Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 32

(Chapter song ‘This Is Me’ by Keala Settle, ‘Vision' by 2Hook)


His words cut me deep. I’m so confused. He told me he loved me, but then to say the hateful words he did…

I sit alone on the chopper as the rest of the Alphas talk about the battle. Except for Graham and Kita. I don’t know where they are. I hope wherever they are, they’re happy.

I tried to hide my pain from the others. I don’t want to answer questions about what Adam did when I don’t understand it myself.

No. I’ll go back to Vegard. I’m sure Christian will be back. Even though I can’t talk to him, it’ll be nice to see his face again. Something normal will make my heart feel better.

When we land in Phoenix, I say my goodbyes.

“Tell Adam that I was honored to fight by his side.” I say with a smile that covers my heart break.

Wes smiles. “We will.”

Quinn places his hand on my arm. “Take care of yourself and anytime you want to visit, look us up, ok?”

“I’d like that.” I smile back.

“Tell Christian not to be a stranger. We need to catch up.” Jake says.

“I will. I’m sure he’d like that.” I sling my leg over my bike. My eyes land on Adams bike that hasn’t moved since we left. “Stay safe.” I turn to the group.

“You too.”

“Bye, Astrid.”

“You be safe too.”

I start my bike and turn it around. I ride it out of Phoenix and start my long journey home.

This was an adventure I never thought I’d fall into, but I won’t regret it. It didn’t end the way I wanted, but it doesn’t make it any less exciting.

As I ride through countryside and towns, Adam fills my memories. I saw the man he’s supposed to be. I know it. That man I saw at the battle was someone who was confused and hurt. He wanted Lefu so badly. I understand the feeling of failure. I was raised feeling that way every time I saw my father. He made it known how he loved Christian more. I was failure for the simple fact of being a woman.

People counted on Adam and he failed. I truly understand why he needed to say what he said to me. Why he blamed me. He felt it would ease the sting. I know from experience, that never works. All it does is push people away and you feel even more alone. I just wish I could tell him.

As I sit just off the highway, under the cover of trees, I pull out some food. I’ve been eating little. I can’t when Adams words are still so fresh in my mind. I pick at my granola bar as a tear rolls down my cheek. I find it hard to believe love can be ended like that, but then I don’t really know how love is supposed to work. All I know is, it hurts a lot. Why do people search for this knowing this waits for them?

I rub my neck and try to get used to the idea that I will never meet a man like him again. He’s so unique. If I had to choose, I would choose to be with him. I love him with all my heart. I just wish he loved me the same way.

I’m still curious about him and maybe one day, I’ll get that story. Right now, I’ll hang onto the memories I do have.

I reach into my bag for water when I cut myself on something sharp.

I yelp and pull my finger out. My finger bleeds until my skin heals.

I look in my bag and see a pulsing blue light.

My brows knit together as I reach in and pull out the black cross. I forgot Adam had this in my bag.

I see the broken jewel and just above it, a rune. It looks different than the one Adam was presented with.

I analyze it and lightly touch its light.

I sit straight and my breath is sucked in.

My eyes see the full, deep blue moon. I’m in the forest and I see Adam standing at a tree. I look around and I feel like crying.

He smiles. “Don’t cry, snowflake.”

He holds his arms out and I feel myself run to him. “Come to me.”

I run to him and I feel a magic surround us. He holds me and then our lips meet. My heart beats in time with his like we finally found a connection.

He pulls back. “I love you forever.”

“I love you, too.” I hitch.


I turn and I’m faced with a blonde woman in white. It’s not Iris.

Her face turns ugly as she grabs my throat. Her strength is unbelievable.

“You ruined…EVERYTHING!”

She glares into my eyes as I choke.

“Adam.” I squeak as I try to pry her off.

Adam leans on the tree and crosses his arms. “It’s ok, snowflake. You didn’t know.”

My slit eyes see the blue moon rise to its peak.

She leans to my eyes. “All you do is ruin whatever you touch.” She snarls.

My lip trembles and a tear falls from the corner of my eye. “Not true.” I whisper.

