Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 91

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

When I saw Tucker shifting midair and lunging at Allie and me, Bandit took over and we stopped his attack, unfortunately, the force of our collision knocked Allie on the ground and forced us to be separated. Once Tucker and I stopped tumbling, Bandit got to his feet before Tucker did. As he was shaking it off, I took a quick glance and saw that Allie was being protected by Lucas and Andre, and she was using her ability to help them kill off Tucker’s men.

As I turned back, I barely dodged an attack by Tucker. All the flood gates of hell had been opened and it was an all-out war. My men were surrounded, just as Leah’s vision entailed, I just hoped that our allies would be here soon. Gunfire was going on, wolves were dying, humans were dying, and I could tell it was mostly Tucker’s men that were lifeless, but I could sense that some of my men and women were dying too.

Tucker snarled at me and I snarled back. Tucker’s wolf was large. Disgraced or not, Tucker was still an Alpha, but his coloring was off. Most Alphas are black in color, with some accented colors, but Tucker was more of a black and s**t colored brown. We circled one another, neither one wanting to make the first move.

I knew Tucker, he was egotistical and wouldn’t back down from a challenge. Just like any Alpha, I knew that Tucker was driven by pride, the one thing that pride would never allow is one to back down. I had Bandit shift us back to human form.

“Tucker! Shift back and fight me man to man! You think you’re so tough and powerful, you think you can be a better Alpha than me!? Then prove it! Shift back!” he snarled at me and continued to circle me. “What? Are you not man enough to take me on in hand to hand combat!? Is that why you took so long to come after me?! Is that why you killed our unborn pup? Because you’re not strong enough to take on a full-grown wolf, you had to go after one that wasn’t even born!” he snarled again. I knew I was getting to him. “And you say you want Allie, are you even man enough to pleasure her!? Allie is a freak in bed, and she requires a lot to be pleasured. I can tell just by the size of your wolf’s d**k that your human d**k could do nothing for her!” after that, he immediately shifted into human form.

“You have a big mouth for someone that is about to die!” he shouted and charged at me. I grabbed him and flipped him over onto his back. He kicked me from underneath forcing me to the ground. He rolled over to get up, but I did a kip-up which gave me the upper hand. As soon as he was on his feet, I gave a hard right hook to his jaw. He got me back and then tackled me to the ground. He got me a few times to the face, but I was able to roll him over and get him back. That’s when I heard it,

“DORIAN!” I heard Allie scream, and I could hear the terror in her voice. I looked up and saw that Hondo was about to attack her.

“ALLIE!” I got up off of Tucker and was about to run to her when I saw another black wolf come out of nowhere and takedown Hondo. Then I saw the other Yellow Moon brothers go Allie’s side. Yellow Moon had arrived. That meant the black wolf was Deacon. He saved Allie’s life. I made a mental note to thank him after this was all over.

While I was distracted with Allie being in danger, I received a mind link from Leah,

Dorian duck!

I dropped to the ground just as soon I heard her voice and sure enough, Tucker landed in front of me.

Thanks, Leah!

You’re welcome!

I stood up and so did Tucker. He knew this was a losing battle for him, I was about to charge at him when I felt the earth moving beneath us. Even Tucker paused, and I saw that everyone was still. Then, I heard growls and roars from all directions, Tucker looked confused and I could sense a small bit of fear.

“It’s over Tucker! You’re outnumbered now!” I shout.

“It’s over when you’re dead Shaw!” his eyes clouded over, and two s**t colored wolves came to his side. It had to be his brothers.

“Really? Did you call your brothers to help you? Are you that big of a p***y you can’t take me on your own? No wonder your dad was willing to sign away your titles so easily. He knew you were too weak to be a real Alpha,”


“WRONG! His sons betrayed him! You killed your own father because your giant ego got in the way! You take whatever you want and disregard our laws! Your father was a strong Alpha who knew he f****d up with the three of you. He knew that neither of you could lead because you would drive his pack into the ground!”

“My father turned our pack into a bunch of good for nothing hippies! He knew nothing about training an army, but I did. Our pack was puny, but I grew it to four times its original size,”

“You didn’t grow it! You dismantled smaller non-violent neutral packs throughout the state and forced them to become fighters. That’s why you took you almost a year! You hid you pack away like a f*****g p***y instead of coming at me head-on! You know that you’re no match for me and my pack!”

“Look around Shaw! It’s three against one. Do you really think you have a chance?” I was about to say something when I saw two bears coming up behind them. One was Bryce, but I wasn’t sure who the other one was, but he was just as big.

“You know, it’s sad really. Your stupidity and lack of leadership is the reason why your family dies tonight,”

“What are you…” before he could finish his statement, Bryce and other bear mauled his two brothers right in front of him tearing them to shreds. “NO!” Tucker shouted seeing his brothers’ wolves lifeless on the ground. They slowly started to turn back into their human form.

