Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 33

(Chapter song ‘Whispers In The Dark’ by Skillet, ‘Feel' by Skarlett Riot)


“I’m sorry. I know you told me to leave.”

“Yes. I did.” I snatch the cross from her and walk down the hall.

“I have to talk with you…Adam!” She grabs my arm.

“No, Astrid! I have a fucking job to do and you’re standing in the way. Now, leave!” I growl.

She points in my face. “Not everything is about you! You will stop this foolishness and listen to me!” She glares in my eyes. “Please.” She straightens her clothes and furrows her brows.

I blink at her and absorb what she just said. “Ok. Talk.”

“Not here. At home.” She mumbles.

“Fine.” I grumble.

At my parents pack house, I lead her into my room. “What do you want?”

She looks me dead in the eye. “I had a vision.”

“A vision.” I repeat.

“Yes. The cross. It’s showed me…” She stops mid sentence and looks at the floor.

I arch a brow. “Showed you what? How did you activate it?”

“The jewel. I cut my finger and it gave me a rune. It was different so I touched it. Adam. It showed me a woman. A woman in white. Not Iris. Someone else. Her strength…I’ve never felt a woman that strong. She told me I ruined everything.” Her words trailed off as she turned her back to me and walked to my window.

“Astrid. You didn’t ruin anything. I did.” I say as I step to her.

She turns around. “No. She said I ruin everything I touch. It must be true. My own father said those words to me a number of times. She also said she regrets creating me.” She turns back around. “Words also from my fathers lips.” She mumbles as she holds herself

“No…” I look at her with concern. I take big steps to her, turn her to face me and lean down to her. “No, Astrid. That’s not it. This vision. It’s a reflection. A projection of something else. It has to be.” I cup her cheek and lock her eyes. “You never ruined anything. I did. I raged out. I took my loss out on you. It wasn’t your fault. It was just a coincidence and I took it personally as a failure. I'm sorry, snowflake. I didn’t mean anything I said. None of it.”

“There’s something else.” She pauses for a moment. “You were there. You said you were sorry and that I didn’t know. I’ve been trying to understand, but I’m asking. What don’t I know?”

I nod. “I think I can answer that.”

I guide her to my bed and sit us on the edge of it. I prop up a knee and hold her hands. “I need you to trust me. I need you to believe me. You aren’t going to understand fully, but I think you’ll get it. I’m going to tell you everything.”

“Ok. I’m listening.” She says quietly.

I told her everything. I spared no detail.

I get up, walk to my bag and pick up the skull. I bring it back and sit back down.

As I rub the cap with my hand, I fight my regret and sadness. “I love you, Astrid. I didn’t mean to. I wanted to save you from this so badly, but I’m failing a lot lately.” I slowly meet her eyes and hold the skull. “This has a spell on it. It’s the key to hell. When I kill Lefu, I have to ride this down to the Gates of hell with him.”

Her lips fall. “What does that mean?”

I take the skull and place it in her hands. “When Lefu dies…I do too.”

I watch her inspect the skull in her lap and I see her cheeks flush. When she raises her head to me, my heart smashes. It was a look I never wanted to make her have.

With tears welling in her eyes, she pushes the skull back into my hands. “No. I won’t accept it.”


She gets up. “No, Adam. You are not dying.” She stops and turns with a determined look on her face. “I know it.”

“No, snowflake. You want to change it, but you can’t.” I step to her.

“No.” She shakes her head and sniffs. Her words are full of conviction. “You aren’t. We will find another way. We will find someone who has answers.” She folds her arms and raises her chin.

I look her over then look to my skull. “Astrid…” I roll an eye up to her. “How do you feel about the ocean?”

She arches a brow as I smirk and toss the skull in my bag.


“Are you sure your headings are right?”

I hang off the rail as I look out to the expanse of the blue ocean. I turn and jump onto the deck of the dive boat. Peter is at the helm as Lana talks with Astrid.

I walk into the bridge and look out the windows.

Peter goes over the directions I gave him from memory as I swam.

“I’m sure. It’s out here.” I look to the readers and sonar. I scan the map of the area. Although there’s no island on it, I know there’s one here.

“Ok. But I’m telling you. I’ve been all over this place and haven’t seen any land.” He says as he leans on the helm.

“Really.” I grin. “Then what’s that.” I point out to the horizon.

He looks where I’m pointing. It’s faint, but I can see it clear as day.

“Well, I’ll be damned…” He says quietly.

I laugh and slap his back. “ASTRID!” I put a bounce in my step and rush out to the deck.

She stands. “What?”

“Come.” I wave her to the walk-around that leads to the stern.

She follows me and I stop. I put her in front of my, point over her shoulder and put my lips to her ear. “Our answers.” I grin.

Her face lights up as the island gets bigger in our view.

I lean back and turn. “Pete! Lay it out!”

“You got it!”

He lays on the throttle and the boat increases speed. Astrid stumbles into my chest and I catch her as we both laugh. I hang onto her waist and the rail as waves crash up the sides and curl into wakes. The wind rushes through our hair as we speed to the island.

Gulls could be heard and the island is just how I left it.

