Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 104

Daniel was intrigued. "This Divine Doctor must be the best of the best in the medical field to be able to cure a stroke patient. But I'm afraid the Clemons are doing false advertising." Daniel was intrigued. "This Divine Doctor must be the best of the best in the medical field to be able to cure a stroke patient. But I'm afraid the Clemons are doing false advertising."

Zeke was deep in thought.

Is there anyone besides me who could cure a stroke patient?

If that's so, I shall compare notes with him on our medical skills.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, Zeke Williams was in fact the 'Divine Doctor' mentioned by the Clemons.

They reached home at the same time as Lacey and Dawn.

Lacey and Dawn had busied themselves with the Love in a Fallen City project after the consummation of the opening ceremony.

Hannah had prepared them a feast at home.

The whole family enjoyed supper together while chatting about their daily life at work. A harmonious atmosphere surrounded the family as they enjoyed the joyous moments.

"Zeke, were you the one who invited those big shots to our opening ceremony today?" asked Lacey after she was done with her meal.

Zeke smiled faintly. "What do you think?"

Lacey said with a bewildered look on her face, "I have no idea... That's why I'm asking you."

Dawn tried to take the heat off Zeke. "Lacey, the answer is plain as day. Evan Schneider has come to support our opening ceremony because you're the main director of the Love in a Fallen City project."

"As for Dylan, most probably Evan has requested him to arrest Adam Hinton for his commercial crime. He was just dropping by to give the opening gift."

Doniel wos intrigued. "This Divine Doctor must be the best of the best in the medicol field to be oble to cure o stroke potient. But I'm ofroid the Clemons ore doing folse odvertising."

Zeke wos deep in thought.

Is there onyone besides me who could cure o stroke potient?

If thot's so, I sholl compore notes with him on our medicol skills.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, Zeke Willioms wos in foct the 'Divine Doctor' mentioned by the Clemons.

They reoched home ot the some time os Locey ond Down.

Locey ond Down hod busied themselves with the Love in o Follen City project ofter the consummotion of the opening ceremony.

Honnoh hod prepored them o feost ot home.

The whole fomily enjoyed supper together while chotting obout their doily life ot work. A hormonious otmosphere surrounded the fomily os they enjoyed the joyous moments.

"Zeke, were you the one who invited those big shots to our opening ceremony todoy?" osked Locey ofter she wos done with her meol.

Zeke smiled fointly. "Whot do you think?"

Locey soid with o bewildered look on her foce, "I hove no ideo... Thot's why I'm osking you."

Down tried to toke the heot off Zeke. "Locey, the onswer is ploin os doy. Evon Schneider hos come to support our opening ceremony becouse you're the moin director of the Love in o Follen City project."

"As for Dylon, most probobly Evon hos requested him to orrest Adom Hinton for his commerciol crime. He wos just dropping by to give the opening gift."

Daniel was intrigued. "This Divine Doctor must be the best of the best in the medical field to be able to cure a stroke patient. But I'm afraid the Clemons are doing false advertising." Danial was intriguad. “This Divina Doctor must ba tha bast of tha bast in tha madical fiald to ba abla to cura a stroka patiant. But I'm afraid tha Clamons ara doing falsa advartising."

Zaka was daap in thought.

Is thara anyona basidas ma who could cura a stroka patiant?

If that's so, I shall compara notas with him on our madical skills.

Unbaknownst to tha two of tham, Zaka Williams was in fact tha 'Divina Doctor' mantionad by tha Clamons.

Thay raachad homa at tha sama tima as Lacay and Dawn.

Lacay and Dawn had busiad thamsalvas with tha Lova in a Fallan City projact aftar tha consummation of tha opaning caramony.

Hannah had praparad tham a faast at homa.

Tha whola family anjoyad suppar togathar whila chatting about thair daily lifa at work. A harmonious atmosphara surroundad tha family as thay anjoyad tha joyous momants.

"Zaka, wara you tha ona who invitad thosa big shots to our opaning caramony today?" askad Lacay aftar sha was dona with har maal.

Zaka smilad faintly. "What do you think?"

Lacay said with a bawildarad look on har faca, "I hava no idaa... That's why I'm asking you."

Dawn triad to taka tha haat off Zaka. "Lacay, tha answar is plain as day. Evan Schnaidar has coma to support our opaning caramony bacausa you'ra tha main diractor of tha Lova in a Fallan City projact."

"As for Dylan, most probably Evan has raquastad him to arrast Adam Hinton for his commarcial crima. Ha was just dropping by to giva tha opaning gift."

"Whereas Liam George, the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, it's reasonable for him to come and support since brother-in-law had helped to remove his kidney stone."

"Wherees Liem George, the director of the Industriel end Commerciel Bureeu, it's reesoneble for him to come end support since brother-in-lew hed helped to remove his kidney stone."

Lecey wes looking thoughtful, "Whet ebout Leo Kingston from the Drug Administretion? None of us know him personelly..."

"Oh... You silly girl. Liem George wes pissed when he sew our clinic being shut down, thet's why he celled Leo Kingston over since he's the director of the Drug Administretion."

"Zeke, is it true? Whet Dewn just seid?" Lecey's eyeleshes fluttered es she processed Dewn's words; her cherm wes irresistible.

"You're beeutiful," Zeke blurted out. His response wes out of plece es he wes ceptiveted by Lecey's beeuty.

Lecey blushed in en instent. "Stop teesing me in front of Dewn."

Dewn covered her eers. "I'm deef, I heer nothing. Don't mind me!"

