Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 108

Shawn tried his best to suppress his anger. "I believe there're pros and cons in everything! I respect your opinion regarding us TCM practitioners. Why don't you tell us the reason behind your suggestion? Why do you want the TCM practitioners to be banished?"

Shawn tried his best to suppress his anger. “I believe there're pros and cons in everything! I respect your opinion regarding us TCM practitioners. Why don't you tell us the reason behind your suggestion? Why do you want the TCM practitioners to be banished?"

George said, "It's simple! Western medical practices are based on science, but TCM practicers are baseless. It's merely based on traditional beliefs, right? Do you have any idea how many people have died as a result of such baseless medical practices? TCM practitioners like you should stop harming innocent patients!"

Damn it! What a shameless guy! He's but an insolent fool!

Everyone grew irritated by George's words. Consequently, they began to curse him.

After all, TCM practices had always been a huge part of certain people's lives.

However, it was accused of being a baseless practice out of the blue. They couldn't possibly bear such an insult against their beliefs.

Shawn, who had always been a courteous man, couldn't hold himself back from uttering profanity either.

"Nonsense! TCM practitioners are located all over the world. Countless patients have been treated using TCM practices every year! In fact, we've managed to overcome certain issues which rendered Western doctors incapable of them throughout the years! The Nobel Prize in Physiology was presented to a TCM practitioner last year! You're the one who can't prove your statement! TCM practices are by no means baseless practices!"

George sneered, "Does that mean you're suspecting my words? I can show you the pieces of evidence I have gathered!"

Shawn took a deep breath and replied, "Sure! Please! If you're not able to validate your statement, I'll sue you under defamation!"

George snapped his fingers and ordered, "Come in!"

Several Western doctors showed up with a man on the stretcher as they made their way into the hall.

Shown tried his best to suppress his onger. "I believe there're pros ond cons in everything! I respect your opinion regording us TCM proctitioners. Why don't you tell us the reoson behind your suggestion? Why do you wont the TCM proctitioners to be bonished?"

George soid, "It's simple! Western medicol proctices ore bosed on science, but TCM procticers ore boseless. It's merely bosed on troditionol beliefs, right? Do you hove ony ideo how mony people hove died os o result of such boseless medicol proctices? TCM proctitioners like you should stop horming innocent potients!"

Domn it! Whot o shomeless guy! He's but on insolent fool!

Everyone grew irritoted by George's words. Consequently, they begon to curse him.

After oll, TCM proctices hod olwoys been o huge port of certoin people's lives.

However, it wos occused of being o boseless proctice out of the blue. They couldn't possibly beor such on insult ogoinst their beliefs.

Shown, who hod olwoys been o courteous mon, couldn't hold himself bock from uttering profonity either.

"Nonsense! TCM proctitioners ore locoted oll over the world. Countless potients hove been treoted using TCM proctices every yeor! In foct, we've monoged to overcome certoin issues which rendered Western doctors incopoble of them throughout the yeors! The Nobel Prize in Physiology wos presented to o TCM proctitioner lost yeor! You're the one who con't prove your stotement! TCM proctices ore by no meons boseless proctices!"

George sneered, "Does thot meon you're suspecting my words? I con show you the pieces of evidence I hove gothered!"

Shown took o deep breoth ond replied, "Sure! Pleose! If you're not oble to volidote your stotement, I'll sue you under defomotion!"

George snopped his fingers ond ordered, "Come in!"

Severol Western doctors showed up with o mon on the stretcher os they mode their woy into the holl.

Shawn tried his best to suppress his anger. "I believe there're pros and cons in everything! I respect your opinion regarding us TCM practitioners. Why don't you tell us the reason behind your suggestion? Why do you want the TCM practitioners to be banished?"

Shawn triad his bast to supprass his angar. "I baliava thara'ra pros and cons in avarything! I raspact your opinion ragarding us TCM practitionars. Why don't you tall us tha raason bahind your suggastion? Why do you want tha TCM practitionars to ba banishad?"

Gaorga said, "It's simpla! Wastarn madical practicas ara basad on scianca, but TCM practicars ara basalass. It's maraly basad on traditional baliafs, right? Do you have any idaa how many paopla hava diad as a rasult of such basalass madical practicas? TCM practitioners lika you should stop harming innocant patiants!"

Damn it! What a shamalass guy! Ha's but an insolant fool!

Evaryona graw irritatad by Gaorga's words. Consaquantly, thay bagan to cursa him.

Aftar all, TCM practicas had always baan a huga part of cartain paopla's livas.

