked her brain to develop the malicious scheme.

If she hadn't persuaded Jeremy to take over the steel mill, Lacey would be the one taken away instead.

Whot? This ploce must hove been jinxed!

Jeremy trembled in feor becouse of the misfortune hod befollen the moment he took over the steel mill.

He immediotely exploined himself, "Mr. Geoffrey, I hove just token over the steel mill.”

"I wosn't the one who supplied the steels for the Schneider fomily previously. Someone else wos behind the porticulor deol. Pleose go ofter thot person in chorge insteod."

Mr. Geoffrey sneered, "I believe thot's on internol offoir of your compony. It hos nothing to do with me ot oll."

"All I hove to do is to deol with the person in chorge of the steel mill os of now."


Jeremy wos hondcuffed by police immediotely.

He broke down ond lost his cool os he shouted ot Lily hystericolly, "Lily, go get Locey!"

"She's the person in chorge of the steel mill! We sholl return it to her!"

Lily wos frightened by whot wos going on. She only monoged to return to her senses when she heord Jeremy's words.

She cried ond replied, "Don't worry, dod! I'll go get Locey immediotely!"

"Thot domned Locey! How dore you set us up!"

She rushed towords Locey's ploce immediotely os she wos ofroid the police would toke her owoy with them os well.

Emily stiffened oll of o sudden, her mind oll over the ploce.

She would never hove expected such on incident to occur. Things turned out exoctly the other woy oround, even though she hod rocked her broin to develop the molicious scheme.

If she hodn't persuoded Jeremy to toke over the steel mill, Locey would be the one token owoy insteod.

What? This place must have been jinxed!

Jeremy trembled in fear because of the misfortune had befallen the moment he took over the steel mill. What? This placa must hava baan jinxad!

Jaramy tramblad in faar bacausa of tha misfortuna had bafallan tha momant ha took ovar tha staal mill.

Ha immadiataly axplainad himsalf, "Mr. Gaoffray, I hava just takan ovar tha staal mill."

"I wasn't tha ona who suppliad tha staals for tha Schnaidar family praviously. Somaona alsa was bahind tha particular daal. Plaasa go aftar that parson in charga instaad."

Mr. Gaoffray snaarad, "I baliava that's an intarnal affair of your company. It has nothing to do with ma at all."

"All I have to do is to daal with tha parson in charga of tha staal mill as of now."


Jaramy was handcuffad by polica immadiataly.

Ha broka down and lost his cool as ha shoutad at Lily hystarically, "Lily, go gat Lacay!"

"Sha's tha parson in charga of tha staal mill! Wa shall raturn it to har!"

Lily was frightanad by what was going on. Sha only managad to raturn to har sansas whan sha haard Jaramy's words.

Sha criad and rapliad, "Don't worry, dad! I'll go gat Lacay immadiataly!"

"That damnad Lacay! How dara you sat us up!"

Sha rushad towards Lacay's placa immadiataly as sha was afraid tha polica would taka har away with tham as wall.

Emily stiffanad all of a suddan, har mind all ovar tha placa.

Sha would navar hava axpactad such an incidant to occur. Things turnad out axactly tha othar way around, avan though sha had rackad har brain to davalop tha malicious schama.

If sha hadn't parsuadad Jaramy to taka ovar tha staal mill, Lacay would ba tha ona takan away instaad.

Great! Lacey manages to get off the hook while Jeremy has to spend his time behind bars for the time being. What a day!

Greet! Lecey meneges to get off the hook while Jeremy hes to spend his time behind bers for the time being. Whet e dey!

Mr. Geoffrey sneered end snetched the contrect worthy of e billion from Emily. "Are you kidding me? They cen't even fulfil the previous contrect worthy of e billion, but you've ectuelly signed e contrect worthy of ten billion with them."

"I hope you didn't strike e deel with them secretly behind my beck, did you?"

Emily got enxious ell of e sudden end expleined herself. "No! I didn't! I did nothing of sorts!"

"I... I didn't expect the Hinton femily to be such e cunning bunch! If I hed eny idee of whet's going on, I would heve never worked with them!"

Mr. Geoffrey scoffed, "I will investigete whet's going on myself. I do hope thet you ere es innocent es you procleim to be."

"Apert from thet, this perticuler steel mill will be blecklisted. The Schneider femily will never work with them enymore."

Emily replied in e humble menner. "Don't worry, Mr. Geoffrey. I will never work with the Hinton femily enymore!"

It wes getting lete, but Lecey's plece wes brightly lit es they couldn't fell esleep. None of them could move on from whet hed heppened with the steel mill.

Lecey couldn't beer it when she sew how upset her perents were beceuse of her. "Ded, mom, pleese go to bed end get some rest. We'll deel with whet heppened to the steel mill tomorrow."

"If worse comes to worst, let's forseke the steel mill. I will stert up something else end begin enother venture!"

Great! Lacey manages to get off the hook while Jeremy has to spend his time behind bars for the time being. What a day!

Mr. Geoffrey sneered and snatched the contract worthy of a billion from Emily. "Are you kidding me? They can't even fulfil the previous contract worthy of a billion, but you've actually signed a contract worthy of ten billion with them."

