Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 92

{Brandon’s P.O.V.}

Once Tucker charged at Dorian and Allie, s**t got real really fast. Although my Beta instinct was to rush to Gizmo when she and Dorian got separated, I had to protect Leah. Leah’s ability helped a lot of us out and thankfully, her wolf knew how to fight even if Leah didn’t in human form. It was the same for Sin and her wolf. Wolves are natural born fighters when in wolf form, and I think that’s why we were all so afraid to let the girls out. We didn’t want them to succumb to having to kill the way us guys did.

Sam was a trained fighter, so her killing, seeing b***d and gore was nothing new. But our girls were so pure, they didn’t have b***d on their hands. The closest Allie ever got to killing was when she ordered Mikey and me to kill Jessica, and when she witnessed Dorian tear Devin to shreds.

Brandon! On your left!

I heard Leah shout. Two seconds later, a rogue was on my left charging at me in wolf form, it pinned me on the ground, but Leah jumped on its back, biting into its neck. It allowed me to wiggle free and shift into Eddie. The rogue tossed Leah onto her back and turned his back to me. Rookie mistake. I clamped down on its neck and shoulder, and Leah took the opportunity to s***h its throat from underneath.

Babe! Behind you!

I turned around just in time to catch a wolf in human form and rip their head off.

Thanks, Sweetcheeks, you’re definitely a natural at this. I’m sorry I didn’t have more faith in your ability.

I didn’t have faith in it myself. It was Jupiter who had faith for both us. Now less talking and more a*s-kicking.

{Mikey’s P.O.V}

After the fighting ensued, I immediately shifted into Mitch and grabbed the first member of Tucker’s pack that came at Sin and me. They were poorly trained, but I could tell that Hank spent some time with them the two weeks he had escaped. Even then, Tucker’s men had only one thing going for them, quantity. That was until our other allies showed up.

Mikey! There are four rogues heading into the house! They’re after Allie’s pups!

Sam and her fighters will take care of them.

Mikey, these three are going to try and ambush you! Go for the one on your left first! The one on your right is going to charge first, create some distance!

Sin’s ability to hear the thoughts of other wolves came in handy when fighting off multiple attackers. I charged the one to my left, as Sin said, catching him off guard. I tore into him killing him instantly.

One is going to shift! I’ll grab the one that stays in human form!

I turn and the remaining two charged at me, one shifted into their wolf midair and landed on top of me as Sin said. Sin was able to grab the second one and dug her claws into their chest. I tussled with the rogue wolf and realized how small it really was. This guy was young, but I didn’t realize how young until I saw his wolf. Something told me this guy was part of one of the packs Tucker absorbed.

I was hesitant on killing him because I knew that he was being forced into this. He snarled at me while I just growled. Holding him back didn’t take much. He was weak and he wasn’t a fighter. Poor guy. Before I could make up my mind, I heard a gunshot and the wolf dropped dead on top of me. I pushed his lifeless body off of me and turned to see a bounty hunter. I shifted back into human form,



“It’s Mikey now, Razor is retired,”

“Either you’re losing your touch Mikey, or you hesitated for a reason,”

“I hesitated but he was only a kid. He wasn’t part of Tucker’s original pack. He was absorbed and forced into this,”

“Yeah, I don’t know what the s**t means. I was born a rogue remember,”

“Whatever. Thanks for the assist,” I tell him. Just then, Jupiter comes to my side. “Aries, this is my girlfriend and mate, her wolf Jupiter and her human name is Cynthia, but everyone calls her Sin,”

“Gamma Sin,” he bows his head.

Honey, who is this? Sin asks via mind link

“He’s a bounty hunter that was signed by Dorian,” Jupiter nods her head.

“We’ll catch up later Raz, I mean Mikey. I need four more kills to get half a mil,”

“Of course, you’re doing this for the money,” I say to him.

“I would rather have the ten mil off of the bounty you put on Hank, but someone else got to him,”


“Some big black dude that was with your Luna,”

“That has to be the Yellow Moon Alpha,”

“Whatever, see ya,” Aries took off running into the field to kill more of Tucker’s men.

Sin and I ran over to Brandon and Leah who had killed their fair share of Tucker’s men. We looked around and there were still quite a few, but C.J. and Bryce’s teams were already in play along with Yellow Moon’s men. We were winning, but that doesn’t we weren’t losing our own people. I saw a few bodies that were part of our pack, and it hurt to see them.

“Where’s Gizmo?” I asked. Brandon shifted back.

