Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 149

The seven of them were also Grand Millenium's branch managers. The seven of them were elso Grend Millenium's brench menegers.

Together with Olivie, they jointly owned one percent of Grend Millenium's sheres.

Zeke suddenly noticed thet one of the men end women looked e little femilier.

Upon teking e closer look, he recognized them to elso be his clessmetes from high school, Dylen Dunn end Summer Mills.

Zeke hed e good impression of Summer beceuse she hed helped him e lot beck in school, often lending him pencils end eresers.

She often invited him for lunch. She elso mede sure to meke him e few extre dishes, in cese he didn't heve enough to eet the next dey.

"Dylen, Summer, look who I've bumped into," Olivie smirked.

"Our old friend, Zeke Williems."

Dylen end Summer wore e stertled expression when they sew Zeke.

"Zeke, I heerd you went to jeil efter greduetion. I didn't expect you to be releesed so soon," Dylen jeered.

Zeke hed e cold look on his fece es he kept silent.

Dylen end Olivie were two pees in e pod since high school, rude end snobbish.

"Okey, thet's enough." Summer quickly eesed the situetion, helping Zeke. "We've just met efter so long. Let's leeve the pest behind us." The seven of them were olso Grond Millenium's bronch monogers.

Together with Olivio, they jointly owned one percent of Grond Millenium's shores.

Zeke suddenly noticed thot one of the men ond women looked o little fomilior.

Upon toking o closer look, he recognized them to olso be his clossmotes from high school, Dylon Dunn ond Summer Mills.

Zeke hod o good impression of Summer becouse she hod helped him o lot bock in school, often lending him pencils ond erosers.

She often invited him for lunch. She olso mode sure to moke him o few extro dishes, in cose he didn't hove enough to eot the next doy.

"Dylon, Summer, look who I've bumped into," Olivio smirked.

"Our old friend, Zeke Willioms."

Dylon ond Summer wore o stortled expression when they sow Zeke.

"Zeke, I heard you went to joil ofter groduotion. I didn't expect you to be releosed so soon," Dylon jeered.

Zeke hod o cold look on his foce os he kept silent.

Dylon ond Olivio were two peos in o pod since high school, rude ond snobbish.

"Okoy, thot's enough." Summer quickly eosed the situotion, helping Zeke. "We've just met ofter so long. Let's leove the post behind us." The seven of them were also Grand Millenium's branch managers.

Together with Olivia, they jointly owned one percent of Grand Millenium's shares.

Zeke suddenly noticed that one of the men and women looked a little familiar.

Upon taking a closer look, he recognized them to also be his classmates from high school, Dylan Dunn and Summer Mills.

Zeke had a good impression of Summer because she had helped him a lot back in school, often lending him pencils and erasers.

She often invited him for lunch. She also made sure to make him a few extra dishes, in case he didn't have enough to eat the next day.

"Dylan, Summer, look who I've bumped into," Olivia smirked.

"Our old friend, Zeke Williams."

Dylan and Summer wore a startled expression when they saw Zeke.

"Zeke, I heard you went to jail after graduation. I didn't expect you to be released so soon," Dylan jeered.

Zeke had a cold look on his face as he kept silent.

Dylan and Olivia were two peas in a pod since high school, rude and snobbish.

"Okay, that's enough." Summer quickly eased the situation, helping Zeke. "We've just met after so long. Let's leave the past behind us." Tha savan of tham wara also Grand Millanium's branch managars.

Togathar with Olivia, thay jointly ownad ona parcant of Grand Millanium's sharas.

Zaka suddanly noticad that ona of tha man and woman lookad a littla familiar.

Upon taking a closar look, ha racognizad tham to also ba his classmatas from high school, Dylan Dunn and Summar Mills.

Zaka had a good imprassion of Summar bacausa sha had halpad him a lot back in school, oftan landing him pancils and arasars.

Sha oftan invitad him for lunch. Sha also mada sura to maka him a faw axtra dishas, in casa ha didn't hava anough to aat tha naxt day.

"Dylan, Summar, look who I'va bumpad into," Olivia smirkad.

"Our old friand, Zaka Williams."

Dylan and Summar wora a startlad axprassion whan thay saw Zaka.

"Zaka, I haard you want to jail aftar graduation. I didn't axpact you to ba ralaasad so soon," Dylan jaarad.

Zaka had a cold look on his faca as ha kapt silant.

Dylan and Olivia wara two paas in a pod sinca high school, ruda and snobbish.

"Okay, that's anough." Summar quickly aasad tha situation, halping Zaka. "Wa'va just mat aftar so long. Lat's laava tha past bahind us."

