Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 83

{Unknown P.O.V.}

Seven Years ago

It’s been centuries and yet, I haven’t found my queen. My Seer told me over two hundred years ago that I would be destined to fall in love with an impure werewolf; however, the problem was that there have been no reports of any impure female wolves. Being practically immortal had its many advantages, but one of the biggest downfalls was that I would live for eternity as long as I am not vanquished. Eternity spent waiting to find the one impure wolf that I would love for the rest of my days.

“Seer!” I waited a moment when she appeared in a flash of red flares.

“You summoned me, my lord?”

“Tell me, have you seen her?”

“My lord, it appears that you have read my mind,” I looked at her.

“Are you saying that you have?”

“Yes, but she is not of age,”

“How old is she?”

“She is currently only 16 years of age,”

“What? She is merely a child,” The Seer nods her head. “What is her name?”

“Her name is Heather,”

“Tell me, is she beautiful?”

“She is my lord; would you like to see an image of her?”

“Show me,” The Seer cast her spell and showed me an image of my mate. Brunette hair that was loosely curled and laid just below her shoulders. She was at least 5’7 or 5’8, and she had beautiful light brown eyes. “She is very lovely,”

“My lord, we have a problem,”

“What is it?” I did not like to hear that.

“She will go through my trials and turmoil, and in order for you to gain her trust, you will have show yourself at her weakest point in life,”

“When will that be?”

“Many years from now,”

“Dammit! Why can’t I just take her now and raise her until she is of age!?”

“You know as well as I do that it does not work that way, especially when your destined love is a werewolf. We must do this the right way, or you may have to wait for another millennium,”

“f**k!” I slammed my fist on the armrest of the throne. “What is the point of being King of demons if I can’t have my queen when I want her!?”

“Patience is a virtue,” I scowled at her.

“Leave me. Do not come back until it is time to fetch my queen,”

“Very well,” she bows and disappeared into another burst of red flares. The image she conjured of Heather still in front of my eyes. I hold my hand up and pretend as if I am caressing her cheeks.

“Patience my love, I will find you, and we shall rule together for eternity,”

Present Day

“My king!” I heard the Seer before I could see her. A few seconds later, she appeared in her flash of red flares.

“What is it?”

“The Queen, she is in danger! We must act quickly before she is executed!”

“Where is she!?”

“She is being held prisoner in the city of Las Vegas on attempted murder charges,”


“If my vision is correct, she is being held by the Desert Moon pack,”

“Get me her exact location and I will shimmer there to rescue her,” I watched as the Seers eyes glowed. “What are you doing?”

“I am trying to tap into her mind to see if she can tell us where she is,” the Seer repeated without breaking her concentration. I waited very impatiently. “She says that is being held in an isolation chamber underneath the packhouse,”

“Where?” The Seer brought up a magical map of the Desert Moon packhouse and pointed to the isolation chamber. Although it didn’t appear to be on the map, I had no reason to doubt my queen.

“Prepare for her arrival,”

“Yes, my lord,” I concentrated on the section of the map and shimmered. I soon found myself in a dark room but realized I had missed the actual isolation chamber. I looked through the small window in the door and saw my queen hugging her knees. I shimmered once more and appeared in front of her.

“AHH! Who are you!?” she screamed.

“Shhhh, do not be afraid my love, I am here to save you,”

“You didn’t answer me!?! Who are you!?”

“My name is Gideon,”

“What are you?”

“I am a demon, well, more precisely, I am the King of Demons, and you, my dear Heather, are my destined Queen,”

“What the f**k!?”

“I will explain everything in great detail, but I need to get you out of here,” I used my energy ball and break the locks of her chains. I scoop her up in my arms and shimmered her back to my kingdom. As soon as we arrive, she jumps out of my arms and beings to vomit. “Sorry, about that, you get used to shimmering,” I wait until she’s finished and summon a maid to clean up the mess.

Once Heather is done vomiting, I give her a glass of water and bring her over to the couch.

“Do you feel better?” I ask her.

“Yes,” she says while taking a deep breath.

“You look like you haven’t eaten in days,”

“That’s because I haven’t,”


“Yes, my king?” Aria my maid looks up from the floor.

“When you are finished cleaning up the mess, prepare a meal for the Queen,”

“Yes, my lord,” she quickly cleans up the mess and leaves my chamber.

“Why do you keep calling me your queen?”

