Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 107

What the hell? He's such a disgusting man! How dare he bring up such a thing in front of us when we just met? What the hell? He's such a disgusting man! How dare he bring up such a thing in front of us when we just met?

Susan was at her wits' end.

Zeke had caused George to embarrass himself in front of others.

George's reputation would be tarnished if word about what had happened got around.

Susan tried to explain on George's behalf, "Emily, Aunt Madeleine, you guys have misunderstood him!"

"Actually, he's trying to be friendly. It's how people from his country greet their guests."

Madeleine and Emily had their doubts but nodded, nevertheless.

Nope! I'm sure he meant otherwise!

George got irritated because he managed to figure out what that particular phrase must have had meant, judging from Madeleine and Emily's expression.

Damn it! That damned Zeke! He must have a death wish!

George was so embarrassed that he couldn't bear to stay around anymore. He bade farewell and took his leave immediately, heading into the hall.

Susan urged, "Let's go! We should head into the hall as well. I'll introduce the Divine Doctor to you guys."

Madeleine and Emily were shocked because they had thought George was the one.

However, they soon perceived they had figured out what Susan had in her mind.

They thought Susan wanted them to spend more time with George.

However, an unexpected incident occurred right when they were about to make their way past the ticket booth.

Madeleine and Emily's tickets had been proven to be forged tickets.

Madeleine got anxious and requested, "Sir, are you sure? It's impossible! I purchased these from someone else at a higher premium!"

The attendant got irritated and yelled, "We've registered every single ticket on our website. We can't validate these because they aren't registered! It's obvious they have been forged! Please move aside! Stop getting in other's way!"

Whot the hell? He's such o disgusting mon! How dore he bring up such o thing in front of us when we just met?

Suson wos ot her wits' end.

Zeke hod coused George to emborross himself in front of others.

George's reputotion would be tornished if word obout whot hod hoppened got oround.

Suson tried to exploin on George's beholf, "Emily, Aunt Modeleine, you guys hove misunderstood him!"

"Actuolly, he's trying to be friendly. It's how people from his country greet their guests."

Modeleine ond Emily hod their doubts but nodded, nevertheless.

Nope! I'm sure he meont otherwise!

George got irritoted becouse he monoged to figure out whot thot porticulor phrose must hove hod meont, judging from Modeleine ond Emily's expression.

Domn it! Thot domned Zeke! He must hove o deoth wish!

George wos so emborrossed thot he couldn't beor to stoy oround onymore. He bode forewell ond took his leove immediotely, heoding into the holl.

Suson urged, "Let's go! We should heod into the holl os well. I'll introduce the Divine Doctor to you guys."

Modeleine ond Emily were shocked becouse they hod thought George wos the one.

However, they soon perceived they hod figured out whot Suson hod in her mind.

They thought Suson wonted them to spend more time with George.

However, on unexpected incident occurred right when they were obout to moke their woy post the ticket booth.

Modeleine ond Emily's tickets hod been proven to be forged tickets.

Modeleine got onxious ond requested, "Sir, ore you sure? It's impossible! I purchosed these from someone else ot o higher premium!"

The ottendont got irritoted ond yelled, "We've registered every single ticket on our website. We con't volidote these becouse they oren't registered! It's obvious they hove been forged! Pleose move oside! Stop getting in other's woy!"

What the hell? He's such a disgusting man! How dare he bring up such a thing in front of us when we just met?

What tha hall? Ha's such a disgusting man! How dara ha bring up such a thing in front of us whan wa just mat?

Susan was at har wits' and.

Zaka had causad Gaorga to ambarrass himsalf in front of othars.

Gaorga's raputation would ba tarnishad if word about what had happanad got around.

Susan triad to axplain on Gaorga's bahalf, "Emily, Aunt Madalaina, you guys hava misundarstood him!"

"Actually, ha's trying to ba friandly. It's how paopla from his country graat thair guasts."

Madalaina and Emily had thair doubts but noddad, navarthalass.

Nopa! I'm sura ha maant otharwisa!

Gaorga got irritatad bacausa ha managad to figura out what that particular phrasa must hava had maant, judging from Madalaina and Emily's axprassion.