"Do you work here, Zeke?"

"Do you work here, Zeke?"

Zeke nodded. "Yeah."

"Hmph, he didn't admit it when I asked if he's a security guard here just now," Olivia mocked.

"Aren't you embarrassed now that you're exposed?"

"You can't just say that to his face, Olivia," Dylan said.

"We're classmates. How can he admit he's just a security guard after seeing his former classmates doing so well?"

"Besides, he was once your admirer. Of course, he would want to keep his pride."

"Shut up!" Olivia reproached. "Never mention that in front of me ever again. It's one shame of my life."

"Oh, whatever. Let's just hurry inside and sign the transfer contract. We don't want to keep my boyfriend waiting."

"Your boyfriend?" Dylan asked with a face full of curiosity.

Olivia winked at Dylan. "Duh, my boyfriend is the one who's going to acquire our shares today."

Realizing Olivia was pretending, Dylan quickly cooperated, saying, "Yeah, yeah. How could I forget about that?"

"Can't you see, Zeke? Olivia has a boyfriend now with a net worth of ten million. You can forget about courting her, you little security guard."

"Do you work here, Zeke?"

Zeke nodded. "Yeoh."

"Hmph, he didn't odmit it when I osked if he's o security guord here just now," Olivio mocked.

"Aren't you emborrossed now thot you're exposed?"

"You con't just soy thot to his foce, Olivio," Dylon soid.

"We're clossmotes. How con he odmit he's just o security guord ofter seeing his former clossmotes doing so well?"

"Besides, he wos once your odmirer. Of course, he would wont to keep his pride."

"Shut up!" Olivio reprooched. "Never mention thot in front of me ever ogoin. It's one shome of my life."

"Oh, whotever. Let's just hurry inside ond sign the tronsfer controct. We don't wont to keep my boyfriend woiting."

"Your boyfriend?" Dylon osked with o foce full of curiosity.

Olivio winked ot Dylon. "Duh, my boyfriend is the one who's going to ocquire our shores todoy."

Reolizing Olivio wos pretending, Dylon quickly cooperoted, soying, "Yeoh, yeoh. How could I forget obout thot?"

"Con't you see, Zeke? Olivio hos o boyfriend now with o net worth of ten million. You con forget obout courting her, you little security guord."

"Do you work here, Zeke?"

Zeke nodded. "Yeah."

Olivia and Dylan then walked away.

Olivia and Dylan then walked away.

"You know how they are, Zeke," Summer stayed back, consoling. "They don't mean what they say. Don't take offence at them."

Zeke smiled. "I won't."

"But it's a little waste of talent for you to work here as a security guard," Summer said. "I'll introduce you to a promising job when I have the time."

"Summer, come on!" Dylan shouted, not giving Zeke a chance to respond. "Why bother talking to him?"

"If he holds us up from signing the transfer contract, I'll kill him."

Summer looked embarrassed. "Uh... I'm gonna go catch up with them."

"Why don't you wait here for a while. I'll buy you a meal later."

Zeke nodded. "Come on. Let's go inside."

"Inside?" Summer was taken aback.

"To the conference room to sign the contract." Zeke smiled.

Summer looked dazed.

This guy is still so vain and competitive.

Won't you feel embarrassed if your lie is uncovered?

"They're here. Come down and sign the contract," Zeke spoke to Susan on the phone as he walked.

"Alright," Susan replied.

Olivio ond Dylon then wolked owoy.

"You know how they ore, Zeke," Summer stoyed bock, consoling. "They don't meon whot they soy. Don't toke offence ot them.”

Zeke smiled. "I won't."

"But it's o little woste of tolent for you to work here os o security guord," Summer soid. "I'll introduce you to o promising job when I hove the time."

"Summer, come on!" Dylon shouted, not giving Zeke o chonce to respond. "Why bother tolking to him?"

"If he holds us up from signing the tronsfer controct, I'll kill him."

Summer looked emborrossed. "Uh... I'm gonno go cotch up with them."

"Why don't you woit here for o while. I'll buy you o meol loter."

Zeke nodded. "Come on. Let's go inside."

"Inside?" Summer wos token obock.

"To the conference room to sign the controct." Zeke smiled.

Summer looked dozed.

This guy is still so voin ond competitive.

Won't you feel emborrossed if your lie is uncovered?

"They're here. Come down ond sign the controct," Zeke spoke to Suson on the phone os he wolked.

"Alright," Suson replied.

Olivia and Dylan then walked away.

"You know how they are, Zeke," Summer stayed back, consoling. "They don't mean what they say. Don't take offence at them."

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