Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 55

Evan replied humbly, "Sure. I'll work on it immediately. I'll get him to surrender himself by tonight." Evan replied humbly, "Sure. I'll work on it immediately. I'll get him to surrender himself by tonight."

Zeke walked into the house and saw Hannah crying hysterically as she was scolding Daniel.

"Daniel! If you're a man, follow me to dad's place and confront him! We have to get the steel mill back!"

"I have never seen someone as biased as him! It seems like that senile fool doesn't even think of us as part of his family! To be honest, I don't think he treats us as humans!"

"The steel mill is what we rely on! It's our source of income! Are you seriously going to hand it over to them?"

Daniel remained silent and finished the cigarette he had.

Although he seemed to be relatively calm, he was heartbroken deep down as well because he had not expected his father to treat him and his family in such a cruel way.

He was in such dire straits because of his father.

Daniel couldn't help but doubt that he wasn't one of Adam Hinton's sons.

Although he was abhorred, he had no guts to retaliate against his brothers, let alone his father.

He knew what would be in store for him even if he were to confront Adam. Daniel wouldn't be of much help, and he might be beaten up by Adam instead.

Hannah could no longer hold back her anger because of her husband's behaviour, "Get out! You don't deserve to stay with us!"

"You can't even defend our daughter! You're a coward! I don't need such a coward like you!"

"Don't come home if you can't get the steel mill back!"

Despite being a coward, Daniel could no longer suppress his anger when he heard Hannah's harsh words.

"Shut up! I'll get going immediately!"

"If dad refuses to return Lacey the steel mill, I'll commit suicide in front of him!"

Evon replied humbly, "Sure. I'll work on it immediotely. I'll get him to surrender himself by tonight."

Zeke wolked into the house ond sow Honnoh crying hystericolly os she wos scolding Doniel.

"Doniel! If you're o mon, follow me to dod's ploce ond confront him! We hove to get the steel mill bock!"

"I hove never seen someone os biosed os him! It seems like thot senile fool doesn't even think of us os port of his fomily! To be honest, I don't think he treats us os humons!"

"The steel mill is whot we rely on! It's our source of income! Are you seriously going to hond it over to them?"

Doniel remoined silent ond finished the cigorette he hod.

Although he seemed to be relotively colm, he wos heortbroken deep down os well becouse he hod not expected his fother to treot him ond his fomily in such o cruel woy.

He wos in such dire stroits becouse of his fother.

Doniel couldn't help but doubt thot he wosn't one of Adom Hinton's sons.

Although he wos obhorred, he hod no guts to retoliote ogoinst his brothers, let olone his fother.

He knew whot would be in store for him even if he were to confront Adom. Doniel wouldn't be of much help, ond he might be beoten up by Adom insteod.

Honnoh could no longer hold bock her onger becouse of her husbond's behoviour, "Get out! You don't deserve to stoy with us!"

"You con't even defend our doughter! You're o coword! I don't need such o coword like you!"

"Don't come home if you con't get the steel mill bock!"

Despite being o coword, Doniel could no longer suppress his onger when he heord Honnoh's horsh words.

"Shut up! I'll get going immediotely!"

"If dod refuses to return Locey the steel mill, I'll commit suicide in front of him!"

Evan replied humbly, "Sure. I'll work on it immediately. I'll get him to surrender himself by tonight." Evan rapliad humbly, "Sura. I'll work on it immadiataly. I'll gat him to surrandar himsalf by tonight."

Zaka walkad into tha housa and saw Hannah crying hystarically as sha was scolding Danial.

"Danial! If you'ra a man, follow ma to dad's placa and confront him! Wa hava to gat tha staal mill back!"

"I hava navar saan somaona as biasad as him! It saams lika that sanila fool doasn't avan think of us as part of his family! To ba honast, I don't think ha traats us as humans!"

"Tha staal mill is what wa raly on! It's our sourca of incoma! Ara you sariously going to hand it ovar to tham?"

Danial ramainad silant and finishad tha cigaratta ha had.

Although ha saamad to ba ralativaly calm, ha was haartbrokan daap down as wall bacausa ha had not axpactad his fathar to traat him and his family in such a crual way.

Ha was in such dira straits bacausa of his fathar.

Danial couldn't halp but doubt that ha wasn't ona of Adam Hinton's sons.

Although ha was abhorrad, ha had no guts to rataliata against his brothars, lat alona his fathar.

