Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 131-140

hapter 131 – Bailey

I was torn, I had time alone with Asher… something I had been craving since the moment Morgan had arrived, despite the fact she had been here less than a day… and then I had work. I knew in truth, I should be in work. That was where I was expected to be, and now I knew that Morgan was going to be okay, I should head into work. It would be so unprofessional of me not to.

Morgan was safe with Marc, and there was no denying she was happy. Her face had more than shown that as she had left. But Asher was here with me. We were alone. Finally. He was almost begging me to spend time with him. I am not sure if I had

almost admitted to him, that I was falling for him too… But, I am so torn…

He held his hand out to me, his big green eyes focused on mine, that affectionate look making butterflies appear in my belly all over again. How did he do that?! “Come on then, beautiful, if you are going to work, at least let me walk you.” He smiled.

I sighed. He had obviously realized I wasn’t sure what to do, and had chosen not to pressure me. I don’t think I could have found a more patient and understanding guy if I tried. In all honesty, I would love nothing more than to spend the day with Asher. I really would. But, I knew that was not the decent thing to do, not when I was needed in school.

“I’m sorry.” I muttered, feeling deflated at the thought of going into work. Akira had already stormed off into the nether reaches of my mind in a mood. I don’t think she was pleased with me right now. She had wanted her day with him too. I think it was



Chapter 131 – Bailey

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safe to say she was becoming as attached to Zion as I was Asher…

“Hey, why are you saying sorry for?” Asher softly kissed my head as we left his office. “That was what we employed you for, wasn’t it? Because you are so dedicated to your work. I do understand, Bailey.”

He might be sounding supportive right now, but I fear there was disappointment within his voice. Of that I am almost certain. I hate the thought of disappointing him. I looked across at him, ready to apologize again, but could see his eyes were glazed over, telling me he was likely mind linking somebody within the pack, so I did not disturb him. I knew he was the pack Beta, so he had a lot of responsibilities, and I did not want to be disturbing him. And in truth, I didn’t know what to say to him. Other than apologizing, was there much more to say? I was worried he was disappointed I had turned him down. What if he saw it as me not wanting him? In truth, I wanted him more than he could realize…

I heard him chuckle, making me glance up at him, and he was smiling. I was intrigued now what had suddenly brightened his mood, before I felt his hand tighten around mine. “So, what do you fancy doing today?” he questioned.

I looked at him in confusion now. “I am meant to be working.” I reminded him. “I thought we were on our way there now?”

“Well, we have Marc to thank for that, actually.” He chuckled again. “He just mindlinked. He said he mindlinked his Mum as he left with Morgan, to let her know that you were quite shook up after seeing your sister collapse, so he advised taking it easy for the rest of the day. And his Mum agreed. Apparently she



Chapter 131-Bailey

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was quite concerned about you and Morgan. Alli said she had sorted a supply teacher anyway when she heard your sister had collapsed, so you were covered. Told you to take the day to relax, recover, and she would see you tomorrow. Said not to worry.”

I think I may love Marc right about now. He was not only the fated mate of my little sister, and seemed to already worship her, and want to make her happy, but he had appeared to try to clear the path for Asher and I to spend some time alone…

“Did Marc do that so we could be together?” I asked him, beginning to wonder if, after seeing us in the forest, he had put two and two together, and worked out everything that was going on. Was this his way of saying he was okay with it all?

“I have my suspicions.” Asher nodded. “But, I won’t complain, it means we can have time together, assuming that is what you want. You may want to relax alone. Which, obviously, is fine if you do. If so, please feel free to tell me to p** off.” He looked at me concerned.

“Of course it is what I want!” I said, rolling my eyes at him, for even thinking otherwise. “Spending time with you, I mean.” | added just to clarify.

I looked across at Asher who had a big grin on his face. “So, as I was saying, beautiful, what do you fancy doing today?” his gaze was intense as he questioned me, but I knew what I fancied doing… I just don’t know if I had the courage to say. A day in bed with him would be heavenly… the day in bed which was disturbed previously…

“I don’t mind.” I said with a heavy gulp.

Chapter 131-Bailey

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‘Oh you big wu**. Tell him you want to go lick every inch of that delicious body of his.’ Akira giggled. ‘Or I will tell Zion to tell him.’ she teased.

‘Do not tell him that!’ I warned her. ‘I did not say I wanted to do that.’

‘You didn’t say you didn’t want to either though. Imagine how good he would look, and taste with chocolate sauce dripping off that handsome hunk of a body.’ She teased, and I suddenly felt myself getting all hot and bothered. Trying so hard to think of anything other than the images Akira was trying to put within my mind. The thing was, the images were far too appealing. And I quite liked the idea of licking chocolate sauce off him now Akira had mentioned it…

“You okay Bailey?” Asher asked. “You look a little flushed.”

I quickly moved away from him, cursing my wolf and quickly blocking her out when she began to giggle. So much for having my back, she seemed determined to embarrass me! I swear she was sent to the wrong person. F**k**g h**y wolf.

“Uh-huh. All good.” I mumbled under my breath, as Asher dashed off after me.

“I assume we are heading back to the room then?” he asked, and I looked at him in shock. That was a little presumptious of him! Or was that his wishful thinking?

“Who said that?” I asked incredulously. Wondering why he would suddenly think that. I hadn’t mentioned that, had I? “I didn’t mention anything about going back to the room! What would give you that idea?” I stuttered, feeling my cheeks getting warmer, as no doubt they were getting more and more flushed



Chapter 131-Bailey

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by the second. Why was this happening to me? My wolf had better not have said anything… I would string her up! I could see Asher watching me, a smirk upon his face, only making me blush even more as I tried to move away, almost falling over my own feet… Yeah, this was not going to plan! Why did I get so embarrassed so easily?!

Asher chuckled. “Bailey, are you okay? I only asked because you are walking in that direction.” And I felt my cheeks flushing even more, if that was physically possible, as I realized what he said was true. I had rushed off in the direction of the staircase. So, yes, it did appear we were heading to the rooms. I am so not good at all this. I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole right about now, I have made such a fool of myself!

“Though if you want to lick chocolate sauce off me, you only have to ask.” He told me with a seductive little wink, telling me Akira had followed through with her threat. My whole body heated up under Asher’s intense gaze, not sure how to react, making me want to die of embarrassment. But at the same time, I am so tempted to take him up on that offer, to see just how good he would taste too…

Chapter 1* 3*2 – Asher

I couldn’t help but smile at Bailey’s response. She was the sweetest little thing. Even after the amount we had spoken lately, and the time we had spent together, she still found herself blushing at the thought of telling me what she wanted to do… I have to say I found it incredibly endearing. But, at the same time, I was glad that her wolf had helped me out by telling Zion what was going on, or I would have been clueless. Maybe I was as bad as her at all this… no, not bad, because she was far from bad… inexperienced? I know I was out of practice…

Bailey moved ahead of me toward our rooms, and I only hoped she wasn’t too embarrassed that she chose to go and hide out in her room, because I planned to take her to my room. I rushed to join her, and took her by the hand. Knowing that while she may be embarrassed, I wanted her to feel comfortable. I wanted her to want to be with me.

“I am guessing Akira was not meant to say anything?” I whispered into her ear, as I stood behind her, as we stood close to the door of my Beta suite, and Bailey turned to look at me quickly, giving me a dark, unimpressed look. Looking like she was ready to flee. “Hey, come on, I am teasing.” I gently poked her in her side, as I moved around her to unlock the door, ensuring my hand did not leave hers, as I led her into my home.

