Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 93

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

Two weeks later

“f**k!” Dorian shouted as he came inside of me. After learning that my projection is what caused him to go for hours, I started to hold back a little bit, so I didn’t constantly blackout. It’s not to say that I held back all the time though. I collapsed on top of Dorian and caught my breath.

“I pray to the higher powers that this never gets old,” I tell him as I rested my forehead against his.

“Trust me, baby, it won’t,” he said and pulled me in for a k**s. “f**k,”


“Allie, I think I’m stuck again,” I busted out laughing. For some stupid reason, if Dorian didn’t slide out fast enough, we would get fused. He held me close and we just embraced it. It typically meant we were going to for another round, but we were soon interrupted,

“GOOD MORN…OH, MY GODDESS!!” Eleanor burst into our room.

“MOM! WHAT THE f**k!?” Dorian yelled. He quickly pulled the covers over us.

“Language!” she scolded

“Dorian, did you not lock the door!?” I shouted.

“I did! She has some weird way of getting in wherever she wants,” he replied.

“Why are you two still in bed anyway!?” she asked.

“Why wouldn’t we be?! It’s Saturday!” Dorian responded completely annoyed. Instead of leaving, Eleanor just stood there having a conversation with us.

“It’s your wedding day!” she said.

“Yeah, and your point?” he replied

“Allie, sweetheart, I have an entire day planned out for you before the ceremony,”

“What? Why?”

“You need to get you pampered, now get off of my son, and get ready. Get in the shower but don’t worry about your hair. Paula and Greg are coming by to give you a good wash,”

“Uh, Eleanor, Dorian, and I need like fifteen minutes,” I tell her.

“We don’t have that kind of time dear!” she whined

“Eleanor! You don’t understand!” I shouted.

“What? That you and my son were about to have morning s*x,”

“No!, Eleanor…Dorian is…kind of stuck, right now,” I tell her gritting my teeth. Dorian closes his eyes in irritation.

“What do you mean he’s…Oh…”

“MOM GET OUT!!” Dorian screamed and Eleanor left locking the door behind her. “You have to be f*****g kidding me!” I just started to giggle.

“Babe, you’re going to have either make this quick or soften up,”

“There is no f*****g way I’m softening up Allie. We’re going in the shower,” He removed the covers and without moving me around too much, he got up and took us in the shower. Luckily, the hot water and another round made it easier for him to slide out when he was done.

After we were dressed we went downstairs for breakfast where everyone was already eating.

“Yo, I heard your mom interrupted you guys,” Brandon said as Dorian and I sat down.

“I don’t want to even think about that,” Dorian said disgustedly at what happened. I just giggled again.

“Where are the twins?” Sin asked.

“The nannies are feeding them right now,” I told her. “Never mind my kids, where are you kids at?” I ask all of them.

“Grandma,” Sin and Leah respond.

“Nannies,” Sam and Dani respond.

“When does Amber get here?” Mikey asked.

“She’s already here kiddo,” we turn around and see Amber and Ronnie in the kitchen. I jump from Dorian’s lap and run to them.

“HI!” I give them both big hugs.

“Amber, where are the kids?” Dorian asks.

“UNCLE DORIAN!!” I hear shrieking as five kids come running into the dining room. Four of them run to Dorian, but one of them comes to me.

“Hi, I’m Camden, you must be my Aunt Allie,” he says with a huge smile.

“Hi, Camden, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” he gives me a huge hug. “Oh,” I was about to cry.

“He has been dying to meet you, Allie,” Ronnie says.

“Aunt Allie, may I meet my baby cousins?” Camden asks.

“Sure. Do you know where Uncle Dorian’s room is?” he nods his head. “They’re in the nursery three doors down to the right. The nannies are in there right now. I’ll send them a mind link to let them know you’re on your way,”

“Thanks, Aunt Allie,” he says as he runs away.

“He’s so sweet!” I tell Amber and Ronnie.

“Come on, we can introduce you to the others,” Amber said putting her arm around my shoulder. “Kids come here and say hello to your Aunt Allie,” all of them were dog-piled on top of Dorian. One by one they get up and stand in a single file line.

“Hi Aunt Allie, my name is Cassius,”

“Hi Aunt Allie, my name is Christian,”

“Hi Auntie Allie,” said Amber’s twin girls in unison.

“My name is Cassandra, but you can call me Cassie,” I smiled at her

“And my name is Calleigh,” I bent down, and they all hugged me at once. My heart was so full. I loved having nieces and nephews.

“WHERE ARE MY BABIES!?” I heard Eleanor as she came in

“GRANDMA!! GRANDPA!!” all of them ran past us. I just shook my head and laughed.

“Well, they’re her problem now,” Amber says, and we all go back to the dining room to finish breakfast. “So, little brother, I heard mom barged in on you guys this morning,” Amber says as an Omega brought her and Ronnie a plate.

