Behind The Alpha Book 2 WES

Chapter 6

(Chapter song ‘Virtual Insanity’ by Jamiroquai **** ‘Africa’ by Toto)


As much as I love watching Wes get ready to go out, I don’t like it. It’s always fun at first then ends with me feeling mad.

He looks amazing in his fancy dressings and I enjoy when he looks like that. I just wish it wasn’t for another female of his species.

It’s strange. When I See Grey with Mia, I feel excited for them. To see them so attached to each other makes my heart happy. They look so good together, but when I see Wes with someone, it makes me feel like a crazed grizzly. I makes me angry.

Starlight is like the cave structure called Feral, but a bit brighter with its blue and white stars everywhere. It’s also filled with tons of Wes' species. They love these places.

When we arrive, Wes' face lights up. He's already dancing when we get to the stairs.

We climb down and he looks over the dance area. He smiles at some females and they smile back.

I’m floating in the air with my legs crossed. I already feel the scowl on my face and my eyes narrow. My arms are crossed and I’m tapping my fingers on my arms. I don’t like this.

He walks around the dancing people.

“Hey!” He waves.

“There you are. You get lost?” Grey says.

Wes fist bumps him. “No. I couldn’t find my keys. They were under the couch cushion. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you, Grey?”

I tried. I blow out a breath and lean my elbow on my knee and my chin on my hand.

“No. Why would I hide your keys?” Grey scowls at him.

“Why do you do anything, Grey?” Wes side eyes him.

Everyone from Falcon Ridge is here for Quinn’s punishment. It didn’t go as bad as Wes had thought, but Quinn was still punished by his elders. My heart broke for him and his family.

After, they all met here. Like they do at home. This is how they relax the best.

River laughs. “I won’t ever understand how two even live together.”

“Lots and lots of alcohol.” Wes says as he tips back his drinking bottle.

Grey punches his arm.

“This place isn’t half bad.” Jayson says.

“I like it.” Luke eyes the people.

“They need bigger chairs.” William says as he adjust himself. I giggle at his large frame in the small chair.

River chuckles. “I guess congratulations are in order Mr. Defence attorney.” He tips his bottle to Wes.

“Thanks. 9 years is definitely better then a century.”

“I wasn’t going to give him 80 years, Wes. I was just pissed off.” Zander says as he drink his bottle. The King of wolves. That must mean Nala is still here somewhere. This causes me to search the room. She could be anywhere.

“Could’ve fooled me. Why did you make be beg then?” Wes scowls.

Zander smirks. “Because it was funny.”

The table snickers and snorts.

Wes narrows his eyes and points at him. “Next time, I’m dealing with Ricky.”

The table chuckles further as Zander waves him off.

Wes leans back. “You know what I can’t believe…Quinn. Five minutes into adulthood he has a mate and a kid! What the hell is up with that?!”

“Fate has her ways, Wes. It happens.” Zander says.

“Yeah, well. It’s not fair.” He growls.

“You’re turn will come Wes.” Mica, one of the other council Alphas says.

Wes leans on the table. “You all keep saying that, but it never happens. I’m thinking you’re all faking it just to make us single guys feel like crap.”

Luke chuckles. “Dude. You have no idea. It’ll hit you. Don’t worry. You won’t know it either. It’s like you’ve been shot right in the heart. You don’t die, but all of sudden you can’t think straight.” He chugs his drink.

“Unless you’re me. Which you just might go crazy and die.” Grey chuckles.

“I know what you’re thinking. I’m not crazy. I know somethings going on. I just don’t know what.” Wes picks at his bottle.

“Whatever you say, Little Bro, but you’re walking around here thinking somethings following you. Sounds a bit crazy to me.” Grey leans to him and smirks.

“What’s after you?” Mica asks.

“Nothing.” Grey waves his hand at him.

Wes leans on the table. “I don’t know, but whoever it is, is driving me batty. I feel watched. Nothing is ever where I leave it. I hear it sometimes too. It’s fucking creepy, man.”

“What? Like a stalker?” Mica asks.

“Probably. I never see it and I have no clue who’d stalk me.” Wes says.

Mica shrugs. “Maybe you have a hunter on your ass. It’s what Hartlyn did before she and I hooked up. Maybe you’re a target for the Hoods.”

Wes shakes his head. “No this isn’t like that. It doesn’t hurt me, just makes my life miserable.”

“I’m telling you, Wes. It’s all in your head.” Grey shakes his head.

Wes sits up. “Ok. How do you explain the footsteps? The laughter? The shock to my nose?! How do you explain that, Grey?”

Luke snorts. “So what? You think you’re haunted?”

“No.” Wes leans back in his seat. “That’s stupid. But listen. What if there’s a creature or something we can’t see and it’s around us all the time.” He eyes the table closely. “Just floating around watching and waiting to pull weird shit.”

“So…a ghost.” Luke arches a brow.

“No! I said that’s stupid. I think it’s a creature. An animal or something.”

“Ok. Why would hang around you? Why not hang around someone cool?” Grey laughs.

“I’m cool! Way cooler than you are.” Wes grumbles.

“Whatever.” Grey scoffs.

River sits back. “Ok. I know we’ve seen some next level shit, but an invisible creature? You gotta know how that sounds.”

“I know how it sounds, but something is here. I feel it. Look. We have a 5000 year old guy sitting right there. Is something invisible really that hard to grasp?” He excitedly motions to William.

They all look at each other and look at Wes. “Yes.” They all say at the same time.

“Why do I even bother?” Wes throws up his hands and sits back.