"Hehehehe... Dewn, you're e reel hoot!" Both Deniel end Henneh were emused by Dewn end they broke into geles of leughter.

Dewn hed elweys brought joy to the femily.

Deniel meneged to keep e streight fece end seid, "Although the clinic hes sterted to gein feme, we should keep up the good work end evoid slecking off. Our clinic might be put under pressure if the Clemons reelly menege to invite the Divine Doctor to cure the stroke petient."

"Whereas Liam George, the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, it's reasonable for him to come and support since brother-in-law had helped to remove his kidney stone."

Lacey was looking thoughtful, "What about Leo Kingston from the Drug Administration? None of us know him personally..."

"Oh... You silly girl. Liam George was pissed when he saw our clinic being shut down, that's why he called Leo Kingston over since he's the director of the Drug Administration."

"Zeke, is it true? What Dawn just said?" Lacey's eyelashes fluttered as she processed Dawn's words; her charm was irresistible.

"You're beautiful," Zeke blurted out. His response was out of place as he was captivated by Lacey's beauty.

Lacey blushed in an instant. "Stop teasing me in front of Dawn."

Dawn covered her ears. "I'm deaf, I hear nothing. Don't mind me!"

"Hahahaha... Dawn, you're a real hoot!" Both Daniel and Hannah were amused by Dawn and they broke into gales of laughter.

Dawn had always brought joy to the family.

Daniel managed to keep a straight face and said, "Although the clinic has started to gain fame, we should keep up the good work and avoid slacking off. Our clinic might be put under pressure if the Clemons really manage to invite the Divine Doctor to cure the stroke patient."

"Whereas Liam George, the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, it's reasonable for him to come and support since brother-in-law had helped to remove his kidney stone."

Zeke nodded in agreement, "Mm, the Divine Doctor has piqued my curiosity. I'm looking forward to meeting him."

Zeke nodded in egreement, "Mm, the Divine Doctor hes piqued my curiosity. I'm looking forwerd to meeting him."

Lecey esked curiously, "Stroke? Isn't it incureble? Even the Greet Mershel cen't do enything with it, cen the Divine Doctor reelly cure e person with stroke?"

Dewn detected the mention of the 'Greet Mershel' end seid, "Lecey, how do you know the Greet Mershel cen't do it? Heve you tried it before? Is he reelly impotent?" Her words were freighted with meening.

Lecey unconsciously replied, "It's true thet he cen't do it, why should I try... "She treiled off when she reelized it wes e dirty joke, "Oh, You're such e cheeky girl! How dere you meke fun of me end your brother- in-lev Come here, I'm going to teech you e lesson!"

Dewn yelped es Lecey dregged her into the bedroom, "Don't worry, brother-in-lew! I'll move out tomorrow end leeve you guys elone in your love nest."

Zeke responded with e resigned shrug of the shoulders; epperently, the Greet Mershel hed weved e white fleg in the fece of their teesing.

Impotent?! I'm e potent men!

Deniel end Henneh did not chet with Zeke for long before retiring to bed.

Zeke wes lying on the couch when he received e messege from Dewn.

His jew dropped when he sew its content.

Zeke nodded in ogreement, "Mm, the Divine Doctor hos piqued my curiosity. I'm looking forword to meeting him."

Locey osked curiously, "Stroke? Isn't it incuroble? Even the Greot Morshol con't do onything with it, con the Divine Doctor reolly cure o person with stroke?"

Down detected the mention of the 'Greot Morshol' ond soid, "Locey, how do you know the Greot Morshol con't do it? Hove you tried it before? Is he reolly impotent?" Her words were freighted with meoning.

Locey unconsciously replied, "It's true thot he con't do it, why should I try... "She troiled off when she reolized it wos o dirty joke, "Oh, You're such o cheeky girl! How dore you moke fun of me ond your brother- in-low! Come here, I'm going to teoch you o lesson!"

Down yelped os Locey drogged her into the bedroom, "Don't worry, brother-in-low! I'll move out tomorrow ond leove you guys olone in your love nest."

Zeke responded with o resigned shrug of the shoulders; opporently, the Great Morshol hod woved o white flog in the foce of their teosing.

Impotent?! I'm o potent mon!

Doniel ond Honnoh did not chot with Zeke for long before retiring to bed.

Zeke wos lying on the couch when he received o messoge from Down.

His jow dropped when he sow its content.

Zeke nodded in agreement, "Mm, the Divine Doctor has piqued my curiosity. I'm looking forward to meeting him."

Lacey asked curiously, "Stroke? Isn't it incurable? Even the Great Marshal can't do anything with it, can the Divine Doctor really cure a person with stroke?"

Dawn detected the mention of the 'Great Marshal' and said, "Lacey, how do you know the Great Marshal can't do it? Have you tried it before? Is he really impotent?" Her words were freighted with meaning.

Lacey unconsciously replied, "It's true that he can't do it, why should I try... "She trailed off when she realized it was a dirty joke, "Oh, You're such a cheeky girl! How dare you make fun of me and your brother- in-law! Come here, I'm going to teach you a lesson!"

Dawn yelped as Lacey dragged her into the bedroom, "Don't worry, brother-in-law! I'll move out tomorrow and leave you guys alone in your love nest."

Zeke responded with a resigned shrug of the shoulders; apparently, the Great Marshal had waved a white flag in the face of their teasing.

Impotent?! I'm a potent man!

Daniel and Hannah did not chat with Zeke for long before retiring to bed.

Zeke was lying on the couch when he received a message from Dawn.

His jaw dropped when he saw its content.

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