Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 172

Chapter 172 – Caleb

Hearing everything Asher had told me had’shocked me. This poor girl had been through a lot. There had been slivers of information that Eden had accidentally mentioned, and then sworn me never to mention – she had never been the best at keeping secrets. But, my mate liked to talk about this new teacher we had accepted into our pack. One that we evidently knew very little about when we agreed to hire her.

Bailey had come across so well when we interviewed her; though in truth, the things I had learned did not change my Dopinion of her. The things she had gone through did not change the woman she was. If anything, they made me view her even more highly. Made me see her as being even stronger. And I knew my wife thought incredibly highly of her too.

Bailey had become a firm friend of my wife. So I knew a little of Bailey’s difficult times; but never had I known the severity of the mess she found herself in. She needed assistance, of that there was no denying, and I only wish she had spoken up sooner, because we would have provided it without question. I would never allow someone to endure the things she was and not offer our help. But, I think a small part of me understood why- she may have kept quiet.

This young she-wolf had been a wonderful friend to my mate, bringing a smile to her face again after the loss of her friend. Giving her the hope of a new friendship, and that alone had meant the world, both to Eden, and to me. Because seeing my mate struggling broke me. Not knowing how to help her. But this new friendship seemed to pick her up, in a way I could not.





Chapter 172-Caleb

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It gave her someone to gossip with again. They would regularly meet for a coffee, and message one another; and it seemed to work wonders for Eden.

And then there were the skills Bailey had brought to the school. Bailey was loved by the children, the staff and the parents alike and fitted in immediately. She had soon become an asset to the. pack, despite the fact she was not a formal member. I would have offered her an official place within our pack without doubt, especially had I known she had been battling issues in her home pack. I think most in the pack would agree with me too. Everyone treated her like she was already part of the pack, so I knew she would be welcomed.

And for Asher to then admit his feelings for her, that hit me like a f**king freight train. I had not seen that coming, yet it made so much sense! After he lost Isla, I had sat many a night with him, offering my support as he mourned her loss. Trying to be the best friend I could, while being unsure how to help him as I saw him falling apart. But hoping one day he may find another she-wolf that could have found a place within his heart. I knew nobody could ever take the place of his fated mate, but there could always be the potential space for another love; of that I was sure. And I desperately hoped one day a she-wolf would come into Asher’s life that had that potential.

Seemed that exact she-wolf had come into our pack out of the blue, and into Asher’s life, and I had completely missed it! And if Asher was having these feelings for Bailey, how had I missed it? I knew I had been so tired of late, having a new little one at home, and then getting back into the flow of work; it must be that causing me to have been oblivious to it. Completely unaware, and missing the signs of my friend falling for the new teacher within the pack.



Chapter 172 – Caleb

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Yet I had noticed differences in him. I know I had because I had even pointed them out to my mate! Asher had seemed lighter in himself… more carefree again… even the occasional prank being pulled again… but Eden kept dismissing it, telling me I was imagining it, so I tried telling myself it had been in my mind. Wishful thinking on my part, that the old Asher was coming back. Because it hurt that I had lost my friend when he lost his mate, because he had lost himself.

His later nights within the office seemed to have been reduced, and now I cannot help but wonder if that was to give him time with the beautiful Bailey. After all, they were both residing in the packhouse together. Had they become close, and now he had allowed himself to open his heart to another, she was so close to being cruelly ripped from him? No. I cannot allow that to happen. Not after the pain losing Isla had caused him.

‘Thor, we need to find that girl. For Ash. Now!!’ I ordered my wolf. Determination rushed through me, which my wolf had to have sensed as his pace only seemed to have picked up.

‘I know, dumba**re our wolves scooted between the many trees within the darkness of the forest, there seemed to be no trace of Bailey. Was Marc sure it was here she had headed? My mind filled with the possibilities of what the rogues could have done to the poor girl if they had singled her out to get her alone, and it was not pleasant… if Asher’s theory was right, and they had been sent by her former mate to kidnap her, we may stand no chance of finding her…

‘I think they may have already got her, Cal.’ Asher linked, and I could already detect the defeated tone to his link. No, we could


Chapter 172-Caleb

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not give up. We had to continue to look. She still had to be here. She was a strong wolf. I had seen her running a number of times, early in the morning before work. Eden said she trained twice a day too, though with a Beta for a father that did not surprise me.

‘No. Do not think like that. We will find her. Warriors are out too, right?’ I questioned, knowing he would have sent them, and already able to detect their scent in the forest ahead of us.

‘Yes. But why can we not find her?’ he grumbled. He was slowly losing hope. But I knew why. Isla had been his everything and when he lost her it had changed Asher forever. The happy, go- lucky, and carefree guy I had grown up with was gone. The joker of the pack left with his mate. He changed overnight, and it hurt me to see that change. Only through support and the inner- strength of Asher and his wolf did he survive. But, I truly do not think he could survive it again. Not when it had taken him so long to even contemplate opening his heart to another.

Suddenly, Thor skidded to a halt, his nose was in the air, and as he tilted his head to the side, I could catch a glimpse of Zion at his side doing the same. They had detected something…

And soon they were off again, at a slower pace, noses down, side by side. As close as brothers, like Asher and me… and as they turned the corner there was a bloodied Bailey laid on the forest floor. With not a rogue in sight. Which made no sense with regard to Asher’s theory, something clearly panicked them… or did they break their allegiance to the upcoming Alpha? But right now that was irrelevant, we needed to help Bailey… And Asher had already shifted, and was on his knees next to the wounded body of the woman he loved, tears in his eyes…



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