Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 82

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

“AHHHH!!!!!!” was all I would hear for the rest of my days after Evelyn announced to everyone that we were now engaged. The loudest screech had to have come from Allie though. That girl had a set of lungs on her.

“OH MY GOD!!! D!!!” Allie squealed and jumped into my arms. “I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!” she screamed in my ear.

“Damn Shorty! My ears!”

“Oh, sorry,” she said and giggled while I put her down.

“b***h!! Look at that rock!” Sin said while staring at Evelyn’s ring.

“Seriously!? Why is everyone getting engaged!? I look like a horrible boyfriend!” Andre exclaimed. “First Brandon, then Aries, and now you Deacon. What the hell?”

“Sorry man, but I need Evie to be more than a mate, I need her to be my wife,” I tell him and rescue Evelyn from the wolf pile.

“Congratulations,” Dorian says to me and gives me a bro hug.

“Thanks, man,” I reply. We all sat down in the conference room to talk about the elephant in the room.

“Alright, look, we know why Yellow Moon is here, and every single person in here has a bone to pick with Heather, but we can’t let our emotions cloud our better judgment. Though Elder Maxwell is willing to allow us to torture her, we really don’t have any cause to do that since we already have enough information to execute her,” Dorian says to the room.

“Uh babe, I’m sorry to interrupt,” Allie says all of a sudden. “But before we continue with this, I think Cianna and Lucian need to go see Dr. Quinn,” the entire room gasps.

“WHAT!?” they both exclaim.

“Yeah, I didn’t sense it while we were in Florida, but I sure as hell sense it now,” Allie said with a big smile on her face.

“CICI!!” Lucian shouted at the top of his lungs and hugged Cianna.

“Dr. Quinn is already waiting, go,” Allie says. Lucian grabs Cianna and drags her to the pack hospital.

“I swear, you guys are coming here pregnant on purpose aren’t you?” Allie says to Apollo and me.

“Speaking of pregnancies,” I say and turn to Lacie. “I hear congratulations are in order for you,” Lacie and Aries smile and nod their heads.

“Oh, how exciting! Lacie and Cianna are going to be pregnancy buddies!” Allie shouted.

“Oh, oh! What if their babies turn out to be mates!?” Leah added.

“Or what if Lacie has a boy, and he turns out to be the mate to one of Deacon’s triplets?!” Dani shouted.

“HEY!” I shouted in return making everyone jump. “Don’t be making bets on my girls. They don’t need mates this young, no one’s son or daughter is going to be coming in contact with my girls until they’re 21!”

“Dare to dream,” Dorian said to me. I looked at him.

“Hey, just because your kids all ended up with mates from the womb or at birth doesn’t mean my girls have to,” I reply to him and make everyone laugh.

“Okay, enough baby talk, let’s figure out how and when we’re going to take care of Heather,” Dorian said changing the subject back to the real topic at hand.

“Dorian, if it’s alright with you, I want to talk to her alone first,” I tell him.

“What?” Evelyn replied in shock.

“I’m a sorry baby girl, but there is something I need to get to the bottom of,” she gave me a look of contemplation before nodding her head. I cupped her cheeks and gave her a k**s to reassure her.

Dorian and I get up and leave the conference room. He leads me to the cellar where they are currently holding Heather.

“Alphas,” the guard greets us.

“Spencer, open the door,”

“Sir,” the guard unlocks the door and Dorian and I descended into the cellar. The door is closed behind us but remained unlocked. Dorian leads me to a corner of the cellar that blocked off with a single cell.

“What’s this?” I ask him.

“This is the isolation cell. It’s made of lead and is completely soundproof,”

“I don’t see any ventilation,”

“There’s a single four by six ventilation shaft in the far left corner in the floor that allows fresh air from outside to come in, but it’s connected to a hundred-foot long tunnel,”

“I don’t ever remember this being here,” I tell him.

“I ended up having this installed after the whole war with Tucker. When we caught his rogue that had been stalking Allie, we used the cells at the firm, but the guys and I ended up spending almost the entire night there, and the girls were pissed off at us. It was the first and only real fight Allie and I ever had,”

“Whoa, you guys actually had a fight?”

“I can’t really say it was a fight. Allie gave me the silent treatment, and ended up slapping me,”


“Yeah, Allie has some hard hands. I honestly deserved it. I left her alone for the first time ever in the near year we had been together, and she was barely pregnant with the twins at the time. I realized then I needed to have an isolation cell put here just in case something like that ever happened again. It was a good investment,” I nod my head and look at it. I peek through the window, and I can see a body lying down on the cot.

“Shall we?” I ask. I watch as Dorian enters a seemingly never-ending passcode, and scan in his retina. “Seriously?”

“Can never be too careful. I’ve had one traitor in my pack already, can’t risk having another,” I nod again and we both go in. “Get up Heather,” Dorian says to her. But there was no movement. “HEATHER!” Still nothing. Dorian flips on the switch, and we both freeze at what we see.