“It isn’t funny.” She warned me. “My wolf is locked away now. Forever if she carries on!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I swear Akira and Zion sound so much alike. Akira appeared to torture Bailey as much as Zion did me,

Chapter ** Asher


perhaps it was one of the reasons they got along so well. Because Zion had barely stopped telling me how great she was… not that I needed another reason to find Bailey amazing. But the fact my wolf had a connection to hers was something else…

“She is like Zion, he does this sort of stuff all the time to me.” I told her as I closed the door. “But this is me Bailey, you don’t need to be embarrassed around me. Just be you. Because I think you are pretty d** perfect as you are. Though I am a little disappointed about the chocolate sauce now.” I said with a raised brow, and her cheeks flushed, making me smile. She definitely got embarrassed too easily with me. Hopefully, that would change over time, and make her a little braver. She had let me see little moments of bravery here and there, but maybe as she became more comfortable that side of her would come out more. I couldn’t wait…

“You know what?” she said to me, her eyes focused on me, as she was resting against the wall, and I looked at her with curiosity, wondering what she wanted to tell me. “I think you might be enjoying this a little too much.” She pouted at me from across the hallway, and I quickly made my way to her, so desperate to have my hands on her again.

I slipped my hands around her waist, lowering my head to hers, resting my forehead on hers. “Me?” I muttered. “And why would I be enjoying it?”

But now I had her alone again, my hands were finally touching her, and my room was close by with no time restrictions, my mind was on nothing else other than taking her to my bed… the sofa… the shower… anywhere I could strip her of her clothes and show her how badly I wanted her.. show her how good we could


Chapter ** – Asher

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be together… how good I could make her feel. Her beautiful brown eyes were looking up at me anxiously, so I reached up to softly stroke her cheek. “Are you sure you are wanting this?” | murmured.

In response, she brought her lips to mine, h**king her arms around my neck to pull me closer as her tongue slid against mine. My heart was instantly pounding within my chest, my head a little light with anticipation. I couldn’t believe that this girl wanted to be with me… she was so perfect… our kisses deepened with intensity as our tongues entwined, every flick of her tongue giving me goosebumps shooting across my body. I have barely been with her, yet I don’t think I could tire of her touch nor her kisses…

I took her hand once again, and led her along the hallway to the doorway of my room, kicking the door open with my foot. My body felt like it was ready to explode now with anticipation. I pulled Bailey to me. While Zion was giddy now with excitement which was only adding to my feelings, I knew Bailey had said she pushed Akira back, so I did the same with my wolf. Leaving this moment to just me and her.

Bailey pulled away, and sat herself on the bed suddenly, taking me by surprise, making me think she was having second thoughts. My heart dropped. Had she realized this wasn’t what she wanted? But I watched as she began to unfasten her sandals… I realized with the amount of straps they had on them, they would not have been quick to be slipping off in the heat of the moment, so it made sense to me now. I quickly kicked off my own shoes, and began to give us a head start by slipping off my shirt and my trousers, leaving me standing in front of Bailey now in nothing but my underwear. My chest rising and falling rapidly in anticipation of what was to come…

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Her eyes raised to meet mine, looking a little surprised as she took in the sight of my half-naked body, but she was smiling. “A little presumptuous, no?” she smirked.

“Erm…” I faltered, questioning my choice now.

Yet I could feel as Bailey’s eyes took me in, drifting across my body, and, without even touching me, it felt like she was sending my body into overdrive! She stood up in front of me, allowing her fingers to trace a slow and gentle line down my chest and abs to my waistband, as she moved her mouth to my ear, her breath tickling my skin as she spoke. “Well if you are s**g stages, you best help me out of my dress.” She whispered, and her words were already turning me on…

Chapter 133 – Bailey

Asher’s eyes lit up instantly at my words, and he was smiling. That gorgeous smile he has, as he moved behind me, slowly sliding the zip of my dress down, in what felt like the most seductive movement ever, as the skir f my back was exposed to him. My whole body trembled, knowing what was to come… anticipating his touch… He gently h**ked his hands under the straps of my dress before slipping them down, allowing the dress to slide down to the floor to reveal my white lacy panties and bra underneath. I heard him swallowing heavily as I now stood in front of him, in nothing but my underwear, and I turned to look at him, seeing his gaze full of desire and affection as he pulled me close to him.

“I am a lucky, lucky man.” He whispered.

I felt my cheeks flushing at his words. I hoped he thought so when he was done. I was so unsure of all of this. Being my first time, I didn’t know if I would disappoint him. But he didn’t give me a chance to think more of it, as his lips found mine with a hunger and intensity to take my breath away. His lips met mine time and time again with need… urgency as I kissed him back, wanting him so desperately. I ran my hand through his thick, dark hair, pushing him slightly with my other hand, allowing my weight to rest on him enough, so he stumbled backward onto the bed, pulling me with him.

Asher looked up at me in shock, as I now laid on top of him, readjusting myself as I sat straddling him, with nothing separating us but our underwear, I could already feel the effect I was having on him, his hardness pressing against my panties…




Chapter 139 Bailey

and I have to say, I liked it…

11 268 vers

“I quite like this angle.” Asher said with a seductive smile, and I smiled back. Trying to be brave, unhooked my bra and dropped it to the floor, exposing my now naked breasts to the man beneath me, and I saw his eyes drifting over me, as he chewed his lower lip. His chest rising and falling rapidly, telling me his heart had to be racing as much as my own. “You are so f**g perfect.” He murmured, giving me butterflies with his words, as I leaned over to continue our kisses. Asher moved his hands to run through my hair, pulling my head closer to his to deepen our kisses.

Our tongues entwined once more as I pushed downward while slowly rotating my hips, eliciting a deep moan against my mouth from Asher, telling me he liked what I was doing. So did it again… and again… until Asher’s hands rested on my hips… suddenly flipping me, so I was laid next to him, looking at him feeling a little confused. I thought the moan meant he had liked it…

“You want me to last, you best stop that…” he whispered with a wink, and I realized what he was implying.

I chewed my lip nervously, not realizing I was having that much of an effect, but Asher quickly pulled me to him, his tongue parting my lips to tease at mine as his hands began to wander… I felt his fingers slowly moving across my breasts, and my whole body felt like it trembled under his touch. I found myself arching my back to his touch, needing more, and Asher responded by teasing more… his mouth slowly and teasingly moving his kisses from my mouth down my neck now, lingering along my collarbone where a mate mark should be, only making my heart race even harder…



Chaper 133 Badey

Before he continued his kisses… softly teasing with his lips and tongue along the skin of my neck down to my chest until he was teasing my left breast with his mouth, taking the nipple within his lips and teasing softly with his tongue and teeth, sending surges of pleasure throughout me. I moaned out at the

sensations he was causing, and I felt him chuckle against my skin.

I felt Asher’s hand slide downward to the fabric of my panties, already moist from the effect he was having upon me… so desperate for him… He allowed his fingertips to play with the fabric, causing me to almost tremble unc his touch as I could feel his touch through the fabric, and it only made me want him more. I thrust my hips upward, letting Asher know what I wanted, and his fingers slid down to the edges of the delicate fabric, before quickly gripping it and ripping it from my body, before parting my legs. Leaving me fully exposed to him.

I couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness, despite the fact he had just destroyed my panties… as his fingers began to tease against the wetness he had created. He paused his kisses to look up at me. His beautiful green eyes focused on mine. “I want you to come for me, Bailey.” He murmured, as he gently slid two of his fingers inside of me, teasing me the way he seemed to know how. Wasting no time today in building the speed and friction, causing me to gasp, as his touch sent me to heaven…

Asher added another finger as he slid them deeper, the wetness he was initiating only increasing with the arousal he was creating. I don’t think I have ever wanted someone so bad… I wanted him to want me so badly, and I reached for him… finding him equally as aroused. Hard through his underwear, as I allowed my hand to tease along the long length of his shaft,






causing him to groan now as the speed at which he esse TE increased, building the pleasure was feeing Wu ne

pounded as Asher brought me dise to my seat, his exestele leaving mine, as he twisted his fincers ** and fer TW body shudder against his and pleasure hoped trough ee part of me, my pussy tightening around his hand, causing T grip tighten upon him. He had left me breathless

Actier smiled down at me, beforet ging his lips to mine ne slow and tender kiss. While sipping off his underwear with one hand. His now naked body was pressed against mine and in fer so good…. so right… He was perfect… and as I allowed my eyes to take in his body once again, I couldn’t hep but think how lucky I was…

Asher positioned himself between my legs, looking at me with warmth and tenderness, as he reached out to softly stroke my cheek. “Are you sure?” he asked, and I nodded. I don’t think I have been so sure of anything in my life… I want this man, and I want him so badly. And looking at him… every inch of him, I would say he wanted me tooChapter 133 – Bailey

Asher’s eyes lit up instantly at my words, and he was smiling. That gorgeous smile he has, as he moved behind me, slowly sliding the zip of my dress down, in what felt like the most seductive movement ever, as the skir f my back was exposed to him. My whole body trembled, knowing what was to come… anticipating his touch… He gently h**ked his hands under the straps of my dress before slipping them down, allowing the dress to slide down to the floor to reveal my white lacy panties and bra underneath. I heard him swallowing heavily as I now stood in front of him, in nothing but my underwear, and I turned to look at him, seeing his gaze full of desire and affection as he pulled me close to him.

