Behind The Alpha Book 2 WES

Chapter 7

(Chapter song ‘Weird Science' by Oingo Boingo, ‘Perfect' by Marianas Trench)


After traveling back and forth to Phoenix for months, it’s nice to be back home. I’ve moved my practice to an office in the pack house so I can be both Beta and lawyer. When I’m in between cases, I still train. I’m on the reserve unit squad, so I need to keep fresh.

I push through the metal doors and walk out to the training field. I can hear the recruits training. It’s a nice sound.

I walk to the water table and drop my trainers bag by the other Alpha bags. I grab my clip board and look over the training schedule.

When I get to the edge of the field, I look up. My mouth goes small and my brows cinch up. I slam my clipboard into Greys chest as he comes up behind me. Without looking at him, I motion my finger to point. “Grey?”


“Who’s that?”

I bite my top lip to stop the drool as I watch a holy hell of a figure stretch out mouth watering legs. She’s athletic, tight and so fucking curvy I can't stand it. She’s also quite tiny, but she looks like she can kick ass.

Her chocolate brown hair goes past her ass even pulled up in a high ponytail.

Her lips are so full and pink and her eyes are the biggest brown eyes I've ever seen.

I squeeze the shit out of my clipboard as I watch her move around in her tight unit shirt and damn tiny shorts. Can I die, now?

Lord. Please god, tell me she’s single.

“Uh. New recruit.” He reads his clipboard. “Thea.”

“Thea.” I smile as I say it. Damn. Even her name is hot.

I look at him. “We weren’t scheduled new recruits.”

Grey shrugs. “Don’t know. She’s here. I guess we do. I’ll get her started.”

I slap his arm with my clipboard to stop him.

“OW!” He scowls and rubs his arm.

I walk away, turning around and pointing at him. “You get the next one!” I smile and jog out to her.

I slow to a walk as I try to contain myself. My eyes drift across her flawless, sun kissed skin. Goddamn, she looks tasty. My wolf is flipping in my chest. He’s hard to read. I can’t tell if he’s happy or warning me about something. Whatever. He’s an idiot.

She’s reaching up and stretching her arms out.

I walk into her field of vision. “Thea?”

She smiles big. Oh God…knees…weak…fuck.

“Hi.” She chirps.

Her cheeks have this soft pink hue to them and her face is this almost baby face.

“Hi. I’m Wesley. You…um…You can call me Wes.” I smile.

“Wes. I like that.” Her extra large, brown eyes sparkle in the sun. She’s very bouncy and kind of bubbly.

“Right.” I clear my throat. “I’ll help you get started and…”

“When does the fighting start?” She grins and holds her hands behind her back. This tightens her shirt across her…um…large…chest.

Don’t do it, Wes. Don’t look. DAMN IT!

My eyes goes straight to her breasts.


I shake my head and chuckle. “Let’s start with some warm ups.” I guide her to the circuits and get her set up with some planks and push-ups. “I’ll be walking around so if you need any help.”

“I’ll call.” She giggles.

My heart just exploded. Even her giggle is perfect.

Everything’s perfect. She also looks familiar. Where have I seen her before? I watch her do perfect push ups and not just like five, but I lost count at around fifty. She held a plank for over two minutes.

I watch her move with the other recruits. Crunches, sit ups. Russian twists. She had perfect form and executes everything flawlessly. For a brand new recruit she’s…prefect. Too perfect.

I stand outside the lines with my arms crossed. I watch Thea like a hawk as she goes through the stations for the third time and she’s not even broken a sweat. As I watch her do squats, that’s when I remember where I’ve seen her before. My face falls.

I’m joined by Grey and William.

Grey looks at me. “How is she?”

“Perfect.” I say in almost a dream state.

“Well, that’s good to hear.” William says.

I shake my head without taking my eyes off her. “No. It’s not. It’s weird.”

Grey turns to me. “She’s perfect and that’s weird?”

“Yes. The curves, the eyes, the…it’s all perfect.” I hold my hand out to her as she bounces around the field.

“Ok. I think I’m missing something. You think she’s hot and that’s weird?”

“Yes! It’s like she’s been pulled out of my head! Everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman is right there.” I throw my hand out to Thea.

Grey points to her. “That’s what you’ve been waiting for?”

“Yes.” I whine, scrunch my face and kick the grass.

“No wonder you kept striking out.” He snorts.

“Shut up, Grey!” I smack his arm. “I don’t have a chance in hell with that.” I whine more as I motion to Thea again.

“Why not?” Grey crosses his arms and eyes me.

“Why not?! There’s a reason they’re called fantasy girls, Grey. She’s not supposed to be real! She lived rent free in my darkest fantasies, alright. She's not…supposed…to…be here…” I say as I hit his arm with my clipboard and grit my teeth.

I’m starting to hyperventilate as he grabs my arm and my chin to make me focus. “Ok. Just breathe. Calm down. So what? You’re dream girl is real. Wes! Do you know how many guys would kill for that?”

“I wouldn’t!” I say through my squished lips.

I rip his hand off my chin and wipe my mouth with my hand. “How can she be real? How? I’m mean right down to the cute mole above her upper lip. Everything there, was right up here!” I motion my hands to Thea and tap my temple really hard and fast.

“Maybe you saw her on the street and she stuck right up there in the ole noggin.” William grins.

Grey points to him and nods. “Yeah. Maybe she was real first and you turned her into a sex demon in your head.”

I narrow my eyes. “She’s not a sex demon.” I growl

Grey leans to me. “She could be.” He bounces his brows at me.