Looking at from this angle, it’s huge. It’s hard to believe it’s gone unnoticed for so long.

The tree covered mountain has a waterfall and it’s absolutely beautiful. Birds fly across the sky and Peter slows down as he prepares to drop anchor.

“There’s no dock. We'll have to swim.” Peter says as he pulls off his shirt.

“Wicked! I love islands.” Lana giggles.

I push Astrid aside. “No. You two have to stay here.”

“Ok. Why?” Peter crosses his arms.

I sigh. “This island belongs to the Foundation.”

“Say that again.” He tilts his head to me.

“Miranda Williams owns it. She won’t hurt me, but I don’t know what she’ll do if you show up. Please. Just stay with the boat. We won’t be long.” I explain.

He steps to me. “You could be walking into a trap.”

“No. I don’t think so.” I shake my head.

“How can you be sure? She’s the dark Shaman with an apparent secret island.” He furrows his brow.

“Because she wouldn’t have let me escape last time.” I answer.

He gives me a questioning look and I pull off my jacket. “An hour. Maybe two.”

“I’m coming after you after that.” He warms.

I smile and nod. “Agreed.”

Astrid removes her jacket and leather. She straps her sword to her waist.

“You won’t need that.” I point to it.

“Only a fool walks into uncertainty unarmed.” She advises.

“Can’t argue with that.” I agree.

I walk to the edge of the boat and dive head first into the crystal clear water.

Clouds of white bubbles surround me and fish bolt out of the way as I right myself over the coral reef.

Another cloud of bubbles and Astrid comes into view. She looks so gorgeous swimming to turn herself and up to the surface. I rise too. Not that I have to. My vamp only breathes for a show of display, but doesn’t rely on air to exist.

My arms glide through the warm water as I swim just below Astrid. I admire how the water hugs her tank top to her chest. Her hair floats around her head and she looks almost angelic as we push through the waves.

Schools of fish follow and swim around us in flock like circles. Just below a shark makes his presence known, but moves away when he senses me. I smirk and throw him attitude as he swims by.

The shore comes quick and we plant our feet on the bottom.

We shake the water off as we walk out of the white capped surf. The palm trees invite us to land as they sway in the warm, salty breeze.

“I must say that’s different than ice cold water.” Astrid chuckles as she wring out her hair.

I stop her. “Hold still.” I lean to her lips and kiss her. I break into a run around her creating a cyclone of wind and sand.

She laughs as her hair flies up and she covers her face. In my blur, I grin ear to ear hearing her.

I stop and were both mostly dry.

She tries to catch her breath as I fix her wind swept hair. “There. That better?”

She looks up at me. “Much. Thank you.”


We turn.

Miranda walks toward us. “You’re late. I expected you five minutes ago.”

Confused, I look her over. “I’m sorry? You knew we were coming?”

She nods. “I did.”

“How?” Astrid asks.

She holds out her hands to us. “That’s for you to find out.”

She turns and leads us to the building I ran from so long ago. I didn’t think I’d ever come back voluntarily, but Miranda has the answers I need.

She guides us through the halls inside. Scientists and people in business suits walk around the building.

She motions us onto an elevator. “We'll be going down.”

She clicks L10 and leans on the wall.

“What is this place?” Astrid asks.

Miranda turns to us and leans her shoulder on the back wall. “It’s the place that holds all hope for humanity and Adams dream.” She glances at me.

“My dream?” I question.

She nods. “How do you think the Foundation was made?”

I try to connect the dots. “I’m sorry…”

She smiles. “It’s ok. We realize the amount of landings you’ve gone through has started to degrade your memory.”

“So…what dream?” I ask again.

“I am a psychologist. When I first met you, it wasn’t in the stadium. No. I met you long before that. You don’t remember?” She stares into my eyes.

I look away and search my mind. Like a switch went off, I raise my head to her. “Dr. Williams.”


I study Miranda all over. “It can’t be.” I run my fingers through my hair. I turn to Astrid. “When my father…I was placed in an orphanage. It was a nightmare. Miranda was on staff as a councilor.” I turn back to her. “How the hell are you here? You built this place on my trauma?”

“No. Not on your father. I built this place on the premonitions you had while under hypnosis therapy. I tried to reconcile your mind. Tried to relieve you of your hatred and I accidently opened a door. Do you know what was behind it?” She raises her chin to me.

I stare at her unblinking. “The end of the world.”

“The end of the world.” She repeats. “I saw it all, Adam. Everything. The problem was how do I stop it.”

“The Foundation.” Astrid connects.

“Yes. This whole organization, and its dealings, were from you. Now, with your help, we are in the perfect time to save it all.” She lays her hand on my arm.

I contemplate all of this. “Wait. How are you here? How are you everywhere? We were told time travel on a grown adult is damaging beyond repair.” I question.

She smirks and wags a finger at me. “No spoilers. Come with me.”

The door to the elevator opens and a Frey steel hallway.

I hold Astrid’s hand as the dim lights pass by us. Miranda’s black heels click on the hard, grey floor and there’s doors on the walls, but no windows.

