Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 121-130

er 121 – Bailey

I rushed through the packhouse after being notified of my sister’ s arrival. A small part of me was a little apprehensive to see her after everything that had happened between us, but mainly I was excited. Looking forward to seeing her. Having not seen any family since my move here. Upon our arrival back at the packhouse Asher had decided it would be better for him to let me go and sort my room for my sister alone, telling me if he returned to my room with me, he would not be able to promise what he would do, which made me giggle.

As I stepped out into the late afternoon sunshine, I saw Morgan’ s car pull up, and she wasted no time in jumping out and flinging herself at me, “Aww Bai Bai, I am so glad to see you!” she squealed, just as Asher and Alpha Caleb walked around the corner, making my cheeks flush with color, especially at her using the nickname from when I was a lot younger.

I saw Asher smile as they approached. Before, Morgan decided to humiliate me even further. “You look so much better with your hair like that, you know? Less 80s glam rock star. More modern and almost chic.” She grinned at me, and I could see she was teasing, but I rolled my eyes at her, my hair was far from that frizzy, it was naturally curly, a little difficult to tame, but still I heard Alpha Caleb chuckle.

“I assume this is your sister, Bailey?” he asked, as the two of them were almost next to us now, and there would have been no denying they had heard my delightful sister’s final comment.

I nodded to agree with the Alpha and he smiled. “Beta Asher did



Chapter 121 Badey

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say she was arriving today. Welcome to the pack.”

Morgan smiled politely. “Thank you for letting me visit my sister. I am surprised you’d want her here. What with all the drama she causes.” She chuckled, and I looked at her with a stare, hoping she might realize I did not share my past with the pack, and she giggled awkwardly. “Joking, obviously:”

While Asher was eyeing my sister warily now. This was not the best start to her visit…

“I don’t think she has caused any drama, and she is a wonderful teacher.” Alpha Caleb said with a polite smile to Morgan, who rolled her eyes playfully.

“Yeah, so everyone says.” She nodded. “But she should be, always having her head in a book to make sure she would get her qualifications, right Bai?”

Asher’s face was etched into a frown now, telling me he did not particularly like my sister right now. “I think that would be considered quite admirable, actually.” He stated with a sideways glance at my sister, who looked a little startled. And even the Alpha looked a little surprised at Asher defending me.

“Oh, definitely.” Morgan smiled sweetly. “I didn’t mean it in a negative way. Bailey was always different to the rest of us. She was a bit boring, and loved studying. I’d rather be out enjoying my time with friends. Having fun.” She shrugged.

“All about perspective, I suppose.” Asher stated bluntly. “And what you perceive as boring, personally, I’d consider it as being dedicated to her future goals.” He defended me once more, and I could feel my cheeks flushing.


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Chapter 121-Bailey

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Morgan looked at me, seeming unsure what to reply, so she simply nodded and said. “I guess.

I could feel Asher’s eyes on me, and I was desperate to get away before Morgan or the Alpha noticed. “Well, it was nice to see you both.” I smiled at the Alpha and Asher. “Please tell Luna Eden I will come and see her and the little ones again soon.” I added, and Alpha Caleb grinned at me.

“Ah, she will be happy, she keeps asking after you. You seem to be her new texting buddy. It would be so much easier to formally make you a pack member, Bailey, then you could mindlink one another. Though you’d probably never get any peace from Eden then. I know I don’t!” he grinned at me, and I smiled in response.

If I was honest, the thought of being a formal pack member here sounded like heaven to me. Formally leaving my pack and being part of such a wonderful pack and community here would be truly amazing. Not to mention, I loved my job here, and now things were the way they were with Asher, and the potential of them developing. I was excited about my future. But, I knew in order to leave my pack I was going to need my Alpha’s permission, and that was always going to be difficult…

“Come on then Morgan, let us get your things, I will show you to my room.” I told my sister, who was watching me, as I looked shyly at Asher, who was smiling at Alpha Caleb’s words too.

Morgan waved toward the Alpha and Asher, as we moved toward the trunk of her car, before she looked at me. “So, what is with the moody one?” she demanded.

I smirked. “What do you mean?”


Chapter 121 Bailey

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“I think his face would crack if he smiled, that is even assuming he knows how to smile.” She said as she pulled her bags from the trunk, and I tried hard to hold back my laughter. Her thoughts were almost the same as mine and Akira’s had been when we had first met Asher when we had arrived. Asher really did not give off the best first impressions…

“Aww, he isn’t too bad.” I told her with a smile.

Akira giggled. ‘Easy for you to say, he likes you!’

‘I should hope he does!’ I told her. ‘Considering the things we have been doing!’

She giggled once more. ‘Oh he does. I think we got him good!’

“There something you not telling me?” Morgan asked me with curiosity, and I looked at her innocently.

“No idea what you mean.” I shrugged, not wanting to go into all this right now, especially with others around who may hear. “Let me show you to my room.”

Morgan and I grabbed her bags as she closed the trunk and locked her car. Before we walked into the packhouse. She looked a little deflated, I have to say. Despite her brashness as she had arrived, she did not look herself. I sighed, “Are you doing okay, Morgan?”

She slowly shook her head. “Not the best Bai, I can’t lie. I wish I had stayed away from him. Wait until you hear the things he has done!”

I knew now the next few days with her here were likely going to be difficult…


Chapter 122 – Morgan

I followed my sister through the corridors of the packhouse in her new pack. It seemed a nice place, and I have to say, I

couldn’t help but notice a difference in her attitude… her aura. She.seemed so much calmer… confident… happier. And, I can’t lie, it suited her. This was not the same Bailey who had left our pack a few weeks ago. Maybe being around Miles had been dragging her down more than we realized.

The news that he had been her fated mate had shocked me to the core. I won’t lie. It had hurt me too, considering the fact I had loved him secretly for so long, and she had been his all along… fated to him… and then rejected by him… yet never said a word to any of us. And of course, then I had become involved with him too. And now, when I look back, I still don’t know if that was because he wanted to find a way to get at Bailey, or gain information on her, because from everything I had learned from my Dad and my brother, Miles seemed obsessed with her, despite the fact he had rejected her.

