Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 141-150

Chapter 141 – Asher

The sound of Bailey sobbing broke my heart. I had stood there, resting my head upon the door for a moment, hoping she would open the door for me. I wanted to go and hold her. Reassure her. But the door never opened, and it was breaking Zion’s heart too, so I had to walk away. Listening to her was hard enough without my wolf’s whimpering on top. That night, I had spent back in my office like so many nights previously. Back to my former routine. Knowing that I couldn’t go to her because it seemed she needed her space.

Hours of paperwork. Doing the work I had skipped in order to spend time with her earlier in the day… such a perfect day, yet it had ended so horrifically. We seemed terrible at

communicating. Maybe it was our lack of experience at all this? Or just that we were both so stubborn? I truly didn’t know, but I know this much, knowing she was upset because of me made me feel horrendous. Like total shit…

I never wanted her to be sad and hurting again. I was aware of that much, and I needed to find a way to fix things. She had made such a change to my life, and I wanted to do the same for her, if she would let me, of course. I awoke at my desk, like I had done many mornings before, in the worst of moods, feeling broken, and I planned to go and see Bailey, but as I moved from my office, I walked straight into Caleb. He looked at me confused.

“Morning Ash.” He greeted me, watching me through suspicious eyes. “Everything okay?”




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“Hmm.” I barely grunted at him. Okay would be a stretch after sleeping hunched over my desk!

“Why do you look like you are half dead? Tell me you did not fall asleep in your office again? What have I told you about sleeping in there?” his eyes were focused heavily on me, looking far from impressed. But I had no intention of explaining myself to him. I couldn’t explain this mess to him even if I wanted to, because it would mean betraying Bailey’s trust in not saying anything about the situation in her pack.

“I lost track of time.” I lied instead. “I am going for a shower.”

He raised his brows at me, as if he was doubting my words. “Maybe you should take the rest of the day off, Ash. You look like you could do with a rest.”

I looked at him in horror. I do not like the thought of spending the day alone. Not with all this on my mind. My thoughts would take over me, and end up eating away at my mind. It would become too much, I just knew it. That was simply not an option. “I think I will be fine after a shower and a few coffees.” I told him, moving away from him. Fighting the emotions threatening to spill out. I needed to go and find Bailey. I needed to try and fix this mess between us. I don’t think I would settle until I had.

But Caleb was soon on my heels. “Ash, are you sure you are okay? Something seems off.”

“Lack of sleep.” I smiled at him, trying hard to compose myself. “You going to let me go get a shower, or you planning to come and join me?” I said sarcastically, and he shook his head with a grin.

“I know you might be lonely bro, but I am definitely not down for




that!” he slapped me playfully on the back. “So, I shall leave you to it, to let you get your shower. But, if you need to chill out

today, you know you can.”

I nodded in agreement, despite knowing there was no chance in hell I would be taking the day off, not unless Bailey would somehow give me a chance to speak with her, and let me spend some time with her. I quickly made my way to the stairs,

planning on going straight to Bailey’s room, only to see Morgan coming out of the door.

“Is she okay?” I asked, rushing up the stairs, hoping to be able to see her.

The awkward expression on Morgan’s face told me all I needed to know. I had a sinking feeling Bailey had told her sister everything. “Erm, I think she will be.she almost whispered.

“Do you think she will see me?” I tried, and Morgan looked down.

“I don’t know, Asher. We are getting ready to go back to our pack. But, please don’t give up on her, yeah? Our family are weird and ask a lot of us. She is just trying to please Dad, not disappoint him or make the family look bad, okay? Bailey is different to most people. She tries too hard sometimes to please everyone. Doesn’t want to disappoint them. And the expectations of us as the Beta’s daughters were too much for her sometimes.” Morgan softly placed her hand upon my arm. “It doesn’t mean she doesn’t want you, or that she doesn’t want to be here.”

1 frowned. “I don’t think I said that it did. I just want to be there for her. I just wish that wasn’t seen as a bad thing.”



The color quickly took over Morgan’s cheeks. “Oh. Well, I wondered if that was what you were worried about. But, I know she likes you. I can see it in the way she is with you. The way she looks at you. Not to mention the way she speaks about you. And I know for a fact that you want to be there for her will mean the world to her. So, just let her deal with this wedding shit, and be waiting for her. Yeah?”