“I am a lucky, lucky man.” He whispered.

I felt my cheeks flushing at his words. I hoped he thought so when he was done. I was so unsure of all of this. Being my first time, I didn’t know if I would disappoint him. But he didn’t give me a chance to think more of it, as his lips found mine with a hunger and intensity to take my breath away. His lips met mine time and time again with need… urgency as I kissed him back, wanting him so desperately. I ran my hand through his thick, dark hair, pushing him slightly with my other hand, allowing my weight to rest on him enough, so he stumbled backward onto the bed, pulling me with him.

Asher looked up at me in shock, as I now laid on top of him, readjusting myself as I sat straddling him, with nothing separating us but our underwear, I could already feel the effect I was having on him, his hardness pressing against my panties…




Chapter 139 Bailey

and I have to say, I liked it…

11 268 vers

“I quite like this angle.” Asher said with a seductive smile, and I smiled back. Trying to be brave, unhooked my bra and dropped it to the floor, exposing my now naked breasts to the man beneath me, and I saw his eyes drifting over me, as he chewed his lower lip. His chest rising and falling rapidly, telling me his heart had to be racing as much as my own. “You are so f**g perfect.” He murmured, giving me butterflies with his words, as I leaned over to continue our kisses. Asher moved his hands to run through my hair, pulling my head closer to his to deepen our kisses.

Our tongues entwined once more as I pushed downward while slowly rotating my hips, eliciting a deep moan against my mouth from Asher, telling me he liked what I was doing. So did it again… and again… until Asher’s hands rested on my hips… suddenly flipping me, so I was laid next to him, looking at him feeling a little confused. I thought the moan meant he had liked it…

“You want me to last, you best stop that…” he whispered with a wink, and I realized what he was implying.

I chewed my lip nervously, not realizing I was having that much of an effect, but Asher quickly pulled me to him, his tongue parting my lips to tease at mine as his hands began to wander… I felt his fingers slowly moving across my breasts, and my whole body felt like it trembled under his touch. I found myself arching my back to his touch, needing more, and Asher responded by teasing more… his mouth slowly and teasingly moving his kisses from my mouth down my neck now, lingering along my collarbone where a mate mark should be, only making my heart race even harder…



Chaper 133 Badey

Before he continued his kisses… softly teasing with his lips and tongue along the skin of my neck down to my chest until he was teasing my left breast with his mouth, taking the nipple within his lips and teasing softly with his tongue and teeth, sending surges of pleasure throughout me. I moaned out at the

sensations he was causing, and I felt him chuckle against my skin.

I felt Asher’s hand slide downward to the fabric of my panties, already moist from the effect he was having upon me… so desperate for him… He allowed his fingertips to play with the fabric, causing me to almost tremble unc his touch as I could feel his touch through the fabric, and it only made me want him more. I thrust my hips upward, letting Asher know what I wanted, and his fingers slid down to the edges of the delicate fabric, before quickly gripping it and ripping it from my body, before parting my legs. Leaving me fully exposed to him.

I couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness, despite the fact he had just destroyed my panties… as his fingers began to tease against the wetness he had created. He paused his kisses to look up at me. His beautiful green eyes focused on mine. “I want you to come for me, Bailey.” He murmured, as he gently slid two of his fingers inside of me, teasing me the way he seemed to know how. Wasting no time today in building the speed and friction, causing me to gasp, as his touch sent me to heaven…

Asher added another finger as he slid them deeper, the wetness he was initiating only increasing with the arousal he was creating. I don’t think I have ever wanted someone so bad… I wanted him to want me so badly, and I reached for him… finding him equally as aroused. Hard through his underwear, as I allowed my hand to tease along the long length of his shaft,






causing him to groan now as the speed at which he esse TE increased, building the pleasure was feeing Wu ne

pounded as Asher brought me dise to my seat, his exestele leaving mine, as he twisted his fincers ** and fer TW body shudder against his and pleasure hoped trough ee part of me, my pussy tightening around his hand, causing T grip tighten upon him. He had left me breathless

Actier smiled down at me, beforet ging his lips to mine ne slow and tender kiss. While sipping off his underwear with one hand. His now naked body was pressed against mine and in fer so good…. so right… He was perfect… and as I allowed my eyes to take in his body once again, I couldn’t hep but think how lucky I was…

Asher positioned himself between my legs, looking at me with warmth and tenderness, as he reached out to softly stroke my cheek. “Are you sure?” he asked, and I nodded. I don’t think I have been so sure of anything in my life… I want this man, and I want him so badly. And looking at him… every inch of him, I would say he wanted me tooChapter 133 – Bailey

Asher’s eyes lit up instantly at my words, and he was smiling. That gorgeous smile he has, as he moved behind me, slowly sliding the zip of my dress down, in what felt like the most seductive movement ever, as the skir f my back was exposed to him. My whole body trembled, knowing what was to come… anticipating his touch… He gently h**ked his hands under the straps of my dress before slipping them down, allowing the dress to slide down to the floor to reveal my white lacy panties and bra underneath. I heard him swallowing heavily as I now stood in front of him, in nothing but my underwear, and I turned to look at him, seeing his gaze full of desire and affection as he pulled me close to him.

“I am a lucky, lucky man.” He whispered.

I felt my cheeks flushing at his words. I hoped he thought so when he was done. I was so unsure of all of this. Being my first time, I didn’t know if I would disappoint him. But he didn’t give me a chance to think more of it, as his lips found mine with a hunger and intensity to take my breath away. His lips met mine time and time again with need… urgency as I kissed him back, wanting him so desperately. I ran my hand through his thick, dark hair, pushing him slightly with my other hand, allowing my weight to rest on him enough, so he stumbled backward onto the bed, pulling me with him.

Asher looked up at me in shock, as I now laid on top of him, readjusting myself as I sat straddling him, with nothing separating us but our underwear, I could already feel the effect I was having on him, his hardness pressing against my panties…




Chapter 139 Bailey

and I have to say, I liked it…

11 268 vers

“I quite like this angle.” Asher said with a seductive smile, and I smiled back. Trying to be brave, unhooked my bra and dropped it to the floor, exposing my now naked breasts to the man beneath me, and I saw his eyes drifting over me, as he chewed his lower lip. His chest rising and falling rapidly, telling me his heart had to be racing as much as my own. “You are so f**g perfect.” He murmured, giving me butterflies with his words, as I leaned over to continue our kisses. Asher moved his hands to run through my hair, pulling my head closer to his to deepen our kisses.

Our tongues entwined once more as I pushed downward while slowly rotating my hips, eliciting a deep moan against my mouth from Asher, telling me he liked what I was doing. So did it again… and again… until Asher’s hands rested on my hips… suddenly flipping me, so I was laid next to him, looking at him feeling a little confused. I thought the moan meant he had liked it…

“You want me to last, you best stop that…” he whispered with a wink, and I realized what he was implying.

