Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 72

Chapter 72: Jealousy and Drawings
“Is Uncle Logan going to get to go home now?” Olivia asked when Serena met the kids and Dana outside the hospital. “He’ll be
able to go home soon,” she said. “Did you bring pictures for him?” “Yea!” Oliver said excitedly. He pulled his backpack off to
indicate that was where the pictures were.
“Thank you, Dana. I’ll stay with the twins. You can head on home,” she said. Dana nodded.
“I’ll have dinner for you when you get home,” she said.
“Great, thanks,” Serena said. She took the twins hands.
“Logan said he would read to us more when we came back,” Olivia told Serena. “Can we stay and read with him?” “Why don’t
you start by showing him your pictures,” Serena said. “We don’t want to tire him out too much.” She walked the twins to Logan’s
room while Olivia chattered about her day and why she hadn’t wanted to go daycare. Serena listened, but she was also
concerned about what Holly would do when she saw the twins again. She’d already made it clear that she didn’t want to see
Serena or the twins in Logan’s room again. When they got to the door, Serena knocked lightly. The voices muffled behind the
door stopped. “Come in,” Logan called. Serena took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Immediately, Olivia and Oliver ran
in, cheerily saying hi to Logan. Holly sneered, walking backwards to get out of their way as they ran at the table. “You came
back,” Logan said, smiling. “Yes,” Holly said moodily, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. Serena remained by the door. She
shut it, but stayed back. She had nothing left to say to Logan, but she was there because she had told him he wasn’t going to be
alone with her kids until she could trust him again. “We drew all kinds of pictures today,” Olivia said. Oliver took his backpack off
and pulled the zipper open. A whole pile of pages fell out onto the bed, scattering around. Logan laughed. “Ugh, playing family
with kids that aren’t even yours, again,” Holly sneered. Logan didn’t respond, but Serena glared at Holly. She didn’t like how
Holly was so rude and made assumptions about her and her kids. The fact that Logan was their real father made things more
confusing. Holly didn’t know that. If she did, Serena knew she would throw a massive tantrum, one that could get her kicked out
of the pack, or worse!
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Chapter 72 Jealousy and Drawings Watching Logan look at the pictures the twins had drawn, Serena knew that he was ready to
be a father. Whether or not he believed it. She knew, just by watching them, that he had spoken true when he said he would
never lose his temper at them. She trusted that to be true, but she didn’t want to let go over her anger at him yet. It hadn’t been
the twins that he had been yelling at or making accusations at. It had been her at the end of his wrath. She would have to forgive

him in her own time. Olivia and Oliver were holding up their pictures one at a time, showing Logan what they’d painted. He was
very good at guessing too, which was something a parent was good at. It took a parents’ eyes sometimes to see what a child
drew or painted. “Is this another wolf?” Logan asked Oliver. “I like the wolves,” Oliver said. “I want to be one.” “You will be,
someday,” Logan assured. “And this one is you,” Olivia said, holding up a picture. Logan’s brow creased. Serena chuckled, she
imagined that Olivia’s rendition of other people wasn’t quite accurate. “Who else is in this picture?” Logan asked, pointing to
other figured on the paper. “That’s me, running around as a wolf,” Olivia said. “An Oliver.”
“Who’s that?” Logan asked, pointing to the final figure. “That’s mommy,” Olivia said. Holly went over to the bed and looked at the
picture. Her eyes darkened and she snatched the picture away from Olivia. “Hey!” Serena snapped, stepping forward to come
between Holly and Olivia “Why do your kids think you and Logan are so close?” she asked, waving the page in front of Serena’s
face. Serena looked at the image, seeing that Olivia had drawn her and Logan with their arms around each other. It was an
innocent enough drawing for a young child. The fantasy of their mother and her friend. Serena sighed, shaking her head. “Kids
will be kids,” she said. “They don’t see things how we see them.” Holly scoffed and tossed the drawing back on the bed. “This is
why I don’t think you should be spending so much time with them,” Holly snapped at Logan. Serena went to the end of the bed
so she wasn’t standing between Holly and Logan. She beckoned the kids towards her, and they crawled to the end of the bed.
“They are already getting confused, thinking that you and Serena are together or something.” Holly said, putting her hands on
her hips. “Holly, kids don’t understand adult relationships,” Serena defended. “It is nothing to get so upset about.” “Can we read
now?” Olivia asked. Serena shook her head, silencing her child. “Really, Holly, they’re just kids,” Logan said.
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Chapter 72 Jealousy and Drawings
“You’re siding with her now too?” Holly asked, pointing an accusing finger at Serena. “Oliver, why don’t you get your drawings
and your backpack” Serena said. “It is time we should be going.” “Yea, it is long past,” Holly spat at them. Shyly, Oliver got off the
bed. Logan handed him the pictures, and he put them back in his backpack. Once again, Serena felt like she needed to get
away! The twins’ attachment to Logan was just going to aggravate Holly more. It wasn’t good for her and her baby, and it wasn’t
good for the twins to be around. “I’m sorry our visit was cut short, again,” Logan told the twins. “We will read together again,
soon.” “Promise?” Olivia asked, crawling up the bed to hug him. “I promise” he said. Oliver went to the side of the bed and Logan
ruffled his hair. “You should probably get going, now,” Holly said, speeding their departure along. Serena sighed, taking her kids’
hands and heading out of the room. “Thank you for bringing them by,” Logan asked. Serena nodded, but she didn’t turn around.
She made a mental note to herself to make sure Holly wasn’t around the next time Logan saw the twins. Although, she imagined

that the closer Holly got to having her baby, the more she would be around Logan and the more she would cling to him. “What do
you think about taking a little trip?” Serena asked the kids as they headed home. “A trip where?” Olivia asked.
“To stay with my parents for a little while,” Serena said. “Without you?” Oliver asked sadly. Serena chuckled.
“No, no, all of us, as a family,” she said.
“Can Logan come?” Olivia asked. Serena sighed. She couldn’t tell her children that one of the reasons she wanted to leave was
because she wanted to get away from Logan. “Logan isn’t a part of our family,” Serena said. “He is a good friend, but there is a
difference between friends and family.”
“Can he be part of our family?” Olivia asked. Serena didn’t answer right away. It was a lie to tell her kids that Logan wasn’t part of
their family. He was their father! She couldn’t tell them that without it getting back to him though, so she had to keep playing the
part of them thinking he was just a friend “Logan has his own family with Flo, and Holly, and the baby that they are going to
have,” she explained. “Can we all be a family together?” Oliver asked, looking up at his mother hopefully...
Chapter 72: Jealousy and Drawings
Serena smiled at them.
She would love nothing more to be a complete family with their father, but she’d never want Holly to be a part of that. “I didn’t
think you liked Holly,” Serena said. “She can’t be part of our family.” Oliver said firmly. Serena hid her smile. Her kids were good
at picking up on things like who was nice and who wasn’t. “Well, then, Logan can’t be part of our family, because his family is
with Holly,” she said. Both the kids became sullen the rest of the walk home. She felt bad for letting them down, for dashing their
hopes that Logan could be part of their family. Technically, he was their family, but as long as Holly was in the picture, Serena
had no intention of combining them.
It made a complicated situation more complicated, because if Logan ever found out the truth, she knew he would never forgive
her! “So, do you want to go see my parents for a while?” Serena asked. “And Uncle Santino?” Olivia asked. “Yes, absolutely,”
Serena confirmed. “That sounds like fun,” Oliver admitted.

“I think it would be too,” Serena said. The twins ran inside to wash up for dinner. Whatever Dana made smelled amazing all the
way out on the porch!

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