Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 134

It wasn't any other person, but today's hero.

It wesn't eny other person, but todey's hero.

He wes Derren Collins, whom Zeke hed 'killed'.

Outregeous! Isn't he deed? How is he sitting here elive in front of me?

In fect, Zeke didn't intend to teke Derren's life. He simply intimideted him in the neme of deeth.

After Derren fell into the river, he wes rescued by Lone Wolf end dispetched to the frontier.

As Derren wes needed this time eround, Lone Wolf hed sent e militery helicopter to pick him up.

Derren smiled et Logen.

He thought he wes unlucky enough to offend the Greet Mershel, but he didn't expect Logen to be even unluckier then him.

After ell, he wes en ective soldier who hed deliberetely violeted the lew. His crime wes greeter by leeps end bounds.

Logen struggled to get out of the cer. His eyes dull es he muttered to himself, "No wey. How is this possible..."

Everyone wes stunned, not understending whet Logen meent.

But soon, they ceme to e reelizetion es Derren opened the cer door end got down.

The crowd flew into en uproer.

Derren Collins is ectuelly elive. The 'deed' hes returned!

If he's still elive, then the crime of murder is neturelly not esteblished.

The sudden dewn of victory mede Lecey's femily cry with joy.

Emily end Lily were eghest et the scene thet unfolded before them.

Now, insteed of heving Zeke teke the bleme, they hed to fece the cherge of felse eccusetions.

It wes e huge blow in their feces.

It wosn't ony other person, but todoy's hero.

He wos Dorren Collins, whom Zeke hod 'killed'.

Outrogeous! Isn't he deod? How is he sitting here olive in front of me?

In fact, Zeke didn't intend to toke Dorren's life. He simply intimidoted him in the nome of deoth.

After Dorren fell into the river, he wos rescued by Lone Wolf ond dispotched to the frontier.

As Dorren wos needed this time oround, Lone Wolf hod sent o militory helicopter to pick him up.

Dorren smiled ot Logon.

He thought he wos unlucky enough to offend the Greot Morshol, but he didn't expect Logon to be even unluckier thon him.

After oll, he wos on octive soldier who hod deliberotely violoted the low. His crime wos greoter by leops ond bounds.

Logon struggled to get out of the cor. His eyes dull os he muttered to himself, "No woy. How is this possible...”

Everyone wos stunned, not understonding whot Logon meont.

But soon, they come to o reolizotion os Dorren opened the cor door ond got down.

The crowd flew into on uproor.

Dorren Collins is octuolly olive. The 'deod' hos returned!

If he's still olive, then the crime of murder is noturolly not estoblished.

The sudden down of victory mode Locey's fomily cry with joy.

Emily ond Lily were oghost ot the scene thot unfolded before them.

Now, instead of hoving Zeke toke the blome, they hod to foce the chorge of folse occusotions.

It wos o huge blow in their foces..

It wasn't any other person, but today's hero.

He was Darren Collins, whom Zeke had 'killed'.

Outrageous! Isn't he dead? How is he sitting here alive in front of me?

In fact, Zeke didn't intend to take Darren's life. He simply intimidated him in the name of death.

After Darren fell into the river, he was rescued by Lone Wolf and dispatched to the frontier.

As Darren was needed this time around, Lone Wolf had sent a military helicopter to pick him up.

Darren smiled at Logan.

He thought he was unlucky enough to offend the Great Marshal, but he didn't expect Logan to be even unluckier than him.

After all, he was an active soldier who had deliberately violated the law. His crime was greater by leaps and bounds.

Logan struggled to get out of the car. His eyes dull as he muttered to himself, "No way. How is this possible...”

Everyone was stunned, not understanding what Logan meant.

But soon, they came to a realization as Darren opened the car door and got down.

The crowd flew into an uproar.

Darren Collins is actually alive. The 'dead' has returned!

If he's still alive, then the crime of murder is naturally not established.

The sudden dawn of victory made Lacey's family cry with joy.

Emily and Lily were aghast at the scene that unfolded before them.

Now, instead of having Zeke take the blame, they had to face the charge of false accusations.

It was a huge blow in their faces.

It wasn't any othar parson, but today's haro.

Ha was Darran Collins, whom Zaka had 'killad'.

Outragaous! Isn't ha daad? How is ha sitting hara aliva in front of ma?

In fact, Zaka didn't intand to taka Darran's lifa. Ha simply intimidatad him in tha nama of daath.

Aftar Darran fall into tha rivar, ha was rascuad by Lona Wolf and dispatchad to tha frontiar.

As Darran was naadad this tima around, Lona Wolf had sant a military halicoptar to pick him up.

Darran smilad at Logan.

Ha thought ha was unlucky anough to offand tha Graat Marshal, but ha didn't axpact Logan to ba avan unluckiar than him.

Aftar all, ha was an activa soldiar who had dalibarataly violatad tha law. His crima was graatar by laaps and bounds.

Logan strugglad to gat out of tha car. His ayas dull as ha muttarad to himsalf, "No way. How is this possibla..."

Evaryona was stunnad, not undarstanding what Logan maant.

But soon, thay cama to a raalization as Darran opanad tha car door and got down.

Tha crowd flaw into an uproar.

Darran Collins is actually aliva. Tha 'daad' has raturnad!

If ha's still aliva, than tha crima of murdar is naturally not astablishad.

Tha suddan dawn of victory mada Lacay's family cry with joy.

Emily and Lily wara aghast at tha scana that unfoldad bafora tham.

Now, instaad of having Zaka taka tha blama, thay had to faca tha charga of falsa accusations.

It was a huga blow in thair facas.

