Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 31

(Chapter song ‘Ultraviolence’ by Cliff Lin,


I know I shouldn’t have said it, but I’m throwing caution to the wind now. This is different which means I have to be different.

I feel it in the air.

The vision may not make sense, but I do feel it tried to tell me something.

I think it’s the choice I need to make and it will make sense when I face Lefu.


I stare out the window of the helicopter as we fly to Vespra.

Astrid holds my hand as we all sit in silence.

I turn to her and smile.

“We can do this.” She whispers.

I hold her hand in my hands and softly rub them. “I know we can.”

“The Dires are almost there.” Ezra informs.

“Good.” Oliver kisses her knuckles. “Keep in contact. We'll land shortly.”

She nods and her mind links.

“The Lycans are looking to intercept in 20 minutes. They’re super excited for this fight.” Quinn says.

“Just hope they don’t change sides.” Wes says.

“They won’t. They hate the way of life.” Quinn confirms.

“They better not.” I grumble. “We can’t afford to lose anyone.”

Thea holds Wes' hand. “My sisters will be waiting at the base. They also can’t wait to kill the man who corrupted our father.”

I nod to her.

“So you really think you can win against the demon?” Astrid asks.

“I will. I’ve done it before.” I say as I look out the window.

“You said you’d explain that to me.” She crosses her arms and legs.

“In due time. Focus on the battle.” I side eye her.

“If we kill Lefu on the other side, would that weaken him here?” Graham asks.

“I don’t know.” I shrug.

He holds his hand out. “Give me the knife.”

“What? No. I’m not giving you the knife.” I scoff at him.

“If I kill him on the other side, he won’t be a threat.” Graham says.

“It would make building the bridge impossible.” Kita informs.

I flick my eyes around the chopper cab. My eyes land on Astrid’s and she looks unsure.

“If you can stall Lefu here, I can kill the other one and come back. You can do your thing here.” He says with his hand still out.

I think it over. Mitchell was really trustworthy even if he was nervous a lot of the time. It would make sense he got it from somewhere.

I pull the Reaper out and flip the blade. I hold the hilt to him. “Don’t lose it.” I growl.

A heavy feeling landed in my chest as I watch him take it and put it in his jacket. I felt weak without it. I just need to remember it’s temporary.

“Alright, Alphas. Checkpoint below.” The pilot calls out and we prepare to land.

I look out the window and Axelridge is already here unloading. Falcon is soaring the sky, coming in for a landing in the bare cornfield.

Our helicopter drops and it’s skids hit the dirt with a heavy thud.

“I’ll never get used to that.” Astrid groans.

“It’s better than running.” I lean to her with a smirk.

“This is true.” She giggles as she rubs her stomach.

We disembark and the area floods with soldiers. They all strip and add wolf packs to their backs. We walk to Phoenix’ supply plane and so the same.

I help Astrid strap her sword to her pack and she does the same for me.

The rest of the army shifted and started running.

I watch Oliver have a heated exchange with one of Axelridge’s Alphas. The big one with the mace.

He points his mace to Oliver. “I have a special swing all stored up for you, princess.” He snarls.

My dad’s friend, Finn, steps in between them. “Jax, save it for the field.”

The two part and I was about to walk away when I’m stopped by my dad.


I turn.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” He says low.

“That’s only because you know what’s going to happen.” I say.

He shakes his head. “No. It’s more than that. I really think you shouldn’t go through with this. What Eternity said…”

I lean to him as my lycan builds my anger. He promised he wouldn’t stop me. “I’m going through with it regardless of what you or Eternity says. I have to go.”

I go to turn and he grabs my arm.

“Adam, listen! It doesn’t feel right!” He insists.

I turn, flash my yellow eyes and rip my arm out of his grasp. “STAY OUT OF MY WAY!”

Several people stopped and stared at us as I collect myself and straighten my pack.

I turn. “I’m sorry.” I say without looking back and head to my team.

As I get to the circle, Astrid meets me with concern. “What was that about?”

“Nothing.” I grumble.

I stand in a circle and count the heads. Michael stands with attitude beside Quinn. “Good luck on the suicide mission.”

Quinn looks to him. “You need to cheer up, buddy.”

“I need to get my ass out of here and find a stiff drink.” He crosses his arms.

“Not happening.” I grind.

He puts his hands up in surrender.

Kita stands in the center of the circle and the 14 of us stare at her.

She looks at me. “Take me to him.”

I nod as she lays her hand on my arm. I close my eyes and think of Lefu.

The world shimmers and shakes as the field disappears and Kita teleports us to where Lefu is.

“I see him. I’ll land us out of sight.” She directs us to trees and they appear all around us.

We search the trees and shouts rise from beyond the tree line.