Luke’s brows go up. “Hey! Stop being a bitch. Red head, 12 o’clock and she’s headed this way.”

We all turn to a woman with long, red hair. She comes out from where the dancers are.

She is beautiful, I’ll say that, but she better not be here for Wes. I scowl as she approaches the table.

I turn to Wes. He’s smiling, but it fades when she stands beside William.

He looks at her. “Uh, Hello.”

She runs her fingers across his shoulders. “Hi. I saw you come in and I just had to say hi.”

I blow out a breath of relief.

“Um…I’m mated.” Williams face falls. “He’s not, though.” He points to Wes.

What? No!

Wes gives William a weird look. “Thanks, buddy.”

“No problem. Anything for a friend.” He grins.

Wes sighs and shakes his head.

The woman looks at Wes. “You’re cute, too.” She slides over to Wes' side.

“Uh, thanks.” Wes tips his bottle back. I can sense his nervousness.

She leans to his ear and whispers something, but I can’t hear it. Wes looks at her, she bites her lip and walks away.

He looks to his friends. “I’ll be back.” He grabs a fresh beer.

“Go get her, double mint!” Luke tips his bottle to him.

Now, I’m irritated. I was just starting to have fun.

I sigh and lean on my knee as I float with Wes to wherever the woman went to.

He stops and I drop to the ground on my feet. I watch him lean his arm on the wall. “I’m Wes.” He looks so handsome when he smiles like that.

“Dinah.” She says back.

“So…You come to Feral often?” He asks.

“Not, really. I work a lot. I’m a model.” She plays with her wine glass.

“A model. Really. That’s cool. What do you model?” He seems really interested in this model thing.

She plays with her revealing dressings. I look down at my long dressing strips that float around and in between my legs. I look at her chest and feel my own which is practically non existent. I see Wes' eyes fall to her chest a few times. Is that what he likes?

“I do swimsuits mostly.” She grins.

Wes smiles more. “A swimsuit model. You’re a swimsuit model.”

“Yes.” She giggles at Wes’ obvious excitement.

“Well, I happen to love swimsuit models. It takes a lot of talent to make tiny bits of fabric look good.” He drinks his beer.

She laughs. “Yes, it does. So, you want to come back to my place?”

Wes almost chokes. “Your place?”

She nods. “If you’d rather stay…”

“Nope...No…I’m ready when you are.” He grins.

I squint my eyes. Oh no you don’t!

I flick my finger to his bottle and it flies out of his hand and all over her dress.

“What the hell?!!” She jumps back with her arms out.

“Oh God! I’m…I don’t…I’m sorry!!!...” Wes reaches for her.

I flick my finger again and spill her wine on her.

“WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?!” She yells at him.

“I’m sorry….I didn’t mean…” He tries to calm her down, but she’s very mad.

I scowl and cross my arms. My foot is tapping on the floor as Wes pleads with her.

“Stay away from me!” She growls loud and storms off.

“I’m sorry!” He yells in a defeated tone to her back. He hangs his head and sighs. He heaves a breath and walks back to the table.

He drops a twenty on the table. “I’m out.”

“Where you going?” Grey asks.

“Home. To be miserable.” He growls.

He walks out of Starlight. I chew on my cheek as I walk behind him.

He walks through the parking lot.

I try to see his eyes. “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to leave your friends. I just…she didn’t feel good to me. I didn’t mean to upset you.” I stare up at him as he gets into his car. He feels sad and lonely.

I swallow and appear in the passenger seat beside him. “I mean…Did you really like that female? Wes?” I try to get a sense of his face.

I lean back in the seat as we drive through the streets to the hotel room.


I felt really bad as Wes showered before bed.

Maybe it is best I show myself. All I ever do is make him mad.

The only thing I’ll miss is being in secret with him. These little private moments with him will be so much harder when he can see me.

I have to though. I can feel my veil failing more and more.

As soon as we get back home, I’ll choose a form. I’ve seen what Wes likes in reality and his dreams and I think I know which to choose. I really hopes he likes it. I also hope he won’t mind me in his life because I can’t just walk away.

He comes out of the shower in his boxers. He looks so good like that. It makes my face heat.

He puts his ear buds in his ears and lays in bed. I slip lightly beside him. Trying not to put weight on his bed as he puts his hands behind his head.

He presses his cellphone and I hear song come from his ears. Just like Grey does all the time.

His toes start tapping and he starts to sing. I watch his lips and his head rock to the music.

He’s a much better singer than his brother. I float beside him and mimic his position. I listen to the song and tap my own toes. It’s so hard not to join him, but with my veil so thin he’d hear me.

His voice is so gentle and sweet. I could listen to him sing forever. It warms me all over. He warms me all over. Over the course of time, I’ve developed feelings for Wes. He doesn’t know it of course, but I truly care for him. In the way Grey cares for Mia. In the way I care about my trees. Wes is very special to me and I hope I don’t lose him forever when he sees me.

After a few hours, he fell asleep with his music playing. I press the cellphone and it stops.

I’ll need a few days to prepare myself for the shift so I must leave him tonight. I stare into his sleeping face. He’s so beautiful.

I lay beside him. “I’ll see you in a few days. I promise. You’re never alone.”

I look at his soft cheek and listen to him breathe quietly.

I lean over and pucker my sparkle lips. I touch his cheek and I feel his sparks again. They tickle. He slaps his cheek, but doesn’t wake up, making me disappear and reappear.

“I’ll see you soon.” I disappear to begin my transformation.

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