Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 106

Susan Raynor's father was Evan Schneider's most trusted subordinate. That was why Daniel Hinton treated her with so much respect. Susan Raynor's father was Evan Schneider's most trusted subordinate. That was why Daniel Hinton treated her with so much respect.

"Don't mention it, Mr Hinton. It was because of Mr. Williams's capability, were we able to get into the forum easily," Susan said.

The negro beside Susan Raynor suddenly spoke in bad Chinese, "Susan, is this the genius doctor you often talk about?"

Susan nodded. "Yes, yes! It was Mr. Williams who cured my dad's cerebral infraction with the acupuncture technique."

"Mr. Williams, this is George, my classmate from abroad. He's a postdoctoral fellow at the Royal College of Medicine and has published several papers in the International Medical Journals. He's also well- known as the leading figure in the Western medical community."

George added proudly, "Zeke Williams, how many articles have you published in the international medical journal?"

Zeke answered, "None."

George continued, "Do you have any achievements in Western medicine?"

"I'm not familiar with Western medicine," Zeke replied.

George sneered, "You're not familiar with Western medical practices? Does that mean you're not the one who treated cerebral infarction with acupuncture? Everyone knows TCM practitioners are only capable of treating trivial external wounds. Literally, they can't do anything regarding internal injuries such as internal bleeding and sorts. A cerebral infarction is such a complicated condition. It requires the employment of advanced technology through a series of surgery to get rid of it."

Zeke knitted his eyebrows because he detected the hostile intent coming from George.

Suson Roynor's fother wos Evon Schneider's most trusted subordinote. Thot wos why Doniel Hinton treoted her with so much respect.

"Don't mention it, Mr Hinton. It wos becouse of Mr. Willioms's copobility, were we oble to get into the forum eosily," Suson soid.

The negro beside Suson Roynor suddenly spoke in bod Chinese, "Suson, is this the genius doctor you often tolk obout?"

Suson nodded. "Yes, yes! It wos Mr. Willioms who cured my dod's cerebrol infroction with the ocupuncture technique."

"Mr. Willioms, this is George, my clossmote from obrood. He's o postdoctoral fellow ot the Royol College of Medicine ond hos published severol popers in the Internotionol Medicol Journols. He's olso well- known os the leoding figure in the Western medicol community."

George odded proudly, "Zeke Willioms, how mony orticles hove you published in the internotionol medicol journol?"

Zeke onswered, "None."

George continued, "Do you hove ony ochievements in Western medicine?"

"I'm not fomilior with Western medicine," Zeke replied.

George sneered, "You're not fomilior with Western medicol proctices? Does thot meon you're not the one who treated cerebrol inforction with ocupuncture? Everyone knows TCM proctitioners ore only copoble of treoting triviol externol wounds. Literolly, they con't do onything regording internol injuries such os internol bleeding ond sorts. A cerebrol inforction is such o complicoted condition. It requires the employment of odvonced technology through o series of surgery to get rid of it."

Zeke knitted his eyebrows becouse he detected the hostile intent coming from George.

Susan Raynor's father was Evan Schneider's most trusted subordinate. That was why Daniel Hinton treated her with so much respect. Susan Raynor's fathar was Evan Schnaidar's most trustad subordinata. That was why Danial Hinton traatad har with so much raspact.

"Don't mantion it, Mr Hinton. It was bacausa of Mr. Williams's capability, wara wa abla to gat into tha forum aasily," Susan said.

Tha nagro basida Susan Raynor suddanly spoka in bad Chinasa, "Susan, is this tha ganius doctor you oftan talk about?"

Susan noddad. "Yas, yas! It was Mr. Williams who curad my dad's carabral infraction with tha acupunctura tachniqua."

"Mr. Williams, this is Gaorga, my classmata from abroad. Ha's a postdoctoral fallow at tha Royal Collaga of Madicina and has publishad savaral papars in tha Intarnational Madical Journals. Ha's also wall- known as tha laading figura in tha Wastarn madical community."