I sighed. Was this all I was going to get? Partial explanations, and avoidance of the truth? I wanted to be there for her. But, I couldn’t force her. If this is what she wanted, then she could have her space. “Fine. Whatever she wants.” I said with a shrug, storming away from Morgan and the rooms. Anger filled every pore of my body.

Fuck this, I didn’t want a shower now, I needed to let Zion out. Let him shift and run to the point of causing pain… take his and my anger out as darkness passed through me. A darkness I hadn’t experienced since Bailey had etched her place on my heart…

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Chapter 142 – Bailey

The excitement in the car from Morgan was palpable, as we set off toward the Lotus Shadow Pack. I think she was excited at the prospect of introducing everyone to her fated mate, but with her this giddy, and the dread filling my stomach… not to mention the fact Asher was constantly at the back of my mind, it could be one hell of a long drive! Marc had offered to drive us in his pick-up truck, so Morgan and I had packed our things up and rushed out to meet him in the parking spaces outside the packhouse.

He was standing waiting, leaning against his car with the biggest smile upon his face the moment his eyes had settled upon Morgan. And it had taken him no time at all to load his truck up with our bags. As we were getting into the truck, movement near the doors of the packhouse had caught my eyes and Morgan had very, non-discreetly, cleared her throat. too, and when I looked up, it was Asher. Looking to be returning in nothing but a pair of trousers. I could only assume he had been on a run. No shirt… his toned chest on display… looking perfect… like it had done only yesterday. That muscly chest, dappled with dark hair… the chest I had only yesterday rested my head on in sheer bliss…

My heart rate increased at the sight of him, And, I was about to rush to him to say goodbye, when his dark gaze fell upon us, he gave me a swift nod, before he moved inside the packhouse. My heart fell at his actions. Had the fact I was choosing to follow the orders of my father and Alpha irritated him that


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us away from the packhouse, knowing we needed to get on the road anyway. But now, my mind was whirling with doubts of Asher even harder than it had been before…

“It is only two days, Bai, then you can fix erything.” Morgan says suddenly, taking me by surprise. I glared at her. I didn’t know that Marc was aware of everything between Asher and I.

Marc’s gaze flicked back at me from the rear-view mirror, and he chuckled. “What you looking at your sister like that for? For implying there was something between you and Ash? I’ve known him a long time now, Bailey. I knew something or someone had got under his skin soon after you had arrived. Then, when I saw how he reacted that time I helped you when you were lost, I knew he was confused about you. Things evolved from there, as you well know. I just think Ash has battled his own emotions. Scared to admit how he feels, scared he is betraying his own past.”

I released a deep breath at Marc’s words, and felt so bad for Asher. I think deep down I knew all of that. But hearing it from somebody else who knew Asher well, made it seem more real. But, knowing he had liked me from then seemed crazy! He acted like I was a pain in his a*

“I think things may be a mess.” I muttered.

“Because he has a grumpy as** on him because you had to come to the wedding of your former fated mate?” Marc questioned and I nodded.

But, realizing he wasn’t looking because he was focused on driving, I whispered. “Yes. But, it isn’t what I want to do. Our Dad expects us to do what is asked of him. Keep his reputation




Marc nodded. “I understand. My Dad was similar. High

expectations. Could be a pain in the a** sometimes. But, there does come a point, Bai, where you have to consider what you want. I am guessing that is why you haven’t denounced your old pack and officially joined ours?”

Morgan looked at me with curiosity, and I shrugged. “I think I always hoped I could when I found a job. Get a ay from Miles and his control for good. But when the time came, I knew it would be frowned upon. I was scared I would be letting my Dad down. Worried it could affect his role as Beta. Our pack doesn’t really accept people denouncing themselves. Reasons for leaving a pack are for a mate, or being kicked out. Though my Dad did allow me to come here to work, which had made me hope, with a little time, he would consider me formally becoming a pack member there. But, I didn’t want to disappoint him or have people questioning his choice either.”