We head in the direction and look between the trunks.

We stare in amazement at the giant camp filled with Blue Falcon soldiers.




Soldiers run in formation with automatic weapons in hand as orders ring out over the camp.

“Holy fuck!” Wes says.

“That’s what we said.” Graham thumbs to Kita.

“Ezra. Where are they?” He's beside me and turns to his mate.

“They’re close. They’ve reached the helicopter and are headed this way. They feel you.” She says.

“Good. Let’s go meet our troops.” He smirks.

He looks to me and nods as he leaves with Ezra.

Michael slides up in Oliver’s spot. He stares out to the soldiers. “He’s here.” He says quietly.

“How do you know?” I ask him.

He taps his temple. “He’s louder.” His one eye stares into mine.

I look back at the soldiers.

Thea grabs Wes' attention. “My sisters are here. They’ll make their presence known when it’s time.”

Jenny opens her pack and starts handing out vials. “Use these sparingly. This is all we got, but they’ll create a big enough bang to make an impact.”

“Brilliant, baby.” Deacon grins and shoves bottles in his pack.

“Look!” Graham points out the trees.


“Lefu.” I snarl as I lean closer.

His stature is tall and commanding. He stomps through the camp to find the Blue Falcon Leaders.

“An hour out, sir.” A soldier answers.

“Tell them to hurry up!” He throws a hand up. “AND FIND GIA!”

Suddenly a flurry of activity started to rise from the camp. Soldiers were running and arming themselves then running out of the camp.

“What’s happening?” I ask.

“Phoenix and Axelridge just showed up.” Graham reads the mind link. “It’s started.”

“Let's go.” I growl and lead the team through the trees.

We infiltrate the camp and hide behind the tents. Mica talks with Gideon about the plans to kill Lefu and keep Graham. Something that cannot happen.

They walk off and I was about to walk into the camp until Kita pointed to a tent. “Who’s that?”

We all watch Sawyer slink around a tent and duck in under the cloth.

“He’s probably looking for weapons.” Graham says.

“We need him. Come on.” Kita says.

They teleport away and I watch as they duck into the tent.

I tried to figure out our next move when I see they’ve been made.


Astrid leans beside me. “Oh no.”

I wave her down. “Watch.”

Kita steps out into the road and throws ice and snow off one hand and fire off the other.

The soldiers freeze and explode. Trucks fly and all hell broke loose.

“She’s the same?” Astrid asks.

“Not quite.” I smirk.

They’re screams alerted more soldiers to return to the camp.

Sawyer pops out and starts shooting with Graham.

“Now!” I bark and we spring out of the trees.

Astrid pulls her sword and swings it up one soldier and across the belly of another.

My vamp surfaces and grabs a guy by the side of the head and shoulder. He yells as my fangs sink into his neck.

“THE HYBRID!” Someone yells.

Like a starting pistol, I’m surrounded my soldiers.

I’m throwing fists and dropping bodies as Astrid tries to slow them down. She spins and her blade takes two heads. She jumps on the back of a falling body, leaps and drives her sword into the skull of another Blue Falcon.

My arms grow long and my claws come out. I slash the faces and snap weapons that are pointed at me.

A roar rings out and I seen Quinn’s black Lycan tearing heads off.

Cass and Ember are firing arrow after arrow.

An explosion blows a few trucks into the air and they land on their rooves.

More flood the area and I’m quickly surrounded.


I went to throw a punch and he’s grabbed by the back. His spine is broken over Oliver’s knee and tossed back behind him.

“Need a hand?” He asks.

I nod and throw a left hook into a jaw.

We punch the shit out of everything as Astrid slashes what we throw at her.

I pull my sword and spill entrails all over the blood soaked mud. I spin and slice neck and heads.

Oliver’s Dires chow down on any bone that touches their lips. They tear and shred at bodies both living and dead.

The soldiers fire on them, but their hard fur remained flat which was like armor. The bullets ricochet and the prehistoric wolves turn ugly.

They climb trees and turn into wolf raptors. Blue Falcons run through the camp to an open field, but the Dires take out many by launching off trunks into the running formations. They shred and claw. Their tails cut many in half and pick up men only to drive their skulls into the dirt.

They obviously felt the sway in power because, like an explosion, the entire Blue Falcon army shifted and sprinted for the field.

I followed with Astrid behind me. She put her sword on her back and shifted. Her gorgeous white wolf was stained red in seconds as she ran wolf after wolf down.


I drop a body and see a wave of wolves with red packs tear through like a growling, howling storm.

I called my vamp and hissed. I spun and clawed out spines with my razor sharp nails. I sensed them before they even showed.


They spring into the air and land on our soldiers.

Fighting more wolves, I hear my name.


