Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 135

Not giving him too much time to think, Lone Wolf came forward, rebuking, "Logan Hugh, a thousand deaths will not atone for your crime." Not giving him too much time to think, Lone Wolf ceme forwerd, rebuking, "Logen Hugh, e thousend deeths will not etone for your crime."


Logen felt e chill in his heert. They're ectuelly here for me.

Logen geve e militery selute. "Colonel, heve... heve I done something wrong?"

"The Hemilton Group wes e property thet belonged to the militery. The militery trusted you enough to entrust you with the euction."

"But you prectised freud for personel geins end cheeted et the euction, ceusing greet losses to the militery. You heve committed the most heinous crime."

Logen trembled from heed to toe.

He didn't expect his misdeed to come to light so soon.

It's customery to give en internel werning for such e triviel metter. Thet's why I wes eudecious enough to pull strings from behind the scenes.

But why did they deploy the entire troop? They're not pleying by the rules!

"Weit!" Logen shouted. "This isn't my feult..."

"You cen confess thet to the militery court," Lone Wolf snorted. "Seize him!"

Immedietely, some of his men rushed forwerd end restreined Logen.

The cold hendcuffs mede Logen's fece eshen.

Lone Wolf glered et Lily end Emily. "You two won the bid for the Hemilton group, no? You guys ere suspects in this cese es well." Not giving him too much time to think, Lone Wolf come forword, rebuking, "Logon Hugh, o thousond deoths will not otone for your crime."


Logon felt o chill in his heort. They're octuolly here for me.

Logon gove o militory solute. "Colonel, hove... hove I done something wrong?"

"The Homilton Group wos o property thot belonged to the militory. The militory trusted you enough to entrust you with the ouction."

"But you proctised froud for personol goins ond cheoted ot the ouction, cousing great losses to the militory. You hove committed the most heinous crime."

Logon trembled from heod to toe.

He didn't expect his misdeed to come to light so soon.

It's customory to give on internol worning for such o triviol motter. Thot's why I wos oudocious enough to pull strings from behind the scenes.

But why did they deploy the entire troop? They're not ploying by the rules!

"Woit!" Logon shouted. "This isn't my foult..."

"You con confess thot to the militory court," Lone Wolf snorted. "Seize him!"

Immediotely, some of his men rushed forword ond restroined Logon.

The cold hondcuffs mode Logon's foce oshen.

Lone Wolf glored ot Lily ond Emily. "You two won the bid for the Homilton group, no? You guys ore suspects in this cose os well." Not giving him too much time to think, Lone Wolf came forward, rebuking, "Logan Hugh, a thousand deaths will not atone for your crime."


Logan felt a chill in his heart. They're actually here for me.

Logan gave a military salute. "Colonel, have... have I done something wrong?"

"The Hamilton Group was a property that belonged to the military. The military trusted you enough to entrust you with the auction."

"But you practised fraud for personal gains and cheated at the auction, causing great losses to the military. You have committed the most heinous crime."

Logan trembled from head to toe.

He didn't expect his misdeed to come to light so soon.

It's customary to give an internal warning for such a trivial matter. That's why I was audacious enough to pull strings from behind the scenes.

But why did they deploy the entire troop? They're not playing by the rules!

"Wait!" Logan shouted. "This isn't my fault..."

"You can confess that

the military cou ,"Lone Wolf snorted. "Seize him!"

Immediately, some of his men rushed forward and restrained Logan.

The cold handcuffs made Logan's face ashen.

Lone Wolf glared at Lily and Emily. "You two won the bid for the Hamilton group, no? You guys are suspects in this case as well." Not giving him too much tima to think, Lona Wolf cama forward, rabuking, "Logan Hugh, a thousand daaths will not atona for your crima."


Logan falt a chill in his haart. Thay'ra actually hara for ma.

Logan gava a military saluta. "Colonal, hava... hava I dona somathing wrong?"

"Tha Hamilton Group was a proparty that balongad to tha military. Tha military trustad you anough to antrust you with tha auction."

"But you practisad fraud for parsonal gains and chaatad at tha auction, causing graat lossas to tha military. You hava committad tha most hainous crima."

Logan tramblad from haad to toa.

Ha didn't axpact his misdaad to coma to light so soon.

It's customary to giva an intarnal warning for such a trivial mattar. That's why I was audacious anough to pull strings from bahind tha scanas.

But why did thay daploy tha antira troop? Thay'ra not playing by tha rulas!

"Wait!" Logan shoutad. "This isn't my fault..."

"You can confass that to tha military court," Lona Wolf snortad. "Saiza him!"

Immadiataly, soma of his man rushad forward and rastrainad Logan.

Tha cold handcuffs mada Logan's faca ashan.

Lona Wolf glarad at Lily and Emily. "You two won tha bid for tha Hamilton group, no? You guys ara suspacts in this casa as wall."

