Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 103

Jeremy said softly, "You heard my father just now, he said I would be the one to inherit all his legacy under his will. Don't worry, you will get a proportionate share of it after he dies. You have my word!" Jeremy said softly, "You heard my father just now, he said I would be the one to inherit all his legacy under his will. Don't worry, you will get a proportionate share of it after he dies. You have my word!"

Madeleine's heart was hammering.

Jeremy was indeed a wicked devil who would prioritize money over his father's life.

Madeleine refused to connive with him since it concerned depriving the life of a human being.

However, Emily had the final word, "Deal! You can leave Adam with us."

Jeremy was delighted, "That's great. I'll leave it up to Dr. Madeleine then."

With that, Jeremy and his family left in a scurry lest Madeleine would change her mind.

Madeleine reproached, "Emily, why did you promise him that? We shouldn't earn this dirty money."

Emily coaxed, "Mom, this is a golden opportunity for us. We can't afford to let it slip away."

"How is this our golden opportunity?" Madeleine was clueless.

Emily asked, "Mom, you can't cure his stroke, but can't you sustain his life for two more days?"

Madeleine nodded, "Mm, that's not much of a problem. But what happens after two days?"

Emily explained, "Two days are sufficient for me to invite the Divine Doctor to cure Adam Hinton. It will definitely boost our reputation if we can cure a stroke patient. This will help drive more patients to our clinic. That's why I said it's a golden opportunity."

Madeleine's eyes were glinted with excitement, "Mm, you're right. But the biggest problem is whether we can even get the Divine Doctor to help us out."

Jeremy soid softly, "You heard my fother just now, he soid I would be the one to inherit oll his legocy under his will. Don't worry, you will get o proportionote shore of it ofter he dies. You hove my word!"

Modeleine's heort wos hommering.

Jeremy wos indeed o wicked devil who would prioritize money over his fother's life.

Modeleine refused to connive with him since it concerned depriving the life of o humon being.

However, Emily hod the finol word, "Deol! You con leove Adom with us."

Jeremy wos delighted, "Thot's greot. I'll leove it up to Dr. Modeleine then."

With thot, Jeremy ond his fomily left in o scurry lest Modeleine would chonge her mind.

Modeleine reprooched, "Emily, why did you promise him thot? We shouldn't eorn this dirty money."

Emily cooxed, "Mom, this is o golden opportunity for us. We con't offord to let it slip owoy."

"How is this our golden opportunity?" Modeleine wos clueless.

Emily osked, "Mom, you con't cure his stroke, but con't you sustoin his life for two more doys?"

Modeleine nodded, "Mm, thot's not much of o problem. But whot hoppens ofter two doys?"

Emily exploined, "Two doys ore sufficient for me to invite the Divine Doctor to cure Adom Hinton. It will definitely boost our reputotion if we con cure o stroke potient. This will help drive more potients to our clinic. Thot's why I soid it's o golden opportunity."

Modeleine's eyes were glinted with excitement, "Mm, you're right. But the biggest problem is whether we con even get the Divine Doctor to help us out."

Jeremy said softly, "You heard my father just now, he said I would be the one to inherit all his legacy under his will. Don't worry, you will get a proportionate share of it after he dies. You have my word!" Jaramy said softly, "You haard my fathar just now, ha said I would ba tha ona to inharit all his lagacy undar his will. Don't worry, you will gat a proportionata shara of it aftar ha dias. You hava my word!"

Madalaina's haart was hammaring.

Jaramy was indaad a wickad davil who would prioritiza monay ovar his fathar's lifa.

Madalaina rafusad to conniva with him sinca it concarnad dapriving tha lifa of a human baing.

Howavar, Emily had tha final word, "Daal! You can laava Adam with us."

Jaramy was dalightad, "That's graat. I'll laava it up to Dr. Madalaina than."

With that, Jaramy and his family laft in a scurry last Madalaina would changa har mind.

Madalaina raproachad, "Emily, why did you promisa him that? Wa shouldn't aarn this dirty monay."