I chewed my lip nervously, not realizing I was having that much of an effect, but Asher quickly pulled me to him, his tongue parting my lips to tease at mine as his hands began to wander… I felt his fingers slowly moving across my breasts, and my whole body felt like it trembled under his touch. I found myself arching my back to his touch, needing more, and Asher responded by teasing more… his mouth slowly and teasingly moving his kisses from my mouth down my neck now, lingering along my collarbone where a mate mark should be, only making my heart race even harder…



Chaper 133 Badey

Before he continued his kisses… softly teasing with his lips and tongue along the skin of my neck down to my chest until he was teasing my left breast with his mouth, taking the nipple within his lips and teasing softly with his tongue and teeth, sending surges of pleasure throughout me. I moaned out at the

sensations he was causing, and I felt him chuckle against my skin.

I felt Asher’s hand slide downward to the fabric of my panties, already moist from the effect he was having upon me… so desperate for him… He allowed his fingertips to play with the fabric, causing me to almost tremble unc his touch as I could feel his touch through the fabric, and it only made me want him more. I thrust my hips upward, letting Asher know what I wanted, and his fingers slid down to the edges of the delicate fabric, before quickly gripping it and ripping it from my body, before parting my legs. Leaving me fully exposed to him.

I couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness, despite the fact he had just destroyed my panties… as his fingers began to tease against the wetness he had created. He paused his kisses to look up at me. His beautiful green eyes focused on mine. “I want you to come for me, Bailey.” He murmured, as he gently slid two of his fingers inside of me, teasing me the way he seemed to know how. Wasting no time today in building the speed and friction, causing me to gasp, as his touch sent me to heaven…

Asher added another finger as he slid them deeper, the wetness he was initiating only increasing with the arousal he was creating. I don’t think I have ever wanted someone so bad… I wanted him to want me so badly, and I reached for him… finding him equally as aroused. Hard through his underwear, as I allowed my hand to tease along the long length of his shaft,






causing him to groan now as the speed at which he esse TE increased, building the pleasure was feeing Wu ne

pounded as Asher brought me dise to my seat, his exestele leaving mine, as he twisted his fincers ** and fer TW body shudder against his and pleasure hoped trough ee part of me, my pussy tightening around his hand, causing T grip tighten upon him. He had left me breathless

Actier smiled down at me, beforet ging his lips to mine ne slow and tender kiss. While sipping off his underwear with one hand. His now naked body was pressed against mine and in fer so good…. so right… He was perfect… and as I allowed my eyes to take in his body once again, I couldn’t hep but think how lucky I was…

Asher positioned himself between my legs, looking at me with warmth and tenderness, as he reached out to softly stroke my cheek. “Are you sure?” he asked, and I nodded. I don’t think I have been so sure of anything in my life… I want this man, and I want him so badly. And looking at him… every inch of him, I would say he wanted me too…

Chapter 134 Bailey

Did he really think I would be unsure? I wanted him, and I wanted him now. I looked at him with a look I hoped told him that, and I felt Asher line himself up, as his hard cock pressed against the wetness of my pussy. I hooked one leg around his waist, pulling him a little closer, craving his touch… so desperately wanting him… wanting to experience what he would feel like inside of me… He teased a little Jain with his fingers, as his mouth met mine, in a soft and tender kiss, I gripped at his hair with one hand, allowing the other to trace a line down his chest, eliciting a small moan from his mouth. I think I loved that sound, and wanted to hear it more!

Before he slipped his fingers out of me, the tip of his cock was soon replacing them, pressing at my entrance, as his kisses became more urgent, full of need… while he gently thrust himself inside of me, little by little, causing me to gasp against his kisses as my body adjusted to his length… he felt so good inside of me, I don’t think I wanted him to stop, as he slid himself out, and did the same again. My wetness now coating him, and him sliding in with ease…

Asher teased a little at my clit, before he thrust a little deeper, making me moan in pleasure as my body reacted to the sensation of him being inside of me… he almost pulled out completely before plunging himself deeper inside making me grip his hair tightly in a combination of pain and pleasure, while we began to find a rhythm with his thrusts… our bodies working in perfect time with one another as his naked body almost rested on mine… I don’t think I wanted to leave his bed for the






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rest of the day… I wanted to discover what our bodies could do together… because this felt so fucking good!

My whole body felt on fire at Asher’s touch, the rhythm of his thrust was building, as was the intensity of the kisses we shared. Asher suddenly gripped my hips, flipping me, so I was suddenly on top of him again… straddling him, but this time with no underwear between us, and his cock was buried deep inside of me… and oh my, did it feel good! This angle allowed him to be even deeper and I rotated my hips a little to allow myself to feel every inch of his length and he felt so good…

The look upon Asher’s face told me it felt good for him too, before I began to move up and down, riding him, his eyes taking in every inch of my body, while his hands sat upon my hips as he moaned out in pleasure. Asher began to thrust upward to meet me, causing quite the sensation inside of me, only adding to it as he teased at my clit while the pleasure inside of me built. Asher was increasing the speed at which we were moving, and I could feel myself getting closer, my breathing becoming faster, as my whole body trembled in pleasure, my vision blurry as my pussy tightened around him, my breathing erratic as I continued to move, and Asher suddenly shuddered deep inside of me, pulling me close to him our bodies trembling as his lips found mine.

I could feel his heart pounding against my own, as our breathing was off the chart right about now… wow… he had been something else… And I hoped that would not be the last time today…

He gently laid me beside him, pulling me close. “Wow.He purred into my ear, and I smiled up at him, as he began to shower me with kisses. “You are so perfect.” His kisses slid






Chapter 134 Bailey

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along my neck, this time his tongue literally played along the place a mate mark would be, and my whole core throbbed in response. I felt his heart rate pick up again as he kissed me there. I glanced down at him, and noticed momentarily his eyes were darker, telling me his wolf may have been present, but the moment he saw me looking, his eyes flickered back to his, and his mouth moved back to my lips, as he pulled me tighter to his embrace.

But I could still feel his heart was pounding, and I swear he was a little shaky. “That felt so good.” He murmured, his hands softly caressing the curves of my naked body. “I can’t tell you how good it feels to be with you. I think, u broke me.” He chuckled to himself.

“Mmm, it was.” I couldn’t disagree, it had been amazing. He felt so good… being with him felt right, there was no denying that… I couldn’t wait to do it all again! Our day in bed was going to be action packed if I had my way… I wanted to explore all the fun ways we could be doing that… explore that perfect body of his, while he explored mine… my core tingled at the thoughts running through my mind…

“Bailey…” he began, his voice a little unsure, and I looked at him, confused.

“I’m sorry.He whispered. “Zion pushed forward just then… I think you likely saw…So, I had been right, when his eyes were darker, I had thought his wolf was present, and it seemed I was right.

“I did kind of think he might have been there, yeah.” I smiled.

He nodded. “I think he just got a little overwhelmed. You know how I feel for you, right?” he whispered again, but I could hear a





trembling in his voice, and it made me a little shocked. “I haven’t allowed myself to become close to anybody since Isla, and Zion… well, he hasn’t been the same since we lost her. But, he seemed to connect with you, with Akira… and, well…” he faltered, suddenly avoiding my gaze. All of this made me think about his actions, and consider his words just now. Not to mention the fact he was now apologizing, and saying they had been overwhelmed… his mouth had been on my neck, no, on the place where the neck meets my collar‘ ne. Where a mate mark would go. His mouth was lingering the.e… like he didn’t want to move… Had he wanted to mark me?!


Chapter 135– Asher

Our bodies had collapsed in a moment of bliss, as we began to kiss. My whole body shivering in pleasure… sheer lust and desire for the effect Bailey had had on me. Her touch… her body… had sent me to places I think I had forgotten existed… and suddenly Zion was pushing forward, the need to mark her was overwhelming, from him and, shockingly, from me, and it was crushingly powerful yet painful. A shock to my system…

I knew my feelings for Bailey had grown, and the feelings of my wolf had grown too, but had I ever considered her for my chosen mate? Not yet I hadn’t… hell, I was still accepting the fact I was moving on from Isla, so the fact my body had reacted so powerfully in that moment had blown my mind… I had wanted to mark her. Of that there was no doubt. Zion had wanted to mark her.

