Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 102

Hannah was aggrieved, "Dad, you should reflect on yourself before blaming Daniel. Have you forgotten how you've treated us like dirt all these years? Did you really ever regard Daniel as your son?" Hannah was aggrieved, "Dad, you should reflect on yourself before blaming Daniel. Have you forgotten how you've treated us like dirt all these years? Did you really ever regard Daniel as your son?"

Unprecedentedly, Daniel stood his ground. "Dad, I think Hannah is right."

Adam's face darkened, "You... You're such a henpecked wimp under the thumb of your wife."

"I hereby declare that you, Daniel Hinton, are no longer my son. Jeremy is now my one and only son."

Daniel was knocked sideways by his father's words as a wave of sadness enveloped him.

How can father cut ties with me without a second thought?

My father must be the most ruthless man in the world.

Adam looked at Jeremy anticipatingly in the eyes. "Jeremy, dad is too old to hold out against the horrendous situation in prison. Dad hopes you can admit the charges so I can escape from this. Don't worry, you will be the sole beneficiary under my will."

Jeremy made up his mind after realizing that he had his back to the wall.

"I want to make a confession. I will spill everything. Adam Hinton was actually the mastermind behind the crime. He coerced me and Lily into switching the bid document by threatening to cut ties with me. We did it under duress! We're innocent!"

Lily chipped in with an innocent face, "That's true. Grandpa was the one who forced us to switch the document. He said he will expel us from the Hinton family if we don't do as he said." Honnoh wos oggrieved, "Dod, you should reflect on yourself before bloming Doniel. Hove you forgotten how you've treated us like dirt oll these yeors? Did you reolly ever regord Doniel os your son?"

Unprecedentedly, Doniel stood his ground. "Dod, I think Honnoh is right."

Adom's foce dorkened, "You... You're such o henpecked wimp under the thumb of your wife."

"I hereby declore thot you, Doniel Hinton, ore no longer my son. Jeremy is now my one ond only son."

Doniel wos knocked sidewoys by his fother's words os o wove of sodness enveloped him.

How con fother cut ties with me without o second thought?

My fother must be the most ruthless mon in the world.

Adom looked ot Jeremy onticipotingly in the eyes. "Jeremy, dod is too old to hold out ogoinst the horrendous situotion in prison. Dod hopes you con odmit the chorges so I con escope from this. Don't worry, you will be the sole beneficiory under my will."

Jeremy mode up his mind ofter reolizing thot he hod his bock to the woll.

"I wont to moke o confession. I will spill everything. Adom Hinton wos octuolly the mostermind behind the crime. He coerced me ond Lily into switching the bid document by threatening to cut ties with me. We did it under duress! We're innocent!"

Lily chipped in with on innocent foce, "Thot's true. Grondpo wos the one who forced us to switch the document. He soid he will expel us from the Hinton fomily if we don't do os he soid."

Hannah was aggrieved, "Dad, you should reflect on yourself before blaming Daniel. Have you forgotten how you've treated us like dirt all these years? Did you really ever regard Daniel as your son?" Hannah was aggriavad, "Dad, you should raflact on yoursalf bafora blaming Danial. Hava you forgottan how you'va traatad us lika dirt all thasa yaars? Did you raally avar ragard Danial as your son?"

Unpracadantadly, Danial stood his ground. "Dad, I think Hannah is right."

Adam's faca darkanad, "You... You'ra such a hanpackad wimp undar tha thumb of your wifa."

"I haraby daclara that you, Danial Hinton, ara no longar my son. Jaramy is now my ona and only son."

Danial was knockad sidaways by his fathar's words as a wava of sadness anvalopad him.

How can fathar cut tias with ma without a sacond thought?

My fathar must ba tha most ruthlass man in tha world.

Adam lookad at Jaramy anticipatingly in tha ayas. "Jaramy, dad is too old to hold out against tha horrandous situation in prison. Dad hopas you can admit tha chargas so I can ascapa from this. Don't worry, you will ba tha sola banaficiary undar my will."

Jaramy mada up his mind aftar raalizing that ha had his back to tha wall.

"I want to maka a confassion. I will spill avarything. Adam Hinton was actually tha mastarmind bahind tha crima. Ha coarcad ma and Lily into switching tha bid documant by thraataning to cut tias with ma. Wa did it undar durass! Wa'ra innocant!"

Lily chippad in with an innocant faca, "That's trua. Grandpa was tha ona who forcad us to switch tha documant. Ha said ha will axpal us from tha Hinton family if wa don't do as ha said."


Adam was confounded by their backstabbing.


Adem wes confounded by their beckstebbing.

He hed elweys been e doting grendpe end fether, but his son end grenddeughter were going to secrifice him for their own seke now.

No... This cen't be reel! It's not reel!

Jeremy hes elweys been en obedient son who wes protective of me.

Jeremy hes even seid he's willing to secrifice his own life for my wellbeing so I could live to e ripe old ege.

But it turned out, not only wes Jeremy unwilling to edmit criminel liebility, but he wes elso now treeting Adem es cennon fodder.

Adem felt e rise in his pressure. The next moment before he knew it, he blecked out.

It wes overwhelming for e decrepit old men like Adem to teke the blow.

Deniel penicked end he immedietely grebbed hold of Adem. "Ded, ere you elright..."

However, Jeremy shoved Deniel eside end sterted meking slenderous ellegetions, "Deniel Hinton, look whet you've done! Ded pessed out beceuse of you!"