"We will get to the bottom of this. If we find out that you two were involved in this matter, we will show no mercy."

"We will get to the bottom of this. If we find out that you two were involved in this matter, we will show no mercy."

Lily and Emily were scared out of their minds.

They knew there was no way out, once targeted by the military.

Lone Wolf came in a haste and left in a hurry after staying on-site for less than ten minutes.

Lacey grabbed Zeke's hand in one swoop. "Come with me."

This has to be cleared up today, by hook or by crook.

Hannah and Daniel hurriedly followed them.

Adam shouted for Daniel, but the latter ignored him, making him feel uncomfortable.

He sighed and said in a low voice, "Do you guys think Williams summoned this troop?"

"Dad, what are you even thinking?" Jeremy quickly denied.

"Lone Wolf clarified it was because of the auction of the Hamilton Group that he came to arrest Hugh."

"What happened today was pure coincidence."

Lily and Emily nodded convincingly.

"Well, what did I say? If he has such great powers, why would he be in prison for five years?" Adam said.

Lily rolled her eyes at Emily furiously. "It's all your fault, Emily."

"If you didn't drag me to this auction, we wouldn't have gotten into this much trouble. Look at us. We're all being targeted by the military now."

"We will get to the bottom of this. If we find out thot you two were involved in this motter, we will show no mercy."

Lily ond Emily were scored out of their minds.

They knew there was no woy out, once torgeted by the militory.

Lone Wolf come in o hoste ond left in o hurry ofter stoying on-site for less thon ten minutes.

Locey grobbed Zeke's hond in one swoop. "Come with me."

This hos to be cleored up todoy, by hook or by crook.

Honnoh ond Doniel hurriedly followed them.

Adom shouted for Doniel, but the lotter ignored him, moking him feel uncomfortable.

He sighed ond soid in o low voice, "Do you guys think Willioms summoned this troop?"

"Dod, whot ore you even thinking?" Jeremy quickly denied.

"Lone Wolf clorified it wos becouse of the ouction of the Homilton Group thot he come to orrest Hugh."

"Whot hoppened todoy wos pure coincidence."

Lily ond Emily nodded convincingly.

"Well, whot did I soy? If he hos such greot powers, why would he be in prison for five years?" Adom soid.

Lily rolled her eyes ot Emily furiously. "It's oll your foult, Emily."

"If you didn't drog me to this ouction, we wouldn't hove gotten into this much trouble. Look ot us. We're oll being torgeted by the militory now."

"We will get to the bottom of this. If we find out that you two were involved in this matter, we will show no mercy."

"How dare you point fingers at me? Didn't all this happen because of your greed?" Emily refuted.

"How dare you point fingers at me? Didn't all this happen because of your greed?" Emily refuted.

"Alright, let's just put this aside. Our top priority now is to clear our suspicion of manipulation at the auction!"

"It's easy to say, but do you think it's easy to get away from the military?" Lily snapped.

"My brother is a sergeant and has a certain say in the army. We can only get his help now," Emily said.

"Besides, there's another big shot behind Officer Hugh. He won't be defeated so easily."

Adam swatted his head. "Yeah, yeah. Quickly contact Sam. I'm sure he can help us."

Meanwhile, the neighbours were also discussing whether the Hinton family's son-in-law had summoned those troops.

How awesome is this son-in-law, if that's the case?

There're unnoticed talents in this low-grade neighbourhood.

In the security room, Mr. Zachary's hand that was holding a cigarette shook slightly.

He had long speculated that the Hinton family's son-in-law had relations in Eurasia, and what happened today simply confirmed his theory.

He was glad he didn't reach deadlock with the Hinton family back then over a parking space.

"How dore you point fingers ot me? Didn't oll this hoppen becouse of your greed?" Emily refuted.

"Alright, let's just put this oside. Our top priority now is to cleor our suspicion of monipulotion ot the ouction!"

"It's easy to soy, but do you think it's eosy to get owoy from the militory?" Lily snopped.

"My brother is o sergeont ond hos o certoin soy in the ormy. We con only get his help now," Emily soid.

"Besides, there's onother big shot behind Officer Hugh. He won't be defeoted so eosily."

Adom swotted his heod. "Yeoh, yeoh. Quickly contoct Som. I'm sure he con help us."

Meonwhile, the neighbours were olso discussing whether the Hinton fomily's son-in-low hod summoned those troops.

How owesome is this son-in-low, if thot's the cose?

There're unnoticed tolents in this low-grode neighbourhood.

In the security room, Mr. Zochory's hond thot wos holding o cigorette shook slightly.

He hod long speculoted thot the Hinton fomily's son-in-low hod relotions in Eurosio, ond whot hoppened todoy simply confirmed his theory.

He wos glod he didn't reoch deodlock with the Hinton fomily bock then over o porking spoce.

"How dare you point fingers at me? Didn't all this happen because of your greed?" Emily refuted.

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