“Because you are, Heather. Two centuries ago, my Seer told me that my queen would be an impure wolf,” I say while caressing her cheek. She immediately slapped my hand away. I immediately grab her by the throat. “Heather, you will learn to respect me. Just because you are my queen does not mean I won’t punish you for your disrespect, do I make myself clear?” my eyes turn red with fury. She nods her head and I drop her on the floor. She coughs for air while looking up at me. “Now, sit down on the couch, and listen to what I have to say,” I command her. She stands up with little to no energy and sits down.

“Why me?” she asks while holding her neck.

“As I said before you rudely slapped my hand away, my Seer foretold that my Queen would be an impure wolf. Seven years ago, she showed me you. But, you were underage, so I had to wait for you to grow up. I was hoping to take you as soon as you were 18; however, in order for our union to be true, I needed to wait. I had to wait until you were vulnerable,”

“Like being on death row?”

“Exactly,” I say to her and caress her cheek again. She was quite a beauty, no wonder she was an impure wolf.

“Do you even know what an impure wolf is?” she asks me.

“Of course I do, you’re basically a w***e,” she scoffed at me and crossed her arms in anger. “You can’t deny it. You’ve been a w***e since you were sixteen, which is why you’re meant to be with me, the King of Demons,”

“The moon goddess would never allow this union,” she scoffs again.

“Selene has no say in this matter,” she turned to look at me.

“You know moon goddess?”

“Of course I do, I am the King of Demons. I am considered a higher power,”

“How old are you?”

“Well, if we are being technical, then I am 504 years old; however, dark magic allows me to maintain my youth, so in demon years, I am only 29,”

“How is that possible?”

“Well, Demons age as slowly as Vampires do, I age the same as humans until I am 18, from then, I only age one year every eighteen years,” her mouth hung open in pure shock. “Close your mouth, my love,” I say and close her jaw for her. She was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. “Come in,”

“My lord, the Queen’s lunch is ready to be served,”

“Bring it here,” Aria wheeled in the cart that had freshly made chicken caesar salad, buttered toast, and a cold glass of iced tea,”

“My queen, there is plenty left over, so please do not hesitate to ask for more,”

“Thank you,” Heather replied, and Aria left.

“Eat my beloved,” I watched as she ate comfortably. She ate slow but seemed to be enjoying herself. When she finished and placed her fork down, I summoned Aria to take the dishes away. Once she was comfortable again, I brought her close to me. She flinched but soon gave in.

“So, how is this supposed to work? You age slower than a snail. Werewolves age slower than humans, but not by much,”

“We can use dark magic to keep you from aging, darling,”

“Is that allowed?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“I’m a werewolf,”

“Yes, but you are also impure, and also have been sentenced to execution. You’ve already broken many of your laws, so why start to obey them now,” I say and raise my brows at her. “Now, darling, tell me what is it that you did that got you put on death row by the Desert Moon pack,”

“I tried to kill multiple ranked pack members between two packs, threatened to kill my ex-mates new mate and their mutt pups, allowed a fugitive of Desert Moon to put a bounty on my own sister, and almost killed my sister and Desert Moon’s Luna in the process,”

“Well, you are quite the hellfire aren’t you baby?”

“Seriously, what is with all the pet names?” she looked at me with disgust.

“I’ve always wanted to use them when I found my queen. Why? Do you not enjoy them? I can always stick with your name,”

“It’s fine, it’s just…I’m not used to it,”

“You will soon,” I say and grab her neck again, only gently this time. “Heather, you’re a w***e aren’t you, so do what you do best, and pleasure your king,” Heather slowly got down on her knees, and unbuckled my pants. She pulled them down gently and took out my still soft c**k. She started to suck on it, making me hiss. It didn’t take me long to become hard, and she started to m**n as I did.

“Wow, it’s so big,” she said as she looked at my now fully erect p***s. “It’s bigger than any wolf or human,”

“What did you expect from the King of Demons?” I said while rubbed my thumb across her lips. She smiled and went back to pleasuring me. I had to admit she knew what she was doing. She used her hands to stroke, pull, and tug on my length while twisting her hands at the same time. She would take my entire length down her throat, and I could feel her larynx contract as she swallowed.

“Oh my god,” she g*****d as she struggled to hold it in.

“Darling, keep going. Make me c*m in that sweet mouth of yours,” I m**n and grabbed her hair. I start to thrust my h**s as I f**k her mouth while she makes gagging noises.