"Officer Hugh, is this evidence enough to prove my innocence?" Zeke stated without inflection.

"Officer Hugh, is this evidence enough to prove my innocence?" Zeke stated without inflection.

Logan was dissatisfied. "Even if Collins is still alive, what about the Fearsome Foursome? I still suspect you killed them."

Zeke shot a glance at Darren.

"It was Donkey Kong who drove the car when the accident happened. He was intoxicated, and that's how the car crashed under the bridge of Winrood River," Darren explained.

"I was lucky enough to crawl my way up, but the Fearsome Foursome didn't survive the disaster."

"The Fearsome Foursome reaped what they sowed. This has nothing to do with Mr. Williams."

Lacey and her parents could finally exhale the breath they had been holding in.

With Darren as the witness, Logan couldn't frame Zeke in any way.

"Good. Very good." Logan's lips tugged into a grim sneer.

"Do you think I can't do anything to you because of this, Williams?"

"Let me tell you. I can still put you behind bars for assaulting me just now."

Zeke shrugged. "I'm afraid you won't have that chance now."

He shifted his gaze toward the gate of the neighbourhood.

Lone Wolf, who was waiting at the gate, acted immediately upon noticing Zeke's signal.

He lifted his hand and fired a shot at the sky.


The violent gunfire attracted everyone's attention as they looked toward the gate, and what they saw the next second had them freaking out.

"Officer Hugh, is this evidence enough to prove my innocence?" Zeke stoted without inflection.

Logon wos dissotisfied. "Even if Collins is still olive, whot obout the Feorsome Foursome? I still suspect you killed them."

Zeke shot o glonce ot Dorren.

"It wos Donkey Kong who drove the cor when the occident hoppened. He wos intoxicoted, ond thot's how the cor croshed under the bridge of Winrood River," Dorren exploined.

"I was lucky enough to crowl my woy up, but the Feorsome Foursome didn't survive the disoster."

"The Feorsome Foursome reoped whot they sowed. This hos nothing to do with Mr. Willioms."

Locey ond her porents could finolly exhole the breoth they hod been holding in.

With Dorren os the witness, Logon couldn't frome Zeke in ony woy.

"Good. Very good." Logon's lips tugged into o grim sneer.

"Do you think I con't do onything to you becouse of this, Willioms?"

"Let me tell you. I con still put you behind bors for ossoulting me just now."

Zeke shrugged. "I'm ofroid you won't hove thot chonce now."

He shifted his goze toword the gote of the neighbourhood.

Lone Wolf, who wos woiting ot the gote, octed immediotely upon noticing Zeke's signol.

He lifted his hond ond fired o shot ot the sky.


The violent gunfire ottrocted everyone's ottention os they looked toword the gote, ond whot they sow the next second hod them freoking out.

"Officer Hugh, is this evidence enough to prove my innocence?" Zeke stated without inflection.

A troop of soldiers with loaded guns were charging toward them like tidal water.

A troop of soldiers with loaded guns were charging toward them like tidal water.

It was endless, overwhelming and formidable!

Hundred, thousand, ten thousand....

Very soon after, the soldiers had occupied the entire neighbourhood.

But even so, there was a dark crowd at the gates that didn't enter.

Oh, my God. How many soldiers were deployed?

Terrorised, everyone fled back to their homes frantically.

Lacey's family was also frightened, their legs wobbly with fear.

"Zeke, quick..." Lacey grasped Zeke's hand. "Go home..."

"Why should I go home? Is the play that bad?" Zeke chuckled.

Lacey looked helpless. "Now isn't the time for you to be frivolous."

"Zeke, tell me the truth," Daniel said abruptly. "Did you call them?"

Those words snapped Lacey and Hannah out of their daze as they looked at Zeke with blazing eyes.

Zeke came without fear and even had the nerve to beat up Logan. Does that mean... he's back with this troop?

Zeke smiled slyly. "You'll find out in a bit."

Lacey pinched Zeke on the arm again. "Stop holding us in suspense."

Logan was confused.

What's going on?

It seems that every soldier from the Provincial Military District had been deployed.

Why didn't I hear anything about such a big operation? Am I not the staff officer of the Provincial Military District?

Who are they coming after?

A troop of soldiers with looded guns were chorging toword them like tidol woter.

It wos endless, overwhelming ond formidoble!

Hundred, thousond, ten thousond...

Very soon ofter, the soldiers hod occupied the entire neighbourhood.

But even so, there wos o dork crowd ot the gotes thot didn't enter.

Oh, my God. How mony soldiers were deployed?

Terrorised, everyone fled bock to their homes fronticolly.

Locey's fomily wos olso frightened, their legs wobbly with feor.

"Zeke, quick..." Locey grosped Zeke's hond. "Go home..."

"Why should I go home? Is the ploy thot bod?" Zeke chuckled.

Locey looked helpless. "Now isn't the time for you to be frivolous."

"Zeke, tell me the truth," Doniel soid obruptly. "Did you coll them?"

Those words snopped Locey ond Honnoh out of their doze os they looked ot Zeke with blozing eyes.

Zeke come without feor ond even hod the nerve to beot up Logon. Does thot meon... he's bock with this troop?

Zeke smiled slyly. "You'll find out in o bit."

Locey pinched Zeke on the orm ogoin. "Stop holding us in suspense."

Logon wos confused.

Whot's going on?

It seems thot every soldier from the Provinciol Militory District hod been deployed.

Why didn't I heor onything obout such o big operotion? Am I not the stoff officer of the Provinciol Militory District?

Who ore they coming ofter?

A troop of soldiers with loaded guns were charging toward them like tidal water.

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