“f**k! Does everyone know!?” Dorian shouted. I put my arms around him and we all just laughed.

“Dorian, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Getting stuck is normal for werewolves,” Ronnie said. “Amber and I get stuck all the time,”

“RONNIE!” Amber smacked on the chest and we all started laughing again. I look at Amber and instantly felt something.

“Hey, Amber,”

“What’s up?” she said and looked me dead in the eyes. I stared at her for a minute and c****d my head to the side. “Why are you staring at me?” I pressed my lips together to keep myself from laughing. I looked at Dorian and just scrunched my face.

“Oh f**k,” Dorian said and busted out laughing too.

“No way!!” everyone else exclaimed.

“Hey sis, I think you might want to go talk with Dr. Quinn,” Dorian told her while trying to contain his laughter.

“Why!? What the f**k you guys!” Amber was getting angry.

“Amber, you know of Allie’s abilities right?” Sin asked. Amber nods.

“Well, whenever Allie makes that face and either c***s her head to the side or lifts her brow, it means that she senses someone’s soul,” Leah added on.

“Okay, what the hell does that mean?” she asks

“Amber, she’s sensing someone else’s soul, inside of you,” Brandon said.

“Inside of…” Amber’s eyes bulge out of her head. “DAMMIT RONNIE!!” She smacked on the back really hard.

“WHAT?!” he exclaimed. “I don’t get it,”

“Ronnie, Amber is pregnant,” Lucas said taking a sip of his coffee. Ronnie looked at me and I just smiled and nodded my head. Ronnie looked at the table and stared blankly. Then his eyes rolled back, and he fainted right out of his chair.

“HAHAHA!!!!” the entire table roared in laughter. Amber just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Well, there is another reason to go see Dr. Quinn,” Andre added.

After breakfast, Amber and Ronnie went to go see Dr. Quinn, and sure enough, she was pregnant again. They were anything but happy. The guys were put on babysitting duty and all us ladies went out to have a girl’s day. The ceremony wasn’t until 6:30 in the evening, and it was still early enough for us to get manicures, pedicures, and facials. I obviously opted for acrylic nails again. Then Eleanor took us to this spa place that she found online, and I realized that it was a modernized Korean bathhouse.

Being fluent in Korean helped a lot and we all went in. The girls were confused at first, but I explained that the bathing area is full nude only, which of course as werewolves we all had no problem with it. Dani was a little shy at first being a vampire hybrid, but she loosened up. I decided to get a full-body scrub. It felt so amazing. It took about 45 minutes and she even washed my hair for me and massaged my scalp.

When I came out all, everyone was staring.


“Damn, you are glowing Allie,” Sin said.

“It’s the body scrub. You literally scrub away all of the dead skin on your body and leave only revitalized skin,”

“Damn, I want to glow like that,” Leah said.

“Next time dear,” Eleanor said. “Let’s get washed up and head out for lunch, then get back to the house. Paula, Greg, and their team will meet us there to do everyone’s hair and makeup,” we all nod and get ready to head out.

After lunch, we headed back to the house, and soon as I walked in. I was scooped up by Paul and Greg and dragged to the house salon where they got to work.

“Luna, what does the dress look like?” Paula asked. I pulled out my phone and showed her. “Oh, that’s very nice,” she said, and I smiled.

“Sit back and relax Luna,” Greg said and so I did. As they worked on my hair, another team worked on my makeup. I made sure that they used my personal products for everything, which they were more than happy to do.

The entire time I sat in the chair, all I could think about was Dorian in his suit and tie. Dorian always looked so handsome when he dressed up. Even though we were already married, I couldn’t help but have butterflies. As Paula and Greg were adding the finishing touches to my hair, Sin came in all dressed and ready,

“Oh, girl! You look like a million bucks!” she says, and I just smile.

“What’s up?” I ask

“Your bouquet has arrived,” she says and shows it to me. I look at it and start to get teary-eyed. “NO! DON’T CRY!” Sin shrieked.

“I’m sorry. Just seeing the lavenders in the bouquet…”

“I know babe,” I smiled and held back the tears. When Paula and Greg finished, Amber and Eleanor brought my dress from my closet along with my shoes, and Leah brought down the Tiffany jewelry.

Once I was all dressed and the jewelry was on, I turned to face the body mirror and just smiled.

“Hey, the photographer wants to get some photos of Allie and the bridesmaids,” Ronnie says. “…Wow, Allie, you look beautiful,”

“Thanks, Ronnie,”

“Hun make sure Dorian is hiding, he’s not allowed to see her yet,” Amber said. Ronnie nods and leaves.

We all go out and get our photos taken. Having the desert and mountains as the background actually made for some really beautiful pictures. The photographer even had all the groomsmen hold me sideways and took a few pictures like that. He even got one where the guys threw me in the air.