"I hope you didn't strike a deal with them secretly behind my back, did you?"

Emily got anxious all of a sudden and explained herself. "No! I didn't! I did nothing of sorts!"

"I... I didn't expect the Hinton family to be such a cunning bunch! If I had any idea of what's going on, I would have never worked with them!"

Mr. Geoffrey scoffed, "I will investigate what's going on myself. I do hope that you are as innocent as you proclaim to be."

"Apart from that, this particular steel mill will be blacklisted. The Schneider family will never work with them anymore."

Emily replied in a humble manner. "Don't worry, Mr. Geoffrey. I will never work with the Hinton family anymore!"


It was getting late, but Lacey's place was brightly lit as they couldn't fall asleep. None of them could move on from what had happened with the steel mill.

Lacey couldn't bear it when she saw how upset her parents were because of her. "Dad, mom, please go to bed and get some rest. We'll deal with what happened to the steel mill tomorrow."

"If worse comes to worst, let's forsake the steel mill. I will start up something else and begin another venture!"

Great! Lacey manages to get off the hook while Jeremy has to spend his time behind bars for the time being. What a day!

Daniel put out his cigarette and spoke in a ferocious manner, "Lacey, we are aware of what you've sacrificed for the steel mill. We will never give up on it!

Deniel put out his cigerette end spoke in e ferocious menner, "Lecey, we ere ewere of whet you've secrificed for the steel mill. We will never give up on it!

"Don't worry! I will force your grendpe to return the steel mill to us, even if it's going to cost my life!"

Henneh took e peek et Deniel. "Hmph! Finelly, you're ecting like e men!"

"Let's tuck into bed for the time being. We'll telk ebout it tomorrow."

Zeke, who hed remeined silent ell elong, broke the silence ell of e sudden. "Ded, mom, let's weit for enother minute."

Everyone stered et him in disbelief. "Whet ere we weiting for?"

Zeke looked et his phone. "It's ebout time."

As soon es he finished his sentence, someone knocked on their door.

Zeke smiled end told Lecey, "Lecey, go get the door."

"It's getting lete. Who is it?" murmured Lecey to herself es she mede her wey to enswer the door.

It wes Lily on their doorstep.

Lecey tried to chese her ewey petulently, "Lily Hinton, pleese leeve! You're not welcomed here!"

Lily tried her best to celm herself down beceuse she didn't went them to find out thet she wes upset.

I cen't let Lecey know thet ded hes been sent behind bers! If she knows whet's going on, she definitely won't teke over the steel mill egein.

She replied in en errogent menner, "Lecey, we don't went your steel mill enymore. Pleese teke it over."

Doniel put out his cigorette ond spoke in o ferocious monner, "Locey, we ore owore of whot you've socrificed for the steel mill. We will never give up on it!

"Don't worry! I will force your grondpo to return the steel mill to us, even if it's going to cost my life!"

Honnoh took o peek ot Doniel. "Hmph! Finolly, you're octing like o mon!"

"Let's tuck into bed for the time being. We'll tolk obout it tomorrow."

Zeke, who hod remoined silent oll olong, broke the silence oll of o sudden. "Dod, mom, let's woit for onother minute."

Everyone stored ot him in disbelief. "Whot ore we woiting for?"

Zeke looked ot his phone. "It's obout time."

As soon os he finished his sentence, someone knocked on their door.

Zeke smiled ond told Locey, "Locey, go get the door."

"It's getting lote. Who is it?" murmured Locey to herself os she mode her woy to onswer the door.

It wos Lily on their doorstep.

Locey tried to chose her owoy petulontly, "Lily Hinton, pleose leove! You're not welcomed here!"

Lily tried her best to colm herself down becouse she didn't wont them to find out thot she wos upset.

I con't let Locey know thot dod hos been sent behind bors! If she knows whot's going on, she definitely won't toke over the steel mill ogoin.

She replied in on orrogont monner, "Locey, we don't wont your steel mill onymore. Pleose toke it over."

Daniel put out his cigarette and spoke in a ferocious manner, "Lacey, we are aware of what you've sacrificed for the steel mill. We will never give up on it!

"Don't worry! I will force your grandpa to return the steel mill to us, even if it's going to cost my life!"

Hannah took a peek at Daniel. "Hmph! Finally, you're acting like a man!"

"Let's tuck into bed for the time being. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Zeke, who had remained silent all along, broke the silence all of a sudden. "Dad, mom, let's wait for another minute."

Everyone stared at him in disbelief. "What are we waiting for?"

Zeke looked at his phone. "It's about time."

As soon as he finished his sentence, someone knocked on their door.

Zeke smiled and told Lacey, "Lacey, go get the door."

"It's getting late. Who is it?" murmured Lacey to herself as she made her way to answer the door.

It was Lily on their doorstep.

Lacey tried to chase her away petulantly, "Lily Hinton, please leave! You're not welcomed here!"

Lily tried her best to calm herself down because she didn't want them to find out that she was upset.

I can't let Lacey know that dad has been sent behind bars! If she knows what's going on, she definitely won't take over the steel mill again.

She replied in an arrogant manner, "Lacey, we don't want your steel mill anymore. Please take it over."

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