I turn to see Kita in the air. She flies down in front of me. “Where’s Graham?” I yell.

“He’s on the other side, but…”

“Take me to him.” I order.

“I can’t. I can only travel to my pocket. Adam. Lefu took Graham. They both are there.” She looks extremely worried. Her tiny fox ears twitch along with her 9 tails.

“Fuck!” I shove her aside and run to Astrid.

I grab her shoulder. “Lefus in the other world. With Graham.”

“Well, that’s not good.” She searches my eyes. “Can he kill him over there?”

“No. He doesn’t stand a chance. I need a way to get over there to help him.” I say.

“I don’t know.” She says.

“Come on. We need to find Jenny.” I pull her to follow and we run through the fight.

Wolves are destroying each other all around us and we headed back to base camp.

I shift and walk into the Comms tent. “River. Where’s Deacon?” I pant.

River is standing over computers with Bastian and Jake.

“He’s at the med tent.” Jake informs.

I nod and blur out to the med tent.

Deacon is getting patched up with Jenny doting over him.

“I’m fine baby. It’s just a scratch.” He says.

“50 stitches isn’t a scratch, Deacon.” She scowls.

I walk up to them. “Wolf bite?” I point to his shoulde4.

“Vamp. I’ll heal.” He responds.

“Jenny. I need a way to cross over. A portal.” I cross my arms and look down on her.

“To where?” She asks.

“The mirror world.” I inform.

She stands. “I’m sorry, Adam. I purposefully left those home in case anyone got a hold of my bag. I didn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands. Where’s Graham?”

“On the other side. With both Lefus.” I say.

“Oh shit!” Deacon raises a brow.

“I need to get him back.” I stare at both of them.

She sighs. “I wish I could help.”

I can’t be mad. Her intentions were sound. The last thing we want is more enemies knowing how to cross over.

“It’s ok. I’ll find another way.”

I blur out and rejoin Astrid.

“Anything?” She ask as we briskly walk back to the fight.

“No. We’re on our own.” I break into a run and Astrid is right behind me.

The camp and farm area are emptied out by the time we get back to it. All the fights have moved to the field.

I jump in, fists first and Astrid strikes deadly blows. I pull my blade and drive it into heads.

Vamps see me, look confused at first, then get the picture. They drop their fangs and lunge at me. I spin and jump, stabbing hearts and decapitation heads.

I was about to dive in for more when the earth shakes violently. We all are have trouble staying on our feet. I put my sword away and turn to the back of the field.

A blue light burst out over us, blinding us all. We fall to our knees. I look in the direction it came from and am shocked by what I see. A huge blue wall, like the cross section of the sky, cut through the field. Electricity struck across it over and over.

Fuck! The bridge.

I slowly rise to my feet and see Graham at the base with his arms out to his sides.


I grab Astrid’s arm. “Look!”

She sees where I’m pointing. Her head whips to me. “Let’s go.”

We break into a run as the wall thunders and cracks.

Graham is struck by lightning over and over.

That’s not how bridges are made. This is something else.

I skid to a stop just on the other side of the fight and stop Astrid. I pull her to me and instinctively protect her.

My jaw drops as I watch soldiers escort Lefu through the wall and out into the grass.

He’s dropped to his knees and held on guard. He looks defeated.

I felt the air change and the wall looked like it was throbbing.

“What’s happening?” Astrid stares with fear in her eyes.

“Something big is coming.” I let her go and slowly walk a few steps. You can feel it. It’s pushing through.

The wall cracks again and the sounds of thousands of boots come from it.

Astrid looks at me with horror on her face as the field fills with armed Blue Falcons.

They stop and organize.

I try to see what they’re doing, but can’t with all the bodies in the way. It’s not long before my question was answered when missiles are launched from their trucks with loud, whistling booms.

They rocket over head with smoke trailing behind them.

The farm and camp areas explode in giant fireballs and we drop to our knees.

The surrounding wolves burst into an anger fueled tornado and resume the war. The growling, barking and dying could be heard for miles.

My eyes land on Lefu on his knees. Now’s my chance. I take off my pack and open it.

“What are you doing?” Astrid asks.

I pull out my skull and look into her large, blue eyes. “Ending this.”

I grab her nape and kiss her so deep and hard. I want to remember this as I fall to my fiery death. Her soft tongue glides with mine and she whimpers on my lips as she holds my cheeks.

I break the kiss and pull away just a bit. “I love you. So much. I will treasure you forever, snowflake.”

My eyes heat as she looks at me with confusion.

“What are you doing? You sound like you aren’t coming back.” She questions.

I kiss her again. “I love you.”

I break into a blur and run with one target in my eye. Lefu on the ground, vulnerable and weak. If I take him out this will end.

