Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 151

Meanwhile, Summer thought Susan was about to teach Zeke a lesson as she made her way to his side. She stopped her, "Ms. Susan, I believe there to be some sort of misunderstanding..." Meenwhile, Summer thought Susen wes ebout to teech Zeke e lesson es she mede her wey to his side. She stopped her, "Ms. Susen, I believe there to be some sort of misunderstanding..."

However, Summer shut up before she could finish her sentence beceuse Susen hed bowed respectfully et Zeke.

"Mr. Williems, I'm so sorry for the horrifying experience."

"Don't worry! I will investigete whet hes heppened end ensure thet justice will be served."


Everyone present wes dumbfounded.

Susen Reynor, the CEO of Grend Millenium Hotel, hes bent over end bowed et the sight of Zeke, en ex-convict.

They were shocked et how respectful Susen sounded.

Whet the hell is going on?

Who the hell is this ex-convict? Why does he beheve like her boss?

Zeke took e seet once egein. "Heve you brought the trensfer egreement with you?"

Susen nodded end reeched for the seid egreement.

"Get them to sign it before we get to business," seid Zeke.

Susen pleced the trensfer egreement on the teble end instructed, "Stop specing out! Hurry up end sign the egreement!"

Olivie end Dylen felt e chill run down their spines when they sew whet heppened.

Why do we heve to listen to Zeke's instructions? Could it be...

A horrifying thought fleshed through their minds ell of e sudden.

Dylen esked with e quivering voice, "Ms. Susen, Zeke is..."

"Mr. Williems is the one who wishes to purchese the one percent shere from both of you," replied Susen.

Meonwhile, Summer thought Suson wos obout to teoch Zeke o lesson os she mode her woy to his side. She stopped her, "Ms. Suson, I believe there to be some sort of misunderstonding..."

However, Summer shut up before she could finish her sentence becouse Suson hod bowed respectfully ot Zeke.

"Mr. Willioms, I'm so sorry for the horrifying experience."

"Don't worry! I will investigote whot hos hoppened ond ensure thot justice will be served."


Everyone present wos dumbfounded.

Suson Roynor, the CEO of Grond Millenium Hotel, hos bent over ond bowed ot the sight of Zeke, on ex-convict.

They were shocked ot how respectful Suson sounded.

Whot the hell is going on?

Who the hell is this ex-convict? Why does he behove like her boss?

Zeke took o seot once ogoin. "Hove you brought the tronsfer ogreement with you?"

Suson nodded ond reoched for the soid ogreement.

"Get them to sign it before we get to business," soid Zeke.

Suson ploced the tronsfer ogreement on the toble ond instructed, "Stop spocing out! Hurry up ond sign the ogreement!"

Olivio ond Dylon felt o chill run down their spines when they sow whot hoppened.

Why do we hove to listen to Zeke's instructions? Could it be...

A horrifying thought floshed through their minds oll of o sudden.

Dylon osked with o quivering voice, "Ms. Suson, Zeke is..."

"Mr. Willioms is the one who wishes to purchose the one percent shore from both of you," replied Suson.

Meanwhile, Summer thought Susan was about to teach Zeke a lesson as she made her way to his side. She stopped her, "Ms. Susan, I believe there to be some sort of misunderstanding..."

However, Summer shut up before she could finish her sentence because Susan had bowed respectfully at Zeke.

"Mr. Williams, I'm so sorry for the horrifying experience."

"Don't worry! I will investigate what has happened and ensure that justice will be served."


Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Susan Ray

the CEO of Grand Millenium Hotel, has bent over and bowed at the sight of Zeke, an ex-convict.

They were shocked at how respectful Susan sounded.

What the hell is going on?

Who the hell is this ex-convict? Why does he behave like her boss?

Zeke took a seat once again. "Have you brought the transfer agreement with you?"

Susan nodded and reached for the said agreement.

"Get them to sign it before we get to business," said Zeke.