So many secrets were hidden initially, until they had come to speak with me. And all the information was spilled, while it felt like my world came tumbling down around me. Dad and Jordan had basically had to sneak Bailey from the pack to her new workplace. Why would he even want her to be kept in our pack if he didn’t see her as a fit mate? None of it made sense to me, but **g hell, it hurt. He was with me by that point. Trying hard to convince me to sleep with him… give my all to him…

I know how vicious Miles can be. think everyone in our pack knows that. He is known to be a bully… a bit of a dic


wants to be. And over the years, Bailey had always been the butt of his jokes. We assumed it was because she was a bit of a geek, with her head forever in her books, but now a lot it seems a lot of it was resentment that she was his fated mate

Because, from what my brother had told me, he never saw her as good enough for him.

And, while we had always teased Bailey for not caring much for fashion or going out and having fun, she was still a natural beauty. She was pretty without even trying. And, she had the intelligence to back it up, though maybe that was part of the issue for Miles. Bailey was too smart for him. Making him feel inferior. I don’t know. But, the things I heard since Dad and Jordan had tried to warn me away from Miles had sickened me. Sickened me that he would treat my sister that way…

I can’t lie, I had felt flooded with guilt, much like Jordan, I guess that we had been blind to it. We had joined in so freely with the teasing… the bullying, thinking it was just playful taunting. Not realizing the depth of the cruelty, that Miles was actually sinking to. Bailey had suffered because of her fated mate worse than she ever should have done. Why he couldn’t just reject her and let her go, I would never know. And, I can imagine she had thought the same so many times too…

But, then he seemed to attach himself to me. And, me being naïve, taken in by his status, and his charm, not to mention his attention, I had fallen for him. Far too easily. But, I had always. adored him, from being a young teenager… the handsome, upcoming Alpha… my big brother’s best friend… school sport’s star… he had been perfect in my eyes. So, when the warnings. from my brother and my Dad had come, they had simply fallen. upon deaf ears. I wanted him, and nothing would stop me. Even after he hurt me, time and time again, I kept returning… he was


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like a drug I was addicted to. I had naively thought he would pick me for his chosen mate. Pick me for his Luna.

Bailey opened the door to her bedroom. It was only a small and basic room, with a double bed set up. “Asher… erm… Beta Asher said we could get a camp bed in here for you if you don’t want to share the bed with me.” She said with an awkward smile.

Hmmm, seems my sister is a little more friendly with this Beta than she is letting on if she is calling him by his first name, I would say. But, I let it go, if she wanted to let me know, she would. “I am good sharing with you, be like when we used to stay with Grandma” I grinned at her, and Bailey laughed.

“Wow, that has been years, Morgan!”

“Just like old times then!” I smiled at her, and she nodded.

“Sorry, my room is nothing exciting, they are setting a house up for me. But, with me wanting to come here so suddenly, they had to put me in here.” Bailey explained, and I understood. She had been in a rush to get away. After the situation with Miles had got worse from what I understood.

My Dad and Jordan tried to explain things to me as best they could, in a bid to warn me away from Miles. Not that it had worked. I am beginning to wish I had taken heed of their warnings now… but sadly, my feelings and st**ty had won over. And the packhouse in which she was living seemed nice enough. Her room was modern, and had all she needed, including an en-suite bathroom, which was more than many packhouse rooms did.

“Honestly, Bai, it is fine, I am just glad to be here.” I admitted. “Glad to be away from there.”





Chapter 172 Morgan

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She nodded. “I know that feeling!

“How did you do it?” I asked her. He had to have hurt you so much more than he ever did me.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know that he did, Morgan, because there is a difference between me and you. While he did some sh**y things to me, I never fell for him. There were never any feelings between us. Yes, there was the matebond, but it wasn’t difficult to fight when you hate someone the way I did.”

I looked at her in shock, I honestly thought she may have had some underlying feelings for him, especially with the matebond. “You never wanted him?”

She laughed, almost ironically, before shaking her head. “Wanted him dead maybe.” she joked. “But no. Not even a little. I hated him, Morgan. When we were young, and I mean young, yeah, we got on great, but as he got older, he turned into such a jacka**, and treated me so s**y. Made me feel so bad about myself. For no real reason. And I ended up hating myself, all because of him. And because he was the future Alpha, most of the others our age in the pack would do the same. Made my life hell. Why do you think I didn’t like going out? Why do you think I spent so much time with my head in my books? Because I had little else to do. Because it was better than sitting thinking about the **t going on in my life, all because of that f**r.”

My heart tightened at her words. was one of those others. I had willingly joined in with my own sister’s bullying. I had made my own sister’s life hell. To the point she wanted to leave her own pack.

“I’m sorry Bai, I never knew you felt like that. I thought you enjoyed studying.” I whispered.



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Ishtesas Morgan.” Ste wedded her arms around me.

And it for me my on Gotte where wanted to be”

Got you the atention of a grumpy a**Beta?” I teased, and she

Not a dive what you mean

Emm, I am sure looked up at her with a stake of my head She was definitely folding something back from me

Dives me you Morgan? my sister asked me softly, and I sat myself on the edge of her bed letting out a deep sigh

“Physically one the grabbing me, and the occasional stove, I guess not to Emotionally, yes. But maybe that was my own

fault for letting him.” I told her, and she was quickly by my side,

her arms around me, hugging me

“You know none of this was your fault, it was that f**k face. He will be made to suffer, Morgan. He will get his punishment, one way or another.” She told me, and in that instant, I knew coming to see my sister was the right thing to do.

Chapter 123 – Kaia

I was settling into the new pack. My home. The pack I would one day be Luna of. Okay, it wasn’t quite what I was used to, but once Miles had been made Alpha, he said I could make the changes I wanted, so I was making notes each day of things I did not like… things I felt could be improved, and quite honestly, there was quite a lot. I was staying in a room within the

packhouse right now, until Miles and I were married. He had tried desperately to have me live with him, but I felt it was a little premature, and I didn’t want him trying things on with me. Not yet, at least.

Obviously, on our wedding night, I would have no choice, but for the time being, at least I had an excuse. And, talking of the wedding, plans were running away with themselves. Miles’s parents were completely taking over with the preparations. And they seemed to be getting more and more irritated by any suggestions I made for alterations. Which only angered me. This was meant to be my special day, yet they seemed to want the wedding done their way. I was truly beginning to regret ever agreeing to any of this, let alone suggesting I marry the fool as well as becoming his mate…

I heard a knock at my door, and quickly walked over, to be greeted by two she-wolves, here to let me try on wedding dresses. Now, today was a day I had been looking forward to! What woman does not like trying on pretty dresses?! Especially ones that make you look like a princess! “Come in.” I said excitedly, allowing them into my suite, only to find my heart dropping as Miles’s Mum, Pheobe, followed them in. Why did




she need to be there too? Was this not my choice?