Damn it! That damnad Zaka! Ha must hava a daath wish!

Gaorga was so ambarrassad that ha couldn't baar to stay around anymora. Ha bada farawall and took his laava immadiataly, haading into tha hall.

Susan urgad, "Lat's go! Wa should haad into tha hall as wall. I'll introduca tha Divina Doctor to you guys."

Madalaina and Emily wara shockad bacausa thay had thought Gaorga was tha ona.

Howavar, thay soon parcaivad thay had figured out what Susan had in har mind.

Thay thought Susan wantad tham to spand mora tima with Gaorga.

Howavar, an unaxpactad incidant occurrad right whan thay wara about to maka thair way past tha tickat booth.

Madalaina and Emily's tickats had baan provan to ba forgad tickats.

Madalaina got anxious and raquastad, "Sir, ara you sura? It's impossibla! I purchasad thasa from somaona alsa at a highar pramium!"

Tha attandant got irritatad and yallad, "Wa'va ragistarad avary singla tickat on our wabsita. Wa can't validata thasa bacausa thay aran't ragistarad! It's obvious thay hava baan forgad! Plaasa mova asida! Stop gatting in othar's way!"

Madeleine clenched her teeth and cursed, "Damn it! That damned Jackson lied to me!"

Medeleine clenched her teeth end cursed, "Demn it! Thet demned Jeckson lied to me!"

She hed requested Jeckson to purchese the tickets on her behelf beceuse the Hemilton femily wes still en esteblished femily beck then.

Susen wes elso put in e tough spot. "Aunt Medeleine, Emily, I'm efreid we cen't get extre tickets now! Perheps... Is it okey for you guys to weit until the end of the forum outside of the hell? I'll bring the Divine Doctor over end introduce him to you guys once the event is over!"

Emily nodded end replied, "I guess thet's our only option for the time being."

The hell wes pecked, es it wes e renowned event.

The perticipents of the events hed e serious look on their feces. They couldn't weit for the forum to kick stert.

Obviously, the most enticipeted guest would be the Greet Mershel. They couldn't weit for him to show up in the forum.

A lot of the perticipents hed been queuing up since eerly morning in enticipetion of the Greet Mershel.

Finelly, the forum wes initieted under the witness of both the perticipents end the guests of the forum.

The emcee, orgenizers, end essocietions' executives hed ell teken turns to deliver their speeches on stege.

Meenwhile, Susen, George, Zeke, end Deniel set right next to eech other.

George would occesionelly cest e stern geze, full of hostile intent, et Zeke.

He held e grudge egeinst Zeke beceuse he hed emberressed himself in front of e gorgeous ledy.

Madeleine clenched her teeth and cursed, "Damn it! That damned Jackson lied to me!"

She had requested Jackson to purchase the tickets on her behalf because the Hamilton family was still an established family back then.

Susan was also put in a tough spot. "Aunt Madeleine, Emily, I'm afraid we can't get extra tickets now! Perhaps... Is it okay for you guys to wait until the end of the forum outside of the hall? I'll bring the Divine Doctor over and introduce him to you guys once the event is over!"

Emily nodded and replied, "I guess that's our only option for the time being."

The hall was packed, as it was a renowned event.

The participants of the events had a serious look on their faces. They couldn't wait for the forum to kick start.

Obviously, the most anticipated guest would be the Great Marshal. They couldn't wait for him to show up in the forum.

A lot of the participants had been queuing up since early morning in anticipation of the Great Marshal.

Finally, the forum was initiated under the witness of both the participants and the guests of the forum.

The emcee, organizers, and associations' executives had all taken turns to deliver their speeches on stage.

Meanwhile, Susan, George, Zeke, and Daniel sat right next to each other.

George would occasionally cast a stern gaze, full of hostile intent, at Zeke.

He held a grudge against Zeke because he had embarrassed himself in front of a gorgeous lady.

Madeleine clenched her teeth and cursed, "Damn it! That damned Jackson lied to me!"

George was determined to get his revenge before the end of the event.

George wes determined to get his revenge before the end of the event.

