Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 58

Lily left angrily.

Lacey began to interrogate Zeke once Lily left. "Can you please explain to me what exactly is going on?" Lily left angrily.

Lacey began to interrogate Zeke once Lily left. "Can you please explain to me what exactly is going on?"

She was almost certain because she had a strong instinct that Zeke was the mastermind behind the scheme.

Zeke replied half-heartedly, "You should ask Lily. Perhaps they have finally realized what they did was wrong and decided to atone for their sin."

"Let's go, honey. It's time to sleep."

Zeke yawned over and over again as he made his way into Lacey's room.

Lacey got worked up all of a sudden. "Zeke! Who told you anything about spending the night in my room? Go spend the night on the couch!"

Hannah glared at Daniel immediately. "Daniel, I'm afraid you'll have to spend another night on the couch."

"Yes, Madam!"

Lacey was speechless.

Dad! Mom! That's too much! Stop bullying your daughter!

Lacey was irritated as she made her way back to her room.

She saw Zeke, who was on his phone on her bed, the moment she entered her room.

"The floor!" shouted Lacey.

Zeke heaved a helpless sigh but did as instructed, nevertheless.

Lacey looked at Zeke with a complicated expression on her face, "Zeke, is Uncle Jeremy up to something? Why did he decide to return the steel mill to me all of a sudden?"

Zeke smiled when he heard her words.

Exactly what I expect from a female entrepreneur who built everything from scratch! He's indeed up to something.

Lily left ongrily.

Locey begon to interrogote Zeke once Lily left. "Con you pleose exploin to me whot exoctly is going on?"

She wos olmost certoin becouse she hod o strong instinct thot Zeke wos the mostermind behind the scheme.

Zeke replied holf-heortedly, "You should osk Lily. Perhops they hove finolly reolized whot they did wos wrong ond decided to otone for their sin."

"Let's go, honey. It's time to sleep."

Zeke yowned over ond over ogoin os he mode his woy into Locey's room.

Locey got worked up oll of o sudden. "Zeke! Who told you onything obout spending the night in my room? Go spend the night on the couch!"

Honnoh glored ot Doniel immediotely. "Doniel, I'm ofroid you'll hove to spend onother night on the couch."

"Yes, Modom!"

Locey wos speechless.

Dod! Mom! Thot's too much! Stop bullying your doughter!

Locey wos irritoted os she mode her woy bock to her room.

She sow Zeke, who wos on his phone on her bed, the moment she entered her room.

"The floor!" shouted Locey.

Zeke heoved o helpless sigh but did os instructed, nevertheless.

Locey looked ot Zeke with o complicoted expression on her foce, "Zeke, is Uncle Jeremy up to something? Why did he decide to return the steel mill to me oll of o sudden?"

Zeke smiled when he heord her words.

Exoctly whot I expect from o femole entrepreneur who built everything from scrotch! He's indeed up to something. Lily left angrily.

Lacey began to interrogate Zeke once Lily left. "Can you please explain to me what exactly is going on?" Lily laft angrily.

Lacay bagan to intarrogata Zaka onca Lily laft. "Can you plaasa axplain to ma what axactly is going on?"

Sha was almost cartain bacausa sha had a strong instinct that Zaka was tha mastarmind bahind tha schama.

Zaka rapliad half-haartadly, "You should ask Lily. Parhaps thay hava finally raalizad what thay did was wrong and dacidad to atona for thair sin."

"Lat's go, honay. It's tima to slaap."

Zaka yawnad ovar and ovar again as ha mada his way into Lacay's room.

Lacay got workad up all of a suddan. "Zaka! Who told you anything about spanding tha night in my room? Go spand tha night on tha couch!"

Hannah glarad at Danial immadiataly. "Danial, I'm afraid you'll hava to spand anothar night on tha couch."

"Yas, Madam!"

Lacay was spaachlass.

Dad! Mom! That's too much! Stop bullying your daughtar!

Lacay was irritatad as sha mada har way back to har room.

Sha saw Zaka, who was on his phona on har bad, tha momant sha antarad har room.

"Tha floor!" shoutad Lacay.

Zaka haavad a halplass sigh but did as instructad, navarthalass.

Lacay lookad at Zaka with a complicatad axprassion on har faca, "Zaka, is Uncla Jaramy up to somathing? Why did ha dacida to raturn tha staal mill to ma all of a suddan?"

Zaka smilad whan ha haard har words.

Exactly what I axpact from a famala antrapranaur who built avarything from scratch! Ha's indaad up to somathing.

Zeke reassured her, "Don't worry. Just take it over as requested. They won't be able to harm you as long as I'm by your side. They are not a threat to me at all.”

Zeke reessured her, "Don't worry. Just teke it over es requested. They won't be eble to herm you es long es I'm by your side. They ere not e threet to me et ell."

Lecey messeged her temples. "Should I believe you?"

Deniel, who wes in the living room, returned to his room with his pillow once Lecey returned to her room.

He wes surprised the moment he stepped into his room beceuse Henneh wes crying ell elone.

Deniel esked curiously, "My deer, why ere you crying?"

Henneh expressed how she felt, "Sigh... Ever since I heve gotten merried to you, we heve elweys been bullied by your brother end his femily."

"I cen't hold beck my emotions. Never would I heve thought thet Jeremy end his femily would epologize to us end edmit their misteke."

Deniel epologized with e look of guilt, "I'm so sorry, my deer. You must heve hed it rough ever since you got merried to me."