“Good morning, Kaia.” She greeted me coldly, giving me an equally cold stare. I am sure this woman did not like me. Nor did she want me to marry her son.

“Morning Luna.” I smiled sweetly, though inside I was secretly cursing the silly old witch. I wish she would pis** off, so I could enjoy myself the way I had planned! The bottle of champagne my Dad had sent to enjoy was already chilling, and I had my playlist at the ready… I had it all set out! Now she was set to ruin it! I wanted to enjoy every moment of this, try these dresses on at my own pace and decide on my own what I wanted and not be dictated to by her, yet again. This was not her wedding!

“Right, let us get this underway.” Luna Pheobe said briskly to the women who had wheeled in a rack of dresses. “I am assuming white is unlikely to be appropriate.” She looked at me with an air of superiority in her gaze, and I was shocked at what she was trying to imply by her statement.

I glared back at her. “White is perfectly fine, actually, thank you very much.” I snapped.

“Oh, really?” she said, chewing her lower lip thoughtfully. “You do surprise me, unless, of course, you are not being truthful.”

“Is there a reason you are here?” I asked her, every ounce of venom within me slipping out in my voice, and Luna Pheobe looked to me, a smirk upon her perfectly made-up face. She was evidently loving this. S**id **h.

“Well, I was here to assist the bride my son had chosen, with picking a dress. Ensure she doesn’t get ideas beyond her station. After all, she has been acting like quite the princess



since her arrival. Well, since the whole wedding planning began really. So, I believe she needs to be taught how to rein things in a little. My son needs a Luna, not a princess.” She said bluntly. “But, it seems the little princess is deeming me as not needed. Or perhaps my opinions are too close to the truth. Does the truth hurt a little too much, Kaia?”

I looked at her in shock. Where had all this come from? Yes, I knew my alterations to the wedding plans had irritated Miles’s parents here and there, but not to this degree. She was being downright rude right now, and there appeared to be no real reason for it. So, what was her issue with me? Her mate and husband had nigh on begged me to marry and become the mate to their eldest son, when nobody else appeared to want him, so why the hell did this ** old hag not deem me a suitable mate? I was of Alpha blood, I was single. I was more than capable of dealing with their pathetic excuse of a future Alpha of a son when he threw one of his hissy fits too. Better equipped for dealing with him than they were, it seemed…

“When there is no truth in your words, then they irritate more than hurt quite honestly, Luna. I find them quite insulting, actually. But, that makes me wonder if that was what you were aiming for. And there was me thinking you were taught to be respectful of all, as a Luna. Evidently, you missed that lesson. At the end of the day, age is irrelevant, I am still of Alpha blood, and while I may be in line to marry your son, my father would still not appreciate the insults you are throwing my way, nor the things you are implying.” I said proudly, knowing d**n well she was out of order, and me putting her in her place would likely shut her up.

But, instead, Luna Pheobe simply laughed at me! I felt anger racing through my body, while my wolf began to ripple below my



Chapter 123 Kaia

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skin, desperate to be allowed out. eager to get to the woman who would soon become my mother-in-law and rip her apart…

“Oh, Kaia, my dear, do you think your father will truly care? From what I understood, he didn’t waste any time in accepting the offer of a chosen mate for you with my son, so does that tell you all you need to know? He was likely glad to get rid of you. And can you blame him?” And with that she moved toward the door of the room, before looking back at me. “You ought to remember, you are nothing special, and can always be replaced. Just like that” And she clicked her fingers to show me, a smirk upon her lips as she then closed the door after her, leaving me staring at the door, my heart racing in anger at how she treated me. I had no idea what had changed. One moment, Miles’s family were desperate for me to accept being his mate, and now they were treating me in this way? I had simply agreed to escape Jacob, thinking life with an Alpha could never be a bad thing, but now I was beginning to think otherwise… Was that how my future was going to be here?!

Chapter 124 – Asher

Once I had left Bailey after walking her home, deciding it was most definitely not a safe plan for me to go and help her

arrange her room for her sister’s arrival, I had gone to find Caleb to do some training. Taking my frustration out on my best friend by beating the c*p out of him sounded like a good plan. Because, I knew the moment I was alone in a room with Bailey I was not going to be able to keep my self control under control…

Turned out, because I was so distracted by thoughts of Bailey, it was more a case of Caleb beating the c***p out of me… but still it was a distraction for a little while. Kept me and Zion busy for a little while, and made a change to the office work I had been doing earlier. It was only as we walked back through the pack and were returning to the packhouse that I had seen her with her sister, and I instantly felt my heart lift at the sight of her. She looked so beautiful. Good enough to eat…

Though hearing the way her sister spoke of her irritated me a little. But, I think I managed to hide that pretty well. Though why Bailey had rushed off I don’t know. I now had Caleb looking at me with a puzzled look upon his face, as I watched Bailey walk inside the packhouse in her bid to get away from us.

“What?” I asked him, with a small shrug.

“Something you want to tell me?” he asked and I shrugged again.

I know out of everyone, Caleb is the first person I should be telling of this shift of things between Bailey and me, but I want



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to see where it goes first. Hell, she may decide I am a complete jacka** yet… I mean, that wouldn’t be completely impossible to understand…

‘Not if you act like a normal person.’ Zion grumbled. Evidently he didn’t like the thought of her leaving us. Though, in truth, neither did I. I hated the thought of not being able to freely see her for the next few days while her sister was here. I was already missing her, and I only saw her properly a few hours ago!!

“You coming to see Eden and the little ones?” Caleb asked me with a smile, and I nodded. I haven’t seen the pups for a few days, and I am sure they would brighten my day, as they usually did. I imagine Freya will have grown a lot in those few days too.

“Eden doing okay with two of them driving her crazy alongside you?” I asked, and Caleb laughed.

“She seems to be. She is a wonderful Mama, always meant to be, I think.” He says with affection thick in his voice. I can’t help but be a little envious of my friend. He had it all now. His mate, his family and a happy, hectic home where he couldn’t wait to return to each day.

“You wait until they are teenagers, and they are answering her back! Eden is a fiery little firecracker, goddess help you if Freya takes after her, there will be some serious battles in your house!” I told him with a laugh, and he rolled his eyes.

“Oh, I know. I have already had that warning from Eden’s Dad. I am coming to live with you then.” He warned me, and I laughed again.