{Cianna’s P.O.V.}

“Congratulations Cianna, you are indeed pregnant,” Dr. Quinn says to me as she shows Lucian and me our pup on the screen.

“How many?” Lucian asks.

“Just one,”

“Aww…” Lucian pouts.

“I’m assuming you were also hoping for multiples Alpha,” Dr. Quinn asks him.

“Please, call me Lucian, Deacon is the Alpha. And yes, I was hoping for more than one, but it’s okay. We can try again next time,” I just roll my eyes at him and smile. He’s not even the one who has to carry the pup and he’s already planning for the next round.

“Doctor, how far along am I?” I ask.

“Give me a moment, and I will measure the pup to give you an estimate,” I nod my head and wait. I stare my pup on the screen, and see the heart beating. I can make out the head and the body and little stubs that are the arms and legs.

“Look what we did Cici,” Lucian says and k****s my forehead and stares at the screen with me.

“More like you did,” I tell him. “It’s the s***m that fertilizes the egg,” I reply to him.

“Don’t be a smart a*s,” he replies and I just giggle. I didn’t think I could ever love someone so much but seeing my pup with my very own eyes changed that thought almost instantly.

“Okay, according to the measures and the development of the pup, I estimate that you’re around three weeks,”

“Huh, I would have thought Shorty would have sensed it sooner,” Lucian says.

“Well, whenever the Luna is under stress or her mind is trying to focus on too many things, she seems to miss it,” the doctor explains. “Though, three weeks is typically the norm for her, unless it’s someone is she very close too and sees on a regular basis. Given that you’re from a different pack, and we haven’t seen you in a while may be the reason why it took her a minute,”

“But we saw Allie less than a week ago,” I tell her.

“Was she under stress at the time?” she asked me.

“Yeah, she kind of was,”

“That’s probably why. The poor Luna has a lot on her mind these days, with everything going on in her life right now,” I nod my head. Dr. Quinn finishes up my exam and prints out some stills of the ultrasound so we can share it with everyone. As I am getting dressed, Lucian is admiring the stills and is in complete awe. Suddenly we hear a massive roar that shakes the entire hospital.

“What the f**k was that?!” I asked.

“That’s not Deacon, it sounded more powerful,”

“That means it’s Dorian,”

“Hurry get dressed!” I quickly get my clothes on and we make our way back to the packhouse.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

After Dorian and Deacon left the conference room, the rest of us started to go gaga over Evelyn’s engagement. Andre was still sour that he seems to be only not proposing, but Dani doesn’t seem phased by at it all. It actually makes me wonder why he hasn’t proposed after over two years together.

“Andre, may I speak with you for a minute in private, please?” I say to him. He nods his head and we leave the conference room to get some privacy.

“Is everything okay?” he asks me.

“I should be asking you that?” I tell him.

“What do you mean?”

“Andre, why haven’t you proposed to Dani? Do you not want to marry her?”

“Oh no, that is not why Allie, please do not even say that out loud. I love Dani with all of my heart, and I want nothing more than to make her my wife,”

“Then what’s holding you back. I can see that when someone close enough gets engaged, your mood changes,”

“I am very old fashioned, Allie. I am almost a hundred years old, and I grew up during a time where you need to ask your mates parents for their blessing,”

“Is that what this is all about? You want to get Dani’s parents’ blessing first?”

“Yes, but Dani refuses to introduce me to her parents. She said that they had a falling out after she broke off her engagement prior to our meeting. Apparently Harry was some kind of upper-level warlock that her father had business ties with. Since she broke off the engagement, her father blamed her for the loss in business and Dani said she has not spoken her to parents ever since then. They do not even know she is part of this pack, let alone mated to me, or about Monique,”

“WHAT!?” I was totally flabbergasted. I had no idea that Dani didn’t tell her parents where she was living or that she was mated and a mother.

“I have tried to convince her to mend things with her family, and to allow Monique to meet her maternal grandparents, but Dani refuses. She said that the things her father called her at the time they fought were quite nasty and hurtful. Her mother just stood there and did not stand up for her,”

“Wow, I had no idea,” I put my had to my forehead in complete disbelief. “So, all this time, that’s why you’ve been waiting,”

“Originally, no,”


“I had brought up meeting Dani’s parents multiple times in the last two years, but she kept saying that her mother would be away on business, or her father would be away, or that they were too busy. It was always a different excuse. I never thought anything of it, but when Aries proposed to Lacie, I asked again, because I wanted to get her father’s blessing, but this time when I asked, she blew up at me. She finally told me the truth about everything,” I didn’t even know what to say to all of that. I felt bad for both of them. I felt bad for Dani because her relationship with her family was estranged all because she did what was best for her, and for Andre because he wants to propose to her so badly, but he wants to do it the traditional way.

“Damn Andre I…” I stopped mid-sentence when a massive roar shook the packhouse. The conference room door opened, and the guys came out with the girls behind them.