“I have no idea!”

“HEY!” Dani appeared out of nowhere with Andre.

“Oh f**k!” I shouted

“Sorry. Have you guys seen…” before Dani could finish her sentence, Mercury ran up to us. She stood between Sin and Leah and howled at the moon. It was high pitched but something about it made Mitch stir and he forced me into shifting. I could see Brandon doing the same.

Mitch! What’s happening?

The Luna has commanded me to shift!

I didn’t hear anything

This is different, her howl, it is compelling me.

Once we shifted, Brandon and I stood next to our mates they were standing on either side of Allie. All of their eyes were growing bright and Allie’s eyes were the brightest. Her irises swirled with red and blue, it was the craziest s**t I had ever seen.

Dorian needs help!

Allie shouted in a mind link and immediately took off. I had never seen her run that fast.

GO WITH HER!! Sin shouted.

Brandon and I took off after her and saw that whatever was left of Tucker’s men were trying to stop her from getting to Dorian. Brandon and I stopped them dead in their tracks allowing Allie a clear path.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}


I pushed her hard, I needed to get to Dorian. I didn’t realize how far Dorian was from me, but when I saw him in the clearing I could see a wolf hovering over him. It had to be Tucker. I could smell b***d coming from Dorian, he was badly injured.

Tucker raised his paw to stomp on Dorian, but we got there just in time and rammed him off of Dorian. Being smaller in size only allowed me to push him so far,

Dorian, can you hear me?

Allie, what are you doing?

Saving my husband’s life that’s what!

Allie, we need to shift back. Mercury tells me.

What? Why?

Without even answering me, she gives me back control and I’m back in human form, stark naked kneeling next to Dorian. I bend down and lift him onto my knees and cradle his head. I can see all the wounds he has sustained, but his h*p was the worst.

“So, this what you look like up close huh?” I heard Tucker’s voice. He had shifted back into human form too. Seeing him naked in front of me made me want to vomit. “I have to admit, pictures do you no justice,”

“Get the f**k away from me,” I snap and hold Dorian tighter.

“He’s dying anyway angel, just take my hand, and we can be on our way,” he said while leaning down to grab my arm.

“Get off me!” I shoved his hand away. I could feel Dorian’s arm holding onto me. “Dorian, baby, hang on, you’re going to be okay,” I tell him and caress his cheek.

“If you want time to say goodbye, be my guest,” Tucker said. I ignore him and just look down at Dorian.

“Baby look at me,” I tell him. His eyes are fighting to stay awake. “Dorian, don’t you dare die on me. You promised,”

“I…I… don’t want…to,” he said as his hand touched my cheek.

“Dorian, please,” I begged with tears in my eyes. “Please,”

Project your l**t Allie

What? What good will that do?

Haven’t you ever wondered why Dorian is able to go so long in bed?

I just assumed it was his stamina.

He’s strong, but not that strong. Allie, our ability doesn’t just make him horny as you humans put it, but it gives him energy. It gives Bandit energy.

Wait, are you saying that him going for hours and making me blackout all the time is my own fault?


You couldn’t have told me that sooner!?

Where’s the fun in that? You and I both know that blacking out from pleasure is wonderful.

Dammit, Mercury!

You’re wasting time. K**s him and project in full force. We can save him.

I watched as Dorian was losing consciousness,

“No! Dorian keep your eyes open! I need you to stay awake,” I tell him and bring him impossibly closer to me. He opened his eyes again, but his breathing was shallow and faint. He was running out of time, and I had to act fast. “Dorian, I love you, and I refuse to let you die,” I leaned down and kissed him for a moment and then slowly projected my l**t, I was afraid of projecting it too fast.

After a moment, I could feel his breathing regulating and he started to k**s me back. His hand on my arm started firmly grasp me. I kissed him harder and projected more. His heartbeat started to pick up speed, and he grabbed the back of my head deepening our k**s. I projected in full force and my body started to erupt in dynamite of pleasure. He was coming to life,

Bandit! I can feel Bandit! He’s speaking to Dorian!

Good, just a little more. I projected as hard I could, and the smell of b***d started to vanish. Dorian was starting to heal; I felt his body move and he took over our k**s. I smiled to myself, as let him have his way with my mouth, but before I could fully enjoy it, I felt myself being torn away from him,

“Say goodbye Shaw, your wife is mine,”

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

“No! Dorian keep your eyes open! I need you to stay awake,” I heard Allie’s voice pleading with me to stay conscious. I forced my eyes open and could see the tears in her eyes. I didn’t want to leave her. I didn’t want to leave my pups. But Allie would be protected no matter what, so I was okay with dying. At least I was going to die having loved and been loved. “Dorian, I love you, and I refuse to let you die,” I heard her say. She was stubborn, but I loved her for it.

