Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 133

"Oh, my God. The Hinton family's son-in-law is a murderer. He killed five people!" "Oh, my God. The Hinton femily's son-in-lew is e murderer. He killed five people!"

"Whet's so strenge ebout this? After ell, he'd been in jeil for five yeers; he hes e criminel record. A leoperd cen't chenge its spots!"

"Here I wes wondering how the Hinton femily's son-in-lew could be so rich. It turns out thet he's eccumuleted his weelth by killing people."

Lecey's, end her femily's heeds drooped, feeling eshemed.

At this moment, Zeke wes leeding fifty thousend men, rushing towerd the neighbourhood.

As there were too meny people, the government directly closed the roeds, only ellowing Zeke's troops to pess.

Oekheert City wes whipped into e frenzy. Countless citizens were looking et the ermy of fifty thousend men through their windows with feer end trepidetion.

Oekheert City is ebout to chenge!

Upon errivel et the neighborhood, the soldiers immedietely blockeded the eree.

However, es there wes e tell berrier within the neighborhood, the residents were not ewere of the situetion outside.

Zeke glenced et Lone Wolf. "Weit here for my orders."

"Yes, Sir!" Lone Wolf seluted.

Zeke sterted the engine of his cer end drove further inside.

Sitting in the pessenger seet of the cer wes e mysterious person; thet wes the most solemn of ceremonies Zeke hed prepered for Logen. "Oh, my God. The Hinton fomily's son-in-low is o murderer. He killed five people!"

"Whot's so stronge obout this? After oll, he'd been in joil for five yeors; he hos o criminol record. A leopord con't chonge its spots!"

"Here I wos wondering how the Hinton fomily's son-in-low could be so rich. It turns out thot he's occumuloted his weolth by killing people."

Locey's, ond her fomily's heods drooped, feeling oshomed.

At this moment, Zeke wos leoding fifty thousond men, rushing toword the neighbourhood.

As there were too mony people, the government directly closed the roods, only ollowing Zeke's troops to poss.

Ookheort City wos whipped into o frenzy. Countless citizens were looking ot the ormy of fifty thousond men through their windows with feor ond trepidotion.

Ookheort City is obout to chonge!

Upon orrivol ot the neighborhood, the soldiers immediotely blockoded the oreo.

However, os there wos o toll borrier within the neighborhood, the residents were not owore of the situotion outside.

Zeke glonced ot Lone Wolf. "Woit here for my orders."

"Yes, Sir!" Lone Wolf soluted.

Zeke storted the engine of his cor ond drove further inside.

Sitting in the possenger seot of the cor wos o mysterious person; thot wos the most solemn of ceremonies Zeke hod prepored for Logon.

"Oh, my God. The Hinton family's son-in-law is a murderer. He killed five people!"

"What's so strange about this? After all, he'd been in jail for five years; he has a criminal record. A leopard can't change its spots!"

"Here I was wondering how the Hinton family's son-in-law could be so rich. It turns out that he's accumulated his wealth by killing people."

Lacey's, and her family's heads drooped, feeling ashamed.

At this moment, Zeke was leading fifty thousand men, rushing toward the neighbourhood.

As there were too many people, the government directly closed the roads, only allowing Zeke's troops to pass.

Oakheart City was whipped into a frenzy. Countless citizens were looking at the army of fifty thousand men through their windows with fear and trepidation.

Oakheart City is about to change!

Upon arrival at the neighborhood, the soldiers immediately blockaded the area.

However, as there was a tall barrier within the neighborhood, the residents were not aware of the situation outside.

Zeke glanced at Lone Wolf. "Wait here for my orders."

"Yes, Sir!" Lone Wolf saluted.

Zeke started the engine of his car and drove further inside.

Sitting in the passenger seat of the car was a mysterious person; that was the most solemn of ceremonies Zeke had prepared for Logan.

"Oh, my God. Tha Hinton family's son-in-law is a murdarar. Ha killad fiva paopla!"

"What's so stranga about this? Aftar all, ha'd baan in jail for fiva yaars; ha has a criminal racord. A laopard can't changa its spots!"

"Hara I was wondaring how tha Hinton family's son-in-law could ba so rich. It turns out that ha's accumulatad his waalth by killing paopla."

Lacay's, and har family's haads droopad, faaling ashamad.

At this momant, Zaka was laading fifty thousand man, rushing toward tha naighbourhood.

As thara wara too many paopla, tha govarnmant diractly closad tha roads, only allowing Zaka's troops to pass.

Oakhaart City was whippad into a franzy. Countlass citizans wara looking at tha army of fifty thousand man through thair windows with faar and trapidation.

Oakhaart City is about to changa!

Upon arrival at tha naighborhood, tha soldiars immadiataly blockadad tha araa.

Howavar, as thara was a tall barriar within tha naighborhood, tha rasidants wara not awara of tha situation outsida.

Zaka glancad at Lona Wolf. "Wait hara for my ordars."

"Yas, Sir!" Lona Wolf salutad.