Marc shook his head. “I get it. But, your Dad is a grown man, he needs to let his girls go too. Your pack does work a little differently, of that there is no doubt. But, if you can get your Dad to listen, then consider it Bai. Because you being happy is more important than destroying yourself trying to please other people. Especially when at times there is no pleasing those others.”

I smiled sadly. He was probably right. There sure felt no way of pleasing them of late! I shrugged. “It is what it is.”

“I think we need Asher here to take you over his knee!” Marc said with a wink, and I rolled my eyes.

Morgan giggled. “Marc is right, try speaking to Dad. Maybe with me there he would consider it now? And, as for Beta Asher, I am


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sure you guys can fix everything, Bai. He seems like a good guy. Even if he seems to forget how to smile sometimes.”

Marc laughed loudly. “Oh, darling, you are the cutest.” He grinned at my sister. “Asher can be a grumpy cker sometimes, but he is a big softy inside all of that. Most certainly a good guy. And I definitely think you have got him h**ed, Bailey. Call him when we arrive. Yeah? Sort things.”

‘Oh don’t they make you sick?’ Akira grumbled grumpily in my mind. She had not been in the best frame of mind since the mess with Asher had escalated, and barely bothered emerging, so her communicating now took me by surprise, but I still chose to ignore her dig at the loved-up couple that was my sister and her new mate.

I looked at him through the mirror in shock. “Did you not see the way he looked at us just then?”

“Looking at those eyes, he hasn’t slept. Or if he did, it was in his office.” Marc said with a shrug. “And looking at the clothes, he had been out for a run, taking his anger out on some prey, so he d need a shower. I wouldn’t take it personally. Just how Asher can be when feeling low.”

My heart tightened in pain now. I had caused him to fall back into his old habits. He had stopped the late night working in his office, and had been spending his evenings with me. Even going to bed early. He had told me that. But, after the

miscommunication between us, and the debacle that followed, it seemed things were returning to how they had been. That was the last thing I wanted for him.

Maybe I could give him a call when we arrive. But I knew right now I didn’t want to talk about this anymore. “Was your Mum



excited to hear you found your fated mate?” I asked him, and his face broke into a big smile.

Morgan was grinning too. “I think she was ready to throw a party when Marc walked into the house with

I laughed. “Aww, that is nice.”

“And I cannot wait for everybody in the pack to see the handsome warrior on my arm when we arrive, the one I get to call my mate!” Morgan exclaimed excitedly, making Marc chuckle.

Well, at least one of us was looking forward to our visit….

Chapter 143 – Kaia

My friends and I had been dancing all night, and the rush of being out with them again felt amazing! I was sure going to miss them, of that there was no doubt. But, then, seeing their faces when I showed them around the pack that would soon be my official home, was a picture! They were envious, that had been obvious, and I couldn’t lie, that had given me more than a little kick… Gasps of “wow” and “you’re so lucky” were repeated. And, as irritating as Miles may be, being Luna in this pack was definitely a bonus…

I was going from being one of many children of an Alpha, that many children that it was easy to forget, in fact… to being an all- important Luna… a she-wolf that the upcoming Alpha was desperate to be with too, so he was proving easy to manipulate. All good fun. Tomorrow was the day we would become husband and wife, and he would officially make me his chosen mate. A day I couldn’t say I was looking forward to, despite the fact so many people were here to celebrate with us.

Everything would change then. I knew that, but it would mean I was closer to my goal of becoming more important. I would be viewed differently. Treated differently. And, I was more than ready for that!

“Oh, Kaia, this has been so fun!” Rosie grinned at me with glee. “I am so glad you suggested it!”

I smiled back, adjusting my dress. “I told you it would be. When do I ever let you down? We had to celebrate my last night as a single woman in style. Champagne, cocktails, karaoke and lots


and lots of dancing! Our perfect fight!”

“I can’t believe you are getting married tomorrow!” Cara slurred, evidently she had been drinking a little more than she was able to manage.

I rolled my eyes at her. She was such a lightweight! “I know. Who would have thought it, little old me, Kala Carter, married?! Married to a f****g Alpha too! Get in, me: chuckled.