“I will make sure the spare room is set up.” I told him with a smirk, while we walked along the pathways of the pack. Pack


Chapter You Ashe

members waving to us as they pass.

“How come Bailey’s sister came to stay?” Caleb asked me, taking me by surprise. I was sure had spoken to him about this. Evidently the lack of sleep was getting to him. “Isn’t she working?”

“Bailey or her sister?” I asked, unsure which one he was asking me about, and he chuckled.


I nodded. “She is still planning to work, I assume her sister will relax until she finishes work. She explained she needed a little space from back home. A former boyfriend marrying or something.” I explained with a shrug.

“Seems you and her are getting along well. Do you see much of her with living in the packhouse together?” he asked with a small smirk, as he unlocked his front door. Was this my friend digging for gossip? He’d be disappointed…

I gave him a sideways glance along with a small shake of my head. “Rarely.”

“Honey, I’m home!” he called out to Eden the way he always did, and Matty came toddling out of the lounge to greet his Dad, a beautiful big smile on his face. The same big blue eyes as his Mama looking up at us. Caleb instantly swooped him up in his arms, showering his son in kisses and cuddles, making me smile. He may drive me crazy at times, but I can not deny he was a wonderful father…

Eden came out of the lounge soon after, with Freya in her arms, her face lighting up at the sight of us. “Hey you two!” she walked



over to Caleb, snuggling into his side, as he softly kissed her head. “I didn’t realize you were coming Ash.” She adds, while passing Freya to Caleb.

“We were training, so I suggest he come and see his niece and nephew.” Caleb explained, leading his son into the lounge once again.

Eden nodded with a smile. “You need a coffee?”

I smiled, and followed her to the kitchen to help. “Please.” I said, leaning on the countertop as we walked through the door.

Eden was sorting the coffee, and the room was momentarily quiet, other than the clatter of the utensils as shr worked. And I couldn’t help but think of Bailey. Wondering what she was up to. I wished I could see her tonight like I had wanted to… it was definitely going to be a long few days… I found myself frowning…

Suddenly, Eden was in front of me, offering me a mug of coffee. “S** Ash, you could smile, you know? My kids already barely sleep, I don’t need them seeing that scary face, or they’ll be having nightmares and be up even more during the night!” she joked.

I gave her a sarcastic smile, taking my coffee, taking Caleb’s too, to take it through to him. “Thanks.”

“Everything okay with you?” she asked me, questions hanging heavy in the air. I knew what she was implying. She was

referencing our previous chat, and I nodded with a smile, one a little bigger than I intended.

“Oh, I’d say from that smile, Mr Big-Shot Beta, things are more


Chapter 124 Acher

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than good. You been charming our new teacher by any chance?”

she questioned, and I simply smirked, with a little shrug, before walking through to the lounge to give Caleb his coffee.


Chapter 125 – Bailey

Morgan and I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling chatting like we used to when we were younger. About anything and everything under the sun. Laughing and giggling at the most ridiculous of things, and I have to say, it felt so good. I think it was the closest I had felt to my sister in a long time.

“Aww, Bai, thank you for this!” she wrapped her arm over my waist as she rested her head upon my shoulder.

“It is okay.” I smiled at her. “I have enjoyed it.”

“Do you think you will stay here?” she asked, and I froze. In truth, after the mess with Miles, I had always hoped I would find a pack that would accept me, allow me to work there and take me as an official pack member. But, then, I don’t think I had considered the reluctance of my pack to allow me to go. But, now finding Asher too, I think I would love nothing more than to stay here. Officially, become a part of their pack, and f course, to see what was to happen with Asher.

I sighed, a long and deep sigh, and Morgan looked at me. “You aren’t sure?” she questioned, sounding more than a little confused. I could only assume from her response she thought I wanted to live here permanently.

“Oh, it isn’t that I don’t want to. I just don’t know if our pack would let me. I think the only way I could leave is if I find a mate. Because Miles has made it clear, I would not be given permission to leave otherwise.” I explained. “And let us face it, I am not finding a fated mate, am I?!”



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She smiled sadly. “Our pack rules are weird.” She dismissed it with a shrug. “But, you are here now, and you never thought that would happen. So, never say never, right?” she squeezed me a little tighter. “Don’t give up on what you want, Bai. You deserve it for everything you went through.

“I am guessing you don’t want to go back?” I asked, knowing how hard she would find it if she did go home. Especially if Miles was getting married.

She chuckled. “I am in no hurry, let us just say that. I am even considering university like you.” And I was shocked by her words. This was never anything she had been interested in before. But I smiled.

“Do what makes you happy, Morgan, and don’t let Miles hold you back. Speak to Dad, or Jordan. Let them help you. Remember, you have a fated mate out there too, he could well be your ticket out of there.” I reminded her, and her face fell.

“What if he doesn’t want me when he realizes I nearly gave myself to that nasty piece of work?” She chewed her lip anxiously.

“Nearly, Morgan.” I reassured her. “The difference is, you didn’t in the end. And even if you had, it would have been because you were manipulated by him. He is a master at manipulation. Always has been. Besides, not all mates wait. Your fated mate will think you are perfect the way you are, trust me.”

“What, the way yours did?” she said with a smirk.

gave her a gentle shove. “Yeah, well, he was a bit defective.”

Morgan laughed. “A bit?!” she was laughing hard now, I shook



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my head at her.

Háid letting her laugh for a moment, while I enjoyed the sound. She likely needed to laugh. She needed a break from the emotions she had been battling. She turned and looked at me. “Ah, that felt good.”

I smiled. “I figured it might.”

“Do you think he will actually get married?” Morgan asked, and I knew instantly she was talking of Miles. So, as much as she is trying to act like she is getting over it, or that she doesn’t care, she evidently does. She may want to hate him, but he has a tight grip upon her heart. Her first love, I guess. From her teenage crush, so that isn’t going to help…

I sighed. “Oh, sis, I don’t know. I don’t think I ever saw him as the settling down sort. A part of me can’t help but wonder if it is to go along with what his parents want, so he can gain his title as Alpha.” I explained and she looked at me surprised.

“Do you think?” she sounded full of hope at that thought, and I hated that she would still be clinging to any hope when it came to him. She needed to realize she was better off without him. He would destroy her if she kept giving him chances…

“Like I said, I don’t know. Because, from what you then told me, the visits to pack to meet potential chosen mates didn’t go to plan did they? And he picked this girl himself. So, perhaps she is someone he wants.” I suggested, and I saw my sister’s face fall, as she nodded.