She glares at me. “You're worthless. I wish I never created you.” Her voice sounded just like my fathers as more tears fall.

“Please…Stop.” I beg.


She throws me and I shoot forward off my bike. I hold my throat and choke out a cough. I look around and I’m in the forest with the cross in my hand.

I look up and study what I saw in my mind.


Quickly, I pack up, jump on my bike and spin around. I hit the throttle and race back the way I came.

I knew it. My heart doesn’t lie. What I saw has yet to pass, I know it. I can fix this. I can still help Adam and he will find his way back to me. I wish I knew who the woman was. Maybe Adam knows her. Whoever she is, she’s evil and so full of malice and hate. I must warn him that she appeared to me.

A day later, I pull into Severn Station.

I park my bike at the pack house as fast as I can and run for the front door.

“ADAM!!” I bang the side of my fist on the door.

I stand back and look to the windows for him. I was about to knock again, when it opened.

“Luna. Thank God.” I breathe.

“Astrid?” Lainey cocks her head.

“Please. I need to see Adam.” I say with a sense of urgency in my voice.

“I'm sorry. He’s at the Unit. Is there something I can help you with?” She folds her arms and looks at me with concern.

“No.” I jog down the steps and run to my bike. “Thank you!” I say to her as I turn my bike around and peel out of his driveway.

Another 45 minutes and I park at the unit.

I run into the building and up the stairs. I slow to a stop and collect myself. I don’t want anyone getting scared that I had a vision too. I just need to tell Adam.

I wait outside as they talk. I hear Adams voice.

“I don’t know. I don’t know if my plan will work. I do know I only have enough locks for one.”

“Can't we find what you need on the other side then you'll have two?” An Alpha asks.

“It took me forever to find what I needed here. I don’t have that kind of time.” Adam says.

“Then we'll need some other plan.” Jake says.

“Can we combine them? Make them one?” Graham asks.

“That might not be a bad idea.” Jake says.

“Then he’ll be stronger. We're back to square one.” Adam grumbles.

“We have to do something, son.” Hunter says.

“I know. I just don’t know if it’ll work.” Adam sighs.

I listen to the Alphas and feel their troubles. This is my fault. I got in Adams way and he couldn’t do the job he was supposed to.

“What if we took one off the board with unconventional methods.” Sawyer asks.

“What do you mean?”

“Damica. We can use her venom to neutralize one of them and kill the human then you only need to be worried about the other one.” Sawyer suggests.

“Her venom won’t kill the demon inside. Only my skull can do that, but since I lost the Reaper, it’s an alternative to getting rid of the monsters in him.” Adam agrees.

“I can take one back.” Graham offers.

“That’s an idea.” Adam says. “But he won’t go easy. Are you strong enough to contain him?”

“I can try.” Graham says.

“Ok. We'll keep that on the table. What I could do is kill one and lock up the other one. The one sent to prison can still rise, but if I don’t hit my time, then I can be reborn and use my skull to kill him again.” Adam says.

My brows come together and I turn to the door. “What?” I question what I just heard. “Reborn?”

“What if you land back in 2630? We'll be stuck fighting with Lefu while you get your mind wiped in the future.” Hunter says.

“2630? Future?” I’m really not understanding.

I think of my vision and the things that haven’t happened yet. Is Adam…

“It's a risk. I know.” Adam says.

“I say we try Grahams idea.” Sawyer says.

“I second that.” Jake agrees. “We can help contain him.”

“Ok. Does it matter which one?” Graham asks.

“It might. The lycan is ours. So we capture the vamp, return him to the mirror world and kill the one here.” Adam lays out the plan and fills in details of when, where and how.

I agree too. It sounds like it could work.

“Alright. We'll reconvene in a few days. We have to locate the Lefus.” Jake says.

I pin myself to the wall as the Alphas begin to leave. They walk right by me and I scent Adam out.

As soon as I see him, I grab his arm. “Adam!”

“Astrid? I told you…” He scowls as he starts to protest my presence.

I hold up the cross in front of his eyes and tilt my head to him.

“We need to talk.”

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