Behind The Alpha Book 2 WES

Chapter 8

(Chapter song ‘Invisible’ by Hunter Hayes)


Being real is so much more than what I thought it would be.

The Unit is not only fun, but the people here have so many interesting stories to tell. Tales of battles, adventures and even past loves. I just sit and listen to them all.

This form I chose seems to please Wes, but he’s not paying attention to me like I thought he would. It feels like he’s trying to ignore me. I try to be as friendly as I can be, but he just runs away from me. I don’t understand.

For weeks, I did my trainings and tried to get him to help me or work with me, but he just sends someone else.

Maybe he doesn’t really like me after all. I need to find out what I’m doing wrong.

During a break, Wes was with the other leaders. I think it’s now or never.

I walk to where he’s standing. They laugh. He has such a wonderful laugh. It does something to this body.

Just before I get to Wes, I’m stopped.

“Thea.” I’m turned around to the girl I met named Tammy. I thought she wasn’t talking to me anymore when I ‘kicked her ass' as the guys say.

“Tammy? Hi.” I smile.

“No, sister.” She says in a hushed voice as her eyes glow gold.

My eyes widen and I pull her out of ear shot of Wes. “Nala. What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to warn you. He’s risen.” She says.

I stare into her eyes as fear takes me. “How do you know this. I haven’t felt him.”

“I just traveled from Aurora. He found her. He tried to take her sun dial…”

“No! Nala!” I panic as the thought of my sister in danger enters my heart.

Nala puts up her hands. “She’s fine. She beat him back. It just means he’s coming. Be prepared.”

“Nala. I need your help. I can’t fight him alone.” I say.

“You aren’t alone, Thea. If you do things right. The people of this place can help you, but you must handle yourself as one of them and don’t cause problems.” She tilts her head and looks at me with Tammy’s blue eyes.

“I try not to.” I mumble as I look back at Wes.

“Does he suspect?” She asks in a monotone voice.

I hold myself and shake my head. “The opposite really. He paid more attention when he couldn’t see me.” I mumble.

She presses her lips together. “Yes. The relations with these species is confusing. It took me quite a while to adjust to them, but what advice I can give you, is listen to your heart. It will tell you what to do. Your intuition will help you navigate. Your foresight will help you with decisions. Pay attention, Thea. Watch closely to all of them. You’ll understand.” She leans to me and places a hand on my arm.

I nod again.

“I must leave. I’ll be back. Just stay here. Artemis wouldn’t dare attack the warriors. You’re safe if you stay put.” She cautions.

“Ok.” I squeak. The mere mention of his name sends icy shivers through me.

She looks around and changes to a black squirrel. She bounds across the grass to the forest trees.

Once Nala departed, turn my attention back to Wes. I can only hope Artemis doesn’t attack. If Wes got hurt, I’d never forgive myself.

At this point, I’m no longer in the frame of mind to talk with him. I turn back to the trainings.


I turn to see Wes jogging up to me. I push away my fear and smile as I watch him approach. “Hello.” I say.

“Hi. I just wanted to check in. See how things were going.” He huffs as he joins my side.

I pull my braided ponytail to the front. “It’s good. I’m learning so much.”

He glances at me as we walk. “That’s good. Well, if you need help. You can ask any one of the Alphas. Me too…of course.” He grins.

I nod. “Thank you.” I feel my cheeks heat as I look into his blue eyes.

“See you later.” He says.

“See you.” I say. I’m a little disappointed as he jogs back to his friends.

If I’m real, why do I feel even more invisible?



My thoughts are interrupted in the food room as I think of how to get Wes to look at my real form.

It’s also harder now. Since I took this form, I don’t feel the bond as strong as it was. It’s still there and my need to protect him is deep in me, but since I chose this side of my being, it’s no longer a focus. I’m not pulled the same way.

Now, there’s something else. My feelings for Wes have surfaced. They’re stronger now. Maybe that’s why it hurts so much that he won’t acknowledge me.

I turn to my friend, Mattie. She’s a first year too. She has lovely, red hair and blue eyes. She looks like fairy tale. With freckles on her nose and small form. She’s a hybrid too. Her wolf is amazing. I don’t have a wolf person, but I can produce one if I need it. The wolves never sense me. I’m not sure why. It’s probably a good thing. I don’t need a bunch of wolves scared of me.

“Yes, Mattie.” I say as I pop a berry in my mouth.

“You were saying where you were from?” She responds.

I look around the eyes at our table. Recruit friends of hers. Shoot. Right. I need a tale.