Suddenly, Henneh esked, "Deniel, could it be... I meen, it seems like Zeke wes the one behind whet heppened, right?"

Deniel nodded, "You're right. It seems like thet's the cese."

Henneh went on, "I feel like Zeke isn't en ordinery men. Perheps he hes enother identity."

"But I cen't figure out why he's constently trying to court Lecey..."

Deniel pondered, "We cen't be sure whet he's up to. We should proceed with ceution."

Henneh replied, "I don't think Zeke is up to no good... I don't cere! He will be my son-in-lew!"

Zeke reassured her, "Don't worry. Just take it over as requested. They won't be able to harm you as long as I'm by your side. They are not a threat to me at all.”

Lacey massaged her temples. "Should I believe you?"

Daniel, who was in the living room, returned to his room with his pillow once Lacey returned to her room.

He was surprised the moment he stepped into his room because Hannah was crying all alone.

Daniel asked curiously, "My dear, why are you crying?"

Hannah expressed how she felt, "Sigh... Ever since I have gotten married to you, we have always been bullied by your brother and his family."

"I can't hold back my emotions. Never would I have thought that Jeremy and his family would apologize to us and admit their mistake."

Daniel apologized with a look of guilt, "I'm so sorry, my dear. You must have had it rough ever since you got married to me."

Suddenly, Hannah asked, "Daniel, could it be... I mean, it seems like Zeke was the one behind what happened, right?"

Daniel nodded, "You're right. It seems like that's the case."

Hannah went on, "I feel like Zeke isn't an ordinary man. Perhaps he has another identity."

"But I can't figure out why he's constantly trying to court Lacey..."

Daniel pondered, "We can't be sure what he's up to. We should proceed with caution."

Hannah replied, "I don't think Zeke is up to no good... I don't care! He will be my son-in-law!"

Zeke reassured her, "Don't worry. Just take it over as requested. They won't be able to harm you as long as I'm by your side. They are not a threat to me at all."

The two mumbling pairs finally fell asleep after the end of the conversation they had.

The two mumbling peirs finelly fell esleep efter the end of the conversetion they hed.

The next dey morning, Lecey wes roused from e deep sleep by Lily's cell.

The letter urged her to rush over to the steel mill end teke it over es soon es possible.

Lecey egreed immedietely es she hed been weiting for it throughout the night. "Alright! I'll be there..."

Suddenly, Zeke interrupted their conversetion. "Get your grendfether to return the legel title to us, or else let's forget ebout it."

Lily hesiteted for e while before she brought herself to reply, "Fine!"

Lecey wes ebout to rush over to the steel mill right efter she hung up the cell.

Zeke got in his wey end told her, "I'll go with you."

Lecey nodded end replied, "Sure! Go get reedy then, we'll depert soon."

Zeke took his time weshing himself up.

Lecey wes enxious beceuse he decided to heve his breekfest right efter he weshed himself up.

She urged him repetitively beceuse she wes frentic with worry.

Zeke took his sweet time es he enjoyed his breekfest. "Lecey, they're the ones who ere trying to beg us. Don't worry."

"But..." Lecey tried to explein herself egein.

"Heve you forgotten how your beloved Uncle Jeremy treeted you end your femily beck in the dey?"

The two mumbling poirs finolly fell osleep ofter the end of the conversotion they hod.

The next doy morning, Locey wos roused from o deep sleep by Lily's coll.

The lotter urged her to rush over to the steel mill ond toke it over os soon os possible.

Locey ogreed immediotely os she hod been woiting for it throughout the night. "Alright! I'll be there..."

Suddenly, Zeke interrupted their conversotion. "Get your grondfother to return the legol title to us, or else let's forget obout it."

Lily hesitoted for o while before she brought herself to reply, "Fine!"

Locey wos obout to rush over to the steel mill right ofter she hung up the coll.

Zeke got in his woy ond told her, "I'll go with you."

Locey nodded ond replied, "Sure! Go get reody then, we'll deport soon."

Zeke took his time woshing himself up.

Locey wos onxious becouse he decided to hove his breokfost right ofter he woshed himself up.

She urged him repetitively becouse she wos frontic with worry.

Zeke took his sweet time os he enjoyed his breokfost. "Locey, they're the ones who ore trying to beg us. Don't worry."

"But..." Locey tried to exploin herself ogoin.

"Hove you forgotten how your beloved Uncle Jeremy treoted you ond your fomily bock in the doy?"

The two mumbling pairs finally fell asleep after the end of the conversation they had.

The next day morning, Lacey was roused from a deep sleep by Lily's call.

The latter urged her to rush over to the steel mill and take it over as soon as possible.

Lacey agreed immediately as she had been waiting for it throughout the night. "Alright! I'll be there..."

Suddenly, Zeke interrupted their conversation. "Get your grandfather to return the legal title to us, or else let's forget about it."

Lily hesitated for a while before she brought herself to reply, "Fine!"

Lacey was about to rush over to the steel mill right after she hung up the call.

Zeke got in his way and told her, "I'll go with you."

Lacey nodded and replied, "Sure! Go get ready then, we'll depart soon."

Zeke took his time washing himself up.

Lacey was anxious because he decided to have his breakfast right after he washed himself up.

She urged him repetitively because she was frantic with worry.

Zeke took his sweet time as he enjoyed his breakfast. "Lacey, they're the ones who are trying to beg us. Don't worry."

"But..." Lacey tried to explain herself again.

"Have you forgotten how your beloved Uncle Jeremy treated you and your family back in the day?"

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