“Ah, f**k, it’s so f*****g big,” she said and starting to tug and twist again while sucking on it hard. I felt her graze the head with her teeth making me hiss again and look at her. Her eyes were black with l**t. She reached further down and started to massage my balls while continuing to suck me off.

“f**k yes! f**k me! That’s it beloved, make me c*m!” She squeezed my balls firmly and took my entire length again swallowing once more. I felt myself explode in her mouth as my demonic c*m went down her throat. Just like the good w***e that my queen is, she swallowed every last drop it. When I was done, Heather sat back and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

“Did you enjoy that, my king?” she asked seductively.

“I did, now, strip,” she stood up and took off her clothes. She stood before me completely nude, and I had to admit, my queen had a ravishing body. “Tell me, darling, what size are your breasts?”

“34-C,” I smiled at her answer and stood up. I grabbed her neck again and crashed my lips into her aggressively kissing her. She started to tug at my still erect p***s, making me m**n. I licked her lips and she willingly opened. I shoved my tongue down her throat and tasted her all over.

“You taste divine baby,” I pulled away and took off my own clothes until I too was fully nude. I sat down on the couch, and signal her to straddle me. So she did and gently started to grind on me. “Oh, yes, that’s it, rub your p***y all over my c**k,”

“Mmm…” she m****d as she started to pleasure herself. “Please, put it in,”

“You put it in,” I tell her. She licked and bit her bottom l*p as she reached down between us and grasped my c**k. She positioned it at her entrance and slowly lowered herself taking it all in. “That’s it, make sure you get it all in,” I tell her.

“f**k, it’s so big,” she g*****d as she struggled to come all the way down.

“Heather, do as your told, and take all of it!” I commanded and shoved her down completely making her scream. “Now, f**k your king!!” she started to bounce up and down while holding onto my shoulders. She squeezed as hard as she could while she rotated her h**s. “f**k, that’s it, keep doing that,” I was going crazy. Heather knew how to f**k.

“f**k, I love this c**k! My king! Where have you been all my life!? f**k! f**k! f**k!” I slouched down further and grabbed her h**s as she had her way with me. I’ve f****d hundreds of women, both human and supernatural alike, but Heather was by far one of the best.

Her moves were fluid and rhythmic, and her mouth was so dirty with the amount of profanity she used when she felt pleasure. She was meant to be my queen.

“f**k, I’m going to c*m,” I tell her she kept bouncing her h**s. She cupped my face and kissed me hard. She shoved her tongue in my mouth and dominated me. I was filled with euphoric ecstasy as I felt her walls tighten and her o****m spills her c*m completely covering my d**k. I had never felt girly c*m so warm and thick. I was so close to cumming, and was too preoccupied enjoying this amazing p***y milking me for all that I had that I didn’t see what Heather was doing until I felt an immense amount of pain on my neck.

I opened my eyes, and my demon claws grabbed onto her h**s as my own o****m hit me a tidal wave. Whatever this pain was, it also gave me an unimaginable amount of pleasure that made c*m so hard, I saw stars. Whatever she did to me, made me suffocate on pleasure, and the next thing I knew my c*m was dripping out of her as my d**k continued to throb. When I finally caught my breath, I felt the pain on my neck disappear, but what I felt next is what really caught me off guard. She licked my neck.

“Holy f**k, what did you do to me?” I asked her out of breath.

“I marked you, Gideon,”

“You what?”

“I marked you,”

“What does that mean?”

“I’ve branded you as my mate,” I put my hand to my neck, and I swore I could feel a pattern forming. When I put my hands on her thighs, I felt sudden sparks.

“What?” I asked looking at my hands.

“YOU are bound to me forever Gideon. That mark symbolizes our bond, and now, I will feel everything you feel,”

“You marked me without my consent?”

“You made your queen without my consent, so we’re even,” she said and got off me. “Where’s the bathroom?” she said with an attitude. I pointed to the bathroom to the left, and she scooped up her clothes and went in. A few seconds later, I heard the shower turn on.


“Yes, my lord,” she came in her signature flash of red.

“What does this mean?” I asked and pointed to my neck.

“Oh dear,” she said in shock. “My lord, she marked you as her mate,” she with concern.

“I get that, but what does it f*****g mean!?”

“Between two wolves, it symbolizes the strength of their bond and their love; however, for you, it is far more dangerous,”

“What do you mean?”

“Gideon, if the Queen dies, then so do you,”

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