I look down and search for a berry in my bowl. “I come from the trees and now I live here.” I say.

“So…a Nomad.” One of the boys named Aaron says.

I realize how I sounded and stop. “Um…yes….Nomads.” I smile at him.

“That explains the muscle structure. Must have been great messing around the forest all the time.” He runs his fingers through his blonde hair. His brown eyes search me. His feelings confuse me.

I swallow my berry. “Yes. Quite fun. I miss it sometimes.”

“We have great trees here. We should hang out.” He says as he eats some vegetables.

“Hang out?” I arch a brow at him.

“Yeah. You know. Let our wolves out. Climb some trees. Watch the stars. Just have fun.” He glances at me and smiles.

“You should, Thea. It sounds great.” Mattie pushes on me.

“Um…Ok.” I smile back at him.

“Awesome. We’ll do it Saturday night.” He says. “I have to go. I’ll talk to you later, Thea.” He says as he stands.

“Bye.” I watch him walk away.

I lean to Mattie. “Why did he look at me like that?”

“He likes you.” She picks at her food.

“Oh. Well, I like him too.” I grin.

“I think you two could have lots of fun together.” She smirks at me.

Her expression makes me nervous. “Why do you look like that?”

“What? I was just saying you guys will have fun.” She puts her full fork in her mouth.

“Yes, but your eyes look sinister. Why?” I look at her suspiciously.

“Thea. There’s nothing sinister about a date. It can get dirty, but Aaron’s too nice to be sinister.” She grins.

“A date?” I question.

Her brows come together. “Yeah. The thing you guys are doing on Saturday. A date.”

“I’ve never had…a date…” Panic creeps in.

“Never?” She looks at me and dropped her fork.

I slowly shake my head.

She holds her hand up. “Ok. This isn’t a big emergency. It’s easy, Ok.”

“It doesn’t feel easy, Mattie. I need help. What do I do? What do I say? What do I dress? Mattie?” Panic is really settling in now as I begin to process what I agreed to.

We stand and take our trays to the garbage. I empty it and turn. Wes is walking in with Grey, Tyler and William.

I stop in my tracks as I watch him smile, talk and laugh with his friends.

He passes me and smiles. “Hey, Thea.” He waves.

“Hi.” I respond.

He continues on to get food and my eyes follow him.

Mattie looks at Wes then me. “What was that?”

I look at her. “What?”

“That look. Are you pining for one of the Alphas?” She looks almost shocked.

“I don’t even know what pining means.” I give her a confused look.

“It means you like an Alpha. Which one?” She leans to me.

I glance at her. “Wes.” I mumble.

“Ooo…a twin! Too bad he’s an Alpha.” She pulls me down the aisle as I take one last look at Wes.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“We can’t date Alphas. At least, not yet. Once we get our ranks then it’s fair game.” She bounces her brow at me.

“Ranks?” I ask.

“Did you not pay attention in orientation?” She looks at me curiously as we walk out to the compound.

“I…didn’t get one.” I avoid her eyes as I embellish my story.

“Oh…They’re titles. They allow you certain responsibilities here. Trainers are always Alphas. Assistant trainers are Betas. Team or group leaders are Deltas and so on. We’re recruits. We don’t have a rank. So as a rule, we aren’t allow to date ranked members. To avoid favoritism or something. I don’t see the problem with a hook up. We're stuck here all week. We should be able to have some fun?”

“Hook up?” I stop.

“You don’t know what a hook up is?” She crosses her arms and looks at me.

“No.” I mumble.

“Lady, we need to have a serious talk.” She wraps her arm around my shoulder and leads me out to the field.

Is this why Wes has been avoiding me all this time? I’m in the wrong position. If I was in the position like him, would he talk with me then?

If I want Wes to pay attention to me, it sounds like I have to be his equal here. How do I do that though? I need information.

I look around the field and see Wes. I jog over and stop beside him. “Wes?”

He turns to me. He always feel nervous when he sees me. “Hey, Thea. What’s up?”

I place my hands behind my back. “How do you get Alpha?”

His eyes shoot open. “Um…what?” He looks like hes starting to sweat.

“My rank.” I clarify.

He rubs his nape. “Oh, right.” He chuckles. “Well, you work hard and pass all your training exams you get it in two or three years.”

Three moon cycles?! No…that’s way too long.

“Oh. Um…thanks.” I mumble and leave.

I can’t wait three moon cycles for Wes to talk to me like I want him to. No. I need to fix this mistake now.

I pretty sure I know how, but I need to do this carefully and right. I need a plan.

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