“Jacob will be eating his words!” Cara slurred once more, and the eyes of my friends all widened at the mention of my ex. His name had been avoided in our conversations unless I brought him up. He was apparently still living it up with his new woman, and all loved up too. Well, I was moving on too, I could not let it bother me…

“Too right he will!” I said with a smirk. “And wait until he sees how beautiful I will look as I chose another man over him!” Loving the fact he was expected to come to watch me wed. He was close to one of my brothers and had been invited through that link, I believe. But I have to say I smiled when I realized it. Even more so, when I had seen he had accepted the invite. He would be made to witness me moving on. Witness me marrying another man. Hopefully, he would be regretting his choice. Because I knew I looked good in my wedding dress!

“So, come on, gossip, is this new guy as good in bed as Jacob?” Rosie asked with a giggle, and I looked at her in shock. We had often discussed our boyfriends and their abilities, but I did not expect this now…

“I wouldn’t know, I have been making him wait.” I told her, and she looked at me in shock now.


Chapter 143-Kaia

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“Seriously?!” she exclaimed. “This one will be your husband! And you didn’t want to test him out first? He could be broken for all you know!”

My group of friends began to laugh, as we continued to drink the c**ls that we were now sitting with. I have to say, that was one way of looking at it. I, however have seen it a different


“I decided to make him wait. Treat them mean, keep them keen. It has kept him eager to please. Giving him little bits here and there. So he is so desperate that when the wedding night comes he can’t wait! He will give me the show of my life!” I explained my logic, and I noticed a few of my friends nodding in agreement, but Cara sat with her mouth opened in disgust.

“Or your plan fails miserably, because he has been waiting that long, he pops the cork too quickly.” She motions to her c**h with her hands with a wink and instantly me and my friends are laughing again. “And wedding night ruined.” Cara added with a shrug.

“Aww, you girls are the best. Seeing you has really brightened my day!” I told them all with a smile, as I felt my phone buzzing in my bag. I quickly pulled it out to see who might be messaging.

Hey beautiful,

Hope you are having a fun night with your friends. Have a drink for me. I can’t wait to make you mine tomorrow. Just know everything will be perfect. Looking forward to seeing you in that dress. Know you will look like a goddess.




Maybe it is the drinks, but his message makes me smile. N he wasn’t as bad as I first thought. Yes, he had a temper did seem to care for me. He had picked me over all the she-wolves in the country. Did that not say something? He wanted me, right? Would do anything for me veah? Cara’s words were echoing heavily in my mind, and is sweetness made me think it was perhaps time to reward him. So I was just about to message him to see if he would be free to meet me perhaps have a sneak preview of what our wedding night could be like, when another message came through…


Jacob, in case you were wondering, seeing you as we havent spoken in a while, and I don’t know if you have deleted me or not. Know you are so determined to move on. Well, I am here For your wedding. I can’t quite believe you are getting married don’t think I ever expected you to go through with a

Can we meet up? Are you free tonight? I wouldn’t mind dearing the air before you rush off to start a new life with the Alpha of yours…


My heart raced at the message in front of me. I looked at my friends. “I may need to rush off, sorry.” I explained. The rest of


Chapter 143-Kasa

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the drinks are on me though.” I told them, with a smile, already on my way to the door, not wanting to waste a moment longer in returning to the pack. I had things I wanted to do.

The question was, who did I go to? My past or my future?

Chapter 144 – Bailey

We were sitting in the lounge of our family home back in pack after a long drive, and had been there for the past number of hours since we arrived. My Mum was almost as giddy as my sister at the fact Marc was here with us. Both my parents had been shocked, to say the least, when they discovered Morgan had found her fated mate, as she had failed to inform them of that, wanting to see their faces as we arrived. And, well, she had been right, their faces had been a picture, that was for sure! But, at the same time, they were both incredibly happy for her after the whole mess that had gone on with Miles.

Marc had passed my Dad’s near interrogation, bless him. And all with a smile upon his face. He obviously had expected it, and no doubt it would be repeated when he met Jordan tomorrow. But, that was just my family trying to protect the youngest daughter. Not that they had anything to worry about, Marc would not harm her, and he would protect her with his life.

