Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 71

Chapter 71: An Awkward Attempt at Apology
Every time Serena went to look after Logan as he recovered, Holly stood there, looming over them. It made her feel awkward
and judged as she did her work. She peeled Logan’s hospital gown back, opening it up over his chest and down far enough that
he was almost entirely exposed in the front. Keeping her eyes trained on the bruises down his abdomen, she gently pressed
them, watching for reactions of pain. “What are you doing?” Holly asked when Serena palpated Logan’s stomach. Her hands
were rather close to his exposed groin, but she was doing a proper medical examination. Serena’s eyes flitted to Logan’s and he
smirked at her. Shaking her head, Serena covered Logan up again. “A medical exam, to make sure that there is no internal
damage that we missed initially and to make sure he is healing properly,” she said shortly.
“Holly, why don’t you go get me something to eat?” Logan asked. “You don’t have to be here for this.” Holly rolled her eyes, but
she left. “You didn’t have to send her away,” Serena argued. “I’m capable of doing my job with an audience.” Logan chuckled.
“Oh, I know,” he said. “I just thought it might be awkward to be mostly naked in front of two females. That hasn’t happened to me
for a while.”
Despite herself, Serena cracked a stiff smile. Logan was trying to joke with her, that meant he wasn’t mad at her anymore, but
she still hadn’t decided how she felt about
She’d been so concerned about him, had wanted to save him. She’d gone to great lengths to save his life and even broken some
rules of medical practice. Still, she wasn’t ready to forgive him yet. “Let me change your bandages,” she said curtly. Logan’s
smile faded. He gave a nod. She changed the bandages on his throat first, an attempt to keep him from talking. Then she
changed the bandages on his chest. Nothing looked infected, and he was healing quickly, as was expected. “You‘re healing fast.”
Serena said, making a note on his chart. “You’ll be able to leave here soon.” “Great,” Logan said. He winced as he tried to sit up.
Automatically, Serena went to his side and helped him up. Then she propped his pillows up behind him. He leaned back into the
added support, His hospital gown had fallen open again. Serena groaned and stepped back. Logan hastened to close it again.
You seem awfully eager to get me naked again,” he teased her, Serena shook he12:47)
head. “Please, don’t shame my profession by making it into something it isn’t,” she said sternly. “I’m sorry, Serena,” Logan said.
She knew his apology was for more than his jokes, but she still wasn’t ready to forgive him. “You’re going to be fine,” she
reiterated. She started walking away. “Serena, wait,” Logan said. She paused, debating whether or not to turn back to him.
Finally, she turned around slowly. “Was there something else?” she asked. “I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday,” he

said. “It wasn’t right for me to get so angry. Your personal life is your business. I had no right to make accusations or call your
professionalism into question.”
“No, you didn’t,” Serena said, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at him. His apology was genuine, she knew that, but he
was telling her things she already knew. He was going to have to do better than that to win her over! “I was angry,” he said. “Out
of my mind with rage. It was like a poison in my veins. I even went and took on a whole pack of rogues just to prove something to
myself.” He looked down at the bandages on his chest.
As he spoke, his voice became hoarser, so Serena went to the water pitcher and poured him a cup of water. He nodded in
thanks when she handed it to him.
“That was stupid,” she said rigidly. Logan chuckled.
“I know that now,” he said. “But I was also told about what you did for me, to save me.” Serena blushed slightly and turned her
eyes away from him. It seemed almost too intimate to think about Logan have her blood in his veins. It was a very deep
exchange of fluids, and remembering it made her a little uncomfortable. She’d done what she had to in order to save him, but
she hadn’t wanted him to know!
“My job is to save lives, and I will do whatever is in my power to achieve that,” she informed him. “I would have done that for
Her words weren’t entirely true. As Alpha, Logan was entitled to more intense medical care. If she’d had more than one patient to
tend to, she wouldn’t have been able to risk giving them all blood and losing consciousness. It was a very situation specific
remedy. Logan didn’t need to know that, though. “I understand,” he said, drinking his water and laying back on his pillows. “Did
you have a good visit with the twins this morning?” Serena asked. Logan nodded. “I’d like to see them again,” he said. “Bring
them by, anytime.” “I’ve got a lot of work to do,” Serena said. An Awkward Attempt at Apology
Holly returned to the room, her eyes immediately narrowing in on how close Serena was standing to Logan’s bed. She still had a
hand on the pillows she’d been fluffing.
“Every time I leave the room, this is the kind of thing I come back to!” Holly snapped. She dropped the tray of food from the
cafeteria onto Logan’s lap. He grunted. “Holly, I’d ask you not to be so rough with the patient,” Serena said. “He may enjoy that in
other situations, but right now, he needs to heal.” Serena’s implication was not lost on Holly or Logan. The Alpha smirked, but
Holly snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. “How would you even know that?” she asked accusingly. Serena glanced at

Logan. He shrugged. “That was a joke,” Serena said. “But thank you for that lovely exchange of images. I’ve got other work to
“Will you bring the twins by later?” Logan asked as Serena started walking towards the door. She looked over her shoulder.
“Sure,” she said in a non-committal tone. She didn’t want to make any promises. Her mood could change throughout the rest of
her day.
She left a sour looking Holly at Logan’s side. He was healing fast, but Holly’s moodiness and confrontations would be sure to
exhaust him.
“Every time I turn around, your off with Serena or her kids!” Serena heard Holly whine as she left. “What are you trying to do to
me?” Serena shook her head. So much drama! Every time she was around Logan or Holly, there was some kind of drama. She
was over it. She was over Logan’s controlling behavior, short temper, and mixed signals. She needed a break! Although she was
still made at him, Serena knew that a positive environment would help him recover faster. Since she had gone to such lengths to
save his life, letting his health fail now would be such a waste! He wanted to see the twins, and she had a feeling they would help
improve his mood and speed up his recovery, especially after all the time he spent battling Holly. Finishing her rounds, Serena
filed her papers for the day. She went to the phone at the nurse’s station and dialed Dana’s number. “Dana, I have a favor to
ask,” she said. “What can I do?” Dana asked. “Can you bring the twins by the hospital after daycare?” she asked. “Logan wants
to see them, and I’m sure they want to see him too.”
“Yes, of course,” Dana said. “We will be packing up and leaving here shortly. They drew a lot of pictures today.” Serena smiled
into the phone.
“Have them bring some of the pictures, too,” she said. “Tell them Uncle Logan wants to see their artwork. An Awkward Attempt
at Apology
“I’m sure they’d love to show him, too,” Dana said. “They’ve been talking about him all day.” Serena thanked Dana and hung up.
It worried her, how close the kids were getting to Logan, how attached they were getting. He couldn’t be their father, even if he
did know he was. Not with Holly and another baby on the way. She didn’t want them to get hurt
She thought that it might be best for all of them to get away for a little while. She had so much work to do, and she had to make
sure that Logan was out of the woods completely, but Serena began to think that an extended trip to see her parents would help
put some distance between herself and Logan and the twins and Logan.

They would play with Uncle Santino and their grandparents, being far too busy to ask about Logan or miss him. It was a
possibility; one the Serena was liking more and more.

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