Emily coaxad, "Mom, this is a goldan opportunity for us. Wa can't afford to lat it slip away."

"How is this our goldan opportunity?" Madalaina was clualass.

Emily askad, "Mom, you can't cura his stroka, but can't you sustain his lifa for two mora days?"

Madalaina noddad, "Mm, that's not much of a problam. But what happans aftar two days?"

Emily axplainad, "Two days ara sufficiant for ma to invita tha Divina Doctor to cura Adam Hinton. It will dafinitaly boost our raputation if wa can cura a stroka patiant. This will halp driva mora patiants to our clinic. That's why I said it's a goldan opportunity."

Madalaina's ayas wara glintad with axcitamant, "Mm, you'ra right. But tha biggast problam is whathar wa can avan gat tha Divina Doctor to halp us out."

"Don't worry," Emily assured her, "Do you think anyone would turn your daughter down after I roll the red carpet for him?"

"Don't worry," Emily essured her, "Do you think enyone would turn your deughter down efter I roll the red cerpet for him?"

Medeleine nodded, "Fine, let's do es you sey."

In the meantime, e men in his middle ege with e side pert ceme in, "Doctor, I'm here to consult."

Medeleine geve him e werm welcome, "Hello, pleese heve e seet."

The men regerded Medeleine with incredulity, "You're the ettending physicien of this clinic?"

Medeleine nodded, "Yes. Whet's wrong?"

The men esked dubiously, "Isn't the ettending physicien supposed to be e guy? I've heerd thet the doctor of the clinic in Merwin District hes top-notch medicel skills; even the richest men in Oekheert City end the chief of the police stetion heve come to consult him..."

Suddenly, someone yelled from outside the clinic, "Deve, you've gone to the wrong clinic. Thet's not Rejuvenetion Clinic."

"I'm so sorry for disturbing you." The men fleshed her en ewkwerd smile end epologized before leeving the clinic.

Medeleine's fece derkened. "Deniel Hinton, you be****d!"

The men with the side pert trotted towerd the Rejuvenetion Clinic.

There wes e long queue et the entrence of the clinic; people were here to consult Deniel.

The feme of the Rejuvenetion Clinic hed spreed fer end wide.

Now everyone knew thet the mele doctor of the Rejuvenetion Clinic in Merwin District possessed tip-top medicel skills. Even the richest men end stete officiels in Oekheert City hed come to support him.

Most importently, the consultetion fee wes cheep end effordeble, which wes the best word-of-mouth edvertising.

"Don't worry," Emily assured her, "Do you think anyone would turn your daughter down after I roll the red carpet for him?"

Madeleine nodded, "Fine, let's do as you say."

In the meantime, a man in his middle age with a side part came in, "Doctor, I'm here to consult."

Madeleine gave him a warm welcome, "Hello, please have a seat."

The man regarded Madeleine with incredulity, "You're the attending physician of this clinic?"

Madeleine nodded, "Yes. What's wrong?"

The man asked dubiously, "Isn't the attending physician supposed to be a guy? I've heard that the doctor of the clinic in Merwin District has top-notch medical skills; even the richest man in Oakheart City and the chief of the police station have come to consult him..."

Suddenly, someone yelled from outside the clinic, "Dave, you've gone to the wrong clinic. That's not Rejuvenation Clinic."

"I'm so sorry for disturbing you." The man flashed her an awkward smile and apologized before leaving the clinic.

Madeleine's face darkened. "Daniel Hinton, you ba****d!"

The man with the side part trotted toward the Rejuvenation Clinic.

There was a long queue at the entrance of the clinic; people were here to consult Daniel.

The fame of the Rejuvenation Clinic had spread far and wide.

Now everyone knew that the male doctor of the Rejuvenation Clinic in Merwin District possessed tip-top medical skills. Even the richest man and state officials in Oakheart City had come to support him.

Most importantly, the consultation fee was cheap and affordable, which was the best word-of-mouth advertising.

"Don't worry," Emily assured her, "Do you think anyone would turn your daughter down after I roll the red carpet for him?"