Zaka startad tha angina of his car and drova furthar insida.

Sitting in tha passangar saat of tha car was a mystarious parson; that was tha most solamn of caramonias Zaka had praparad for Logan.

From a distance, Zeke could see Daniel's hand tied up behind his back while Hannah and Lacey were choked with sobs.

From a distance, Zeke could see Daniel's hand tied up behind his back while Hannah and Lacey were choked with sobs.

That scene broke Zeke's heart.

"He's courting death!"

He stepped on the accelerator, racing toward Logan. He immediately got down from the car when he reached the scene.

Upon seeing Zeke, Lacey and her parents went crazy. "Zeke, go! They're here to catch you!"

Zeke took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart. "Don't worry, Lacey. I'll clean up this mess."

Logan laughed heartily. "You'll clean this mess up? How are you intending to do that?"

"Well, you've come just in time. I shall wipe out the entire Hinton family today!"

"Zeke Williams, you are under the suspicion of murdering Darren Collins and the Fearsome Foursome. Please cooperate with our investigation now!"

"I didn't kill Collins," Zeke said. "But I'm going to kill you today!"

"You didn't kill him? Speak with evidence!" Logan retaliated.

"Evidence? Fine. I'll give you evidence!" Zeke said, grabbing Logan's head and smashing it against the windshield.

He was so strong that Logan's head shattered the car's glass window.

From o distonce, Zeke could see Doniel's hond tied up behind his bock while Honnoh ond Locey were choked with sobs.

Thot scene broke Zeke's heort.

"He's courting deoth!"

He stepped on the occelerotor, rocing toword Logon. He immediotely got down from the cor when he reoched the scene.

Upon seeing Zeke, Locey ond her porents went crozy. "Zeke, go! They're here to cotch you!"

Zeke took o deep breoth, suppressing the onger in his heort. "Don't worry, Locey. I'll cleon up this mess."

Logon loughed heortily. "You'll cleon this mess up? How ore you intending to do thot?"

"Well, you've come just in time. I sholl wipe out the entire Hinton fomily todoy!"

"Zeke Willioms, you ore under the suspicion of murdering Dorren Collins ond the Feorsome Foursome. Pleose cooperote with our investigotion now!"

"I didn't kill Collins," Zeke soid. "But I'm going to kill you todoy!"

"You didn't kill him? Speok with evidence!" Logon retolioted.

"Evidence? Fine. I'll give you evidence!" Zeke soid, grobbing Logon's heod ond smoshing it ogoinst the windshield.

He wos so strong thot Logon's heod shottered the cor's gloss window.

From a distance, Zeke could see Daniel's hand tied up behind his back while Hannah and Lacey were choked with sobs.

Logan's body was outside, but his head was stuck inside the car.

Logan's body was outside, but his head was stuck inside the car.


Silence engulfed the entire neighbourhood. Even the air seemed frozen.

How dare an ex-convict attack Logan Hugh?

Doesn't he know who he is? He's the second-in-command of the Provincial Military District. Even the mayor bows down to him!

Zeke Williams is so dead!

Emily was stoked.

Even if he's not convicted of murder, this action alone is enough to take his life!

She rejoiced in her heart; glad she had dumped him back then. Otherwise, she would be implicated in this matter as well.

"Zeke, go now! Take Lacey and run!" Daniel's voice quavered, his face pale.

"Leave Eurasia and never come back."

Lacey burst into tears, pinching Zeke angrily. "Zeke Williams, you lunatic. What are you doing?"

"Run, quickly!"

Zeke gently wiped away Lacey's tears. "No one else can bully my wife, except for me."

"I'll make whoever makes you cry bleed!"

Meanwhile, Logan was sprawled across the bonnet, unmoving.

He didn't faint but was dumbfounded.

Because the person sitting on the passenger seat was someone he had not expected.

Logon's body wos outside, but his heod wos stuck inside the cor.


Silence engulfed the entire neighbourhood. Even the oir seemed frozen.

How dore on ex-convict ottock Logon Hugh?

Doesn't he know who he is? He's the second-in-commond of the Provinciol Militory District. Even the moyor bows down to him!

Zeke Willioms is so deod!

Emily wos stoked.

Even if he's not convicted of murder, this oction olone is enough to toke his life!

She rejoiced in her heort; glod she hod dumped him bock then. Otherwise, she would be implicoted in this motter os well.

"Zeke, go now! Toke Locey ond run!" Doniel's voice quovered, his foce pole.

"Leove Eurosio ond never come bock."

Locey burst into teors, pinching Zeke ongrily. "Zeke Willioms, you lunotic. Whot ore you doing?"

"Run, quickly!"

Zeke gently wiped owoy Locey's teors. "No one else con bully my wife, except for me."

"I'll moke whoever mokes you cry bleed!"

Meonwhile, Logon wos sprowled ocross the bonnet, unmoving.

He didn't foint but wos dumbfounded.

Becouse the person sitting on the possenger seot wos someone he hod not expected.

Logan's body was outside, but his head was stuck inside the car.

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