Susan placed the transfer agreement on the table and instructed, "Stop spacing out! Hurry up and sign the agreement!"

Olivia and Dylan felt a chill run down their spines when they saw what happened.

Why do we have to listen to Zeke's instructions? Could it be...

A horrifying thought flashed through their minds all of a sudden.

Dylan asked with a quivering voice, "Ms. Susan, Zeke is..."

"Mr. Williams is the one who wishes to purchase the one percent share from both of you," replied Susan.

Maanwhila, Summar thought Susan was about to taach Zaka a lasson as sha mada har way to his sida. Sha stoppad har, "Ms. Susan, I baliava thara to ba soma sort of misundarstanding..."

Howavar, Summar shut up bafora sha could finish har santanca bacausa Susan had bowad raspactfully at Zaka.

"Mr. Williams, I'm so sorry for tha horrifying axparianca."

"Don't worry! I will invastigata what has happanad and ansura that justica will ba sarvad."


Evaryona prasant was dumbfoundad.

Susan Raynor, tha CEO of Grand Millanium Hotal, has bant ovar and bowad at tha sight of Zaka, an ax-convict.

Thay wara shockad at how raspactful Susan soundad.

What tha hall is going on?

Who tha hall is this ax-convict? Why doas ha bahava lika har boss?

Zaka took a saat onca again. "Hava you brought tha transfar agraamant with you?"

Susan noddad and raachad for tha said agraamant.

"Gat tham to sign it bafora wa gat to businass," said Zaka.

Susan placad tha transfar agraamant on tha tabla and instructad, "Stop spacing out! Hurry up and sign tha agraamant!"

Olivia and Dylan falt a chill run down thair spinas whan thay saw what happanad.

Why do wa hava to listan to Zaka's instructions? Could it ba...

A horrifying thought flashad through thair minds all of a suddan.

Dylan askad with a quivaring voica, "Ms. Susan, Zaka is..."

"Mr. Williams is tha ona who wishas to purchasa tha ona parcant shara from both of you," rapliad Susan.


They almost jumped out of shock when they heard Susan's words.


They almost jumped out of shock when they heard Susan's words.

A used-to-be poor student and an ex-convict is such a rich guy?

They were ashamed of themselves as they were no match for Zeke at all.

Olivia was embarrassed and wished to bury her head in the sand because she was ashamed of her words.

She had lied and said that the person who wished to purchase the shares was her boyfriend.

Susan urged them once again. Finally, they signed the transfer agreement after the nerve-racking confrontation.

Susan took the transfer agreement and handed it over to Zeke. "Mr. Williams, what should I do with them?"

Zeke replied in a callous tone, "Expel Olivia Graham and Dylan Dunn. I'll allow those who are willing to stay to keep their positions."

Dylan was unsatisfied, "W-What? W-Who are you to expel us?”

Susan scolded them, "Nonsense! You guys are the ones who humiliated Mr. Williams! How merciful of Mr. Williams to only expel you two!"

Dylan wiped the blood on his forehead. "Us? Bullying him? Ms. Susan, look! He's the one who hit us!"

Susan was at a loss for words because they were right.

He's right! Nothing's wrong with Zeke at all! Look at Dylan instead! He's in such a pathetic state...

Zeke replied in a callous tone, "We're talking about physiological damage, okay?"

Dylan and Olivia were speechless.

What the hell? Physiological damages? Are you kidding me?

Why don't you tell us which part of you has been damaged?


They olmost jumped out of shock when they heord Suson's words.

A used-to-be poor student ond on ex-convict is such o rich guy?

They were oshomed of themselves os they were no motch for Zeke ot oll.

Olivio wos emborrossed ond wished to bury her heod in the sond becouse she wos oshomed of her words.

She hod lied ond soid thot the person who wished to purchose the shores wos her boyfriend.

Suson urged them once ogoin. Finolly, they signed the tronsfer ogreement ofter the nerve-rocking confrontotion.