“No! Will you stop?! Look, I’m telling you. Somethings not right. She just happens to show up. Knows every training exercise perfectly and she looks exactly like my imaginary centerfold. Not to mention I haven’t had any episodes with my imaginary stalker…”

Grey points to me. “You seriously need a social life.”

I slap his finger out of my face. “It's true! I think the two are connected.” I stare at Thea with a puppy dog face. “She can’t be real.” I slowly shake my head as I watch her laugh with a couple of recruits. She so fucking beautiful.

Grey comes up behind me and rubs my shoulders. “Just take her out for a few beers maybe she’s not so perfect.” He says looking at Thea from over my shoulder.

“Um…One problem.” William holds up a finger and we both turn our heads to him. “She’s a recruit.”

“So.” Grey shrugs.

“So…I can’t date an unranked recruit. Thanks to River, they crack down on that shit.” I inform.

“No, shit. That’s a rule?” Grey looks at me and William.

“Yeah.” I look at him over my shoulder.

“Fuck. Good thing I never got caught. I went through White Rock and Red Rock…twice.” He rubs his nape with a sheepish grin on his face.

I turn to him. “Grey…” I shake my head and place my hands on my hips.

“Excuse me, Wes?”

I stop and raise my head. Panic fills my face. I’m fucking frozen.

I see Grey look at me and move behind me. “Just. One minute. He’s…thinking.” Grey says.

“Sure.” She says in her bubbly voice. I hear her jog off.

I suck in my upper lip and shake my head. “I can’t do this.” I mumble with wide eyes staring off into nothing.

Grey gets my attention. “Look. You can’t ask her out, but you can train her. Get to know her. Just talk. All it is, is talking.” He sounds like he’s talking me down from my panicked state.

I nod. “Just talking.” I repeat.

Grey ticks his head. “Just words of encouragement. Don’t think about anything else. She’s just another girl.”

I nod. “Ok.” I heave a big breath and try to calm down. “Just a girl.”

Grey straightens my clothes. “Good. So stop being a pussy. Smile.” He pushes my scowling lips out with his forefingers. “And try not to think about boning the new girl.”

“GREY!” I yell as he spins me around and slaps my ass hard, forcing me toward the circuits. I furrow my brow at him and rub my ass cheek.

“Go get her, trainer boy.” He waves me on with a dumbass grin on his face.

I shake my head. I hate my life.

She's waiting for me at the track and I slowly walk to her. I smile and give a little wave. “Hi.”

“Hi.” She answers. She fixes her shirt.

I feel heat building as I try to contain myself. “You…You needed help with something?” I ask.

“Yes. Everyone’s sparing. You want to be my partner?” She thumbs to the sparing field.

“Oh, I don’t…” I chuckle and rub my neck.

“Come on. It’ll be fun.” She grabs my hand and pulls me across the field.

“Whoa. Slow down!” I yell as I try to keep upright.

“Sorry.” She lets go.

“Ok. Let’s see if there’s a partner more your speed.” I look out the field.

“But I want you.” I look and she blinks her big brown eyes.

I let out a little laugh. “Not for your first spar. I think…Tammy!!” I yell.

I call a blonde girl over who’s about two inches taller than Thea. “Tammy. Would you mind sparing with, Thea. It’s her first day.” I smile.

“Of course, I wouldn't, Alpha.” She gives me that smile she always does with the fuck me eyes. I flick my eyes to Thea. She looks…disturbed.

“Thea. You ok?” I lean to her. “With this arrangement, I mean.”

“Yes. Yes, I’m OK.” She shoots me a quick smile.

“Good. I’ll be observing…over there…somewhere.” I book it out of there and join the other Alphas.

I blow out a breath as I join the circle.

“Grey told us about your fantasy girl.” Tyler chuckles.

I jut my chin out to Grey and glare at him.

“You never said lock it.” He points to me.

“Shit!” I point to him. “Lock it!” I grit.

He grumbles and shakes his head.

Ryley crosses his arms. “You know. It could just be your mind projecting her to your fantasies. She may have some qualities you find attractive, and your mind is filling in the blanks because you want her to be untouchable to you. Your fear of commitment is trying to find fault, but your mind is making it difficult.”

I scrunch my face at him. “What?”

“Look at you.” William slaps his arm. “Those psychology classes are really paying off. Good job.” William preens.

Ryley smirks. “Yep. Top of the class.”

“Way ta go.” William smiles big as he hits his arm again.

“Ok enough. This isn’t projection or whatever. I hate to say it, but maybe Grey’s right. She might not be totally perfect.”

“She’s a perfect fighter. Holy shit!” Tyler says. We turn to the sparing field and she’s squaring up with Curtis. A big 3rd year recruit.

My heart jumps in my throat because he has at least a foot on her. “Oh, fuck.” My eyes widen. What happened to Tammy?

She hits him and she grabs him by the shirt and rolls him backwards into a throw. He bounces across the grass. “Holy shit!”

“Damn dude. You sure you don’t want that?” Ryley says.

I watch her kick, punch and throw Curtis everywhere. “I don’t even know.” I whisper.

I walk out to the field. Thea’s eyes meet mine and bounces over to me. “You come to check up?”

“Yeah. Where’d you learn to fight like that?” I look at her in amazement.

“Oh…um…I pick up things quick.” She smiles. “You want to spar?”

“HIT THE SHOWERS!” I turn to Tyler as he yells across the field.

I thumb over my shoulder. “Trainings done for the day. I can walk you to your barrack.”

“Oh. No, that’s OK. I can walk myself.” She starts to walk backwards. “Bye…Wesley.” She grins.

“Bye…Thea.” I wave my fingers at her like I’m a teenage kid.

She puts her hands behind her back, turns and runs for the barracks.

“She can’t be real.”

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