Bailey and I were growing closer. I had begun to accept the fact, especially in the last few days, with how much I had been missing her when she was not with me, that I was likely falling for her. And, I had decided, I was not going to fight it. sat many times, whilst I was alone, thinking everything through. Trying to process my feelings… process what was happening… I liked things to be in order within my life… to make sense. But this one didn’t.

But, I had come to the conclusion, that perhaps Bailey had come into my life for a reason. Who knew… but she had most certainly come into my life at a time when needed her. She had lit up my life in a way I didn’t think was possible anymore, and it had made me feel alive again. She made me feel good in ways I had



Chapter 134 – Asher

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forgotten… and I liked it!

But, now with her laid there in my arms, and me having to push Zion back, I knew I had to apologize. She had seen Zion

lingering, I am sure of that.

“Bailey…” I murmured, the uncertainty so obvious in my voice, and I could see the confusion on Bailey’s face as she looked at me. Can I blame her? We have gone from being intimate, to me sounding like I am having a nervous breakdown… Nothing like wrecking the mood! I just hope I can turn things around, and bring that mood back, because I plan to make the most of our day in bed… hear her calling my name… worship her body some


“I’m sorry.” I whispered, trying to think how best to explain

everything she just saw. “Zion pushed forward just then… I think you likely saw…”

“I did kind of think he might have been there, yeah.She smiled at me, but she didn’t seem to be worried.

I nodded in agreement, a little relieved she wasn’t freaking out, but wanting to tell her how I felt. Needing to explain this to her properly. She had a right to know. “I think he just got a little overwhelmed. You know how I feel for you, right?” I found myself whispering again, unsure why I had seemingly lost the ability to actually speak properly right now. But, even with whispering, you could hear a wobble in my voice, likely giving away so much of how I felt. Plus, I was blaming most of this on Zion here, when I was equally involved, I should be truthful, I guess…

“I haven’t allowed myself to become close to anybody since Isla, and Zion… well, he hasn’t been the same since we lost her. But,


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he seemed to connect to you, to Akira… and, well…” I faltered, emotions flooding through me discussing all this. Talking of Isla, and the guilt I felt for what I was feeling right now made me unable to meet her gaze.

I could feel Bailey’s eyes upon me, and the fact we were both laid next to one another naked made this whole situation quite awkward. Maybe I hadn’t chosen the best time to explain

myself… I was so not good at this. I say I am out of practice. I don’t even know I was ever that good at it before. I wasn’t with Isla long enough to know, I guess…

“Asher…” her voice was soft, as her hand rested on my arm. “Are you okay?

1 nodded. “Just a little overwhelmed by everything.” I brought my eyes to meet hers. “Sorry.”

“You think you need to apologize for that?” her hand was on my face now, softly stroking my cheek. “You weren’t the only one overwhelmed. I realize not for the same reasons, but it was just as special for me.” She uttered, and I realized in that moment, that my thoughts previously had been right. This was her first time. She had chosen me to share that with, knowing she had no fated mate to wait for any longer… a warmth filled my chest at that thought… I felt privileged.

I pulled her closer to me. “You know I think I may want to stay in bed all day long.” I suggested to her with a mischievous grin and she giggled.

“Hmm, I can’t lie, I had been thinking the exact same thing.” She wiggled her brows at me suggestively and my heart pounded at the sight. Well, I couldn’t have disappointed her if she was wanting to stay in bed and continue what we started!


Chapter 134 – Asher

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“See, I knew I could bring out the naughty side of you.” I leaned up on my elbow to look at her, as her phone began to ring from her bag.

I saw her roll her eyes. “Don’t worry I will ignrore it. I have much more important things to be dealing with here.” She said to me with a wink.

“Oh, really? And what is it you had in mind?” I asked. “Because | do believe I may have some chocolate sauce in the kitchen if you are interested.” I added with a grin, and she laughed.

“I will not lie, that does sound kind of fun.” She whispered.

I moved my mouth close to her breast, running my tongue slowly and meaningfully across the nipple, making her moan a little as I looked back at her. “Mmmm, I think it could be fun, decorating your body with chocolate sauce, and licking it off again.” I murmured against her skin as I flicked my tongue once more across the peak of her nipple, eliciting a moan.

“Asher!” I don’t think I would tire of hearing her say my name in that way…

Her phone was persistently ringing from her bag, causing me to stop, and sit up. “Maybe you should answer that, as I don’t think they are giving up.” I said, and Bailey sighed.

Nodding, she slipped from my embrace and edged herself to the side of the bed, her perfect curves on display to me once again as she leaned over to grab her bag. Picking her phone up, she frowned. “It’s my Dad.She muttered, before pressing the screen. “Hey Dad.

Hmm… nothing if not a little awkward having her speak to her


Chapter 134- Asher

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Dad while we sit naked next to one another having done what we just did…

Bailey sat herself back into the bed to make herself

comfortable, and I could hear her Dad on the phone. He didn’t sound too happy, I have to say…

“Hey Bailey. Took you long enough to answer! You know I have other things to do! Look, I know you won’t be happy, but you will do as you are asked, okay?” he said bluntly, causing me to look at Bailey in surprise. What was wrong with him? All because she took her time in answering?

“I don’t get a, how are you doing or anything, nice to speak to you Dad.” Bailey grumbled, taking me by surprise. “Especially when none of you bother to check in with me. It took me so long because I am busy too, oddly enough. I have work as well.”

“Well, you know where we are if you need us. You aren’t a little girl anymore. You have always been able to take care of yourself. We made sure of that.” her Dad said, and I felt my anger bubbling at his words. Perhaps if he had taken better care of his daughter she would not have found herself in the mess she did with Miles fucking Davenport. They may have known what was going on and had him dealt with accordingly before it had got out of hand…

“I assume there was a reason you called Dad?” Bailey looked at me apologetically, as she pulled the sheet up over her body, like she was suddenly shy of the fact she was naked in front of me. This girl had no reason to be shy. She was sheer perfection…

“Yes. And as I said, Bailey, I know you won’t be happy, so I am sorry for that, okay. But I am asking you to do as you are asked, okay? This is at the request of Alpha Marshall. Showing a united


Chapter 134–Asher

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front as the senior team families of the pack. Miles gets married on the weekend and you and your sister are expected to be there. As daughters of the Beta, obviously. It wouldn’t look good not to have you there. Your Mum will send the details.” Her Dad‘ s voice was full of authority like it was not up for discussion, but I could see the doubt on Bailey’s face from where I was sitting.

“But are you sure he would want me there, Dad?” she questioned. “Considering everything?”

“What did I just say, Bailey?” her Dad snapped. “This is not up for debate. You need to be there to put all this mess to an end. Show the pack the situation between you both has ended and both of you are moving on. The rumors in the pack have been too much. We need a close to it.”

Bailey sighed. “Thanks for letting me know Dad, I will let Morgan know, I am at work right now, so I need to go.And with that she looked across at me with a deep sigh. I could see the doubt in her eyes, but I could feel anger running through me. She should not be forced to go back there, and I didn’t want her going back there when he had treated her like that, not to mention the way he had been messaging her so nastily… No, she should not be forced to go back. It was not fair…

“You are not going back there.” I said to her, and her eyes narrowed as she looked at me with a darkness that took me by surprise.

Chapter 136–Bailey

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Chapter 136 – Bailey

First I had stupidly answered the call from my Dad. I should have known that was never going to be a good thing to do with Asher right next to me, but when my phone was incessantly ringing, I didn’t feel I had much choice. But for him to them break the news I was expected at the wedding, well, I was a little shocked. Surely, the wedding.could continue without me there?

The wedding was no shock. After all, Morgan had updated me with the whole sorry mess. That, after all, was why she was here. And the poor she–wolf who had agreed to marry the nut- job psychopath who would likely one day be the Alpha of my pack, had my sympathy. She was more than welcome to him too, and she would need every ounce of luck she could find to tolerate him. That is all I could say! But, I did not expect to be forced to go to the wedding of the dick who had treated me like shit for so many years… bullied me and treated me like I was below him… not to mention the fact I had been fated to him, and he had chosen I was not worthy of him so rejected me. Were none of those good enough reasons for me to be permitted to avoid the wedding of the fucking century?! Allow Alpha Ass to marry and let me live here in peace?

