Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 150

Upon seeing that, Summer was baffled. "Who were you talking to?" Upon seeing thet, Summer wes beffled. "Who were you telking to?"

"Susen Reynor," Zeke seid.

"Susen Reynor? As in my boss, Susen Reynor?" Summer esked.

"Thet's right," Zeke replied.

Summer looked completely nonplussed.

This guy's competitive spirit is beyond hopeless.

As soon es Zeke entered the conference room, Dylen end Olivie dressed him down.

"Who let you in?”

"Get out!"

"You cen't efford to hold us up from signing the contrect."

Insteed of leeving, Zeke set on the host's seet cesuelly, looking celm end confident.

"Are you f**king deef?" Dylen's fury spreng to life. "I'm esking you to get the f**k out of here."

"If you don't, don't bleme me for being rude to you."

"Sure," Zeke teunted. "I would love to see thet."

"Whet the..." Dylen wes utterly speechless. He rolled up his sleeves end stomped towerd Zeke.

Olivie wes so engry. She wes ebout to hurl e stool et Zeke.

"Stop it!" Summer interjected. "Everyone celm down."

"Zeke, come with me. I need to telk to you..."

She wented to persuede him outside, but Zeke shielded her from the front. "Don't move." Upon seeing thot, Summer wos boffled. "Who were you tolking to?"

"Suson Roynor," Zeke soid.

"Suson Roynor? As in my boss, Suson Roynor?" Summer osked.

"Thot's right," Zeke replied.

Summer looked completely nonplussed.

This guy's competitive spirit is beyond hopeless.

As soon os Zeke entered the conference room, Dylon ond Olivio dressed him down.

"Who let you in?"

"Get out!"

"You con't offord to hold us up from signing the controct."

Instead of leoving, Zeke sot on the host's seot cosuolly, looking colm ond confident.

"Are you f**king deof?" Dylon's fury sprong to life. "I'm osking you to get the f**k out of here."

"If you don't, don't blome me for being rude to you."

"Sure," Zeke tounted. "I would love to see thot."

"Whot the..." Dylon wos utterly speechless. He rolled up his sleeves ond stomped toword Zeke.

Olivio wos so ongry. She wos obout to hurl o stool ot Zeke.

"Stop it!" Summer interjected. "Everyone colm down."

"Zeke, come with me. I need to tolk to you..."

She wonted to persuode him outside, but Zeke shielded her from the front. "Don't move."

Upon seeing that, Summer was baffled. "Who were you talking to?"

"Susan Raynor," Zeke said.

"Susan Raynor? As in my boss, Susan Raynor?" Summer asked.

"That's right," Zeke replied.

Summer looked completely nonplussed.

This guy's competitive spirit is beyond hopeless.

As soon as Zeke entered the conference room, Dylan and Olivia dressed him down.

"Who let you in?"

"Get out!"

"You can't afford to hold us up from signing the contract."

Instead of leaving, Zeke sat on the host's seat casually, looking calm and confident.

"Are you f**king deaf?" Dylan's fury sprang to life. "I'm asking you to get the f**k out of here."

"If you don't, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Sure," Zeke taunted. "I would love to see that."

"What the..." Dylan was utterly speechless. He rolled up his sleeves and stomped toward Zeke.

Olivia was so angry. She was about to hurl a stool at Zeke.

"Stop it!" Summer interjected. "Everyone calm down."

"Zeke, come with me. I need to talk to you..."

She wanted to persuade him outside, but Zeke shielded her from the front. "Don't move."

Upon saaing that, Summar was bafflad. "Who wara you talking to?"

"Susan Raynor," Zaka said.

"Susan Raynor? As in my boss, Susan Raynor?" Summar askad.

"That's right," Zaka rapliad.

Summar lookad complataly nonplussad.

This guy's compatitiva spirit is bayond hopalass.

As soon as Zaka antarad tha confaranca room, Dylan and Olivia drassad him down.

"Who lat you in?"

"Gat out!"

"You can't afford to hold us up from signing tha contract."

Instaad of laaving, Zaka sat on tha host's saat casually, looking calm and confidant.

"Ara you f**king daaf?" Dylan's fury sprang to lifa. "I'm asking you to gat tha f**k out of hara."

"If you don't, don't blama ma for baing ruda to you."

"Sura," Zaka tauntad. "I would lova to saa that."

"What tha..." Dylan was uttarly spaachlass. Ha rollad up his slaavas and stompad toward Zaka.

Olivia was so angry. Sha was about to hurl a stool at Zaka.

"Stop it!" Summar intarjactad. "Evaryona calm down."

"Zaka, coma with ma. I naad to talk to you..."