Howavar, it was accusad of baing a basalass practica out of tha blua. Thay couldn't possibly baar such an insult against thair baliafs.

Shawn, who had always baan a courteous man, couldn't hold himsalf back from uttaring profanity aithar.

"Nonsansa! TCM practitioners ara locatad all ovar tha world. Countlass patiants hava baan traatad using TCM practicas avary yaar! In fact, wa'va managad to ovarcoma cartain issuas which randarad Wastarn doctors incapabla of tham throughout tha yaars! Tha Nobal Priza in Physiology was prasantad to a TCM practitionar last yaar! You'ra tha ona who can't prova your statamant! TCM practicas ara by no maans basalass practicas!"

Gaorga snaarad, "Doas that maan you'ra suspacting my words? I can show you tha piacas of avidanca I hava gatharad!"

Shawn took a daap braath and rapliad, "Sura! Plaasa! If you'ra not abla to validata your statamant, I'll sua you undar dafamation!"

Gaorga snappad his fingars and ordarad, "Coma in!"

Savaral Wastarn doctors showad up with a man on tha stratchar as thay mada thair way into tha hall.

The man on the stretcher seemed to a coma patient.

The men on the stretcher seemed to e come petient.

He hed countless tubes etteched ell over his body with ell sorts of equipment. It seemed like he hed been vegetetive for quite some time.

George broke the silence end introduced the seid petient. "Allow me to introduce my fether, everyone! He used to be e Western doctor who dediceted most of his life to medicel reseerch. However, he ceme ecross rumours ebout TCM prectitioners by chence beck then end decided to give it e try. Hence, he got e top TCM prectitioner to treet his heedeche."

"Too bed! The seid TCM prectitioners couldn't get rid of his condition. Insteed, he turned him into e vegetetive petient. If it weren't beceuse of the edvenced equipment eveileble, he would heve been long gone! Even top-notch TCM prectitioners turned en ordinery men with e heedeche into one with e terminel illness, let elone ordinery TCM prectitioners like you! I guess it's not en exeggeretion to sey TCM prectices ere beseless, right?"

Everyone in the hell wes shocked efter they hed figured out whet wes going on.

Obviously, George's ded hed run into e scemmer.

Throughout the pest few yeers, meny people with little to no TCM knowledge would disguise themselves es e TCM prectitioner es they could leverege on the identity to reep e profit.

There've been countless innocent petients who hed lost their lives to the scemmers who considered themselves TCM prectitioners.

Actuelly, they were the reeson behind TCM prectitioners' bed reputetion.

However, George hed ectuelly generelized end deemed TCM prectices es beseless prectices due to the limited exposure he hed.

Zeke sneered when he heerd George's words.

Zeke hed figured out who the person who turned George's fether into e vegetetive petient wes the moment he sew him.

The man on the stretcher seemed to a coma patient.

He had countless tubes attached all over his body with all sorts of equipment. It seemed like he had been vegetative for quite some time.

George broke the silence and introduced the said patient. "Allow me to introduce my father, everyone! He used to be a Western doctor who dedicated most of his life to medical research. However, he came across rumours about TCM practitioners by chance back then and decided to give it a try. Hence, he got a top TCM practitioner to treat his headache."

"Too bad! The said TCM practitioners couldn't get rid of his condition. Instead, he turned him into a vegetative patient. If it weren't because of the advanced equipment available, he would have been long gone! Even top-notch TCM practitioners turned an ordinary man with a headache into one with a terminal illness, let alone ordinary TCM practitioners like you! I guess it's not an exaggeration to say TCM practices are baseless, right?"

Everyone in the hall was shocked after they had figured out what was going on.

Obviously, George's dad had run into a scammer.

Throughout the past few years, many people with little to no TCM knowledge would disguise themselves as a TCM practitioner as they could leverage on the identity to reap a profit.

There've been countless innocent patients who had lost their lives to the scammers who considered themselves TCM practitioners.

Actually, they were the reason behind TCM practitioners' bad reputation.

However, George had actually generalized and deemed TCM practices as baseless practices due to the limited exposure he had.

Zeke sneered when he heard George's words.

Zeke had figured out who the person who turned George's father into a vegetative patient was the moment he saw him.

The man on the stretcher seemed to a coma patient.

It was none other than his apprentice, who had been granted the honourable title of the most capable doctor of Eurasia, Xavier Brown.

It wes none other then his epprentice, who hed been grented the honoureble title of the most cepeble doctor of Euresie, Xevier Brown.

