Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 81

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

“Deacon, if we keep this up, we’re going to end up with another set of triplets,” Evelyn said to me as I made hot passionate love to her.

“I’m good with that,” I replied and bit her mark forcing her to c*m all over my d**k. Everything has been perfect ever since that b***h Heather was out of my life. I didn’t even have time to speak with Lucian if the plan to catch her worked or not. By the time he got our jet back to California, I needed to be on it to get to New York for another business deal. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to get through, and now we have another condo complex being built in the big apple.

When I got back, I went straight to my beautiful pink-haired mate and made up for three days of lost time. Currently, I had her pressed up again window for the whole world to see her beautiful body. It took a while for Evelyn to get back into the swing of things when it came to s*x. She was self-conscious of her body because she went from being toned and sexy to just flat out sexy, but that’s not how she saw it. The stretch marks she got from carrying the triplets ruined her self-esteem, but once I got her naked and licked her all over, she finally let loose.

“Ah, Deacon,”

“Mmmm…” I m****d in her ear as I kept ravaging her from behind. “Argh, you feel so amazing baby girl, I’m going c*m,”

“Yes, give it to me baby, c*m inside of me, I want to feel it all,” I grabbed her h**s, and thrust a few more times before I exploded and shot my seed into her. If this did cause to have another set of triplets, so be it. Seeing Evelyn’s body stretch out to carry my pups was the most amazing thing, and to me, it was the sexiest thing in the world.

After I finished cumming, I gently pulled out of her and watched as my s***m dripped down her legs. I sat down on the bed as she made her way to the bathroom to clean up. Damn, seeing her h**s sway the way they did, made me hard all over again. The thoughts of doing more with her were disrupted my phone ringing,


“HI, D!!!” I heard an always welcomed high pitched squeal on the other side.

“Yo, your squealing is going to break an eardrum, Shorty,”

“Hahaha, you’d love me either way,”

“Yes, I would indeed love you either way, but I don’t think Evie would,”

“Oh, whatever,”

“What’s up?”

“I’m not sure if Lucian told you, but we caught Heather,”

“Nah he hasn’t but then again, I’ve been busy since he got back, so I haven’t had the chance to talk to him. But I’m glad you guys finally got her. Please tell me she’s dead,”

“Not yet, I’m going to torture her a bit,”

“Shorty, that doesn’t sound like you,”

“Why does everyone keep saying that? Okay, fine, I’m not the type that would condone torturing, but she’s ruined my life in more ways than one, and she deserves to be punished. Killing her too quickly feels like an easy out for her. I honestly wish we waited to kill Maya so I could torture them together, but it’s not like we can bring her back from the dead,”

“I get it. She’s hurt you, but I’m telling you right now, don’t let the hate you have towards her consume you Shorty. I would hate to you see go down that path,”

“Dorian said the same thing! Ugh, I feel like you two about me behind my back!”

“That’s because we do,”

“What!? Oh, I’m going to hurt both of you!”

“You’d have to reach us first,” I tease about her height only to hear gasp loudly.

“Babe, that’s f****d up,” I here Evelyn from the bathroom.

“I hate you, Deacon,”

“I love you too, Shorty,”

“Gah! Whatever!”

“Was there something else you needed to tell me?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to come down and confront her?”

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea. I think it’s time she and I had some words. Trying to kill me is one thing, but threatening my girls is crossing the line,”

“Okay, I’ll try and keep her alive long enough until you get here,”

“We will fly down tomorrow, Shorty,”


“We’re all coming. I’m sure Evie, Eileen, and Cianna would like some words,”

“What about the triplets?”

“We can get Evie’s parents to come and babysit. Honestly, we don’t even have to ask. They’ve taken them without permission twice already,”

“HAHAHA!!! That sounds like Ben and Eleanor with the twins! They take them all the time!”

“Doesn’t that get annoying?”

“It does, but I’ve learned to stop worrying when I can’t find them. The first thing I do is ask Eleanor, and nine times out of ten, she has them,”

“What happened the other one time?”

“Ummm…Long story short. Esther kidnapped them, and Maya’s parents tried to traffic them to a warlock,”



“Wait, that story on the news! That was Esther and Maya’s parents!?”


“Oh man, if that was me, I would have ripped their heads off,”

“Oh, I had Sam kill the warlock on-site, and then we killed the others via firing squad by Lucas’ team of snipers,”



“Alright, I got to go, Shorty,”

“Okay, text me when guys get here,”

“Will do,”

I hung up with her and saw that Evelyn was standing in the doorway of the bathroom in all her naked glory. I gulped and bit my bottom wanting to take her again.

“Deacon, stop,”


“Stop looking at me like I’m your next meal,” she giggled.

“Baby girl, you’re going to the only meal I ever want. f**k, you are sexy,” she just smiled and went over to the closet and put on a maxi dress.

“I need to go feed the triplets,”

“Okay, I’m going to shower and then I’ll meet you at the nursery,” she came and gave me a k**s before leaving our room. I quickly jumped in the shower and cleaned myself off, even though I would love to be covered in Evelyn’s scent for the rest of my days.

Once I was done and got dressed, I went over to the nursery. We had to kick out Harvey and Tommy’s families into their own cabins around the pack territory since we needed a large enough space to house three cribs. They were more than okay to move out, and their kids were more than excited to not have to share a room any more or sleep in bunk beds. It ended up working out for all of us.

