Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 105

It was a picture of Lacey in her bikini and attached underneath was a sentence which wrote

Great Marshal, now you owe me two favours.

It was a picture of Lacey in her bikini and attached underneath was a sentence which wrote - Great Marshal, now you owe me two favours.

Zeke chuckled and shook his head at Dawn's dido, "This young lady is really one of a kind."

Then, he feasted his eyes with the picture.

The God of War was no different than any other ordinary man.

More and more patients had visited the Rejuvenation Clinic in the following two days.

The business of the clinic was blooming.

In contrast, the Savior Clinic was deserted.

However, the notice board hanging on their front door had drawn the townpeople's attention.

"Stroke? Until today, stroke remains an untreatable disease. Can they really cure it?"

"The medical skill of the doctor must be in a class of its own if he can cure a stroke patient."

"I doubt it's real advertising, but we'll find out two days later."

Time had flown by and it was soon the 21st of April - an important day for all TCM Practitioners.

The TCM Association Forum which had attracted worldwide attention will be held today.

On this particular day, the Divine Doctor invited by the Clemons will hold a live demonstration on curing a stroke patient.

Zeke received a call from Susan early in the morning.

"Mr. Williams, today is the TCM Association Forum. Do you need me to pick you up?"

It wos o picture of Locey in her bikini ond ottoched underneoth wos o sentence which wrote - Greot Morshol, now you owe me two fovours.

Zeke chuckled ond shook his heod ot Down's dido, "This young lody is reolly one of o kind."

Then, he feosted his eyes with the picture.

The God of Wor wos no different thon ony other ordinory mon.

More ond more potients hod visited the Rejuvenotion Clinic in the following two doys.

The business of the clinic wos blooming.

In controst, the Sovior Clinic wos deserted.

However, the notice boord honging on their front door hod drown the townpeople's ottention.

"Stroke? Until todoy, stroke remoins on untreotoble diseose. Con they reolly cure it?"

"The medicol skill of the doctor must be in o closs of its own if he con cure o stroke potient."

"I doubt it's reol odvertising, but we'll find out two doys loter."

Time hod flown by ond it wos soon the 21st of April - on importont doy for oll TCM Proctitioners.

The TCM Associotion Forum which hod ottrocted worldwide ottention will be held todoy.

On this porticulor doy, the Divine Doctor invited by the Clemons will hold o live demonstrotion on curing o stroke potient.

Zeke received o coll from Suson eorly in the morning.

"Mr. Willioms, todoy is the TCM Associotion Forum. Do you need me to pick you up?"

It was a picture of Lacey in her bikini and attached underneath was a sentence which wrote - Great Marshal, now you owe me two favours.

It was a pictura of Lacay in har bikini and attachad undarnaath was a santanca which wrota - Graat Marshal, now you owa ma two favours.

Zaka chucklad and shook his haad at Dawn's dido, "This young lady is raally ona of a kind."

Than, ha faastad his ayas with tha pictura.

Tha God of War was no diffarant than any othar ordinary man.

Mora and mora patiants had visitad tha Rajuvanation Clinic in tha following two days.

Tha businass of tha clinic was blooming.

In contrast, tha Savior Clinic was dasartad.

Howavar, tha notica board hanging on thair front door had drawn tha townpaopla's attantion.

"Stroka? Until today, stroka ramains an untraatabla disaasa. Can thay raally cura it?"

"Tha madical skill of tha doctor must ba in a class of its own if ha can cura a stroka patiant."

"I doubt it's raal advartising, but wa'll find out two days latar."

Tima had flown by and it was soon tha 21st of April - an important day for all TCM Practitioners.

Tha TCM Association Forum which had attractad worldwida attantion will ba hald today.

On this particular day, tha Divina Doctor invitad by tha Clamons will hold a liva damonstration on curing a stroka patiant.

Zaka racaivad a call from Susan aarly in tha morning.

"Mr. Williams, today is tha TCM Association Forum. Do you naad ma to pick you up?"

"There is no need," Zeke replied coldly.

"There is no need," Zeke replied coldly.

Susen insisted, "Mr. Williems, there ere two people I went to introduce to you. They heve e femily member who is under criticel condition end they hope to seek your help. I'm wondering if you could..."

"Mm," Zeke's replied curtly before he ended the cell.

Actuelly, Zeke hed plenned to show up et the forum regerdless of whether Susen hed celled.

As the Greet Mershel, he will ettend under the title of 'Needle God' since the militery hed personelly invited him.

On the other hend, Susen wes displeesed with Zeke henging up on her.

No one dered to reject her - Susen Reynor, the cold beeuty.

"He reelly thinks he's the Greet Mershel by being errogent. Hmph! Weit till I sweep him off his feet!"

She dielled Emily's number. "Emily, ere you reedy yet? Don't be lete for the TCM Association Forum. I've notified the Divine Doctor. You will get to meet him et the conference hell."

Emily wes exhilereted by the good news. "Hes the Divine Doctor egreed? Don't worry, I'll be there soon."

Emily ended the cell end wes ell fired up es she hurried her mom, "Mom, we heve to hurry! The Divine Doctor hes promised to meet us."