Tucker looked back at me and was seething in hatred. The last of his family was dead, and little by little, you could see he was losing.

“Look around Tucker! You’re fighting a losing battle!” I held out my arms.

“They’re all pawns anyway! I don’t care about any of them! I only need myself and that delicious pint size wife of yours! As long you die tonight Shaw, I don’t care how many of my men die!”

“YOU CALL YOURSELF AN ALPHA!? Building your pack, and not caring if it crumbles as long as you get what you’re after. It’s no wonder your father was more than willing to side with me. You’re demented and perverse! Even if you succeed in killing me, and that’s a big if. You will never get Allie! All these allies that we have here tonight are here because of her!” I could see his tiny brain starting to think. “That’s right Tucker, Allie is the reason why all these other wolves, bounty hunters, and bears are here! They are here to protect her! So, go ahead and kill me! You’re going to fail anyway,” at the mention of him failing, Tucker shifted back into his wolf and pounced on me.

I didn’t have time to react and he had me on the ground. I was trying to hold him back by the throat. I was strong in human form, but not strong enough to hold him back much longer.

“f**k you, Tucker!” I punched him once and got a small whimper out of him, but it wasn’t enough to get him off of me. I kneed him in the chest, but still not enough. I need to get him off of me to shift into Bandit but couldn’t get an opening. I hit him once more, but he used this enormous paw and thrashed me to the side, his claws creating a gash on my h*p.

I tried to get up, but he got me again across the chest and knocked me into a tree. Bandit was doing his best to come out, but we needed time to shift since I was injured, and we didn’t have any. Tucker swung his paw again and jumped out of the way landing on my back.

Come on Bandit! I need you to take over!

I need more time! The wound on your h*p is making us lose a lot of b***d!

I stood to my feet and Tucker used his back legs to kick me across the field. He came towards me again, if he got me one more time, I was done for. He towered over me and was about to stomp on my head when high pitched howl made him stop.

{Sam’s P.O.V.}

“Everyone stays quiet and stays calm okay,” I tell all the women and pups in the panic room. I mind linked my two girls to make sure they were in position. I closed the door and hid in the secret compartment right next to it. We knew if Hank went back to Tucker, he would have told them where the panic rooms were and that that’s where pups were hidden.

Knowing that Tucker killed Allie’s baby before it was even born, he wouldn’t like the fact she gave birth to twins this time under the radar. He was going to send someone to kill her pups and I was not going to let that happen. As I was hiding out, one of my girls mind linked me,

Sam, this is Milly at room three, there’s a rogue heading in your direction. He’s saying that the targets are the Alpha twins.

Room two has a rogue too.

s**t so does room three now.

Be careful and protect the other ranked member’s pups. I reply.

We will give our lives to protect them.

Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. I tell them.

Once I closed off the mind link, sure enough, a rogue was checking out the wall that held the doorway to the panic room. It was protected by a passcode, but more than likely, Hank gave them the codes. I saw him pull out a piece of paper. I knew it. I said to myself. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Hank. I waited until the rogue’s back was fully turned and jumped out of the hiding spot tackling him to the floor.

“Sorry s**t face, but that room is off-limits,” I say to him.

“Please little girl, you think you can take me on,”

“Little girl!? That does it!” I charge at him again jumping in the air and landing a punch directly on his nose. I side kick him into the wall. He stands up immediately and charges at me.

“Time to die!” he says as he grabs my shoulders and shoves me to the ground. I land on my back and he hovers over me. Big mistake. I kick him straight in the balls making him hunch over. I use both of my legs and push myself away from him, rolling over backward and standing on my feet. I charge at him, hugging him at the waist and then kicking my foot up and over getting him straight in the face with the ball of my foot.

He stumbles backward a little. I try to hit him again, but he jabs me square in the stomach. I had to admit, that s**t hurt. I fall to my knees and he kicks me in the gut again. f*****g a*****e. He tries to kick me again, but I do a handstand and get his head between my legs. I use the leverage to pull myself up and give him full forced right hook to the face and then a left, and another right. He was completely disoriented. I flipped backward with everything I had, putting my hands on the ground, and flipping him over onto his back, with his head now between my ankles. With one strong twist of my legs, I snap his neck. I send a quick mind link to the others,


Room 2 clear! I didn’t hear from room three.

Room 3? Milly, are you there!? No response. Milly! Report!

Sorry! I’m here! Room 3 clear. I had two I needed to deal with. I let out a sigh of relief. Get rid of the bodies and get back to your hiding spots!

Yes ma’am!

I grab the rogues body and shove him into the closet next to the panic room. We would have to deal with the body later. I couldn’t help but worry about Lucas. I tried to mind link him, but it was blocked. I prayed to the moon goddess that Lucas came back alive.

{Hank’s P.O.V.}

I wanted the Luna dead for what she did to my family. As I hovered over her, Hondo took over and we shifted.