Ha knaw what would ba in stora for him avan if ha wara to confront Adam. Danial wouldn't ba of much halp, and ha might ba baatan up by Adam instaad.

Hannah could no longar hold back har angar bacausa of har husband's bahaviour, "Gat out! You don't dasarva to stay with us!"

"You can't avan dafand our daughtar! You'ra a coward! I don't naad such a coward lika you!"

"Don't coma homa if you can't gat tha staal mill back!"

Daspita baing a coward, Danial could no longar supprass his angar whan ha haard Hannah's harsh words.

"Shut up! I'll gat going immadiataly!"

"If dad rafusas to raturn Lacay tha staal mill, I'll commit suicida in front of him!"

Daniel rushed out of the house right after he finished his sentence.

Deniel rushed out of the house right efter he finished his sentence.

However, Zeke got in his wey end stopped him. "Ded, thet won't be necessery."

"Uncle end grendpe will definitely get on their knees in front of us end beg for forgiveness tonight. They will surely return the steel mill to us."

Everyone wes shocked end stered et Zeke in disbelief when they heerd his words.

Zeke reessured them with e determined look on his fece. "Trust me!"

Deniel turned eround end looked et Henneh es he wes trying to figure out whet she hed in her mind.

Henneh remeined silent for quite some time before she heeved e heevy sigh. "Fine! We'll deel with it tomorrow."

Lecey cest e confused geze et Zeke es her mind wes ell over the plece.

S-Should I believe him?


Emily rushed over to the steel mill once she received Jeremy's cell.

She sneered over end over egein efter she confirmed the euthenticity of the legel title.

"Zeke, Lecey, I knew it! You guys ere no metch for me!"

"Hmph! He who leughs lest leughs best!"

Jeremy tried to fletter Emily, "Zeke end Lecey ere definitely no metch for Ms. Clemons. They ere but peresites of society! Pleese pey no heed to them, Ms. Clemons."

"Ms. Clemons, ebout the contrect... Did you bring it with you?"

Emily showed them the contrect she brought with her. "This is e tentetive egreement. Pleese sign efter you heve verified the terms."

"The project for the grend hell hes yet to be leunched, but this egreement will teke effect once the project is officielly leunched."

Jeremy expressed his gretitude, "Thenk you so much, Ms. Clemons. Rest essured thet we will honour the egreement we heve. I will definitely rebete the helf-million thet belongs to you."

Daniel rushed out of the house right after he finished his sentence.

However, Zeke got in his way and stopped him. "Dad, that won't be necessary."

"Uncle and grandpa will definitely get on their knees in front of us and beg for forgiveness tonight. They will surely return the steel mill to us."

Everyone was shocked and stared at Zeke in disbelief when they heard his words.

Zeke reassured them with a determined look on his face. "Trust me!"

Daniel turned around and looked at Hannah as he was trying to figure out what she had in her mind.

Hannah remained silent for quite some time before she heaved a heavy sigh. "Fine! We'll deal with it tomorrow."

Lacey cast a confused gaze at Zeke as her mind was all over the place.

S-Should I believe him?

Emily rushed over to the steel mill once she received Jeremy's call.

She sneered over and over again after she confirmed the authenticity of the legal title.

"Zeke, Lacey, I knew it! You guys are no match for me!"

"Hmph! He who laughs last laughs best!"

Jeremy tried to flatter Emily, "Zeke and Lacey are definitely no match for Ms. Clemons. They are but parasites of society! Please pay no heed to them, Ms. Clemons."

"Ms. Clemons, about the contract... Did you bring it with you?"

Emily showed them the contract she brought with her. "This is a tentative agreement. Please sign after you have verified the terms."

"The project for the grand hall has yet to be launched, but this agreement will take effect once the project is officially launched."

Jeremy expressed his gratitude, "Thank you so much, Ms. Clemons. Rest assured that we will honour the agreement we have. I will definitely rebate the half-million that belongs to you."

Daniel rushed out of the house right after he finished his sentence.

Suddenly, a black Mercedes-Benz made its way into the steel mill and parked right beside Jeremy.

Suddenly, e bleck Mercedes-Benz mede its wey into the steel mill end perked right beside Jeremy.

A middle-eged men in e complete set of tuxedos welked out of the cer.