As I get closer, I watch the wall pulse out a bright light then fade.

Time slows and the men are confused. Some run away after trying to find the wall and realizing its gone. Others are ran down and arrested by Falcon and Phoenix.

My focus is laser sharp as the man on his knees turns his yellow eyes to me. He sees the skull and tries to get out of his cuffs.

An evil snarl forms on my lip as I lunge at him with my skull above my head. I growl as I come down above Lefu. He growls and raises his hands to defend his chest. My eyes are full of fire as I prepare to drive the skull into his heart.

I could feel the heat. Brimstone invaded my nostrils and I saw the rise of the gate in my mind. That image was destroyed when Lefu disappeared from my vision.

My skull hit the grass as I land on one knee.

I quickly raise my head to see the other Lefu with him in hand. They look around and disappear in a blur.

“No.” I breathe as I flop my arms on my thighs and my brows stitch up.

I look down at my skull and my face twists into anger as my heart pounds in my chest. My fingers hold it tighter than needed and my lycan let out a massive growl. “NOOOO!!” I raise it up and drive it into the dirt.

I spin to my feet and take fury filled steps to the area where I left Astrid.

She runs up to me and tries to find my eyes. “Adam?”

She joins my side. “What’s happening? I don’t understand.”

“Lefu got away.” I grumble as I stare straight ahead. I can’t believe it. I was so close. I could see the end. It was over. I could go home. I could feel the ease in my body. The acceptance of my suicidal mission.

I search the air in front of me. My friends faces float across my eyes. I was about to see them again. Now, it’s gone. I may not get another chance. With two, I don’t even know if it will work now.

I had one chance and…I just fucking blew it.

“Was there two I saw?” She asks.

She interrupts my thoughts and I glance at her. “Yes. The mirror Lefu is here now and from what I can tell, they’re separated. One vampire, one lycan, both demons. I don’t know how, but that’s the least of my worries.”

“Ok. We need to come up with new plan and go after him.” She says as I stop her.

“No.” I turn, shake my head and stare at her. My chest fills with pain and push it down. “You’re going home.” My face turns to a stone expression as I stop my heart from beating.

Her brow crinkles. “No, I’m not going…”

I lean to her. “You’re people need you, Astrid. I don’t.”

I see the blow I just dealt her and her eyes stare at me with shock and hurt. “You do. Just like I need you.”

My unfeeling, uncaring vampire side takes over because I won’t be able to say this with any other. I lean to her. “If I wasn’t worried about my feelings for you, I would’ve gotten to Lefu in time. You’re a distraction, Astrid. One I don’t need or want. Go home.”

I watch tears well in her eyes. “You don’t mean that.”

“I do. I can’t do this while you’re around me. I refuse to sacrifice my duty for the touch of a woman. I’m sorry. I have no room for you.” I say quietly.

“Please. Don’t do this. Just because you lost, doesn’t mean you can just…” Tears fall from her eyes as she quietly pleads.

“I’m sorry.” I turn from her. “Goodbye.”

I break into a blur and run from the battle. Leaving all the others behind to clean the mess and deal with whatever the fuck just happened out there. I have my own problems and I thought finding my friends would make it better. All it did was make it worse.

That’s all I ever do. Make bad situations worse.

I run from the people who trusted me, my memories and her broken heart. The one I had to break because I could feel myself failing everything. I could feel myself weaken like Lefu on his knees. I can’t be that.

I can’t feel the love I desperately wanted. I’ll never feel it again. I won’t allow it.

I ran home. I knew it would be a day or two before anyone showed up so I took a moment.

I took a moment to be alone to think of the beautiful heart I just killed instead of the evil one I should have.

I fought the tears until I couldn’t fight them anymore. Her scent stayed with me. Her voice played in my ears and my skin warmed where she touched me.

I sat on the floor of the shower with the ice water directly hitting me. My hands covered my face as my elbows leaned on my knees. My eyes stung so bad and my throat hurt, the lump was so big.

I wrap my arms around my knees and bury my head in them. The water hit the back of my head. It did little to rid the guilty heat from my body.

I allowed my heart to break for this moment. I held the pain so I could remember every detail of it. I held the sad look on her face. I embraced the deliberately cruel words I said to her and I was cruel. She didn’t deserve any of it, but like releasing an animal attached, I had to be mean to get her to run from me and be free from my hatred. Once it was done, I hid all my emotions deep inside.

Astrid will be the last woman I lose control over because I don’t think I could ever feel like this about anyone even if I wanted to.

Now, that she’s going home, I’ll be able to be at peace with my death and not have to worry about how she'll feel about it because she’ll never know.

I’ll find Lefu, kill him and fall into oblivion.

Astrid will be happier without me.

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