But now I had Asher looking at me, his face taut with what I can only assume was irritation. I had a feeling he had heard every word of the conversation between me and my Dad. Truly not the thing I need right now, because it didn’t reflect well on my Dad or my pack. Though Asher knew the mess that was my pack… the mess that I had been put through. But still, I did not want



Chapter 136–Bailey

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him questioning me about this. He didn’t look impressed, that is for sure… and, he took me by surprise as he spoke. “You are not going back there.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, wondering who the hell he thought he was dictating to me what I would and wouldn’t be doing. No, I didn’t want to go, and thought my Dad had no right to be saying I should, but this seemed an awful lot to me, like Asher was telling me I couldn’t go. He had no right to tell me what to do. And I looked at him, my palms becoming sweaty. “Pardon?”

“You can’t go back.” He insisted.

And I shook my head. “Did you fail to hear what was just said to me, Asher? I am being requested there by my Alpha.” I informed him. He had no clue how nasty my Alpha family could be when pushed, or when we did not follow their orders. Yes, Alpha Marshall was my Uncle, my Dad’s best friend, but he ran that pack strictly. He was a truly sweet guy to those he loved, and treated them well, but as an Alpha he could be an ass. Ruthless and brutal when he wanted to be. If rules were broken, he did not take prisoners… Though, I can only say, I dread to think how the place would be run when Miles took over because he appeared to have ideas a hundred times worse than his Dad.

“That fucker has treated you like shit Bailey, and he has made threats to you. Why the hell would they request for you to attend his fucking wedding.” His voice was shaking now, and I could see he was on edge. I understood what he was saying, and the thing was, I agreed, but I knew I had no say in it.

“Asher, I am sorry, but I don’t get to choose on this. My Dad is telling me, he is pack Beta, and it is being requested by my Alpha. You know they are only allowing me here because of


Chapter 136–Bailey

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their goodwill. I don’t do as they want, they could withdraw that.” I warned him and a deep growl emitted from him as he punched the bed, making me flinch back suddenly, shocked at his temper.

“Let me come with you.” he suggested. “As a couple.” He is almost pleading with me now, and I know this is because he is worrying about me. In all honesty, I love the idea of him accompanying me, but I know that me turning up with a new partner would only be seen as me trying to bait Miles. Trying to cause issues. Making the day about me, and I honestly don’t think it would be the right thing to do. I know how their minds worked. I shook my head at him.

“That wouldn’t work. It would cause issues.” I explained.

“So you do actually care what he thinks then?” he snapped. “Is that what this is?”

My eyes widened at his words. Did he think I had feelings for Miles? After everything, I had admitted to him. I had opened up to him more than I had anyone, and he knew all the things I had been put through because of that dick, yet here we were, Asher jumping to the conclusion that I had feelings for the man that had made my life a living hell for the past goddess knows how many years.

“Oh yeah, my every waking thought is worrying about what Miles fucking Davenport is thinking. I base my every day around what would please him, on making him happy.” I hissed in anger. “You fucking idiot.” I snapped, tears beginning to fall, as I stood from the bed, stooping down to get my dress. Needing desperately to get away from him now. Unable to believe he would have suggested something like of me, knowing all the hurt I had been


Chapter 136–Bailey


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“Bailey, please.” Asher spoke, his voice trembling.

“Please what?” I turned to him, as I slipped the dress over my naked body, not caring for the fact my underwear was on the floor. Half of it ripped to shreds at Asher’s hands. “You think this is what I want? I am doing as I am being asked, Asher and nothing more. I don’t give a fucking shit what he does or what happens to him. Hopefully, that new mate of his will get sick of him and kill him in the night. But, I will not have you accusing me of shit like that.”

He stepped from the bed too, and I did my best to avoid looking at the perfect form of his naked body as he moved toward me. “I am sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I am worried about you. I don’t think it is right they are asking you to return for his wedding.” He urged. “I don’t think you should be going.”

“While I appreciate your worry. You do not get to choose what I do. I am not your mate.” I said to him, quickly picking my things from the floor and rushing out of his room toward the front door as tears slipped from my eyes. How had we gone from being so close… so perfect… to this fucking mess so qu

hapter 137 – Asher

Everything had been so perfect. I had felt so happy, like I was in a heavenly state almost. Looking forward to a day in bed with Bailey, showing her how perfect we were together, and now we were in this mess… not just a mess, but I feared it could be the end. I rushed after Bailey, catching myself on the corner of the bed as I did, stumbling, and as I steadied myself she was already out of the door. Despite the fact I was naked, I rushed down the corridor of my home after her. So desperate to fix the situation we found ourselves in.

“Bailey, please!” I called after her, so desperate to try and fix

this. Yet she didn’t so much as turn back. She was focused on making her escape. Escaping me. Her words had hurt. No. I wasn’t her mate. But, I so desperately wished I could be. It had been playing on my mind…

Yet, after all of this, I feared I may never be. She seemed to take my concern as an attempt for control. And that was never what it was. I know Bailey has had her former fated mate trying to control her for far too long – a true battle for dominance, one I think right now she was winning. But I would never tell her what to do. I know she is independent and more than capable of taking care of herself, but it didn’t stop me worrying about her.

And the fact her father and her Alpha were expecting her to attend the wedding of her former fated mate made no sense to me. The look upon her face when her dad had told her what was expected of her, had said it all to me. She did not feel

comfortable at the request… it filled with her dread and fear, that had been evident in her expression. She still feared the


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man, and I did not want her going there in case he harmed her. Was I in the wrong for thinking that? Was I wrong in wanting to protect the woman I loved?

But, my request for her not to go was never me trying to control her, and I hate that she saw it like that. I had hoped that she might see it as a suggestion more than an order… seeing that she had an alternative. She didn’t have to do what they were asking her if she didn’t want to. If she was scared she shouldn’t have to agree. I don’t know now… I seem to have messed this up, and Bailey seems to be unwilling to talk things through.

I heard the front door slam as I made my way down the corridor, and I knew then I was too late. My whole body sagging against the wall, Zion whimpering in my mind at the potential loss of the woman we were both falling for. No, the woman we had fallen for. I may have been fighting it, but there was no denying it, I loved her.

I loved her with all of me, and I wanted to be with her. I had never expected to feel love again, but it had come so unexpectedly out of the blue, it had blown me away. Bailey was so perfect… so sweet… and she seemed to understand me… making me smile so easily… She was beginning to become our world, that of me and my wolf, without even intending for her too, and now we were looking like we were alone. I wasn’t sure what to do. I felt broken again…

The thought of being without her filled me with fear. I truly don’t know if I could manage without her. She may have only been in our pack a short time, but she had already established a place within my heart… my life… and without her there, I don’t know how I was meant to carry on. I was torn. Did I go to her and try to fix this, or did I give her the space she seemed to have been




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I knew she was angry… the thing was, I don’t even think I could ask anybody. Because nobody knew I was falling for her. Nobody knew of this mess… Marc knew there was likely something between us, but I couldn’t ask his advice, he was spending time with his mate. I couldn’t spoil the time he was enjoying with his new mate.

No, this was my doing. I quickly walked back to my room, and picked up some shorts from my wardrobe, slipping them on, my room smelling so heavily of Bailey… not just her… but our scents combined… and the thought of what I could have risked made my heart drop as I rushed toward her room.

1 knocked heavily on the door. “Bailey?” I called when she didn’t


“Asher, I do not want to talk. I just need some time, please.” She replied, without even opening the door, and my heart felt like it was being torn in two. “I will be headed back to my pack tomorrow ready for the wedding, with Morgan. I will speak with you when I return.” she added, and her words only hurt me more. She couldn’t leave it like this. Not now. Not after everything…

“Bailey, please. Don’t leave it like this.” I urged her. “You said H wasn’t your mate, and no, I’m not. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to be, one day…” I admitted through the door to her, unsure why I was telling her that. “I wanted to mark you earlier. So did Zion. I don’t think I would ever have imagined that happening after losing Isla, but it is true. You brought a light to my life I didn’t expect. I can’t lose that. Please, let me know we will be okay, Bailey?”