I felt her lips on mine. Our final k**s. I closed my eyes and waited for darkness to take over, but to my surprise, it didn’t. Her k**s was filling my lungs with oxygen, I could feel myself starting to breathe easier. Without realizing, I felt myself kissing her back, and I grabbed onto her arm. I felt a sudden burst of l**t, but it wasn’t turning me on, it was giving me life. I could feel Bandit starting to stir in my head. I could feel my heart starting to race.

She kissed me harder and I felt more warmth come from her. What was this? I grabbed her head and pressed our lips deeper together. Why was Allie’s l**t giving me life?

Her l**t is life.

Bandit! You’re alive!

Allie’s power of l**t not only turns us into horny animals, Dorian, but it also gives us energy.


Haven’t you found it strange that when you’re having s*x with her, you can go longer than you ever have with any other woman?

I assumed it was because she was our mate. Plus, I’m an Alpha.

Don’t be cocky Dorian. You’re not that strong a*****e. It’s because of our mate and her ability. Have you noticed that once she’s blacked out, we also feel drained?

Yeah, I have noticed that.

It’s because we feed off of her energy. Sometimes, it can be too much for us. She’s stronger than you give her credit for.

I never realized that Allie’s projection of l**t was basically a form of sexualized adrenaline. Damn, Allie really was my oxygen of life. She gave me life in more ways than I could ever comprehend.

I felt myself coming to life, and I could feel my wounds starting to heel. I pulled her close and kissed her for dear life. f**k, I could feel myself getting hard, and Bandit was turning into a horny animal in my mind. Then, all of a sudden, I felt us being separated.

“Say goodbye Shaw, your wife is mine,” I heard Tucker’s voice. I opened my eyes and saw he had Allie over his shoulder. He was touching her while she was naked.

“LET ME GO FUCKER!” Allie squirmed. I could see her hitting him with everything she had, but I could tell she was weakened by having projected so much of her energy to me. I saw him turn to leave with her. “DORIAN! GET UP!” I heard Allie scream.

Rest Dorian, I got this. I heard Bandit say. I laid back and Bandit took over. I felt him getting us to our feet,

“TUCKER!!!” Bandit roared. Tucker stopped in his tracks and turned to face us. His eyes were in shock.


“That was before our mate healed us,” Bandit said. He was about to say something, we saw him starting to lose his balance. Allie was projecting l**t onto him, just enough for him to let his guard down. He fell to his knees and Allie jumped off, stumbling to getaway.

“Gizmo!” I heard Brandon and saw him run-up to her. He picked her up and carried her to safety and I got a mind link from her,


I’m okay, baby. Thanks to you. Let Brandon take care of you.

Bandit faced Tucker and waited for him to get his s**t together. We could have killed him while he was on his knees, but that would be too easy.

“GET UP TUCKER!” Bandit shouted. “You want to prove you’re the better Alpha! Get up!” we watched as he slowly gathered himself and stood to his feet.

“You’re supposed to be dead!” he shouted.

“As I said, my mated healed me,”


“One thing you don’t know about my mate is that she is blessed by the moon goddess. She has an ability that energizes me but weakens others. Hence why she’s no longer with you, but secure with my Beta,” He looked around realizing that Allie was nowhere.


“As I said before, even if you were to succeed in killing me, Allie would be protected. You would never have her,”

“SHE BELONGS TO ME!” he screamed like a tantrum-throwing child.

“Look around Tucker!” I turned and saw Mikey, Lucas, and Andre. “All of your pack is either dead or captured,” Mikey said. Slowly, wolves and people start to gather around me. C.J., Bryce and the other bears, the bounty hunters, and even Sin and Leah who were back in human form and covered with blankets.

“You lose Tucker,” Brandon said as he brought Allie to my side. She had a blanket over her as well. Tucker was about to come forward.

“Uh uh… I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Lucas said and pointed at Tucker’s chest. There were over a dozen lasers pointed at his heart.

“As my Beta said, you lose,” I tell him. “Last chance Tucker leave with your dignity, and say the f**k away from my wife, or die,” I watched as his eyes turned black. This fucker just wouldn’t quit. He took one step forward and all of the snipers opened fire. The girls gasped and hid their faces. I cradled Allie’s head to keep her from seeing this.