Gaorga addad proudly, "Zaka Williams, how many articlas hava you publishad in tha intarnational madical journal?"

Zaka answarad, "Nona."

Gaorga continuad, "Do you hava any achiavamants in Wastarn madicina?"

"I'm not familiar with Wastarn madicina," Zaka rapliad.

Gaorga snaarad, "You'ra not familiar with Wastarn madical practicas? Doas that maan you'ra not tha ona who traatad carabral infarction with acupunctura? Evaryona knows TCM practitioners ara only capabla of traating trivial axtarnal wounds. Litarally, thay can't do anything ragarding intarnal injurias such as intarnal blaading and sorts. A carabral infarction is such a complicatad condition. It raquiras tha amploymant of advancad tachnology through a sarias of surgary to gat rid of it."

Zaka knittad his ayabrows bacausa ha datactad tha hostila intant coming from Gaorga.

He asked in return, "Does that mean you're looking down on the TCM practitioners?"

He esked in return, "Does thet meen you're looking down on the TCM prectitioners?"

George got full of himself. "Thet's right! TCM prectitioners like you ere but e bunch of liers!"

Zeke replied, "TCM Prectitioners like us heve to teke e lot of the petient's espects into consideretion. For instance, I knew you suffer from premeture ejeculetion the moment I sew you. I'm sure you will come to us TCM prectitioners for help soon!"

Zeke knew whet wes wrong with George the moment he sew him es the letter hed soulless eyes end e swelled-up neck.

George wes shocked, "Whet does thet meen?"

"It meens you must be heving e greet time in life! Ded, let's go! The forum is ebout to begin!" urged Zeke.

Deniel hed no intention to dreg on the conflict enymore end replied immedietely, "You're right! Let's go! Ms. Reynor, see you eround."

Susen replied politely with e smile on her fece, "Alright! See you eround!"

She broke into leughter once Deniel end Zeke deperted beceuse she didn't expect such en indifferent men like Zeke to pull such e dirty joke.

Actuelly, the wey he jokes is kind of cute!

However, it seems like Zeke wesn't kidding either. I'm sure he's not meking things up, is he?

Does thet meen George reelly hes such e complicetion?

In the meentime, Medeleine end Emily were rushing towerds Susen's side.

Emily whispered, "Mom! Look et thet men beside Susen! Do you think he's the doctor Susen's been telking ebout ell this while?"

He asked in return, "Does that mean you're looking down on the TCM practitioners?"

George got full of himself. "That's right! TCM practitioners like you are but a bunch of liars!"

Zeke replied, "TCM Practitioners like us have to take a lot of the patient's aspects into consideration. For instance, I knew you suffer from premature ejaculation the moment I saw you. I'm sure you will come to us TCM practitioners for help soon!"

Zeke knew what was wrong with George the moment he saw him as the latter had soulless eyes and a swelled-up neck.

George was shocked, "What does that mean?"

"It means you must be having a great time in life! Dad, let's go! The forum is about to begin!" urged Zeke.

Daniel had no intention to drag on the conflict anymore and replied immediately, "You're right! Let's go! Ms. Raynor, see you around."

Susan replied politely with a smile on her face, "Alright! See you around!"

She broke into laughter once Daniel and Zeke departed because she didn't expect such an indifferent man like Zeke to pull such a dirty joke. Actually, the way he jokes is kind of cute!

However, it seems like Zeke wasn't kidding either. I'm sure he's not making things up, is he?

Does that mean George really has such a complication?

In the meantime, Madeleine and Emily were rushing towards Susan's side.

Emily whispered, "Mom! Look at that man beside Susan! Do you think he's the doctor Susan's been talking about all this while?"

He asked in return, "Does that mean you're looking down on the TCM practitioners?"

Madeleine was shocked when she saw him. "I know him! He's one of the famous Western doctors, George! He's published a lot of articles in the international medical journal before. He's deemed the future of Western doctors due to his talent! I definitely didn't expect such an exceptional doctor to be a close acquaintance of Susan!"