We turn a corner and there’s a set of metal double doors at the end.

“Through here.” She stops at a keypad and punches in a code.

The air escapes as the door slides to the right.

I let go of Astrid’s hand and slowly enter the room.

There’s two beds in the middle of a darkened room.

The lights come on and my eyes widen. I spin around. “What is this?”

“A snippet of ReGen.” She confirms.

I turn back around to the beds with the time travel devices hanging overhead in futuristic style.

I walk over to one and slowly sit. My hand glides over the blanket as the explosions of my friends plays I’m my mind.

Miranda walks to a computer. “What’s the latest report you remember, Adam?”

I glance at Astrid who is just dumbfounded by all of it. “Uh…” I lean on my thighs. “I landed…I don’t know what’s going on. Blake…He said he could stop it. He failed…” I turn my eyes to Miranda. “I think I killed him before I was sent back.”

She nods. “Good. That’s the end point.” She stands walks over to me.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I mean. I perfected the program. I can run it from this timeline and not interrupt her functions.” She says as she checks my heart with a stethoscope. She checks me over.

Astrid stands to my side. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

I grab her hand and kiss it. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad…OW!!” I whip my head to Miranda as she pulls a needle out of my arm. I push my shifter down. It’s the only way I would have felt that. “What was that for?”

She disposes of the needle. “Just a little bit of a potion. It will help you keep your mind and body together and also allow your eyes to slow time to more than 30 seconds.”

“What for?” I ask as she lays me down.

“I’m shooting your atoms into the future. You’ll have three chances and three chances only.” She walks away and pulls Astrid to the computers.

“Three chances for what?”

She pushes a button. “Spot the difference.”


The machine above my head lights up and high pitch tech sounds fill the room. They’re quickly drowned out by my scream.

My skin burns and my atoms vibrate. The pain is more than going backwards.

I feel the explosion, but it only lasted a second. I explode back in and my ears are assaulted by chaos.


I turn to the panicked voice of angel. I reach out for her.

Everything is like a movie that’s been slowed down.


“ANNGGEELLL!!” I yell and she explodes. I, then, watch my friends explode.

“Spencer! Report!” The doctor grabs my head and I’m confused.

‘Spot the difference.’

“Spot the difference." I say swinging my head to ger his hands off me.

“What? That doesn’t…”

I scream a blood curdling scream and my atoms break apart. I land on the bed in Foundation building.

“Adam! Did you see it?” Miranda asks.

“See what?” I breathe.

“Look around. See the bigger picture. See it!’ She insists.

I return to a second spot in my furture. There’s less friends.

“End it now.”

I turn my head to the voices as my eyes focus.

“I’ve tried. She’s not responding.” I see Blake arguing with another doctor. How did he get out?

I quickly look around the room.

“Spencer! Did you kill him?!” they ask as they rush the bed.

“No.” I pant.

My eyes meet Genesis, who’s staring at me.

My torturous travel ended back with Miranda.

“Now, I know what a ping pong ball feels like.” I groan as I try to sit up.

“Did you see it? Think!” Miranda barks.

Astrid blinks at me and I shake my head. “No. I don’t think so.”

“Try, Adam. This is important. Last chance and I can’t do this anymore. It’s too destructive and it will grab her attention.” Miranda says sternly.

“Just fucking tell me!” I yell.

“Where’s the fun in that?” She smiles. “Last round. What’s different?”

I scream and then it matches Preston’s as he explodes. Riley lands and the doctors ask their question. He answers then explodes. Raven, same thing.

This time, I’m not panicked.

‘What’s different?’

I inspect the room fast and in as great detail as possible. Walls, ceiling, floor…everything. I go over all the equipment then the staff.

Each doctor, nurse and scientist was given a concentrated once over.

I was about to give up and accept my fate, when I saw it.

Raven landed again and when he gave his answer, I saw her do it. No.

When Riley landed, I watched her hand like a hawk. As soon as No left his lips, her finger lifted as her hand hung at her side. She flicked it and he exploded.

My skin heated and I feel my atoms start to boil. No. No way! Not again!

My rage added to the destabilization of my body and my voice exploded instead of my chest.


I feel the heat die down and my atoms start to stabilize as she slowly turns her head to me.

I white knuckle the sheet, but then slowly release them as I realize I’m not going anywhere.

With my head lifted off the pillow, I glare at her. “End the program, now.” I demand.

“I can’t, Adam. The program must continue. He’s not yet deceased.” Her blue eyes locked with me, but then quickly blinked away.

I slowly turn to the room and it’s frozen. Doctors in mid-steps. Friends in mid-explosion. I can only assume this is Miranda’s potion slowing my vision.

I sit up and analyze Genesis as I put my feet on the floor. I slowly stand and walk to her. My eyes never leave the side of her face.

Her image stutters in the projection light. I approach the holographic woman on the pedestal. She stands like stone as she should be, waiting for the next line of code to be read.

I narrow my eyes, lick my top lip and cross my arms. Chewing my cheek, I study her eye closely.

Then it flicks to me and I catch it with a snarling smirk.

“Busted.” I grit as I tick my head.

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