Having over a dozen snipers open fire at one localized target is pretty gruesome even for me. After the echo of the shots fired dissipated, Allie lifted her head and looked at Tucker’s lifeless body,

“It’s over,” she whispered

“Yeah, it’s over, baby,” Allie lifted her arms and I scooped her up, holding her tight. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and it was C.J. I put Allie down and we faced everyone behind us.

“Congratulations Dorian,” C.J. said.

“On behalf of the Desert Moon Pack, I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you who came and risked your lives to help us in our time of need. I give my condolences to those who were lost today. To my pack, please know if you have lost someone tonight, Allie and I will be there to support you in your time of need. Everyone lost someone today and know that their lives were not lost in vain. Their bravery saved their Luna, who in turn saved me,”

“Alpha Shaw,” I looked to see Deacon Brown stepping towards me.

“Alpha Brown,” I put my hand out and we shook. “Thank you,”

“It was our pleasure. Your Luna is definitely one of a kind. She was worth it. I look forward to working with you in the future,” I nod my head. “Luna,”

“Please, call me Allie,” I look down at her and she smiles. Deacon nods and turns to leave. “Deacon,” Allie calls out to him and he turns back. “Whenever you and your brothers are ready, I can help you find your mates,” he looked at her funny and then at me. I nod my head. Deacon smiles and bows his head and leaves with this pack.

“Allie!” we turn and see Siobhan running towards us. She and Allie embrace each other as Bryce comes forward as well with the other bears.

“Mr. Shaw,”

“Please, call me Dorian,” I tell him.

“Dorian. I am glad that Allie is safe and unharmed,”

“Did you lose anyone?” I ask him.

“No, we did not. We have a few that are injured, but nothing life-threatening,”

“I’m glad to hear that. Thank you again for your assistance, even though I know it was for Allie, more than for me,”

“Dorian, you two a packaged deal. If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to call. Be sure to let us know if you plan on coming by the club again,” I smile and nod.

“Bye girl!” Siobhan says

“Wait! Siobhan!” Allie calls out to her. Allie stares for a minute and does her signature brow lift.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Allie just smiles and all the girls start screaming and start hugging Siobhan. “What is going on!?” Siobhan exclaims.

“Bryce, take care of my girl, and your cub,” Allie says to him.

“Cub?!” Bryce and Siobhan say at the same time.

“Siobhan! You’re pregnant!” Dani shouts. Just then all of the bears start to roar in excitement and Bryce spins her around.

“Wait, how do you guys know that I am pregnant? What the hell?”

“ALLIE’S ABILITY!!” they all scream.

“Siobhan, before you go, meet with our pack doctor so she can confirm it for you,” Allie says and gives her a hug.

“Come on, I’ll take you!” Dani says and leads Siobhan and Bryce to the pack hospital.

“I think it’s time we take off too,” C.J. says.

“Safe travels my friend, and I’m sorry for the loss of your men,”

“It’s as you said, it was not in vain,”

“Let me know if you need anything,” I say to him and he nods.

“Give Brittany my love,” Allie says.

“Before I go, Allie, there’s something I wanted to ask,” he says to her. Allie looks up at him. “Will you be the godmother to Arlene?”

“EEK!! I WOULD LOVE TO!!” Allie jumps and gives him a hug. C.J. bids his farewell and leaves with his pack.

“Baby, how many godchildren do you have now?” I ask her.

“Uhhh…Allen, Keegan, and now Arlene, so three,”

“Siobhan isn’t going to ask you is she?”

“Nah, she’ll ask Dani. They’ve always been closer,”


“Brandon, how many did we lose?”


“Anyone close to us?” Allie asks


“Hank?” I ask

“Deacon killed him,” Allie replies.

“I’m not paying Deacon ten million dollars,” we all start laughing. “Let’s gather our fallen, and send them off with honor,” Brandon nods.

I look back down at Allie and she has tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong baby?”

“Dorian, I almost lost you. I could feel you dying my arms,” tears streamed down her face.

“But I didn’t, because of you. You saved me,”

“I can’t help but wonder, had I not been a blessed wolf, then…” I stopped her midsentence and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I lifted her into my arms. After a minute or so, I pulled away slowly,

“No buts, Allie,” she smiled and crashed her lips into mine.

Nothing else mattered at that moment. I had Allie, she had me, and we had our pups. We were finally going to be able to live our lives, together and forever.

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