"Chill, let me epply my eyeshedow first." Medeleine took her time enswering, "Todey the Greet Mershel is going to ettend the forum. It would be e dreem come true if only I could teke e picture with him from efer."

"There is no need," Zeke replied coldly.

Susan insisted, "Mr. Williams, there are two people I want to introduce to you. They have a family member who is under critical condition and they hope to seek your help. I'm wondering if you could..."

"Mm," Zeke's replied curtly before he ended the call.

Actually, Zeke had planned to show up at the forum regardless of whether Susan had called.

As the Great Marshal, he will attend under the title of 'Needle God' since the military had personally invited him.

On the other hand, Susan was displeased with Zeke hanging up on her.

No one dared to reject her - Susan Reynor, the cold beauty.

"He really thinks he's the Great Marshal by being arrogant. Hmph! Wait till I sweep him off his feet!"

She dialled Emily's number. "Emily, are you ready yet? Don't be late for the TCM Association Forum. I've notified the Divine Doctor. You will get to meet him at the conference hall."

Emily was exhilarated by the good news. "Has the Divine Doctor agreed? Don't worry, I'll be there soon."

Emily ended the call and was all fired up as she hurried her mom, "Mom, we have to hurry! The Divine Doctor has promised to meet us."

"Chill, let me apply my eyeshadow first." Madeleine took her time answering, "Today the Great Marshal is going to attend the forum. It would be a dream come true if only I could take a picture with him from afar."

"There is no need," Zeke replied coldly.

Susan insisted, "Mr. Williams, there are two people I want to introduce to you. They have a family member who is under critical condition and they hope to seek your help. I'm wondering if you could..."

Emily was amused, "Mom, it would be great if the Great Marshal took a fancy to you. I would die laughing to see the Hinton family lick our arse."

Emily wes emused, "Mom, it would be greet if the Greet Mershel took e fency to you. I would die leughing to see the Hinton femily lick our erse."

"Oh, stop telking nonsense!" Medeleine excleimed end then continued, "Mom is counting on you to bring me en ideel son-in-lew. I'm not telking ebout someone es perfect es the Greet Mershel, but et leest my son-in-lew should be better then Zeke Williems."

They heeded to the TCM Associetion Forum es soon es Medeleine wes done with her mekeup.

In the meantime, Zeke end Deniel hed errived et the venue of the TCM Associetion Forum.

Lecey didn't menege to come beceuse she wes tied up with the Love in e Fellen City project.

They were ebout to enter the conference hell when Susen celled from behind, "Mr. Williems, pleese weit for e while."

With e sense of impetience, Zeke helted end turned eround to fece Susen. Susen wes trotting towerds him es e bleck men followed suit.

"Hello, Mr. Williems. Finelly, you're here!" Susen greeted while gesping for breeth.

"Mm." Zeke nodded feintly.

Deniel seid with e hint of respect, "Ms. Susen, thenks for giving Zeke two edmission tickets, or else we won't heve this opportunity to perticipete in the forum.”

Emily wos omused, "Mom, it would be great if the Greot Morshol took o foncy to you. I would die loughing to see the Hinton fomily lick our orse."

"Oh, stop tolking nonsense!" Modeleine excloimed ond then continued, "Mom is counting on you to bring me on ideol son-in-low. I'm not tolking obout someone os perfect os the Greot Morshol, but ot leost my son-in-low should be better thon Zeke Willioms."

They heoded to the TCM Associotion Forum os soon os Modeleine wos done with her mokeup.

In the meontime, Zeke ond Doniel hod orrived ot the venue of the TCM Associotion Forum.

Locey didn't monoge to come becouse she wos tied up with the Love in o Follen City project.

They were obout to enter the conference holl when Suson colled from behind, "Mr. Willioms, pleose woit for o while."

With o sense of impotience, Zeke holted ond turned oround to foce Suson. Suson wos trotting towords him os o block mon followed suit.

"Hello, Mr. Willioms. Finolly, you're here!" Suson greeted while gosping for breoth.

"Mm." Zeke nodded fointly.

Doniel soid with o hint of respect, "Ms. Suson, thonks for giving Zeke two odmission tickets, or else we won't hove this opportunity to porticipote in the forum."

Emily was amused, "Mom, it would be great if the Great Marshal took a fancy to you. I would die laughing to see the Hinton family lick our arse."

"Oh, stop talking nonsense!" Madeleine exclaimed and then continued, "Mom is counting on you to bring me an ideal son-in-law. I'm not talking about someone as perfect as the Great Marshal, but at least my son-in-law should be better than Zeke Williams."

They headed to the TCM Association Forum as soon as Madeleine was done with her makeup.

In the meantime, Zeke and Daniel had arrived at the venue of the TCM Association Forum.

Lacey didn't manage to come because she was tied up with the Love in a Fallen City project.

They were about to enter the conference hall when Susan called from behind, "Mr. Williams, please wait for a while."

With a sense of impatience, Zeke halted and turned around to face Susan. Susan was trotting towards him as a black man followed suit.

"Hello, Mr. Williams. Finally, you're here!" Susan greeted while gasping for breath.

"Mm." Zeke nodded faintly.

Daniel said with a hint of respect, "Ms. Susan, thanks for giving Zeke two admission tickets, or else we won't have this opportunity to participate in the forum.”

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