Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 174

Chapter 174 – Morgan

The wolves had gone. Leaving Marc and I alone in the forest… well, I say alone, they were nowhere in sight, yet I still felt we were being watched. I could not shake that feeling the whole way back to the pack. I hated it. Marc was adamant that we make our way back to the safety of the pack; but I did not want to leave my sister out there alone. Not knowing rogues were out there trying to get her. But my mate guided me home, telling me my injuries were too bad to allow me to look for my sister and that he would arrange help to come; and I had to trust him. Mimi was in so much pain, I could feel it through our bond…

And as I shifted back to my human form, my bones twisting into place it hurt more than it had done in a long time. My wolf, Mimi, had been injured and while Marc’s wolf had desperately tried to help the healing process, I am not sure whether she had been fully healed as she gave me control back. But somehow I was able to shift back.

I looked across at Marc with an empty feeling inside of me. There was no sign of Bailey. I had desperately hoped she may have arrived pack in pack before us; I knew she was fast in her wolf form; but as my eyes darted around the area of pack we had walked into there was no sign of her.

“Have they heard anything?” I asked my mate, knowing he had asked for help. He had reached out for suppòrt, so surely they would keep him updated. But he slowly shook his head, and at that moment I wanted to go back out and look for my sister. Whether I was injured or not. She should not be out there alone. She needed us. My eyes darted back to the trees…



Chapter 174 – Morgan

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“You can’t go back out, baby.” Marc wrapped his big, strong arms around me. “I know you want to, but you are hurt, and you need to recover. Asher is out there, as are some warriors. He let me know he had got them helping too. They will be searching for her. They will let us know.”

“But what if they are too late?” I felt tears filling my eyes. What if they have already captured her? If Miles had her, then we might have no hope.

“Then we will go to Lotus Shadow to bring her home.” Marc said with a determination that shocked me.

“Marc, Lotus Shadow is her home.” I pointed out, though he already knew that.

“Not if Asher wants to make her his mate.” he told me sharply, and I felt a ripple of shock running through me. I knew Asher liked my sister, and it was fairly evident he had an effect on her too, but had it become that serious? Did Asher want to make my sister his chosen mate?!

“Really?!” I found myself questioning.

“I think that is what he is realizing he wants, yeah. He has been falling for her since she arrived. They are good for each other.” Marc explained, and I could see from the look upon his face he was hoping that it could happen. “I think he fought it out of guilt. For Isla.”

“Your sister?” I asked, and he nodded with a sad smile.

“Asher struggled so badly with losing her. He has never so much looked at another she-wolf, so getting close to Bailey has shocked him and scared him in equal measures, I think. He didn’


Chapter 174-Morgan

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t see it at first, then denied there was anything there, avoided it. Until it hit him like a wrecking ball. Now, he wants nothing more than her. I think he is maybe worried about how me and Mum may feel too, but we saw it happening from the beginning, and we want nothing more than him to be happy.” Marc said,

emotion heavy in his voice, and I tightened my grip on him. “We know he loved Isla, and that won’t change. But, she is gone, he can’t be alone forever, holding onto her memory and the pain of losing her. That would destroy him.”

“I wish Bai knew that.” I sobbed.

“Well, hopefully soon enough she will.” Marc told me. “But right now we need to do all we can to bring her home. So give your Dad a call. Tell him what has happened. They need to know what Miles has done.”

“We don’t know if the rogues are linked to him. You said yourself that area is always heavy with them.” I suggested, and the dark look that passed over Marc’s face told me I had annoyed him, and I instantly regretted my words.

“Are you defending him?” he snapped. “I am going off the fact the moment you and I were together they retreated and went after Bailey. That indicates the attack was targeting her. Does that not tell you it was him? How else would the rogues know to target her?”

I looked up at my mate, his handsome features angry, and I felt guilt flooding me. I hadn’t intended to sound like I was standing up for Miles. “I am sorry.” I whispered. “I wasn’t defending him, I didn’t know if it was him. That is all I meant. I will call my Dad.”

I moved away, to walk to the house, as my phone was left in the car. I hated the thought that I had disappointed my mate. I


Chapter 174-Morgan

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would never defend the monster that was my former pack’s upcoming Alpha, not anymore. Not after everything he had done. And the thought that Marc thought I might upset me.

Marc quickly followed alongside, reaching for my hand. “I’m sorry I snapped baby. I am just worried. Scared for you. Scared for Bailey. I feel like I let you down.”

I squeezed his hand tightly to reassure him. “You were not to know that was going to happen.”

As we arrived at the house, he looked at me with a sad smile. “Make sure your Dad knows what has happened to Bailey. They need to prepare for what may have happened, Morgan.”

realized the seriousness of his words and I felt dread filling my stomach as I lifted the phone to make the call, not wanting to wait a moment longer. My Dad would know what to do. “Hello?” My brother’s voice surprised me.

“J?” I asked, wondering why he was answering my Dad’s phone.

“Morgan. Did you all get home okay?” Jordan’s voice was full of unease, which told me my Dad had told him everything. I didn’t want to be the one to do this. I looked up at Marc who was watching me, his eyes full of concern.

“You want me to do this?” he offered, and I nodded, fighting tears, putting the phone onto loud-speaker.

“Hey Jordan, it is Marc. Morgan is struggling right now. There was an incident on the way home.” He began.

“What sort of incident?” he interrupted. “DAD!” he suddenly yelled, before continuing. “You were meant to be looking after


Chapter 174-Morgan


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I felt a rush of anger, not appreciating my brother implying this was Marc’s fault. None of this was his fault. What happened could not have been predicted. He had planned out our drive home to protect us as best he could. This was not his fault, and I would not have my brother say otherwise! “No. He was looking after us. This was not his fault!” I snapped, as I saw guilt spread across my mate’s face. This was not fair.

“Well, what the f**k happened then?” Jordan yelled.

“Hey, what is all the shouting?” I could hear my Dad now, making me think he had come into the room. “Morgan?”

“Dad, things are a mess. Bailey is missing. We think Miles sent

rogues to attack. The car broke down. We tried to run, but Bailey didn’t get back.” I blurted out, as tears burned my eyes.

“Miles sent rogues?!” Dad’s voice was filled with fury.

“Well, that is not certain, we have warriors out searching, as it was close to the pack thankfully. If we find any, we will interrogate them. But they retreated the moment they had Morgan and I separated from Bailey. It seems too convenient. Too planned.” Marc explained.

“Hmmm, you are not wrong. Especially when he could not get any warriors from his own pack.” My Dad said with a coldness to his tone I rarely heard. He sounded ready to kill…

“Well, I don’t mean to be harsh, but if he has got her, he will be bringing her home, won’t he?” Jordan said, and I saw Marc’s fists clench.


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“And you are okay with that, are you? Letting that f**ng monster of a psychopath have your sister? Just going to sit and wait for him to bring her home, right? Not knowing what he could do to her in the meantime? Is that what you are happy to do? Because I am not. She does not want to be his mate. She has a good man here in our pack that wants her for a mate, so why should she be forced to be mates with a man that treats her the way he does? That man needs locking up for the things he has done.” Marc snarled at the phone, and I was shocked at how angry he was getting. He was standing up for Bailey so mercilessly. Or was it that he was standing up for Asher? Either way, right now, I could not be more proud of him.

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