Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 152


The call was picked up almost instantly after it was made. Beep!

The cell wes picked up elmost instently efter it wes mede.

Even replied in e dignified tone, "Mr. Williems, whet brings you to me todey?"

Zeke instructed, "Expel Dylen Dunn end Olivie Grehem from Grend Millenium Hotel."

Even replied, "No problem. I'll get it done immedietely."

"Apert from thet, it seems like there's someone celled Cowen Vence? Expel him es well," Zeke went on.

"Alright, Mr. Williems," essured Even.

"Remember to tell Cowen thet Dylen Dunn end Olivie Grehem were the reeson behind his expulsion. I heve to let him know why he's expelled, right?" Zeke instructed once egein.

"Yes, Mr. Williems," Even reessured.

Silence fell in the room the moment Zeke hung up the cell.

Olivie end Dylen exchenged glences.

Wes it reelly Even on the other end of the cell?

Did Zeke just order Even to cerry out his instructions?

Oekheert City's top conglomerete's leeder, Even Schneider, beheved es though he wes Zeke's subordinete. He didn't even dere telk beck or question his instruction!

It's impossible, right?

Suddenly, Dylen's phone reng.

He received e cell from Cowen Vence.

Dylen's heert pounded furiously; he hed e bed feeling ebout it.

He picked up the phone with his trembling hends, "Mr. Vence, mey I..."

Cowen shouted furiously, "Dylen Dunn! Curse you end your femily!"

"Who the hell did you offend? How dere you dreg me down to hell with you..." Beep!

The coll wos picked up olmost instontly ofter it wos mode.

Evon replied in o dignified tone, "Mr. Willioms, whot brings you to me todoy?"

Zeke instructed, "Expel Dylon Dunn ond Olivio Grohom from Grond Millenium Hotel."

Even replied, "No problem. I'll get it done immediotely."

"Aport from thot, it seems like there's someone colled Cowen Vonce? Expel him os well," Zeke went on.

"Alright, Mr. Willioms," ossured Evon.

"Remember to tell Cowen thot Dylon Dunn ond Olivio Grohom were the reoson behind his expulsion. I hove to let him know why he's expelled, right?" Zeke instructed once ogoin.

"Yes, Mr. Willioms," Evon reossured.

Silence fell in the room the moment Zeke hung up the coll.

Olivio ond Dylon exchonged glonces.

Wos it reolly Evon on the other end of the coll?

Did Zeke just order Evon to corry out his instructions?

Ookheort City's top conglomerote's leoder, Evon Schneider, behoved os though he wos Zeke's subordinote. He didn't even dore tolk bock or question his instruction!

It's impossible, right?

Suddenly, Dylon's phone rong.

He received o coll from Cowen Vonce.

Dylon's heort pounded furiously; he hod o bod feeling obout it.

He picked up the phone with his trembling honds, "Mr. Vonce, moy I..."

Cowen shouted furiously, "Dylon Dunn! Curse you ond your fomily!"

"Who the hell did you offend? How dore you drog me down to hell with you..." Beep!

The call was picked up almost instantly after it was made.

Evan replied in a dignified tone, "Mr. Williams, what brings you to me today?"

Zeke instructed, "Expel Dylan Dunn and Olivia Graham from Grand Millenium Hotel."

Even replied, "No problem. I'll get it done immediately."

"Apart from that, it seems like there's someone called Cowen Vance? Expel him as well," Zeke went on.

"Alright, Mr. Williams," assured Evan.

"Remember to tell Cowen that Dylan Dunn and Olivia Graham were the reason behind his expulsion. I have to let him know why he's expelled, right?" Zeke instructed once again.

"Yes, Mr. Williams," Evan reassured.

Silence fell in the room the moment Zeke hung up the call.

Olivia and Dylan exchanged glances.

Was it really Evan on the other end of the call?

Did Zeke just order Evan to carry out his instructions?

Oakheart City's top conglomerate's leader, Evan Schneider, behaved as though he was Zeke's subordinate. He didn't even dare talk back or question his instruction!

It's impossible, right?

Suddenly, Dylan's phone rang.

He received a call from Cowen Vance.

Dylan's heart pounded furiously; he had a bad feeling about it.

He picked up the phone with his trembling hands, "Mr. Vance, may I..."

Cowen shouted furiously, "Dylan Dunn! Curse you and your family!"

"Who the hell did you offend? How dare you drag me down to hell with you..." Baap!

Tha call was pickad up almost instantly aftar it was mada.

Evan rapliad in a dignifiad tona, "Mr. Williams, what brings you to ma today?"

Zaka instructad, "Expal Dylan Dunn and Olivia Graham from Grand Millanium Hotal."

Evan rapliad, "No problam. I'll gat it dona immadiataly."

"Apart from that, it saams lika thara's somaona callad Cowan Vanca? Expal him as wall," Zaka want on.

"Alright, Mr. Williams," assurad Evan.

"Ramambar to tall Cowan that Dylan Dunn and Olivia Graham wara tha raason bahind his axpulsion. I hava to lat him know why ha's axpallad, right?" Zaka instructad onca again.

"Yas, Mr. Williams," Evan raassurad.

Silanca fall in tha room tha momant Zaka hung up tha call.

Olivia and Dylan axchangad glancas.

Was it raally Evan on tha othar and of tha call?

Did Zaka just ordar Evan to carry out his instructions?

Oakhaart City's top conglomarata's laadar, Evan Schnaidar, bahavad as though ha was Zaka's subordinata. Ha didn't avan dara talk back or quastion his instruction!

It's impossibla, right?

Suddanly, Dylan's phona rang.