“He did sound proud of her. But I didn’t know if he was just trying to hurt my feelings.” She whispered.




Chapter 125-Bailey

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I reached for her hand and squeezed it. Hating that she was hurting. “He enjoys hurting people, Morgan. You deserve so much better than him. I promise you, when you meet the right one, you will know. And Miles was never the right one for you. It felt exciting because he was handsome, dangerous and the upcoming Alpha, that is all. But, it will feel so much more when it is the right person.”

She looked at me through anxious eyes, and nodded. “I hope so. She whispered.

“I know so.”

Morgan suddenly reached out and touched my hair. “Why do you straighten it now?”

I gave her a slight scowl. “Do you not remember all the things you would say about my curls?” I asked her.

She looked at me with a guilty smile. “I did bring you something, actually. I saw it when I was shopping. It is meant to help tame your curls. I never thought you should hide them. I’d have loved your curls, Bai. I got the boring straight hair from Dad.”

I chuckled. I would never have guessed she envied my hair. “You brought something for my hair?” I asked, a little surprised at her kindness.

“Yeah, let me try it out for you! I’ll do your hair!” she grinned. “Like a proper sleepover!” the excitement in her voice made me smile.

“Go on then.” Trolled my eyes as she shot off the bed, and was soon rummaging around in her bag, happy that she was distracted, and she seemed content, even if it was only for a



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little while. That was what I had wanted when she came here. I would let her do this, and then maybe we could go for a walk or something. Anything to keep her mind from the inevitable…

“I could give you a mini-makeover!” she said excitedly. “I love doing that sort of thing.”

I found myself smiling. Who would have thought, a few months ago; Morgan and I sitting together, having fun, and doing makeovers? It was almost like we had slipped into an alternate universe… but if it meant I was being there for her… supporting her, then it was good for me…

Chapter 126-Bailey

Chapter 126 – Bailey

After waking so many times during the night being kicked and elbowed by an extremely fidgety sister of mine, I was actually grateful when my alarm went off. It appeared she had not learned to sleep any less restlessly since she had grown up. I suppose I should be grateful she didn’t have nightmares any longer and squeal in her sleep the way she used to! Nor did she wet the bed. Both habits she had thankfully grown out of, or my night’s sleep would have been even worse, that is for sure!

“Eurgh, is that the fire alarm?” Morgan grumbled, placing the pillow over her head as I leaned over to turn my alarm off, and I smiled.

“Nope, just my wake–up call.” I prodded her gently.

“Mine too, I assume.” She muttered. “Giving me a bloody headache!”

“You can stay in bed, if you like.” I told her, heading to the bathroom. “Rest a little, and I will come and find you when I have finished work.”

“I will come with you, is that okay?” she asked sleepily, and smiled back at her.

“If that is what you want to do.” I was sure the children would like seeing her, and I doubted the other teachers would mind. But the kids singing their songs delightfully out of tune, would likely do nothing to help that headache of hers, I thought to myself with a chuckle to myself as I headed into the shower.



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I quickly showered, and wrapped myself in a towel, before standing in front of the mirror, and using the new hair product my sister had brought for me, to tame but enhance my curls, deciding to allow my natural curls to be on show today. When she had done my little makeover last night, she showed me some new make–up techniques too. Not that I usually bother with make–up too much, but I definitely liked the hair.

As l’emerged from my en–suite, Morgan was sitting on my bed, a big smile on her face. “Yay!” she winked at me. “You used it. It suits you. That big bad Beta won’t be able to resist you.she winked again before dashing past me to the en–suite before I could argue.

I quickly got dressed in a simple baby blue shift dress and tan gladiator–style sandals. I kept my make–up simple today. But, I think my overall look worked, and a small part of me kind of wished I was seeing Asher…

‘Oh who are you kidding?!‘ Akira giggled. ‘Every single part of you was wishing! Craving him, even.‘

I rolled my eyes at her, as Morgan came out of the bathroom, already showered, and dressed. In the cutest little matching navy with white trim capri pants and, tank top. And Navy chunky sandals. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, enhancing her beautiful face. My sister has definitely got the looks in our family..

“Come on then.” I hooked my arm through hers. “We should get you some food before we start.” urged her, knowing she would need energy for dealing with the little monsters in my class, and my sister grinned at me.

“I think I need coffee more than anything.” She told me, as we


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slipped out of my bedroom, just as Asher walked from his room, his eyes instantly falling upon me as he did, and his face lighting up.

“Good morning ladies.” He greeted us. “On your way for breakfast?” he asked, and I nodded.

I had butterflies at the sight of him, and Akira was pacing within my mind, the two of us already missing him terribly, despite only seeing him yesterday. I tried to act like everything was perfectly normal while I led my sister toward the staircase, fully aware of the fact Asher was only a few steps behind us.

‘He might be grumpy looking, but he is actually quite

handsome.‘ Morgan mindlinked me with a wink, and I looked at her wide–eyed. ‘You definitely need to try your luck with him, sis.‘ She added.

‘You want pushing down the stairs?‘ I questioned, and I could hear my sister holding back a giggle as we rushed down the last few stairs.

“So, Beta, is my sister everything you imagined she would be?” Morgan asked, her eyes looking suggestively at Asher, and he looked awkwardly at her, like a deer caught in the headlights, bless him.

“I am sorry?” he stuttered.

“Well, she is a wonderful teacher, so I wondered if she was living up to your expectations.” Morgan said with a smirk. “What on earth did you think I was implying?!”

I saw Asher’s cheeks flushing slightly, and I tried not to smile.


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‘That is enough now.‘ I warned her, but she glanced at me, her eyebrows raised at me.

‘He wants you,‘ she says simply through the link, before looking at Asher again.

“Do you have a bit of a soft spot for my sister Beta? Is that why your thoughts instantly assumed was talking about that?” she wiggled her brows at him now before moving toward the dining hall, leaving the two of us alone. Thankfully, I had briefly mentioned where things were as we walked to my room last night, so she had a vague idea…

I glanced at Asher who was looking at me like he was in shock. Sorry.” I whispered.

“Well, your sister is…” he paused momentarily. “Blunt.” He added, and I grinned at him.

“To say the least.”

“Bloody good at reading people, I’d say.” he grinned at me now. “By the way, you look… well, wow.” His hand softly reached for my curls, and I smiled up at him.

