Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Recovery
The next time Logan woke up. Holly had returned. She was sitting by his bed reading a magazine. Logan sighed, turning slightly
on the bed to get a better look at her. She didn’t look up from what she was reading, just kept bouncing the foot on the leg she
had crossed over the other. Holly had been good for him and good to him. He hadn’t always agreed with her, and he didn’t like
the catty, jealous behavior she was exhibiting, but she had still stuck by him. Besides, she was going to have his baby. That was
something that, no matter how mixed his own feelings were, he couldn’t just walk away from. “You’re awake,” Holly said, looking
up from her magazine. Logan gave a nod, then winced as his throat smarted. “Could you get me some water?” he asked. Holly
sighed, looking displeased at needing to do him a favor. She nodded though and left the room. While Holly was gone, the
hospital room door opened again and Dana came in with the twins.
“Logan!” Olivia said, running up to the side of his bed. He smiled, propping himself up as much as he could. “You’re hurt.” “I’m
okay,” he assured. Oliver came up beside Olivia. “You sound funny,” he said. Logan motioned to the bandage on his throat. “My
neck got hurt,” he said. He looked at Dana. “Please tell me that Serena knows they are here.” He didn’t want her children visiting
him to cause more tension between them. Dana smiled and nodded. “Yes, she knows,” Dana assured. “She couldn’t bring them
herself with work, so I offered to stop by before bringing them to daycare.” “Thank you,” Logan said. “Mommy said she saved
your life,” Olivia said dramatically. Logan chuckled, hiding the wince as his chest screamed in pain from his laugh. “She did,” he
confirmed. “Your mother is a great doctor.” “When will you get out of here and come play with us?” Olivia asked. “I’ll be better
soon,” he promised. “Olivia, why don’t you show Logan what you brought him,” Dana offered. She took a seat in a chair across
the room.. “Oh year!” Olivia said. She produced a book. “Can you read with us?” Logan smiled, feeling lighter and happier than
he had in a long time. Using what strength he had, he reclined himself on the pillows.
“Hop on up,” he said, patting the bed beside him. Olivia and Oliver climbed onto the bed, each one sitting on either side of him.
They snuggled right up against him as he flipped the book open to the last page they’d left off on. Despite Oliver’s dislike for
books, Logan had noticed that he listened and enjoyed them when he read to the kids. It warmed him to know that Oliver liked
him and was discovering an appreciation for books through him. Logan began reading while Dana worked on a knitting project
she had in her purse. Holly returned to the room and stopped dead in the doorway. “What is going on?” she asked, looking down
her nose at the twins. Olivia made a face at Holly and Oliver curled into Logan a little bit. “Olivia, don’t be rude,” Dana said firmly.
Olivia sighed, but stopped making her face. “Holly, the twins wanted to make sure I was doing okay.” Logan said. Holly walked to
the table beside him and set his water down hard enough to cause it to splash over the edge of the cup. “They aren’t your kids,
Logan!” she snapped. She put her hands on her stomach. “You’re a meanie!” Olivia said, standing up on the hospital bed. “We
can visit our Uncle Logan whenever we want!” she crossed her arms firmly. “Olivia, that isn’t very nice,” Dana said. “I think we
should get going to daycare.” Dana collected her things and grabbed Olivia’s hard to help her off the bed. “Yes, I think that is a

good idea,” Holly said snidely. Dana had a twin on each arm. She missed Olivia turning around and sticking her tongue out at
Holly, but Logan didn’t miss it. “Thank you for bringing them for a visit,” Logan said with a wave. “We’ll come back with mommy to
finish the book,” Olivia said with an assured nod. Logan looked down, seeing the book still in his lap. He put the bookmark in and
traded the book for his water on the table next to his bed. “Uncle Logan?” Holly asked, raising an eyebrow. Logan sighed. “They
picked that up on their own,” he said. “Serena has a brother, I’m guessing they think all adult males that aren’t their father or
grandfather are called ‘uncle.” “Well, maybe you should correct them,” Holly said. “I don’t understand why it bothers you so much
that I have a relationship with the kids of the pack,” Logan said. He took a drink of water, soothing his dry, cracked throat. Holly
scoffed, throwing her arms up in the air. “It isn’t all the kids of the pack, though,” she said. “It is just those two!” “I see it as
practice,” Logan said, giving her a smile. Holly rolled her eyes. “I don’t think you realize how humiliating this is for me,” Holly
complained. “You cry out for some other female in your sleep, having been weirdly attached to her since her Recovery arrival in
the pack. Now you’re spending time with your kids like you’d rather be a family with them!”
Logan shook his head. He lowered his pillows so he could lay down again. It hurt to sit up too long, the muscles in his chest still
damaged from the surgery and the broken bones. “It isn’t like that, Hoily,” he said. “They don’t have a dad. I guess I sympathize,
because I lost my father young.” Holly shook her head. “It isn’t fair to them. You can’t be a father to them, especially since you
are going to be an actual father to our baby,” she pointed out. “Besides, Serena seems like she has all
help she needs from her parents. Dana. Adriana, and even Carson.”
At the mention of Serena and Carson together, Logan was reminded why he had been so angry at her in the first place. It
seemed so long ago that he had been yelling at her and making unfair accusations. Sighing, Logan knew he would have to
apologize. He would have to make a real apology if he was going to set things right. He couldn’t just thank her for saving his life.
It had to be genuine.
“Are you even listening to me?” Holly asked. Logan realized he hadn’t been. Whatever she was ranting on about, he had zoned
out thinking about Serena. “Yes, I’m listening,” he lied. “I know I can’t be a father to them. I just like them. They are great kids
with a promising future in the pack. And they like me.” “You shouldn’t encourage that,” Holly admonished. Logan shrugged,
drinking more water. The more he talked, the more his throat ached. “Holly, you are acting like because we are having a kid, I
can’t be involved in any other child’s life. You’re acting like because we are together, I can’t have contact with any other female.
I’m a pack Alpha, so that just isn’t possible. You have to accept that,” Logan told her shortly. Holly scoffed, turning away from
him. “What about your responsibility to me and our family?” she asked. “I have to balance it out,” he said. “And I will. I’m not
going to abandon you or our child. Nor am I going to abandon the pack. “How noble of you,” Holly said sarcastically. Logan
sighed. “Can we discuss this more, when I’m not laid up in a hospital bed?” he asked. Holly looked at him over her shoulder,
rolling her eyes. “Fine, whatever you want,” she hissed.

Left alone, Logan had some time to think things over. He could admit that he had acted irrationally, letting his anger lead him
around. He’d have to apologize to Carson too. Thinking about how Serena and Carson had worked together to save his life, he
owed them both. 3/4 Recovery Despite his confrontations, they had both come to his aid. More than that, Carson had known to
go to Serena to help him. It was exactly what he would have wanted to happen, and his Beta knew him well enough to know that.
He couldn’t keep being mad at both of them when they had gone to such great lengths to ensure he lived.
Besides, with the ever-growing threat of Moonshine, it seemed petty to be fighting with his Beta and one of the pack doctors.
They all needed to be on the same side to stand strong against Moonshine. He knew it was a little controlling to have had an
outburst about a relationship they had both denied. Either way, more important things were happening. Logan knew that as
Alpha, he had to put his own grievances on hold until the pack and territory were safe!

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