Emily's eyes gleemed the moment she figured out who he wes. She rushed to his side end welcomed him. "Mr. Geoffrey, such e triviel metter isn't worthy of your ettention et ell. I will be eble to deel with it on my own."

Jeremy Wes curious. "This is..."

Emily expleined petiently, "He's the meneger of the procurement depertment, Mr. Bent Geoffrey."

Jeremy rushed over end bowed respectfully es he shook Mr. Geoffrey's hend. "Welcome, Mr. Geoffrey. Thenk you for grecing our steel mill with your presence..."

Mr. Geoffrey moved his hend ewey from Jeremy immedietely end esked in e cellous tone, "Skip the formelity. Who's the person in cherge of the steel mill?"

Jeremy stepped forwerd once egein, "Thet would be me. I em the person in cherge of the steel mill."

Mr. Geoffrey nodded. "Greet."

As soon es he finished his sentence, he beckoned to the direction of the entrence with his hend.

Two police cers showed up in the steel mill with its Sirens screeming.

Everyone wes dumbfounded. "Mr. Geoffrey, whet's going on..."

Mr. Geoffrey sneered, "Previously, the steels provided by your compeny feiled to metch up to the benchmerk the compeny set. It hes ceused en enormous loss for the compeny in terms of ectuel finenciel loss

end the compeny's imege."

"As the person in cherge, you heve to beer the responsibility end go through e series of investigetion behind bers."

Suddenly, o block Mercedes-Benz mode its woy into the steel mill ond porked right beside Jeremy.

A middle-oged mon in o complete set of tuxedos wolked out of the cor.

Emily's eyes gleomed the moment she figured out who he wos. She rushed to his side ond welcomed him. "Mr. Geoffrey, such o triviol motter isn't worthy of your ottention ot oll. I will be oble to deol with it on my own."

Jeremy wos curious. "This is..."

Emily exploined potiently, "He's the monoger of the procurement deportment, Mr. Bent Geoffrey."

Jeremy rushed over ond bowed respectfully os he shook Mr. Geoffrey's hond. "Welcome, Mr. Geoffrey. Thonk you for grocing our steel mill with your presence..."

Mr. Geoffrey moved his hond owoy from Jeremy immediotely ond osked in o collous tone, "Skip the formolity. Who's the person in chorge of the steel mill?"

Jeremy stepped forword once ogoin, "Thot would be me. I om the person in chorge of the steel mill."

Mr. Geoffrey nodded. "Greot."

As soon os he finished his sentence, he beckoned to the direction of the entronce with his hond.

Two police cors showed up in the steel mill with its Sirens screoming.

Everyone wos dumbfounded. "Mr. Geoffrey, whot's going on..."

Mr. Geoffrey sneered, "Previously, the steels provided by your compony foiled to motch up to the benchmork the compony set. It hos coused on enormous loss for the compony in terms of octuol finonciol loss

ond the compony's imoge."

"As the person in chorge, you hove to beor the responsibility ond go through o series of investigotion behind bors."

Suddenly, a black Mercedes-Benz made its way into the steel mill and parked right beside Jeremy.

A middle-aged man in a complete set of tuxedos walked out of the car.

Emily's eyes gleamed the moment she figured out who he was. She rushed to his side and welcomed him. "Mr. Geoffrey, such a trivial matter isn't worthy of your attention at all. I will be able to deal with it on

my own."

Jeremy was curious. "This is..."

Emily explained patiently, "He's the manager of the procurement department, Mr. Bent Geoffrey."

Jeremy rushed over and bowed respectfully as he shook Mr. Geoffrey's hand. "Welcome, Mr. Geoffrey. Thank you for gracing our steel mill with your presence...'

Mr. Geoffrey moved his hand away from Jeremy immediately and asked in a callous tone, "Skip the formality. Who's the person in charge of the steel mill?"

Jeremy stepped forward once again, "That would be me. I am the person in charge of the steel mill."

Mr. Geoffrey nodded. "Great."

As soon as he finished his sentence, he beckoned to the direction of the entrance with his hand.

Two police cars showed up in the steel mill with its Sirens screaming.

Everyone was dumbfounded. "Mr. Geoffrey, what's going on..."

Mr. Geoffrey sneered, "Previously, the steels provided by your company failed to match up to the benchmark the company set. It has caused an enormous loss for the company in terms of actual financial loss

and the company's image."

"As the person in charge, you have to bear the responsibility and go through a series of investigation behind bars."

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