“Thank you.”

“You know I barely slept last night, because you weren’t there.” He told me. “Two nights I have had you in the same bed, and I don’t think I can sleep without you there now.He bit his lower lip as he looked up at me nervously, and my heart fluttered at his words. I know exactly what he meant…

Suddenly, Morgan came rushing down the corridor toward me looking terrified. Asher looked at me, jumping back slightly to


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put some space between us as I moved toward my sister. “Morgan, what on earth is wrong?!” I asked, panic racing through. me. Unsure what would be causing her to look so scared.

Her eyes met mine, and I could see tears were filling them. “He… he…” she stuttered. “He is there.”

I looked at her puzzled, as Asher came up to place his hand upon my arm, causing goosebumps to spread across my body. “Is everything okay?” he asked, and I shrugged, confused as to what had happened. Surely he realized I knew as much as he did.

“Morgan, who is there?” I asked her, as I saw her swaying slightly, looking a little unsteady on her feet.

“My mate!” she gasped, before she suddenly passed out, Asher, quickly reaching out to catch her before she hit the floor.


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Chapter 127 – Bailey

I looked at Asher nervously as he lowered himself to the ground, my sister within his arms, my whole body trembling at her words… her fated mate was here? Is that what she was telling me? That had to be what she had meant… that was what mate meant, wasn’t it? But how could that have happened? My mind whirled at the possibilities…

“Is she okay?” I asked Asher, resting my hand upon his shoulder, and he nodded. I was unsure why she would have passed out…

“I think she is just in shock.” He told me, his voice sounded calm, so he evidently wasn’t as shaken by this as I was. Though this was not his younger sister. “But if she had come here to escape heartache and then found her fated mate it is a shock, I bet!” he chuckled lowly. “And you can’t say she didn’t look terrified as she rushed over.”

I nodded. He was definitely right about that. She looked petrified. But, of this was her fated mate, why would she be so scared? You are meant to be excited, aren’t you? Overcome with the need to be with them? So, running away from her fated mate seemed such a strange choice. But, Asher was likely not wrong. Morgan had come here to recover from a broken heart. Recover from all the heartache and stresses of the situation back at home, and now this has just happened? Could this be all too much too soon for her? I guess it could be… but who was this mate of hers? I imagine there would be so many pack members in there right now, it would be hard to guess…

Suddenly, the doors of the dining hall flung open and Marc


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came dashing out, looking panicked… scared… and, in all honesty, in some serious shock. His eyes were darting up and down the corridor as if in search of someone, before they locked upon mine. He smiled briefly, but not in the same cheerful and friendly way he usually had for me. He was more than a little distracted, it seemed, as his eyes continued to dart…

Not taking long for them to fall upon my sister in Asher’s arms, and his face tightened in anger, and it was then that I realized…

Marc ran down the corridor, a deep growl sneaking from his mouth, taking me by surprise, and causing Asher to twist his head to see where the noise had come from. “Is she okay?” Marc snarled, as he dropped to the floor alongside Asher.

I looked at him in shock. My mind was trying to process everything. Marc was my sister’s fated mate? The man Asher had warned me away from?! “You?” I muttered.

Both Asher and Marc looked up at me in surprise. Then Asher looked at Marc, a grin appearing upon his face. “No shit.”

Marc scowled. “Yes. And I would kind of like to know why she ran away. Why she is now passed out, and what the hell is going on!” he snarled once more.

“Let us go to my office. At least there you don’t have half the pack watching. Mindlink your Mum Marc, tell her Bailey may be late for work, explain her sister had passed out.” Asher told Marc, as he began to stand up.

Marc was already on his feet. “Let me take her.” He urged, leaning down to gently swoop Morgan from Asher’s arms. I was still standing, in shock at everything that had just happened. I


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could not believe that my sister had come here to visit me, to escape the hurt and upset she had been experiencing in our pack, only to find her fated mate here…

“Marc…” I whispered, as we began walking toward Asher’s office. “I know you are likely excited to find your fated mate, but please be careful… she is scared of being hurt.” I told him, and he turned to look at me, his eyes darkened.

“Someone has hurt her?” he growled, his voice an octave or two deeper this time, telling me his wolf was present, and far from happy with that thought…

“Let her explain. I am just asking you to be good to her, as her sister, please.” I looked at him, tears filling my eyes, desperate for my sister not to be hurt again.

Marc looked at me, and his face softened this time. “Hey, come on, I am not that bad of a guy, am I?” he nudged me gently with his elbow. “I will look after her.”

“He is a good guy, Bailey.” Asher’s hand softly touched my lower back, and I noticed Marc’s brow raise slightly at the action. The familiarity there likely threw him…

Asher unlocked his office door, just as there was a scream from Marc’s arms, I heard a thud, making me turn to look across at them, and saw Morgan jump up, slipping herself from his arms, as Marc reached up for his face.

“Ooph.” He mumbled. “That is a hell of a way to greet your fated mate, my love.” He chuckled.

Morgan spun to look at him, her eyes wide in shock. I could see her chest rising up and down rapidly, as she took in the scene in


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front of her. “Oh my god! I am so sorry!” she gasped, rushing toward him. “You scared me.”

Marc chuckled. “Am I that ugly?”

Morgan blushed, and Asher looked at me with a smile. “I am glad I wasn’t holding her now.” He whispered.

“Thanks Ash.” Marc glanced at us.

“Well, it will be a tale for your grandkids. When I met your Grandma she thought I was so ugly, she gave me a black eye!” Asher said with a laugh, making me laugh, and Marc simply stuck his middle finger up at Asher.

“I never said he was ugly.” Morgan muttered, and then her cheeks flushed as she realized what she was saying.

Marc chuckled. “Now that I am glad to hear.” He softly placed a kiss upon the top of Morgan’s head, and my heart softened for the two of them. My sister had found her fated mate! And, looking at the expression upon her face, she looked a little bit smitten…

hapter 128 – Marc

I had a slightly later start today for training, so I was loitering in the breakfast hall, kicking back with my third, or it could even have been my fourth coffee, and yet another pastry. The new chef was a whizz in the kitchen, and the pastries they made were beyond delicious… probably not the best for my waistline, but, it wasn’t like I wouldn’t be burning it off in a little while on the training field… or in the gym tonight. The joy of being a dedicated warrior. Not like I had much else to do.