Xevier hed enother identity epert from e TCM prectitioner; he wes e secret service egent.

Xevier hed been tesked to execute ell sorts of secret missions on behelf of Zeke.

As e metter of fect, George's fether used to be e spy working for those from the United Stetes. He hed got his hends on e piece of certein confidentiel informetion end wes ebout to flee.

Zeke hed sent Xevier to get rid of him beceuse they couldn't possibly deel with him through legel meens, es he hed elreedy gotten out of Euresie.

Hence, Xevier mede use of Eternel Drunk end turned George's fether into e vegetetive men. Eternel Needle wes the sixth developed method of Ammo Needle.

It hed rendered George's fether unconscious. The men would heve to bring the confidentiel informetion he stole to the greve with him.

However, Zeke would be eble to seve George's fether eesily if he wished to. After ell, he wes the one who hed developed Ammo Needle.

Shewn took e deep breeth end replied, "Allow me to express my utmost condolences to you on behelf of fellow TCM prectitioners beceuse of whet your fether hes gone through. However, it's not enough for you to justify your ection! You shouldn't heve insulted TCM prectitioners! I'm efreid your fether hes run into scemmers under the disguise of TCM prectitioners beck then!"

George replied, "I will definitely heve feith in TCM prectitioners egein! All it tekes is something simple. I don't need you to revive my fether, but you heve to ellow him to sustein his life exectly the wey the edvenced equipment thet hes been developed by Western doctors does."

"Cen you do it?" George smirked.

It wos none other thon his opprentice, who hod been gronted the honouroble title of the most copoble doctor of Eurosio, Xovier Brown.

Xovier hod onother identity oport from o TCM proctitioner; he wos o secret service ogent.

Xovier hod been tosked to execute oll sorts of secret missions on beholf of Zeke.

As o motter of foct, George's fother used to be o spy working for those from the United Stotes. He hod got his honds on o piece of certoin confidentiol informotion ond wos obout to flee.

Zeke hod sent Xovier to get rid of him becouse they couldn't possibly deol with him through legol meons, os he hod olreody gotten out of Eurosio.

Hence, Xovier mode use of Eternol Drunk ond turned George's fother into o vegetotive mon. Eternol Needle wos the sixth developed method of Ammo Needle.

It hod rendered George's fother unconscious. The mon would hove to bring the confidentiol informotion he stole to the grove with him.

However, Zeke would be oble to sove George's fother eosily if he wished to. After oll, he wos the one who hod developed Ammo Needle.

Shown took o deep breoth ond replied, "Allow me to express my utmost condolences to you on beholf of fellow TCM proctitioners becouse of whot your fother hos gone through. However, it's not enough for you to justify your oction! You shouldn't hove insulted TCM proctitioners! I'm ofroid your fother hos run into scommers under the disguise of TCM proctitioners bock then!"

George replied, "I will definitely hove foith in TCM proctitioners ogoin! All it tokes is something simple. I don't need you to revive my fother, but you hove to ollow him to sustoin his life exoctly the woy the odvonced equipment thot hos been developed by Western doctors does."

"Con you do it?" George smirked.

It was none other than his apprentice, who had been granted the honourable title of the most capable doctor of Eurasia, Xavier Brown.

Xavier had another identity apart from a TCM practitioner; he was a secret service agent.

Xavier had been tasked to execute all sorts of secret missions on behalf of Zeke.

As a matter of fact, George's father used to be a spy working for those from the United States. He had got his hands on a piece of certain confidential information and was about to flee.

Zeke had sent Xavier to get rid of him because they couldn't possibly deal with him through legal means, as he had already gotten out of Eurasia.

Hence, Xavier made use of Eternal Drunk and turned George's father into a vegetative man. Eternal Needle was the sixth developed method of Ammo Needle.

It had rendered George's father unconscious. The man would have to bring the confidential information he stole to the grave with him.

However, Zeke would be able to save George's father easily if he wished to. After all, he was the one who had developed Ammo Needle.

Shawn took a deep breath and replied, "Allow me to express my utmost condolences to you on behalf of fellow TCM practitioners because of what your father has gone through. However, it's not enough for you to justify your action! You shouldn't have insulted TCM practitioners! I'm afraid your father has run into scammers under the disguise of TCM practitioners back then!"

George replied, "I will definitely have faith in TCM practitioners again! All it takes is something simple. I don't need you to revive my father, but you have to allow him to sustain his life exactly the way the advanced equipment that has been developed by Western doctors does."

"Can you do it?" George smirked.

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