“Hondo, please,” the Luna begged. Begging wouldn’t help. She was going to die. I was getting ready to pounce when she screamed for the Alpha, “DORIAN!” I was just about to leap when I was tackled. I rolled a few times with whoever it was and when I got my feet, I saw a black wolf, but with silver eyes. Who was this?

I let out a growl and so did he, that’s when I realized he was an Alpha, but not Shaw. Who was this?

“LUNA!” I heard a voice and I see two men protecting the Luna.

“Apollo! Lucian! You made it!” I hear her say their names

“Just in time too,” one of them said. I look back at the Alpha wolf in front of me and we were about to charge each other when the ground started to shake. Then I heard a multitude of growls and roars and saw more than a couple of hundred wolves, humans, and bears enter the battlefield.

“Holy f**k! Where did bears come from!?” I hear of the men standing next to the Luna ask.

“They’re friends,” she replies. So, they had reinforcement. Before I could finish my thought, I was tackled again by the Alpha wolf. We danced with each other, slashing, biting, and kicking each other. He was strong and he was big. I had to be smart about this. One wrong move and I would die.

“Deacon! He’s the traitor!” I heard the Luna. The Alpha looked back at me and snarled. He charged at me full force knocking me on the ground and making Hondo hit is head on a rock. The impact put us in a daze.

Get up Hondo! We have to survive this! We have to get back to Casey!

I could feel Hondo trying to get up, but it was no use. The Alpha was standing over us and had his paw at Hondo’s neck. I could see the Luna approaching us, with the other two men.

“As Luna of the Desert Moon pack, I command you to shift back!” because I was still technically a member of the pack, Hondo had no choice. We shifted back and the other Alpha did as well. “Hank, you have some nerve showing up here trying to kill me. Did you honestly think you would succeed?” she asked

“You banished my wife and kids!”

“BECAUSE YOU KILLED MINE!” she screamed, her eyes blacker than night. “You’re going to die, Hank, there’s no doubt about that, but I will give you one last chance to say goodbye to Casey and apologize to her for ruining her life and the lives of your pups. Had you been loyal to us, they would be in the panic rooms right now, safe and sound. But no, you chose power and money over your family and loyalty,” I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t. I knew my time was up, as I felt the Alpha lift me by my throat, his claws digging into my neck. Tears filled my eyes as I mind linked Casey,


Hank! Oh my god! Is everything okay?

No, it’s not. We are losing, and my time is done.

What?! Oh my god! No! I could hear the tears in her voice.

Casey, I’m sorry for everything. I was weak and I gave into temptation, not thinking about what would happen to you and our pups.

Hank! Please! Please no!

Casey, I love you with all my heart.

Hank! No!

Tell me you love me, it’s the last time I will hear it.

I love you, too! Her cries filled my head and the tears in my eyes fell.

I looked back at the Luna who had tears in her eyes too.

“Luna, I’m sorry,” I felt a sudden pain, and then was consumed by darkness.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

I watched Hank’s eyes cloud over as Deacon held him by the throat, his claws digging into his skin. I could see the tears falling from his eyes as he said goodbye to Casey and his pups. I couldn’t help the tears that formed in my eyes as well. When his eyes turned back to normal, he looked at me, and my tears fell,

“Luna, I’m sorry,” he said, and Deacon snapped his neck and dropped his lifeless body. As soon as he did, I felt a sharp pain on my side.

“AH!” I fell to my knees.

“Luna what’s wrong!?” Deacon asked, but I couldn’t answer. I didn’t know what was wrong. Then I felt another pain across my chest.

“AHH!” I scream in pain. Then I felt another against my back, and again in the abs.

“Luna! Talk to us!”

“I don’t know! I feel like I’m being beaten!!” I muster out the words. Why was I in pain?

It’s Dorian! He’s in trouble!

Without another thought, Mercury took over and we shifted. As soon as Mercury was in full form, she ran over to Venus and Jupiter. The power that I felt being next to them was nothing I had ever felt before. It was like they were feeding off of each other. All of our eyes were glowing,

It’s like Selene said, our powers are magnified in wolf form and when we are near each other. I tell Sin and Leah.

Mercury lifted her head and let out a pitched howl at the full moon in the sky. Venus and Jupiter followed. When they stopped howling, Eddie and Mitch came to their sides. I could feel the power growing between all of us. What was this?

The power of the desert moon

I looked up again, and the moon was its highest peak in the sky. It was amplifying our powers,

Not them. Just ours.

What do you mean, Mercury?

Don’t you see Allie, we are the most powerful out of the three desert wolves, but our true power comes from all of them and the full moon. The desert moon.

And Dorian?

Especially, him. He is the Desert Alpha. Our power is his power. We need to get to him now!

Mercury takes off running and is followed by Eddie and Mitch protecting her from both sides as rogues try to stop her from getting to Dorian.

Dorian! I’m coming!

Allie! His voice was weak and hoarse. Dorian was injured and getting weaker.


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