Most of the other guys from my squad had left already, so was sitting on my own. I had thought I might catch a glimpse of Bailey, see how she was doing. She was always good for a catch-up. She was fun and easy to chat with. Easy on the eye too, to be fair, but I had a feeling Asher had a bit of a thing for her, not that I think he would ever admit that to me. No, he never would. And, after I had caught them together in the forest the other day, I was even more adamant he was with her, but when I tried to broach the subject with him, he got defensive and told me to mind my own business… or he said he wouldn’t betray Isla that way…

The thing was, I knew he had to be lonely. Seven long years without his mate had to be taking its toll. I wonder if he had feelings for Bailey that scared him, so he was battling an internal battle. Which was why I had stopped questioning him. If he was battling with himself, he did not need to be battling me asking questions too. The thing was, he had no reason to fear my feelings or my Mum’s for that matter. Yes, Isla was our family, but we loved Asher like family too, and we just wanted



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the grumpy old fool to be happy.

And when I saw him with Bailey, I could see something different in him. A spark that hadn’t been there for a long time. A potential for happiness. So, I just hoped he gave into those feelings. He deserved to be happy. He deserved another chance at love. At happiness. He shouldn’t be lonely forever, and I am certain that my sister would have thought the same thing.

So, while I made a point of being friends with Bailey, as I enjoyed her company, and my Mum had asked me to keep an eye out for her within the pack, I never tried it on with her. But, there had been no sight of her this morning either. So, I was sitting alone, nursing my coffee like a proper sad little loner, when suddenly my nose was filled with the most delectable scent.

Violet and vanilla… instantly my wolf was bouncing around within my mind, and he was normally well away in the land of nod until training began at this point of the day, but this scent had us both on the edge of our seat… my eyes darted to the door… that scent was not one that was usually within our pack… and I noticed a slim, beautiful young she-wolf walk through the double doors. Dressed in a cute little outfit. Very modern and fashionable, no doubt. Her long, dark hair slicked back into high ponytail, which only went to show off the beauty of her face. She had the most gorgeous brown eyes. Where the hell had she come from?!

And those eyes were framed with long, dark lashes, as they quickly darted around the room. Looking more than a little panicked. Had she scented us too? I went to stand up and make my way to her, desperate to speak with her… touch her… know her name… I had never been in a hurry to find my fated


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mate before. Always enjoying the company of women… yes, I had a reputation as a bit of a ladies’ man… I liked the ladies, and they seemed to like me… but, now? Now she is here, I don’t think anyone else would do…

I made my way across the dining hall, and I noticed the beauty suddenly flee, dashing out of the door as quickly as she could, and my heart dropped. Was this her wanting to get away from me? Reject me?! I felt sick at the thought. I was evidently older than her, by maybe five or six years, potentially even more… but I could still be a good mate, I was sure of that… My wolf whimpered now… the bouncing around was gone, and he was almost unbearably unsettled. The thought of his mate running away at the first chance of meeting us was not a good feeling… in all honesty, it filled me with dread…

I dashed through the door, my eyes darting around to see if I could see the beautiful vision of a woman I had just seen… but my eyes saw nothing… an empty corridor, until my eyes fell on Bailey, who I smiled politely at, before my eyes dropped to Asher on his knees by her side… until I saw her… my girl… MY GIRL in HIS arms…

My wolf growled possessively as we made our way down the corridor to them. I needed to be with her. She looked to be passed out. Out cold. What the hell had happened? Had someone hurt her? I would kill anyone for hurting my mate… I dropped to my knees to be by her side, desperate to check she was okay.

Bailey looked at me, like she was in complete shock. Had she realized what was going on? “You?” she muttered, and it was evident she was shaken by the whole situation, and she was not the only one! I had not woken today expecting this… I was


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beginning to lose hope of ever finding my mate…

Asher and I looked up at Bailey. I think a look of surprise on both our faces at her words. Then Asher suddenly turned to be, the most ridiculous grin upon his face. “No shit.” He was a d**k. He had forever teased me that I’d never have a fated mate. That, with my womanizing ways, I’d have worked my way through them all so that the moon goddess would have run out of options… I was never that bad, and Asher knew it, yet he still found it amusing all the same.

I scowled at him, not in the mood for his teasing right now. “Yes. And I would kind of like to know why she ran away. Why she is now passed out, and what the hell is going on!” I snarled once again, I needed answers, and I needed them now. Passing out when meeting your mate wasn’t normal was it?!

Asher began to attempt to stand up, and I could see he was struggling with the girl in his arms, as he spoke. “Let us go to my office. At least there you don’t have half the pack watching.

to work,

Mindlink your Mum Marc, tell her Bailey may be lat

explain her sister has passed out.”

I quickly stood myself up, desperate to take my mate from him. It was unsettling me already seeing her in the arms of another man. Although I knew Asher was no threat to her, as did my wolf, I still did not like him touching her. I needed her in my arms. I needed her near me. “Let me take her.” Lurged, leaning down to gently swoop my mate from Asher’s arms.

“Marc…” I could hear Bailey whispering, as we began walking toward Asher’s office. “I know you are likely excited to find your fated mate, but please be careful… she is scared of being hurt.” She told me, and I have to say I was a little confused by her

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words. Why would she be warning me of this? Why would my mate be scared of being hurt? Unless… And I found myself turning to look at her, my wolf lingering dangerously close to the surface…

n shock, looking oh so nervous, and I just wanted to envelop her with my arms in a big embrace and reassure her it was all going to be okay. I could see her chest rising up and down rapidly, as she took in the scene in front of her. “Oh my g**d! I am so sorry!” she gasped, rushing toward me. Her hands softly touched my face, and that tingling, almost electrifying sensation they described of the matebond was there… while her scent filled my senses. “You scared me.” She whispered.

I chuckled again, she was so d**n adorable. I don’t even care if she had just given me a black eye! I think I would happily wear that with pride for the next few days while my wolf heals it… “Am I that ugly?” I asked.

I could see her blushing, which made my heart melt at the sight. While I noticed Asher looked at Bailey with what looked suspiciously like an affectionate smile. “I am glad I wasn’t holding her now.” He whispered. Cheeky f**er. I’ll give him a black eye to match mine if he wants one…

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“Thanks Ash.”1 briefly glanced at them, but was desperate to keep my eyes on my new mate.

“Well, it will be a tale for your grandkids. When I met your Grandma she thought I was so ugly, she gave me a black eye!” Asher said with a laugh, making Bailey laugh. My new mate was fighting a smile, so I simply stuck my middle finger up at Asher.

