Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 173

Chapter 173- Asher

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Chapter 173 – Asher

After what felt like far too long pacing the forest floor, our wolves pushing themselves to their very edge in a bid to find Bailey, we finally caught a scent. Zion was whimpering. Whimpering so loudly, saying he smelt her scent. Far too strong, along with blood. The scent was bringing him to the point of breaking. He loved her now as much as I did, I think. And as they continued to run in the trail of that scent, we soon came across her.

The broken and damaged naked body of Bailey was laid battered, bloodied and bruised upon the forest floor. My heart felt like it shattered at the sight and Zion whimpered even more loudly the moment we laid eyes upon her. He ran toward her, before pushing me forward, allowing me to shift. My body soon cracking and twisting back to my human form, before I dropped to my knees to be by Bailey’s side, battling the tears that were filling my eyes. Our reunion was never meant to be like this!

I had hoped to run to her, envelop her in a tight hug, maybe even spin her around, before telling her how much I had missed her. Then find her lips with mine, and was sure then my heart would have been racing so fast… but I had planned to tell her at this point I loved her. Tell her just what she meant to me. Something I had been fighting for a while now… something I had been terrified to admit…even to myself, but I knew it; and I was so desperate to share it with Bailey.

But now… now as I looked down at her injured body, I feared I may not get the chance. Her former fated mate had been so determined to bring as much chaos to Bailey’s life as he could,



Chapter 173-Asher

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and today he had done exactly that. Before we were finally able to free her from their restraints.

As my eyes darted over Bailey’s beautiful face, the tears were becoming harder to fight, but I was able to quickly check her breathing, and released a huge sigh as I realized she was in fact still breathing. They hadn’t killed her. She was still alive. But, looking at the injuries, and the fact I was not a doctor, I didn’t know for how long she might be alive, or if her wolf was even healing her.

We needed to get her back to the pack hospital. They could care for her properly there. Give her the treatment she needed, and hopefully save her life. Bring her back to me. I gently stroked her hair back from her face, but her eyes were closed, and there was no reaction… her skin felt cool to the touch, and I was terrified she was slipping away. Zion paced heavily in the pits of my mind, on edge, not sure what was happening, and in pain at seeing the she-wolf we had both been falling for hurt and damaged in front of us. We had not been able to protect her… Bailey may not be my mate, but once again I had failed in protecting the one I loved…

‘Help me Cal.’ I mindlink, needing his assistance, and he was soon shifting to put himself beside me, as we lifted her between us, until she was snug against my chest. Her breathing was low, and I feared for her health right now.

“Why do you think they didn’t take her, if you think her former mate sent them?” Caleb asked me as we began to walk through the trees.

“No clue. Something s**d them maybe? But right now, I don’ t care, because she is still here. We can get her the help she



Chapter 173 – Asher

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needs.” I said, as I felt a lone tear slide down my cheek.

“The fact she is in her human form seems odd too, Ash, if she was trying to escape from rogues.” Caleb said with a deep sigh, something I had already considered, but could come up with no answer for. If she had been running from them, as Marc had said, she was in her wolf form. Something had caused her to shift back to her human form. Was it to yell for help? Did she think she was closer to pack? Were they trying to kidnap her? I honestly could not work it out… my mind was working overtime with worry and theories.

“I will mindlink the hospital, Ash, get them to meet us at the treeline with a car to get her to the hospital sooner, right? Along with a doctor.” Caleb said, and I nodded, he made sense. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of that. I don’t think my mind was functioning properly right now. Or the worries were taking over my mind. But Caleb was here by my side, and he was doing what I needed him to. Being the friend I needed.

“I will call the warriors back.” I suggested, and Caleb nodded.

“Unless you want them looking for the rogues?” he offered, and I shrugged, as we began to walk, while I considered his words. I didn’t know what was best right now. My head was battered. I don’t know what would be the most effective thing to do. If they had been brought into this by that sick ba***rd, were they truly to blame? But then we needed answers… we could interrogate them if they were found.

“I don’t know. Are they to blame? Or is it him?” I said with a sigh, my whole body a confused mess of feelings and emotions at that instant, desperately in need of getting Bailey to the hospital and getting her the help she needed.


Chapter 173 – Asher

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“Let me deal with it, Ash. You focus on getting Bailey to the hospital.” Caleb tells me, and I nodded, he might be better equipped right now to think straight and make sensible decisions. I knew I wasn’t able to.

“Thanks Cal.” I whispered, as I glanced down at Bailey, still unconscious in my arms, another tear trailing down my cheek.

Caleb looked across at me as we approached the treeline. “You love her, don’t you?” he asked, and I nodded. There was no point in hiding things now. I wanted this to be out in the open. I wanted to be with her. But, I needed her to be okay for that to happen.

Caleb smiled at me. “Then we need to make sure that girl is okay, she deserves the best of treatment if she is going to be putting up with your sorry a**” He winked, as we came through the trees to find ourselves blinded by the headlights of a truck, and the pack hospital’s lead doctor waiting for us. He had wasted no time in making his way here to meet us after Caleb had mindlinked. But I had never been so glad to see him!

“Right, let us get this young lady fixed, right?” Dr Lambert said with a sad smile, motioning for us to bring her to the car. “Shorts for you boys in the back, figured you might need them. Lay Miss West in the back, you can sit with her Beta. Let us go.”

“I am going to go and join the warriors. Find these rogues. Ash will go with you to the hospital though.” Caleb said, with a nod in my direction, as I climbed into the car with Bailey, now by my side, laid across the seats.

I will get them found, and they will be punished. You focus on being there for her. Getting her better.’ Caleb mindlinked me, as the doctor drove us away toward the hospital. I can only pray to


Chapter 173 – Asher

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the moon goddess right now that they are able to save my girl.

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