I came in as Evie was feeding Natasha and Nora. Naomi was still asleep in her crib. That girl sleeps like a log and is always the last one to eat. She was honestly just like Apollo, which was crazy. All three had caramel skin and had facial features that closely resembled Evelyn, they had dark brown hair like me, but they had different colored eyes. Natasha had baby blue eyes, Nora had amber-colored eyes, and Naomi had light grey eyes. We all figured that their eye colors came from their fairy side.

I went over to Nora and picked her up gently stirring her awake so she could get ready for feeding time. Having triplets was tough work since Evie could only feed two at a time; however, we made it work with an alternating schedule. Every feeding she grabbed two of them randomly that way each of them got bonding time while feeding. The third would get bonding time with me as I bottle-fed her.

We always made sure Evelyn pumped between her mealtimes so that we had enough breast milk on hand. I don’t know how, but Evelyn was able to produce more than enough to keep our girls’ tummies happy. Even with them having been born nearly a month early, they were perfectly healthy and growing fast.

My life was damn near perfect at this point. All I needed was a boy. Hell, I’d take another set of triplets for all I cared. I just really needed a boy to bond with. Don’t get me wrong, I love my girls, more than I ever thought possible. And Dorian was right, having daughters made it all worthwhile. They were perfect angels, and I couldn’t even imagine my life without them. I thank the moon goddess every day for allowing me to get my second chance and giving me the most perfect mate, and the most perfect daughters.

“You good?” Evelyn asked me.

“I’m perfect,” I responded while feeing Naomi.

“You know, I often wonder what would have happened had I not accepted you,” Evelyn says to me.

“I probably would have died from heartbreak,” I tell her.

“That’s a little overdramatic babe,”

“No, it’s not,” I tell her sternly. “Evie, my life was utter s**t before I met you. I mean, yeah, I had my brothers and our friends, but I didn’t have you,”

“You were in love with Allie,”

“I thought I was back then, but now that I know what it’s like to truly be in love, what I had for Allie was nothing compared to what I have for you,” I looked at her and I could see the wheels in her head-turning. “Evie, you the definition of the perfect woman, and I’m positive that Dorian would argue that Allie is but as awesome as she is, she doesn’t compare to you,” I look at her and she gives me a loving smile. I look down and see that Naomi finished her bottle. I quickly adjust her in my arms and get her to burp before laying her down in her crib again.

I help Evelyn with Natasha and Nora. After we get them to burp as well, we set them back down, and we just sit in the nursery watching over them. I take Evelyn’s hand and k**s her knuckles. I looked down at her hand, and picture what would look good on it, and finally decide that I wasted enough time.

“Come with me baby girl,” I take her back to our room and close the door. I sit her down on the bed, and I just kneel in front of her. “Evie, I meant it when I said that you’re perfect. I never thought about having a mate, especially when I thought I was in love with Allie. But after the whole Heather bullshit happened, and then thinking that I could never get to have a second chance, I was furious. Midnight was furious. But then, when we heard that we could possibly get one, I questioned it. Second chances are rare, very, very rare, so I didn’t want to get my hopes up. But when Allie brought you to me, I swear, my entire world stopped, and I only saw you in it,”


“Evelyn Collier, you’re my everything, and now that we have our girls, I didn’t think my life could any more perfect, but then I realized that it could,”

“How?” I smiled at her and walked over to the safe in our room and opened it up. I grabbed what I needed and went back over to her.

“Stand up,” I tell her, and she does.

“This is how,” I say as I get down on one knee and present her with Vatche 180 diamond engagement ring I’ve been hiding since Valentine’s Day.

“Oh my god, Deacon,”

“Evelyn Collier, I love you with all of my heart, and this is how you can make my world even more perfect. Will you do me the honor of being my wife and my forever partner?” she didn’t even answer, she took the ring out of the box and put it on her finger. “Baby girl, I need an answer,”

“I put on the ring, didn’t I!? What do you think my answer is!?” I looked at her confused and shocked. Not the typical way a woman says yes to being proposed to, but then again, Evelyn was anything but typical. I shrugged my shoulders and tossed the box to the floor. I stood up and pulled her into a k**s. I hugged her so tight and lifted her in my arms and spun her around.

“I love you so much,”

“Deacon, I love you too!” she kissed me again. “Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to tell Eileen and Cianna!”

“Hold on there,” I say and grab her before she runs off. “I need you to call your parents and have them watch the girls while we go to Desert Moon tomorrow,”

“Huh? Why are we going?”

“Heather has been caught, and I need to confront her for all the s**t has done or at least attempted to do. Plus, I’m sure as a mother, you’d want to confront the b***h that threatened our girls,”

“Awww, you thought my feelings?”

“Your feelings are that all matters,”

“Okay, then I guess we can just announce when we are there,” I nodded and pecked her lips. “Let me call my mom and dad. I’m sure they’ll be here in like an hour once I tell them they get to have the girls for a few days,” I chuckle and let her go. I send a quick mind link to my brothers,

Pack a go-bag, we’re going to Desert Moon to settle some unfinished business, and we’re all going.

You got it, brother.

I couldn’t wait to see Heather’s face. It was time to put an end to her once and for all.

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