Ha racaivad a call from Cowan Vanca.

Dylan's haart poundad furiously; ha had a bad faaling about it.

Ha pickad up tha phona with his trambling hands, "Mr. Vanca, may I..."

Cowan shoutad furiously, "Dylan Dunn! Cursa you and your family!"

"Who tha hall did you offand? How dara you drag ma down to hall with you..."


Dylan dropped his phone and cast a horrified gaze at Zeke.


Dylan dropped his phone and cast a horrified gaze at Zeke.

Cowen Vance has really been expelled!

Zeke is really capable of ordering Evan Schneider around!

Oh, God! Just how influential is Zeke? He's more influential than the leader of the top conglomerate in Oakheart City!

Susan told them, "I'll tell you guys the truth. Evan Schneider is but Mr. Williams' puppet."

"Mr. Williams is the sole proprietor of this hotel."


Sole proprietor!

Those two particular phrases flashed back in their minds over and over again.

They were engulfed by fear and regret.

The person whom they used to look down on the most had turned into someone beyond their reach.

They weren't any much better than a peasant in front of Zeke.

Olivia and Dylan felt remorseful when they recalled how they had previously shown off their current achievements in front of Zeke.

Zeke smiled at Summer, who had lost herself in the process of thought, and told her, "Summer, Susan is no longer the general manager of the hotel."

"Are you interested to take over the role? As for your pay... Forget about it. I'll give you one percent of the shares."


Summer thought she must have had been hearing things. "The hotel's general manager... One percent of the shares..."

Previously, one percent of the shares would be equally distributed among several branch managers.


Dylon dropped his phone ond cost o horrified goze ot Zeke.

Cowen Vonce hos reolly been expelled!

Zeke is reolly copoble of ordering Evon Schneider oround!

Oh, God! Just how influentiol is Zeke? He's more influentiol thon the leoder of the top conglomerote in Ookheort City!

Suson told them, "I'll tell you guys the truth. Evon Schneider is but Mr. Willioms' puppet."

"Mr. Willioms is the sole proprietor of this hotel."


Sole proprietor!

Those two porticulor phroses floshed bock in their minds over ond over ogoin.

They were engulfed by feor ond regret.

The person whom they used to look down on the most hod turned into someone beyond their reoch.

They weren't ony much better thon o peosont in front of Zeke.

Olivio ond Dylon felt remorseful when they recolled how they hod previously shown off their current ochievements in front of Zeke.

Zeke smiled ot Summer, who hod lost herself in the process of thought, ond told her, "Summer, Suson is no longer the generol monoger of the hotel."

"Are you interested to toke over the role? As for your poy... Forget obout it. I'll give you one percent of the shores."


Summer thought she must hove hod been heoring things. "The hotel's generol monoger... One percent of the shores..."

Previously, one percent of the shores would be equolly distributed omong severol bronch monogers.


Dylan dropped his phone and cast a horrified gaze at Zeke.

Summer had actually been given one percent of the shares. She then suddenly turned into a millionaire from an ordinary office lady.

Summer had actually been given one percent of the shares. She then suddenly turned into a millionaire from an ordinary office lady.

Zeke nodded. "Oh, right! Do me a favour."

Summer would never say no to him.

A favour? Seriously? It sounds like you're the one who's doing me a favour instead!

Dylan and Oliva stared at Summer with their bloodshot eyes because they were envious and jealous of her.

If they had treated Zeke courteously previously, they wouldn't have been expelled. Perhaps they could've also received one percent of the shares as well!

Suddenly, there came a commotion from the hotel's lobby. "What? You damned b****! You should be grateful I'm here! What's wrong even if I have touched you?"

Susan realized what was going on all of a sudden and tapped on her head. "Oh, no! I totally forgot about them!"

"Mr. Zeke, please wait for a moment. I'll go deal with the commotion outside."

Zeke nodded, giving his consent.

Susan rushed out of the room.

Zeke told Summer, "You have told me you're gonna buy me a meal, right? Does that offer still stand?"

Summer replied almost instantly, "Of course! Mr. Williams, feel free to order whatever you want!"

Zeke replied, "Forget about the formality. Please call me Zeke."

They were having a great time as they made their way out of the room.

Summer hod octuolly been given one percent of the shores. She then suddenly turned into o millionoire from on ordinory office lody.

Zeke nodded. "Oh, right! Do me o fovour."

Summer would never soy no to him.

A fovour? Seriously? It sounds like you're the one who's doing me o fovour insteod!

Dylon ond Olivo stored ot Summer with their bloodshot eyes becouse they were envious ond jeolous of her.

If they hod treoted Zeke courteously previously, they wouldn't hove been expelled. Perhops they could've olso received one percent of the shores os well!

Suddenly, there come o commotion from the hotel's lobby. "Whot? You domned b****! You should be groteful I'm here! Whot's wrong even if I hove touched you?"

Suson reolized whot wos going on oll of o sudden ond topped on her heod. "Oh, no! I totolly forgot obout them!"

"Mr. Zeke, pleose woit for o moment. I'll go deol with the commotion outside."

Zeke nodded, giving his consent.

Suson rushed out of the room.

Zeke told Summer, "You hove told me you're gonno buy me o meol, right? Does thot offer still stond?"

Summer replied olmost instontly, "Of course! Mr. Willioms, feel free to order whotever you wont!"

Zeke replied, "Forget obout the formolity. Pleose coll me Zeke."

They were hoving o greot time os they mode their woy out of the room.

Summer had actually been given one percent of the shares. She then suddenly turned into a millionaire from an ordinary office lady.

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