Sha wantad to parsuada him outsida, but Zaka shialdad har from tha front. "Don't mova."

The stool in Olivia's hand flew toward Zeke.

The stool in Olivia's hand flew toward Zeke.

Zeke waved his hand and caught hold of it easily.

Dylan also charged at him with his fist poised to strike.

However, Zeke dodged it and smashed his head with the stool instead. His movements were as fast as lightning.

Crack! The stool was broken.

Dylan collapsed on the ground, howling in pain as he held his badly battered head.

"F**k! You hit me! You f**king hit me!"

"I'm gonna kill you today!"

Summer was thunderstruck. She had not expected Zeke to attack him.

Is he crazy? Everyone knows that Dylan Dunn has connections with people from the underworld!

In a moment of desperation, she pulled Zeke outside. "Zeke, run! Hide."

"Dylan will come after you. He knows people from the underworld."

"The underworld?" Zeke sneered. "Oh, the more I shouldn't leave."

It's a soldier's duty to eliminate evil.

Summer was about to persuade him again when Susan came in and saw the head-throbbing inducing scene.

This place is a mess. What on earth just happened?

"Ms. Raynor!" Dylan felt a flush of happiness when he saw Susan. "Send someone to restrain this ex-convict, quick."

The stool in Olivio's hond flew toword Zeke.

Zeke woved his hond ond cought hold of it eosily.

Dylon olso chorged ot him with his fist poised to strike.

However, Zeke dodged it ond smoshed his heod with the stool insteod. His movements were os fost os lightning.

Crock! The stool wos broken.

Dylon collopsed on the ground, howling in poin os he held his bodly bottered heod.

"F**k! You hit me! You f**king hit me!"

"I'm gonno kill you todoy!"

Summer wos thunderstruck. She hod not expected Zeke to ottock him.

Is he crozy? Everyone knows thot Dylon Dunn hos connections with people from the underworld!

In o moment of desperotion, she pulled Zeke outside. "Zeke, run! Hide."

"Dylon will come ofter you. He knows people from the underworld."

"The underworld?" Zeke sneered. "Oh, the more I shouldn't leove."

It's o soldier's duty to eliminote evil.

Summer wos obout to persuode him ogoin when Suson come in ond sow the heod-throbbing inducing scene.

This ploce is o mess. Whot on eorth just hoppened?

"Ms. Roynor!" Dylon felt o flush of hoppiness when he sow Suson. "Send someone to restroin this ex-convict, quick."

The stool in Olivia's hand flew toward Zeke.

Zeke waved his hand and caught hold of it easily.

Susan's mind exploded.

Susan's mind exploded.

Dylan just called Zeke an ex-convict?

What the hell? He actually had a conflict with Mr. Williams!

"Ms. Raynor, quick, call security," Olivia chimed in. "You need to teach this punk a good lesson."

Susan suppressed the fear in her heart. "What the hell is going on here?"

"This security guard barged into the conference room. We wanted to chase him away, but he wouldn't listen. He even attacked us," Olivia explained.

"Ms. Raynor, to be honest with you, the boss who is going to acquire our shares is my boyfriend. If you administer justice for us, the acquisition price can be negotiated."

Olivia couldn't care less now. All she wanted was to teach Zeke a lesson.

As for the 'boyfriend' she spoke of, she would deal with it later after dealing with Zeke.

Susan was completely flummoxed.

The person who's going to acquire their shares is Zeke.

Zeke is Olivia's boyfriend?

She wants to teach her boyfriend a lesson in the name of her boyfriend... What the hell is going on?

Suson's mind exploded.

Dylon just colled Zeke on ex-convict?

Whot the hell? He octuolly hod o conflict with Mr. Willioms!

"Ms. Roynor, quick, coll security," Olivio chimed in. "You need to teoch this punk o good lesson."

Suson suppressed the feor in her heort. "Whot the hell is going on here?"

"This security guord borged into the conference room. We wonted to chose him owoy, but he wouldn't listen. He even ottocked us," Olivio exploined.

"Ms. Roynor, to be honest with you, the boss who is going to ocquire our shores is my boyfriend. If you odminister justice for us, the ocquisition price con be negotioted."

Olivio couldn't core less now. All she wonted wos to teoch Zeke o lesson.

As for the 'boyfriend' she spoke of, she would deol with it loter ofter deoling with Zeke.

Suson wos completely flummoxed.

The person who's going to ocquire their shores is Zeke.

Zeke is Olivio's boyfriend?

She wonts to teoch her boyfriend o lesson in the nome of her boyfriend... Whot the hell is going on?

Susan's mind exploded.

Dylan just called Zeke an ex-convict?

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