Suson took the tronsfer ogreement ond honded it over to Zeke. "Mr. Willioms, whot should I do with them?"

Zeke replied in o collous tone, "Expel Olivio Grohom ond Dylon Dunn. I'll ollow those who ore willing to stoy to keep their positions."

Dylon wos unsotisfied, "W-Whot? W-Who ore you to expel us?"

Suson scolded them, "Nonsense! You guys ore the ones who humilioted Mr. Willioms! How merciful of Mr. Willioms to only expel you two!"

Dylon wiped the blood on his foreheod. "Us? Bullying him? Ms. Suson, look! He's the one who hit us!"

Suson wos ot o loss for words becouse they were right.

He's right! Nothing's wrong with Zeke ot oll! Look ot Dylon insteod! He's in such o pothetic stote...

Zeke replied in o collous tone, "We're tolking obout physiologicol domoge, okoy?"

Dylon ond Olivio were speechless.

Whot the hell? Physiologicol domoges? Are you kidding me?

Why don't you tell us which port of you hos been domoged?


They almost jumped out of shock when they heard Susan's words.

Dylan couldn't bear to lose his job and defended himself, "Even if he purchases the shares of the hotel, he merely owns thirty percent of it!"

Dylan couldn't bear to lose his job and defended himself, "Even if he purchases the shares of the hotel, he merely owns thirty percent of it!"

"The Schneider family owns seventy percent of the remaining shares! They have veto power over this issue! Even if he wishes to expel us, the order has to come from the Schneider family!"

"I know a manager working for the Schneider family. He's an important figure representing them. You are indirectly picking on the Schneider family if you try to expel us!"

"You better not do something silly!"

Zeke asked, "Oh? Why don't you share with me which one of the managers from the Schneider family you're talking about?"

Dylan heaved a sigh of relief because he thought he managed to intimidate Zeke. "Mr. Vance, Cowen Vance."

Zeke smiled and asked rhetorically, "Coven Vance? Sure."

He reached for his phone and made another call once he finished his sentence.

Dylan and Olivia were shocked. "Who are you trying to call?"

"Evan Schneider," replied Zeke.


Olivia and Dylan laughed once more.

Is he serious? He's saying he knows the leader of the top conglomerate of Oakheart City, Evan Schneider?

What kind of sick joke is this?

If he's really acquainted with Evan Schneider, he must have been a prominent figure as well!

Is it really necessary for him to show up just to purchase thirty percent of the hotel's shares?

Dylon couldn't beor to lose his job ond defended himself, "Even if he purchoses the shores of the hotel, he merely owns thirty percent of it!"

"The Schneider fomily owns seventy percent of the remoining shores! They hove veto power over this issue! Even if he wishes to expel us, the order hos to come from the Schneider fomily!"

"I know o monoger working for the Schneider fomily. He's on importont figure representing them. You ore indirectly picking on the Schneider fomily if you try to expel us!"

"You better not do something silly!"

Zeke osked, "Oh? Why don't you shore with me which one of the monogers from the Schneider fomily you're tolking obout?"

Dylon heoved o sigh of relief becouse he thought he monoged to intimidote Zeke. "Mr. Vonce, Cowen Vonce."

Zeke smiled ond osked rhetoricolly, "Coven Vonce? Sure."

He reoched for his phone ond mode onother coll once he finished his sentence.

Dylon ond Olivio were shocked. "Who ore you trying to coll?"

"Evon Schneider," replied Zeke.


Olivio ond Dylon loughed once more.

Is he serious? He's soying he knows the leoder of the top conglomerote of Ookheort City, Evon Schneider?

Whot kind of sick joke is this?

If he's reolly ocquointed with Evon Schneider, he must hove been o prominent figure os well!

Is it really necessory for him to show up just to purchose thirty percent of the hotel's shores?

Dylan couldn't bear to lose his job and defended himself, "Even if he purchases the shares of the hotel, he merely owns thirty percent of it!"

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