“I never said he was ugly.” My boxing beauty muttered, and then her cheeks flushed as she realized what she was saying. Mmmm, that sounded like a compliment hidden there. Maybe there could be hope for me yet! I was happy with that…

I chuckled. “Now that I am glad to hear.” I softly placed a kiss upon the top of her head, while she suddenly looked up at me, her big brown eyes making my heart pound like a f***g dr**um… I am meant to be a big tough warrior, but this pretty little thing in front of me was already turning my insides into mush. G**i**t… this matebond was strong…

“Morgan, this is Marc. Marc, this is Morgan.” Asher said quickly, with a wink in my direction, and I nodded at him in thanks, not even realizing I hadn’t known her name. Morgan… she was even more stunning close up… no, I think she may be perfect.

“Hey Morgan.” I softly brushed a loose hair back from her face, and her sudden intake of breath told me the tingling from the matebond had taken her by surprise.

“Hey Marc.” She whispered, but the sound of my name on her lips was like music to my ears… and instantly my face was lit up with a big smile. I don’t think I would tire of hearing her say my name… or hearing her speak… hell, I just don’t think I would tire of her in general. I think I may be h**ked already!

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“Bailey, do you mind if I steal your sister away for the day? I think I would like to take my mate out on a date and spoil her?” I said, looking toward Bailey, and I could not wait to spend some time with the girl the moon goddess had made me wait so long for, because looking at her, I could already see she had been worth the wait…

Chapter 130 – Asher

Bailey’s sister, Morgan, was looking nervously at Marc, despite the fact she was looking at him somewhere between wanting to eat him, and like he was the best thing since the earth was created. And do not get me started on the huge smile that was spread across Marc’s face. He was smiling so hard his face looked like it could split in two… Ah, the joys of the matebond… I couldn’t help but smile though. Marc deserved this. He might be a pain in the a**, but he and I had always got along, and he had always been there for me since Isla died. Despite me being the brother-in-law from hell at times.

I know I taunted him for being a ladies’ man, but in truth, he was never all that bad. The ladies liked him, and he loved their attention. He rarely actually h**d up with them, he just enjoyed the attention they gave him. He loved to be adored basically. He was most definitely one of the most eligible bachelors of the pack since he had arrived, so the she-wolves here would be devastated to hear he was now taken. But, looking at the way he had responded to Morgan, I can only say I think he could be a good mate for her. I doubt Bailey had any reason to worry about her sister.

“Bailey, do you mind if I steal your sister away for the day? I think I would like to take my mate out on a date and spoil her?” Marc looked toward Bailey, his eyes lit up like a f**g Christmas tree. I think somebody was excited to have found his fated mate, and who could blame him? There was no better feeling. He would be on a natural high right about now, and he would want to learn all he could about her. Get to know her.

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Spend time alone with her. Just be with her. And, hopefully, she was feeling the same too. We’ll just pretend the running away from him at the start, and giving him a black eye didn’t happen, and everything else was looking pretty perfect for them right about now…

Bailey smiled at Marc. “Do I assume you are going to be a gentleman?” she said, but I could see from the expression upon her face she was teasing, and I held back a snort of laughter. He had just found his fated mate, he was going to do well to keep his hands to himself I think, so being a gentleman was going to be a stretch…

Morgan glared at her sister, as her cheeks flushed. I think Bailey knew what she was doing. Likely getting her own back for when Morgan was trying to embarrass her when we had met on the stairs, I do believe…

“Yes, I think you can steal me away.” Morgan suddenly spoke up, gripping Marc’s hand within hers, and once more his eyes lit up, this time with sheer excitement, as Morgan pulled him toward the doorway. Marc must have thought his birthdays and Christmas had all come at once right now! “Don’t be waiting up.” Morgan grinned at Bailey as she rushed through the door, sticking her tongue out as she went. Going off how she acted, her and Marc would get along like a house on fire.

The door swung shut behind them, suddenly leaving Bailey and me alone, Bailey staring after her sister in sheer shock. “I can’t believe her!” she exclaimed.

“Aww, she is happy, though.” I reminded her. And right now, all I can think is that Marc was even more a truly amazing brother-in- law of mine than I had ever realized, for finally finding me a way

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to be alone in my office with Bailey! I had been thinking of her and considering ways to get her alone, while her sister was here, and had been coming up with a blank, yet here we were…

“She did look happy didn’t she?” Bailey questioned, and I quickly moved toward her, slipping my hand around her waist, pulling her close to me, desperate to distract her. Her beautiful big brown eyes looked up at me in shock.

“Oh! Hello.” She whispered as I moved my face a little closer to hers. She was suddenly smiling, her eyes twinkling…

“Oh, so you remembered I existed then?” I muttered against her ear, as I allowed my hands to begin to follow the curves of her body.

“I think you will find you are a little difficult to forget, Asher.” She gripped her hand into my hair.

I sure hoped I was. She had not left my mind since she had arrived in our pack! Constantly taking over my thoughts without me even trying… My heart was already pounding, and my body was responding to her touch, as I brought my lips to hers. The softness of her lips on mine and the taste of her strawberry lip gloss, made me want to kiss her even more… even longer. It felt like a lifetime since we had kissed, and I don’t think I wanted to stop…

“Come back to my room?” I murmured against her lips, and she quickly moved back, before resting her head on mine. I could feel her heart racing as much as mine. I was glad to know I could have this effect upon her. I could not wait to see what effect I could truly have on her when I was able to get my hands on her…

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“I am meant to be at work.” She told me, as her fingertips traced nervously along the buttons of my shirt.

“Marc told his Mum you would be late.” I reminded her.

“Might be a bit odd when she discovers Marc was with the sister I was meant to be caring for.” She pointed out, and I chuckled.

“Then I will tell her that I needed caring for.” I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively. I would definitely say there was a thing or two that this beautiful girl could take care of for me…

“Asher!” Bailey gasped. It was almost like she had read my mind, god d**t. I found myself grinning. I think I would happily share those thoughts with her.

“Mmmm.” I pulled her close, my lips finding hers in a deep and intense kiss, my tongue teasing at hers as she moaned, sounding breathless. I paused momentarily, pulling back to look at her. “You know you love it.”

She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a shaky breath before looking at me. “The bad thing is, I think I do.” She chewed her lower lip, anxiously, but it was her words that had me h**ed…

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.