Chapter 137-Asher

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Chapter 138 – Bailey

My body slid down the wall next to my bedroom door until I was sitting upon the floor with my back against the wall, tears falling from my eyes at hearing Asher’s words. My body racked with painful sobs. Everything he was saying was everything I wanted. to hear. He was the most perfect guy, of that I had no doubt, but he had been telling me what I should do, and I didn’t need that right now. I do not need someone dictating to me what I can and cannot do. That is not what I need. I have had that for too long from Miles. And while I know Asher is no Miles, I do not need him telling me what to do. I needed his understanding…

I needed Asher to understand how all of this was working. Yet he didn’t seem to. He had heard what he had heard and jumped to the angry conclusion he had. But, ultimately, I needed to do the right thing for my family. I needed to do what was expected of me. I doubt he would understand… he had barely mentioned his family to me. But mine, while I was not particularly close to them all the time, they expected a lot of me, and I had a lot to prove to them.

As our pack’s Beta family, there were expectations of us, and my parents had always made us feel them growing up. Pressure upon us to maintain our reputation and image. Jordan was their perfect son, as the next in line, as Beta – not to mention, an all- out sports star, and one of the most popular guys in school. Morgan, their sweet, beautiful, youngest daughter – little miss popular in school, and head cheerleader. And then there was me, the middle daughter. The one that was easy to forget. The non–descript, boring one, as I have been so often described,


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because I enjoyed my studies. So unlike my other two siblings. The amount of times people had questioned if I was adopted with how unlike my brother and sister I was had hurt, but it was a question people thought was amusing.

With siblings like mine, and the fact my parents so often heaped praise on them, I had to find ways to impress them. And my school work, along with it being an escape from not fitting in, became a means of doing this. Doing well in school gave my parents something to be proud of me for. I tried hard to keep making them proud. I wanted to feel important in their lives, the way my brother and sister seemed to be.

The same way I tried so hard to alter how I looked, after so many critical comments over the years, it was only as I got older I realized I was trying to find somebody else’s idea of what was beautiful. There was nothing wrong with me the way I was. I think Asher had shown me that too. The way he had treated me, wanted me for me, even having seen me at

and weaker

ET ANONS. He saw me, and

founge of my lowest

beautiful. He

made me feel beautiful too. Made me feel wanted and cared for. He made me feel enough…

My heart ached at the thought of what had just happened, but as I was about to call out to him, desperate to have his arms around me, I heard his footsteps walking away. I think he had taken my silence as me not wanting to talk. But, no matter what he and I may have said, I still had to go to this wedding. I was given no choice by my father, and I knew that. He and the Alpha were so focused on how it would be viewed by the pack if I were not there, now the truth about mine and Miles’s past had been revealed. They were so focused on image and portraying a wonderful tale for our pack to believe that all was now good between the two of us as former fated mates, that they would


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not even contemplate how awkward this could be. So, I had conceded that I would have to attend, whether Asher believed it was the right thing to do or not.

Image was everything to my Alpha and my father. I have tried so hard over the years to keep my family happy. Keep maintaining the vision of a happy and perfect Beta family for our pack members and beyond. Even when things had become tough with Miles, and I had thought about leaving, I had chosen to stay for the sake of my family. Not wanting to make my parents look bad. Knowing the best way for me to officially leave my pack with no hope of finding a fated mate, and bringing no humiliation to my parents, or the family, would be to find a job offer at another pack, and then move. Give them a reason to be proud of what I have done, and what I have achieved.

The same reasons I had kept quiet for so long because of the messes Miles had caused, because I did not want to bring shame on the families that I tried so hard to please. Deep down I knew I needed to speak out, but I knew if I did, it would be dismissed. Miles was their next Alpha. He was idolized and could do no wrong. I would be the one to be chastised for speaking out, and it would be seen as me going against the pack. Against the senior families, and that was not something that would be looked upon in a good light. So, of course, I had kept quiet. Not wanting to cause issues.

All I wanted was to feel I was important to them. I didn’t want to let them down. Maybe that made me weak, but we were always told that you do everything for your family. Protecting our image so as not to taint my father’s reputation had been something that had been enforced as we grew up, and something expected of us. As the pack Beta, it was important he was seen as strong and dependable. He did not need any family issues or drama


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bringing his name into question. So, we were always taught to put our family above all else. Even ourselves. And that was what I was trying to do… though I doubted Asher would see it like that.

Akira whimpered within my mind. She was angry at me for walking away. Desperate for me to allow him a chance to explain, but right now, I needed time to myself. What had happened between Asher and I had been truly amazing, and I hoped we could fix things, because there was something about him that drew me to him. He made me feel special, in a way I didn’t know was possible. Made me feel I was enough, and that was not something to be tossed away…

But, right now, I need to process my thoughts. Focus and prepare myself for what could await me when I arrive in the pack. I could only hope that Miles might be more bearable now he had chosen this new mate himself. He had decided to marry, and maybe that meant he had decided to move on. Marriage and a chosen mate had not been something I had previously envisioned for him, so I clung to the hope this was a step forward. Morgan had said he continued therapy, so again, I held onto the hope he may be growing up, and may be allowing himself to move on.

In the last few days, his messages were certainly ending. Though I had blocked the number, not that it had stopped him before when I had done this, he just found alternate numbers to use. Yet this time, with his number blocked, there had been no alternate number used. No additional messages or mystery calls. There had been nothing. It was odd, I have to say. But, it had given me a desperate hope that this wedding, and this new mate, may have meant Miles was allowing me a chance to finally move on… he may even be letting me and our past go.

But, all I could hear behind the door was sobbing, and it broke my heart, because I think this was all on me…

Chapter 139 – Miles

Wedding preparations were beyond hectic! I barely had a chance to think. Especially now that my parents were forcing me to be involved. Kaia’s repetitive alterations to the planning were getting beyond a joke in their eyes and my Mum had come to me and told me to deal with it. Though, I have to admit, as much as I want to please her, she is becoming more than a little irritating, even to me!

But, I force a smile each time, knowing we are nearly there, and focus on the thought of the wedding night. Finally being able to mark her and make her mine. Exactly as I am wanting.

She will be mine officially then, and I will be that one step closer to becoming the Alpha. I will have done all my Dad had asked of me, and I will have a mighty fine Luna on my arm. One that does not flinch when I talk… one who is not afraid to stand up to me, and one that drives me wild with the way she was so willing to give me s**t back when I was in a mood.

Kaia stormed into the room, her eyes blazing. “My Dad is complaining again at numbers being so low for replies. Seems nobody is even bothered within our pack about the wedding.” She complained.

I looked at her in shock. I assumed this was from her pack, and quite honestly it was appalling. This was their Alpha’s daughter. Did they not care she was marrying a future Alpha? This was huge for their pack! Why was her Dad not pushing harder to make this more special for his daughter? “Can your Dad not order them to attend?”


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She frowned. “Invitations were selective. I didn’t want the whole pack! That would mean lower ranking people like omegas could come. I don’t want them at our wedding. I do not want him having to order people to come either. It is pathetic. I thought they would want to celebrate my wedding.” She looked like a little girl right now with her lower lip sticking out in defiance.

I smirked. “Oh well, we will have a wonderful day, whether they choose to show up or not.” I reassured her, knowing my Dad had literally ordered all of our pack to be here. That likely meant Bailey would return. No, there was no likely about it. She would return. I had barely had a moment to think of her of late, I realized.

So taken aback with the need to be around Kaia and, of course, to fill the duties with arranging this wedding, thinking of Bailey, or messaging her had slipped into the back of my mind. She was of little importance anyway. The messages were purely for my own amusement. Knowing they would likely scare her or upset her. Something I gained serious pleasure from. But now, now I have gained pleasure from being around Kaia.

