Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Carson‘s Inquiry
Carson stopped by to visit and check on Logan while
Serena was discharging him from the hospital. “How are you holding up?” Carson asked Logan while he signed the
discharge papers. Serena sat behind the front desk, waiting for Logan to pass her the papers back. “I‘m much better,” he said. S
erena gave him a one over. He was breathing easier, and the
bandages were off his neck and throat. Even though he was dressed, she knew that his chest was still bandaged underneath. Hi
s breathing was smooth and even, and his voice wasn‘t as raspy anymore, but he wasn‘t fully healed yet. “You still have to take it
easy,” Serena reminded him. Logan nodded at her. “I will” he said. She wasn‘t convinced by his casual tone. “Logan, I‘m serious
,” she said. “You were very badly injured. Just because you can walk and can leave here, doesn‘t mean you are out of the woods
.” “I‘ll be careful,” he assured. Carson winked at Serena. “I will look after him,” the Beta said. “Good, he needs it,” Serena said fir
mly. She was still being cold to Logan, but as his doctor, she had to make sure that he was going to take care of himself and be o
kay. “I don‘t need to be babysat,” Logan said. “I‘m just going to go home and get some rest.” Logan departed, but Carson remain
ed behind. Serena watched Logan nervously to see if he would react to Carson remaining with her and talking to her. “This is risk
y,” Serena said, smiling at him. “Why you think Logan will get mad again?” Carson asked. “I‘m sure he learned his lesson.” Seren
a shrugged, collecting the paperwork and bringing it to the nurse‘s station to file. Carson followed her. She felt his eyes on her. It
was clear that he had something more he wanted to say or talk about. “Something else on your mind?” she asked, sitting at the n
urse‘s station and opening up some files on her computer.
“I was just wondering about what happened the night Logan was attacked,” Carson said.
“You saw him, you saw what happened” Serena said absently. She had some lab results to look up on her computer and match t
o the files of some other patients, part of her daily work “That‘s not what I meant,” he said. Serena looked up and raised an eyebr
ow at him.
“What do you mean thon?” che asked
Chapter 73 Carson‘s Inquiry “When I came to your house, you were already awake,” he said. “When I told you something had ha
ppened, you didn‘t seem particularly surprised.” Serena sighed. She hadn‘t wanted to talk to Carson about that, or anyone. The r
eality was, based on his strong scent when she‘d encountered Logan in his wolf form – while she was hiding –
and the reaction she had to him being injured, she was starting to consider the possibility that Logan was her mate.
All the pieces fit, but she didn‘t want to say anything or make a big deal out of it when she didn‘t know for sure. She also didn‘t kn
ow if she wanted to know. Not with the complicated place their relationship was in, and not with the fact that he was going to hav

e a baby with another female.
She hadn‘t really let herself think about it, but now that Carson was asking questions, she thought maybe others were starting to
notice it too. “I couldn‘t sleep,” she said. “The twins had a long day.”
“Really?” Carson asked. Serena nodded. “You just seemed like you were waiting for bad news, or something.” Serena closed her
eyes and sighed. “Sometimes, as a doctor, I wake up in the middle of the night worrying,” she said keeping things as vague as p
“It is an occupational hazard. Especially with Moonshine attacks becoming more frequent.” “That seems awfully convenient,” Car
son said, resting his elbow on the nurse‘s station and giving Serena a suspicious look. “Carson, I
have a lot of work to do,” she said. “I don‘t know what you are fishing for.” “I just want to know if something is going on between y
ou and Logan,” he said. Groaning, Serena shut the computer off and faced Carson. “Is this some more jealous male crap?” she
asked. Carson chuckled and shook his head.
“No, no,” he said, holding up his hands in surrender. “I‘m not asking out of jealousy. I‘m asking out of
curiosity.” Serena shook her head, but she smiled at Carson.
“Logan has been a very involved
Alpha,” she said. “For whatever reason, he has taken a liking to my kids and has taken an interest in my well–
being, even when it is hard on his own relationship.” “That is strange,” Carson muttered.
“If you say so,” Serena said with a casual shrug. She didn‘t want to make a big deal out of nothing. She also didn‘t want anyone
else to make a big deal out of it.
“You don‘t think it is unusual?” Carson pressed. Serena shrugged.
“I don‘t have a good frame of reference,” she said. “I haven‘t seen him interact with 2/4
Chapter 73 Carson‘s Inquiry anyone else transferring in. Although, he is having a baby with someone who is from another pack,
so it seems like he enjoys being there
for new transfers.” Carson chuckled, leaning on the nurse‘s station again. His smile was warm, but Serena had a feeling it was m
eant to be more suggestive. With how busy she had been, and stressed about the situation with Logan, she wasn‘t entirely recep

to his flirting. “You make a good point,” he said with a nod. “Yes, I do,” Serena said, giving him a playful smile to keep the mood fr
om getting too serious.
“Still, I think it is weird that you‘d wake up worried about your job the same night that Logan was viciously attacked. Between that
and his reaction to thinking we were involved...” Carson trailed off when Serena glared at him. “I don‘t pretend to understand wh
at the Alpha‘s moods are about,” she said. “I‘ve always known he has a short temper, and that means whatever sets him off isn‘t
usually the core of his anger.” “I suppose that is true too,” Carson said, sighing. Serena didn‘t like how Carson was prying. She h
ad deflected everything, and told Carson she had work to do, but he kept pushing for answers.
“I think you‘re looking for answers that aren‘t there,” she said, grinning at him. Carson grinned back and gave a one shouldered s
hrug. “I don‘t know,” he said. “Logan did tell me about running into a wolf he‘d never smelled before, and how it was totally breath
“Logan has never run into me in my wolf form,” Serena argued. It was a lie, but Logan didn‘t know it was her, so Carson didn‘t nee
“Don‘t you think that if I smelled Logan in his wolf form and had the same reaction he had to his mystery wolf, I would have said so
before Holly got pregnant?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. Carson laughed, rolling his eyes at Serena. Truth be told, she probabl
was ready, or his anger was
out of control, there was no way she could admit to whatever connections they had. “There‘s a lot that needs figuring out, Serena,
said. “You‘re either deflecting efficiently, or you are blissfully ignorant.” He chuckled again. “Maybe you should do as you promised
said. Carson nodded and headed out of
the hospital. Serena didn‘t like how curious he was about her relationship, or lack of relationship,
Chapter 73 Carson‘s Inquiry with Logan. She knew she couldn‘t hide it forever, but things were still too complicated. Until she foun
things, if that was possible, she had to hold her tongue.
Carson‘s curiosity was just another reason that Serena thought she should get away for a bit. The kids could benefit from
spending time with their grandparents and Santino. She wanted to see her family too.

A break from Logan, Holly, and Carson would also help. She turned the computer
back on and submitted a formal ‘time off‘ request in the employee portal. Going back
to Starseeker would prevent Carson from digging deeper. It would hopefully fade from his mind by the time she returned.
Serena picked up her clipboard and stethoscope to finish her rounds for the day. She‘d been in the hospital so much lately, betwe
Moonshine attacks, she felt like she spent more
time there than with her kids sometimes. She loved her job, she loved helping others, but she needed to take some time to help h

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