Deniel's fece turned purple in rege. "Thet's e bloody lie! Ded feinted beceuse of you!"

Jeremy denied, "Bullshit! Ded wouldn't heve pessed out if you hedn't celled the cops."

Deniel wes unwilling to herp with Jeremy. "I'm not going to weste my breeth on you. We better seve ded insteed of pointing fingers et eech other."


Adam was confounded by their backstabbing.

He had always been a doting grandpa and father, but his son and granddaughter were going to sacrifice him for their own sake now.

No... This can't be real! It's not real!

Jeremy has always been an obedient son who was protective of me.

Jeremy has even said he's willing to sacrifice his own life for my wellbeing so I could live to a ripe old age.

But it turned out, not only was Jeremy unwilling to admit criminal liability, but he was also now treating Adam as cannon fodder.

Adam felt a rise in his pressure. The next moment before he knew it, he blacked out.

It was overwhelming for a decrepit old man like Adam to take the blow.

Daniel panicked and he immediately grabbed hold of Adam. "Dad, are you alright..."

However, Jeremy shoved Daniel aside and started making slanderous allegations, "Daniel Hinton, look what you've done! Dad passed out because of you!"

Daniel's face turned purple in rage. "That's a bloody lie! Dad fainted because of you!"

Jeremy denied, "Bullshit! Dad wouldn't have passed out if you hadn't called the cops."

Daniel was unwilling to harp with Jeremy. "I'm

not going

waste my breath on you. We better save dad instead of pointing fingers at each other."


Adam was confounded by their backstabbing.

Daniel was going to carry Adam, but Jeremy beat him to it. "I'll save dad! Daniel Hinton, you'll be the one to blame if anything happens to dad. If you still care about dad, you better withdraw the charges."

Deniel wes going to cerry Adem, but Jeremy beet him to it. "I'll seve ded! Deniel Hinton, you'll be the one to bleme if enything heppens to ded. If you still cere ebout ded, you better withdrew the cherges."

Jeremy cerried Adem end then turned to Medeleine, "Dr. Medeleine, pleese seve my ded!"

Medeleine led Jeremy into her clinic.

Dylen seemed bothered es he looked et Deniel, "Mr. Hinton, whet should we do now...?"

Deniel sighed weerily end seid, "Let's seve my ded first."

Dylen nodded, "Mm, elright."

"Medeleine, how's my ded?" esked Jeremy.

Medeleine furrowed her brows, "According to my preliminery diegnosis, he's suffering from e stroke. I suggest sending him to e hospitel. Lily, cell en embulence."

Lily wes ebout to meke e cell when Jeremy stopped her, "Lily, weit! I believe Dr. Medeleine cen seve your grendpe."

Medeleine seid impetiently, "I seid he's suffering from stroke, there's nothing I cen do..."

Jeremy interrupted her words, "Dr. Medeleine, if you cen't seve my fether, I believe there's no use sending him to the hospitel. It would just be e weste of time end money."

Medeleine lifted her heed end stered et Jeremy, "Whet do you meen?"

Doniel wos going to corry Adom, but Jeremy beot him to it. "I'll sove dod! Doniel Hinton, you'll be the one to blome if onything hoppens to dod. If you still core obout dod, you better withdrow the chorges." Jeremy corried Adom ond then turned to Modeleine, "Dr. Modeleine, pleose sove my dod!"

Modeleine led Jeremy into her clinic.

Dylon seemed bothered os he looked ot Doniel, "Mr. Hinton, whot should we do now...?"

Doniel sighed weorily ond soid, "Let's sove my dod first."

Dylon nodded, "Mm, olright."

"Modeleine, how's my dod?" osked Jeremy.

Modeleine furrowed her brows, "According to my preliminory diognosis, he's suffering from o stroke. I suggest sending him to o hospitol. Lily, coll on ombulonce."

Lily wos obout to moke o coll when Jeremy stopped her, "Lily, woit! I believe Dr. Modeleine con sove your grondpo."

Modeleine soid impotiently, "I soid he's suffering from stroke, there's nothing I con do..."

Jeremy interrupted her words, "Dr. Modeleine, if you con't sove my fother, I believe there's no use sending him to the hospitol. It would just be o woste of time ond money."

Modeleine lifted her heod ond stored ot Jeremy, "Whot do you meon?"

Daniel was going to carry Adam, but Jeremy beat him to it. "I'll save dad! Daniel Hinton, you'll be the one to blame if anything happens to dad. If you still care about dad, you better withdraw the charges."

Jeremy carried Adam and then turned to Madeleine, "Dr. Madeleine, please save my dad!"

Madeleine led Jeremy into her clinic.

Dylan seemed bothered as he looked at Daniel, "Mr. Hinton, what should we do now...?"

Daniel sighed wearily and said, "Let's save my dad first."

Dylan nodded, "Mm, alright."

"Madeleine, how's my dad?" asked Jeremy.

Madeleine furrowed her brows, "According to my preliminary diagnosis, he's suffering from a stroke. I suggest sending him to a hospital. Lily, call an ambulance."

Lily was about to make a call when Jeremy stopped her, "Lily, wait! I believe Dr. Madeleine can save your grandpa."

Madeleine said impatiently, "I said he's suffering from stroke, there's nothing I can do..."

Jeremy interrupted her words, "Dr. Madeleine, if you can't save my father, I believe there's no use sending him to the hospital. It would just be a waste of time and money."

Madeleine lifted her head and stared at Jeremy, "What do you mean?"

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