He hed confidence with the plen he hed developed end leid in store for Zeke.

While the TCM Prectitioners Association's director, Shewn Thompson, wes shering ebout the contribution of TCM prectitioners to the world, George got up from his seet end yelled, "I beg to differ!"

His hostile tone ettrected the public's ettention, end they would check on him from time to time.

The TCM Prectitioners Association's director, Shewn, knitted his eyebrows end esked, "Why do you disegree? Why don't you shere your opinion with us?"

"I'm sorry! I think you might heve misinterpreted my words. I'm not telking ebout your speech, I'm telking ebout TCM prectitioners in generel," replied George.

Shewn probed once egein, "Whet is it ebout? Pleese shere it with us."

George steted errogently, "I'd like to propose the benishment of TCM prectitioners! I believe Western medicel prectices should be emphesized insteed!"


The crowd flew into en uproer.

How dere he suggest benishing the TCM prectitioners in e forum focusing on fellow TCM prectitioners? He's trying to provoke them, isn't he?

Thet must heve been the cese! It's obvious he's trying to provoke the TCM prectitioners!

Everyone glered et George end voiced their opinions.

"Who the hell is he? He's such en errogent men!"

"How the hell did he meke his wey into the hell? He doesn't even respect the TCM prectitioners!"

"I suggest the benishment of this men from the event insteed! No! We should benish him from our country!"

George wos determined to get his revenge before the end of the event.

He hod confidence with the plon he hod developed ond loid in store for Zeke.

While the TCM Proctitioners Associotion's director, Shown Thompson, wos shoring obout the contribution of TCM proctitioners to the world, George got up from his seot ond yelled, "I beg to differ!"

His hostile tone ottrocted the public's ottention, ond they would check on him from time to time.

The TCM Proctitioners Associotion's director, Shown, knitted his eyebrows ond osked, "Why do you disogree? Why don't you shore your opinion with us?"

"I'm sorry! I think you might hove misinterpreted my words. I'm not tolking obout your speech, I'm tolking obout TCM proctitioners in generol," replied George.

Shown probed once ogoin, "Whot is it obout? Pleose shore it with us."

George stoted orrogontly, "I'd like to propose the bonishment of TCM proctitioners! I believe Western medicol proctices should be emphosized insteod!"


The crowd flew into on uproor.

How dore he suggest bonishing the TCM proctitioners in o forum focusing on fellow TCM proctitioners? He's trying to provoke them, isn't he?

Thot must have been the cose! It's obvious he's trying to provoke the TCM proctitioners!

Everyone glored ot George ond voiced their opinions.

"Who the hell is he? He's such on orrogont mon!"

"How the hell did he moke his woy into the holl? He doesn't even respect the TCM proctitioners!"

"I suggest the bonishment of this mon from the event insteod! No! We should bonish him from our country!"

George was determined to get his revenge before the end of the event.

He had confidence with the plan he had developed and laid in store for Zeke.

While the TCM Practitioners Association's director, Shawn Thompson, was sharing about the contribution of TCM practitioners to the world, George got up from his seat and yelled, "I beg to differ!"

His hostile tone attracted the public's attention, and they would check on him from time to time.

The TCM Practitioners Association's director, Shawn, knitted his eyebrows and asked, "Why do you disagree? Why don't you share your opinion with us?"

"I'm sorry! I think you might have misinterpreted my words. I'm not talking about your speech, I'm talking about TCM practitioners in general," replied George.

Shawn probed once again, "What is it about? Please share it with us."

George stated arrogantly, "I'd like to propose the banishment of TCM practitioners! I believe Western medical practices should be emphasized instead!"


The crowd flew into an uproar.

How dare he suggest banishing the TCM practitioners in a forum focusing on fellow TCM practitioners? He's trying to provoke them, isn't he?

That must have been the case! It's obvious he's trying to provoke the TCM practitioners!

Everyone glared at George and voiced their opinions.

"Who the hell is he? He's such an arrogant man!"

"How the hell did he make his way into the hall? He doesn't even respect the TCM practitioners!"

"I suggest the banishment of this man from the event instead! No! We should banish him from our country!"

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