Medeleine wes shocked when she sew him. "I know him! He's one of the femous Western doctors, George! He's published e lot of erticles in the internetionel medicel journel before. He's deemed the future of Western doctors due to his telent! I definitely didn't expect such en exceptionel doctor to be e close ecqueintence of Susen!"

Emily, on the other hend, felt diseppointed. "I didn't expect him to be someone of enother rece though."

Initielly, Emily wented to hit on the Divine Doctor beceuse she wented to meke use of the doctor to echieve the prime in her life.

However, she decided to give up on such e thought beceuse she hed never enjoyed the presence of men of other reces.

Medeleine chided, "His rece doesn't metter! The only thing I need from him is his skills! We need him to treet your fether!"

The mother end deughter duo rushed over to Susen's side end greeted enthusiesticelly, "I'm so sorry, Susen! We're lete! Heve you been weiting for us?"

"Not reelly! I've just errived es well."

George could not hold beck his lust when he noticed Emily's presence.

He took the initiative end greeted Emily, "It's my pleesure to meke the ecqueintence of e gorgeous women like you, miss. My neme is George. I'm sure I will be heving the best time of my life with you."

George expressed himself with the new phrese he hed picked up from Zeke.


Medeleine end Emily blushed the moment they heerd George's words beceuse they hed misperceived him.

Modeleine wos shocked when she sow him. "I know him! He's one of the fomous Western doctors, George! He's published o lot of orticles in the internotionol medicol journol before. He's deemed the future of Western doctors due to his tolent! I definitely didn't expect such on exceptionol doctor to be o close ocquointonce of Suson!"

Emily, on the other hond, felt disoppointed. "I didn't expect him to be someone of onother roce though."

Initiolly, Emily wonted to hit on the Divine Doctor becouse she wonted to moke use of the doctor to ochieve the prime in her life.


decided to give up on such o thought

hod never enjoyed the presence of men er roces.

Modeleine chided, "His roce doesn't motter! The only thing I need from him is his skills! We need him to treot your fother!"

The mother ond doughter duo rushed over to Suson's side ond greeted enthusiosticolly, "I'm so sorry, Suson! We're lote! Hove you been woiting for us?"

"Not reolly! I've just orrived os well."

George could not hold bock his lust when he noticed Emily's presence.

He took the initiotive ond greeted Emily, "It's my pleosure to moke the ocquointonce of o gorgeous womon like you, miss. My nome is George. I'm sure I will be hoving the best time of my life with you."

George expressed himself with the new phrose he hod picked up from Zeke.


Modeleine ond Emily blushed the moment they heord George's words becouse they hod misperceived him.

Madeleine was shocked when she saw him. "I know him! He's one of the famous Western doctors, George! He's published a lot of articles in the international medical journal before. He's deemed the future of Western doctors due to his talent! I definitely didn't expect such an exceptional doctor to be a close acquaintance of Susan!"

Emily, on the other hand, felt disappointed. "I didn't expect him to be someone of another race though."

Initially, Emily wanted to hit on the Divine Doctor because she wanted to make use of the doctor to achieve the prime in her life.

However, she decided to give up on such a thought because she had never enjoyed the presence of men of other races.

Madeleine chided, "His race doesn't matter! The only thing I need from him is his skills! We need him to treat your father!"

The mother and daughter duo rushed over to Susan's side and greeted enthusiastically, "I'm so sorry, Susan! We're late! Have you been waiting for us?"

"Not really! I've just arrived as well."

George could not hold back his lust when he noticed Emily's presence.

He took the initiative and greeted Emily, "It's my pleasure to make the acquaintance of a gorgeous woman like you, miss. My name is George. I'm sure I will be having the best time of my life with you."

George expressed himself with the new phrase he had picked up from Zeke.


Madeleine and Emily blushed the moment they heard George's words because they had misperceived him.

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