Once group pictures were one, we did a few where Dorian and I were separated by a door, and we were holding each other’s hand.



“I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle,” I smiled big and my heart was starting to race. I was so nervous but excited.

“Alright, places everyone, we are about to start!” Eleanor said pushing Dorian away and pulling me back inside.

“Oh, Allison, my you look radiant,” Benjamin said taking my hand. “I know I’m not your birth father, but I want to you know that Eleanor and I think of you as our daughter and not just our daughter-in-law. I know that your father would have given everything he could to be here today,”

“Thank you,” I say trying not to cry.

“Are you ready my dear?” I nod and I take his arm.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

I was standing at the altar waiting for the ceremony to start. I was so nervous, but I couldn’t understand why. Allie and I were already married, this was just a ceremony,

“Alpha, are you alright?” Elder Maxwell asked. Just like our nuptials, he was the officiant for the wedding.

“I’m nervous,” I admit to him.

“It’s natural,”

“But we’re already married, why am I nervous. It’s not like she’s not going to walk down the aisle,”

“True, but it’s your wedding. Getting nervous is part of it,” I smile at his words.

My conversation is interrupted when the music starts to play. Brandon and Leah make their way, then Mikey and Sin, followed by Lucas and Sam, and then Andre and Dani. My nieces Cassie and Calleigh are the flower girls and they looked so cute in their little white dresses with red and orange ribbons. After everyone was in their spots, the pianist started to play the wedding march, signaling Allie was about to come out.

Everyone stood to their feet and waited. Those few moments felt like a lifetime, the French doors opened, and I swore, time froze. There was Allie in her dress. It was a simple white dress, no glitter, no lace, no vail, but she looked absolutely beautiful. Beautiful didn’t even cut it, she looked perfect. I locked eyes with her, and she smiled as my dad walked her down the aisle. I couldn’t help but shed a few tears the closer she got to me.

“Come on, man, you’re an Alpha, no crying,” Brandon whispered.

“f**k off, Brandon,” I whisper back, and he puts his hand on my shoulder. After what felt like an eternity, Allie was in front of me. My dad gave me her hand, kissed her on the cheek, and gave me a good tap on the shoulder. I walked Allie up to the altar where Elder Maxwell stood.

“You look beautiful, baby,” I tell her

“So, do you,” she replied, and we just smiled at each other. Allie handed her bouquet to Leah and I took her hands in mine.

During the entire ceremony, I didn’t hear a single word Elder Maxwell said. I’m sure he went about the normal s**t officiants say at weddings. I kept my eyes on Allie the whole time and being the man that I am, I couldn’t help but look at her chest a few times. The dress hugged her chest perfectly, and even though she gave birth a little over a month ago, her body still looked amazing in the dress.


“Huh? What?” I looked at the Elder and everyone started to laugh, and Allie just shook her head.

“Do you Dorian, take Allison, as your lawfully wedded wife from this day forward to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,”

“Do you Allison, take Dorian, as your lawfully wedded husband from this day forward to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,”

“I now pronounce you, man and wife! Alpha, you may…” I didn’t even wait for him to finish. I pulled Allie into a k**s and wrapped my arms around her holding her tight. Allie had her arms around my neck and held me tight as well. Everyone cheered while I continued to k**s my wife.

After a minute or so, we pulled part and walked back down the aisle hand in hand. Everyone was throwing streamers and flower petals at us. Once we got back down the aisle, I picked her up bridal style and threw her in the air a few times.

“Happy are we?” she asked.

“You have no idea,”

“Look who wants to come to say congratulations to mommy and daddy,” My mom said as she and my dad brought over Daisy and Demarco.

“Come here, big man!”

“Oh, my sweet princess, you two were so well behaved. Mommy is so proud of you,”

“Everyone! Dinner will be served shortly, but please help yourself to hors d’oeuvres and drinks,” My dad says. Allie and I take the twins and go sit at the main table outside for us and the wedding party. All of the girls have their pups with them too. Luckily, all of the pups were fed, napped, and changed before the ceremony, so we were all good for at least another few hours before they needed to be fed again.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

After we all ate, Dorian and I had our first dance together on the dance floor. The DJ played ‘From This Moment’ by Shania Twain. I wasn’t a huge fan of country music, but this was a beautiful song and it fit the mood so nicely. I couldn’t believe that we finally made it to this day. No more enemies, no more psychotic exes, and no more looking over our shoulders.

Five years ago, I thought my life was done. But I fought back and started over. That perseverance brought to me Las Vegas, and four years later, I met a man, a werewolf, by the name of Dorian Shaw. He showed me what true love really was and gave me something I never thought I would ever have. A family of my own.


“Yes, Dorian,”

“Thank you for choosing me,”

“No, Dorian, thank you for choosing me,”

“I love you, Allie,”

“And I love you, Dorian,”

He leaned down and kissed me lovingly and passionately.

This was my happy ever after.

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