“What the f**k!?” Brandon shouted.

“That’s Dorian!” I shouted while turning my heel and running towards the cellar. As I turned the corner I saw a body go flying across the foyer. “Ah, what the f**k!?” I look at who it was and it was Spencer, the guard.

“Spence!” Brandon shouted and helped him to his feet.

“Please, Alpha!” Spencer pleaded. I turned around and saw Dorian and his Alpha aura was on full blast. His eyes were black as night, and his claws were out. I saw Deacon behind him, and he also had an evil glare.

“Dorian, what’s wrong!?” I went to him and touched his hand.

“Deacon!” Evelyn ran to him and he calmed down almost instantly. Dorian still looked like he wanted to kill Spencer, but I couldn’t understand why.

“Dorian!” I grabbed his face to make him look at me. “What’s wrong!?” I annunciate each word. Dorian finally seems to register that I’m in front of him, and immediately envelops me almost forcing his face into the crook of my neck and rapidly inhales my scent. I cradle his head and look over at Deacon.

“Yo! What the f**k!?” Lucian and Cianna come running towards us.

“Brother, what happened!?” Apollo asks Deacon.

“She’s gone,”

“WHAT!?!?” we all exclaim. I look back at Spencer and he has lowered head completely.

“Spencer!” Brandon addresses him and forced him to face everyone. “What do they mean that she’s gone!?”

“I’m sorry Beta, I don’t know what happened. I have not left my post since I switched with Jameson. The last I checked, she was in her cell,”

“Did you actually see her!?” Brandon asks.

“Yes, Beta. I even spoke with her. She took her water bottle and even took a few bites of her breakfast before I locked her in,” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. All the meticulous planning was damn near perfect, and we had her.

“HOW THE f**k DID SHE ESCAPE!?!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

“I don’t know, Luna. I swear to the moon goddess, she didn’t leave from the front door,” Spencer answered.

“Sin!? Is he lying?” I ask her.

“No, Allie, he’s telling the truth. His thoughts and words are exactly the same. He has no idea, and he never left his post,” she replies.

“Dani, go get Maxine and Claudia!” I shout at her.

“I don’t know where they are right now,”

“They’re at the club,” Brandon answered.

“I’ll be right back,” Dani immediately shimmered out and returned in less than two minutes.

“What the hell!? Dani, you can’t just shimmer to the club and kidnap…What are we doing here?” Maxine said looking at all of us.

“You guys, Heather escaped, and I need to know if you guys can tell me how?” I tell them.

“Yeah, we can do that,” Claudia responded.

“Take us to where she was,” Maxine said. I lead them down the cellar and as soon as we get to the cell, they both stop.

“What’s wrong?!” I look at them.

“Max, do you feel that?” Claudia asked her.

“Oh yeah,”

“What!? What is it!?” I ask.

“Allie, we don’t even need to go in there to know how Heather escaped,” Maxine answers. I just look at them confused.

“Girl, there is a lot of dark magic coming out of that cell,” Claudia said. I just scowled at what they just said.

“I need you guys to elaborate!”

“Allie, based on the strength of dark magic we can sense, either a powerful dark witch took her, or an upper-level demon did,” Maxine replied.

“WHAT!?!?!” I roared in my Luna tone shaking the entire cellar. Immediately I felt a stampede coming down into the cellar.

“Allie!” Dorian was by my side, but I was so engulfed by anger. Now I knew what Dorian felt like when he found Heather gone. “Baby talk to me,” I turned around and shoved Dorian away from me, shocking him and everyone else.


“Allie! What’s going on!? Where the f**k is my sister!?!” Lacie shouted. I couldn’t answer because I was so pissed off. I literally shaking in pure rage. I had her. I f*****g had her.

“Claudia and I think a powerful dark witch took her, or potentially an upper-level demon,” Maxine replies.

“FUCKKKK!!!” I scream and started to cry in pure anger. I should have just killed her. I shouldn’t have thought of her as Lacie’s sister. I became soft because Dorian asked me to, and now the b***h was gone. “You should have just let me kill her Dorian!” I shout at him again as he tried to hug me. “I shouldn’t have listened to you! I had my chance! I had her! I should have just killed her!”

“MIKEY!!” Dorian boomed in his Alpha voice.



“SIR!!” Mikey ran out of the cellar.



“Call your friends Sinbad and Persephone! Tell them if they find Heather and kill her and whoever her associate is on sight, there’s an extra five million per head in it for them!”

“SIR!” Aries ran out of the cellar.

“We need to get home!” Deacon shouted. I turned around and looked at him. “If Heather is on the loose with a dark witch or Demon, we need to get back and protect the triplets,”

“Go!” Dorian said with one word. Deacon came and gave me a hug,

“We’re going to get through this, we’re going to find her,” he whispers to me. I nod my head. He and others leave to head back to California.

I couldn’t believe that this was happening. Who would have helped her and why?

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