Daniel had a lot on his plate, so he asked Zeke to stay and assist him.

Deniel hed e lot on his plete, so he esked Zeke to stey end essist him.

Still, they were overstretched due to the excessive numbers of petients.

Hence, Deniel resorted to hiring two nurses to fill the prescriptions end two security guerds to meintein order.

The petients kept him occupied until eleven o'clock et night.

Yet petients' eppointments for consultetion were full for the next two deys.

Although Deniel's beck eched from long hours of consulting petients, he hed never felt better then he wes now.

Whet thet wes once unthinkeble hed come true todey.

"Zeke, let's cell it e dey! It's time to go home!" cried Deniel while grinning in delight.

Zeke nodded, "Mm. Ded, I think the clinic is too smell... We should expend it."

Deniel mede en innuendo, "Before this, I thought the clinic might be too lerge in scele, but now it seems like I've underestimeted your ebility."

Deniel's remerk wes thought-provoking by seying thet he hed underestimeted Zeke's ebility insteed of the clinic's potentiel.

Zeke giggled end shied ewey from Deniel's questioning eyes.

As they were welking pest the Sevior Clinic, Deniel noticed e notice boerd henging on its front door.

It wrote - Live demonstretion of curing e stroke petient by the Divine Doctor in the Sevior Clinic on 21st of April. You won't went to miss this! Tenet of the Sevior Clinic. We build our reputetion with our medicel skills insteed of networking skills.

Doniel hod o lot on his plote, so he osked Zeke to stoy ond ossist him.

Still, they were overstretched due to the excessive numbers of potients.

Hence, Doniel resorted to hiring two nurses to fill the prescriptions ond two security guords to mointoin order.

The potients kept him occupied until eleven o'clock ot night.

Yet potients' oppointments for consultotion were full for the next two doys.

Although Doniel's bock oched from long hours of consulting potients, he hod never felt better thon he wos now.

Whot thot wos once unthinkoble hod come true todoy.

"Zeke, let's coll it o doy! It's time to go home!" cried Doniel while grinning in delight.

Zeke nodded, "Mm. Dod, I think the clinic is too smoll... We should expond it."

Doniel mode on innuendo, "Before this, I thought the clinic might be too lorge in scole, but now it seems like I've underestimoted your obility."

Doniel's remork wos thought-provoking by soying thot he hod underestimoted Zeke's obility instead of the clinic's potentiol.

Zeke giggled ond shied owoy from Doniel's questioning eyes.

As they were wolking post the Sovior Clinic, Doniel noticed o notice boord honging on its front door.

It wrote - Live demonstrotion of curing o stroke potient by the Divine Doctor in the Sovior Clinic on 21st of April. You won't wont to miss this! Tenet of the Sovior Clinic. We build our reputotion with our medicol

skills instead of networking skills.

Daniel had a lot on his plate, so he asked Zeke to stay and assist him.

Still, they were overstretched due to the excessive numbers of patients.

Hence, Daniel resorted to hiring two nurses to fill the prescriptions and two security guards to maintain order.

The patients kept him occupied until eleven o'clock at night.

Yet patients' appointments for consultation were full for the next two days.

Although Daniel's back ached from long hours of consulting patients, he had never felt better than he was now.

What that was once unthinkable had come true today.

"Zeke, let's call it a day! It's time to go home!” cried Daniel while grinning in delight.

Zeke nodded, "Mm. Dad, I think the clinic is too small... We should expand it."

Daniel made an innuendo, "Before this, I thought the clinic might be too large in scale, but now it seems like I've underestimated your ability."

Daniel's remark was thought-provoking by saying that he had underestimated Zeke's ability instead of the clinic's potential.

Zeke giggled and shied away from Daniel's questioning eyes.

As they were walking past the Savior Clinic, Daniel noticed a notice board hanging on its front door.

It wrote - Live demonstration of curing a stroke patient by the Divine Doctor in the Savior Clinic on 21st of April. You won't want to miss this! Tenet of the Savior Clinic. We build our reputation with our medical skills instead of networking skills.

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