Her bluntness and **hin**s toward me gave me a kick sometimes which I craved. There was something about this girl that drove me wild, and I think she knew it too.

“You want to go grab some food now?” I suggested, and Kaia looked at me with disdain. I swear she avoided spending time with me!

“No, l-am good. A few people from the pack are arriving that I said I would meet up with, in preparation for the wedding.” She told me with a small smile. The wedding was literally the day after tomorrow now, and a few of her friends and family had


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arranged to come early in order to spend time with her. But still, her dismissal of me had irritated me. Would she be so quick to avoid me once we were wed?

“Kaia, we are due to marry soon. Would it hurt you to want to spend time with me?” I demanded, and her eyes narrowed at


“Are you not meant to be an Alpha?” she almost sneered with a shake of her head. “Because right now you are sounding pathetic. Like a little b**h, in all honesty. Why so clingy?” Her eyes were defiant as she stared me down.

I felt anger rippling through me, but desire too. I loved it when she reacted to me in this way. I loved that look within her eyes…

“Do not talk about me that way.” I hissed, staring right back at her. My eyes were equally defiant. “I will be your mate, therefore I have every right to demand your presence. Especially as the Alpha. And you will come to learn that.”

She laughed. “We will see. But, right now, I am not your mate, I am still free and single, oh dear future husband of mine. And my friends are arriving, so you best get used to the fact, I am having some time with them before you have me locked up in chains once we are married.” Rolling her eyes, she began to stalk away, before I grabbed her arm, pulling her back to me, her slim body stumbling hard into mine.

I inhaled her floral scent deeply, the scent filling my senses and almost tipping me over the edge of wanting to pull her closer and ravage her… as my hands lingered on her waist, my mouth resting by her ear. “I think I quite like the idea of chains.” I whispered. “Whips too.” I gently nibbled at her ear and she giggled.


“Well, you had best behave yourself then, hadn’t you, big bad Alpha of mine.” She murmured, pushing her butt back a little toward my c**h, making me even more turned on than I already had been at the thoughts running through my mind.

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“You don’t want to behave really.” I responded. “So, why don’t we head to my room, and I can show you all the ways we could misbehave?”

Kaia giggled almost nervously this time. “And why would I be doing that, Miles?” she turned to look at me, putting her finger on my lip. “Good things come to those who wait, and I am definitely worth waiting for.”

“You are a f**g tease!” I growled, and she softly placed a kiss upon my cheek, as she sashayed away, leaving me desperate for more and right now I cannot wait for my wedding!

hapter 140 – Bailey

I awoke the next day to a heavy knocking at the door. I had somehow found my way to my bed, and crashed. Falling into a fitful sleep, after all, but crying myself to sleep. My mind filled with thoughts of Asher and the mess we had found ourselves in. I had been so tempted to go to him and try to fix everything. but I never quite found the courage to do so. I knew I was pathetic, but I felt it was better to give us both some time to process what had happened, and the things he had said.

I stumbled sleepily from my bed, across to the door of my room, opening it to see Morgan there, with a big, beaming smile upon her face. Hmm… I could only assume she had stayed with Marc overnight after her failing to materialize back to my room after her day with him. But, I hadn’t been worried. She had met her fated mate after all, and I knew he would look after her. It was only natural they had wanted to spend the night together. They likely hadn’t wanted to leave one another…

“Good morning!” she said cheerfully. “You look like death.” She added with a grin.

I rolled my eyes as I closed the door behind her. Obviously, she had no clue as to what had happened between Asher and I, so she didn’t know I felt like I was falling apart right about now. But, still, I did not need telling I looked like s**it.

“Thanks, as always, Morgan.” I grumbled, making my way back. to my bed. I had already contacted Alli and told her I was being summoned back to my pack, and would need an unexpected day off, and thankfully she already knew. Seemingly because of





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the exciting news about my sister and her son…

I dropped back into my bed and pulled the covers over my head, desperate to avoid any interaction with the world. My head felt like it wanted to explode. Yes, crying yourself to sleep may help get you to sleep, but it did not make for a good night’s sleep, and it had caused me to have one hell of a f**g headache this morning! And, according to my sister, it caused me to look like death too. Wonderful. Not to mention my wolf was still not talking to me. Unhappy, disappointed and extremely upset with me, she had hidden out, so I was not in the best frame of mind…

“So, how did your day of fun with the Buffed-up-Beta go?” Morgan asked with a giggle. Buffed-up-Beta? Is that what she was calling him now? He was moody and grumpy yesterday, wasn’t he? And why was she assuming anything had gone on? Marc had to have told her…

“Fine.” I said bluntly.

Morgan peeled back the duvet enough to see my face. “Just fine. Awww, was he that disappointing?” she exclaimed, a look of shock on her face. “I was hoping for exciting reports! He looks super fit, so I assumed he could hold his own in that regard, if you catch my drift…”

I looked at her in surprise. Where did all this come from? I don’t recall talking to my sister like this before, unless this is the talk she had with her friends usually! Or was it talk she felt braver with after being with her mate?! “I assume your day with Marc went well?” I asked.

Suddenly she sat herself on the bed, her eyes looking dreamy. “Aww, he is the just best. So sweet. So amazing. Just wow.”




I chuckled, despite feeling h**us. I think my sister may be in love. “Well, I am glad everything went well. He is a good guy. You are lucky to have found a good mate.”

“Not just found a good mate. He was fated to me. Made for me. And I swear he is perfect, Bai! The kindest… so patient… caring… and well, let me say, I was not disappointed, even if you were.” She looked at me with a bashful grin. “He knows exactly what he is doing, and he…”

“Woah!” I called to interrupt her. “There is such a thing as too much information. And a line you can cross, which I fear you were getting awfully close to crossing. I do not need to know what Marc can do, or what he did!” I shook my head. “And, anyway, I don’t think I said I was disappointed.” I quickly added.

Morgan’s gaze drifted to mine. “Well, if he was so mind- blowingly good, why are you asleep in your own bed, looking like a panda that has been on a four-day drinking bender?” she motioned to my eyes, where I could only assume my mascara was smudged all around my eyes from the non-stop crying yesterday. I had yet to look in a mirror, but, yeah, I can imagine, I looked a state…

“We argued.”

“Were you being difficult?” Morgan asked, her brows raised in question. Why did she assume this was my fault? It could just as easily have been Asher…

“He heard Dad telling me we had to return home for the wedding.” I told her and her face fell.

“Oh.” She muttered, as if she instantly understood. “I am guessing that didn’t go down too well.”



“Like s f**g lead balloon

“Could he not come with you? Dad called me too. Marc offered to be there with me, the moment explained it all, and told him we were expected at the wedding. He wanted to be there to support me. He was so understanding Bai. He didn’t judge me at all. He was angry with Miles, if anything, for taking advantage of me. He said I shouldn’t go alone, and would be there as my fated mate. And I can’t think of anything better!” she blurted out, and I could see the excitement on her face.

My heart was aching at the sight. I was happy for my sister, of course I was, but it hurt that things never went so smoothly for me. Why could Asher not have been my fated mate… why could I not have had the dream my sister was now living? She has everything we ever want as a she-wolf. A mate who wants you and cares for you. That accepts you and your flaws, and loves you regardless. Wants to protect you and support you. That is what my sister had in Marc, and she knew how lucky she was.

She would be proud to walk into the pack with him by her side. Showing the pack, and the world that she had found her fated mate, and how perfectly matched they were for one another. In doing that she would be showing Miles that his games no longer mattered, because she had found the path fate had planned for her, and it would be a path that was perfect for her, seeing how well Marc and her got along.

But I shook my head at Morgan’s suggestion. It had been Asher’ s suggestion too. Morgan bringing Marc would not be questioned. He, after all, was her fated mate. They were always destined to be together. The two of them meeting was meant to be. So, nobody would think badly of Morgan bringing him. But, I knew that me attending the wedding of my former fated mate,



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