“So, you will be returning back to his pack with your mate?” My Mum looked at Morgan with a sad expression. She and Morgan had always been close, and I think in truth she would have liked Morgan to be mated with someone in our pack so she could have been kept close. That way it wouldn’t have felt like such a loss when she moved to live with her mate,

“Yeah, I will pack my things up while I am here and take them. back with us.” Morgan told her, a big smile on her face, evidently missing the struggle it was causing Mum.

“Do you even have a house out there yet?” Mum suddenly



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demanded, taking even me by surprise. Was she actually

looking for reasons Morgan shouldn’t be going with her mate?! | imagine if it was me she would have been packing my things for me and pushing me out of the door!

Marc looked to Mum with a soft smile. “We didn’t when we left. I shared a place with some other warriors, but I have spoken to the Alpha, he will be sorting one for us, so by the time we return one will have been allocated for us. I would never have expected Morgan to live in a house full of warriors. We will have a lovely little home to call our own. Do not worry, I will ensure Morgan has everything she needs.” He tried his best to reassure her.

Mum nodded, her face dropping slightly as she realized her last reason for trying to keep Morgan home a little while longer was gone. “Mum, Marc is a good guy.” I told her. “Morgan will be fine with him. I know they have only just met, but in that time I have seen how happy they have made each other. And Marc comes highly recommended from the Beta of Autumn Valley Pack.”

Dad looked at me in surprise. “You actually bother talking to him? He is such a grumpy fool. Didn’t think he would be capable of holding a decent conversation.”

I heard Marc chuckling, while I smiled. “He isn’t all that bad, really, once you get to know him. Maybe you just caught him on a bad day?”

Dad looked at me like I had lost my mind. “What, every time I have had to deal with him? Hmm, I doubt that. I know a grumpy f**r when I see one.”

Marc was grinning now. “He can be a little cranky at times. But, overall, he isn’t a bad guy.” He said. “I was surprised actually



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they didn’t get invited to the wedding.”

H***d at Marc in shock for questioning the choices of our Alpha, and looking at the expression on my Dad’s face, he was a little surprised too. It was normal procedure for senior members of a pack to be invited to weddings or events of other senior pack members of other packs. So, it would not have been unusual for the upcoming Alpha here to invite Alphas and Betas of other packs to their wedding, but I had heard nothing of an invitation when I had spoken to Asher or to Eden for that matter, and we spoke each day through message.

“They kept it to the two packs, I believe.” My Dad explained. “Not wanting to make too much of a fuss. Though going off how much Marshall complained, the bride-to-be would have easily had the equivalent of a royal wedding!” he rolled his eyes in disgust, making me smile. Sounded to me like Miles had picked himself a mate who was as high maintenance as he was. Not that it surprised me in the slightest. But, it was their special day. Of course, she wanted it to be as big and special as it possibly could be.

“Well, so long as they have fun!” I said with a smile, not caring in the slightest. I just wanted to get this wedding out of the way and return to pack. Back to work, and more importantly, back to Asher.

“I can only imagine it won’t be fun for you to see your former fated mate being married?” my Mum asked, and I looked at her in disgust. Where had that question come from? Was this because I had defended Mark? And did she truly think I could care less that Miles was marrying? I was simply here because I had been ordered to be. I had accepted his rejection all those years ago. There was technically no connection between us


Chapter 144 Bailey

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other than the fact he seemed to struggle to let me go, and the history we shared.

“Why would I find it difficult?” I asked her, irritation was lingering in the tone of my voice and I could feel Morgan’s hand on mine, I assume, in a sign of reassurance. “I never wanted him, and I can assure you I never would. The fact he is getting married may mean I am finally free. Free to enjoy my new job and my life.”

I saw my Mum looking down guiltily. While my Dad cleared his throat. “Ah about that, Bailey. There are rumors about a position within the pack junior school coming up. So, you may be returning sooner than we thought.” And my heart fell s at his words, as I saw Morgan and Marc looking at me with concern. They wanted me home?

Chapter 145- Morgan

The excitement I felt at bringing my fated mate back to my home pack was unexplainable. He was the one meant for me, and I got to introduce him to everyone that had been in my life forever. And then, we got to return back to our new home! I truly could not wait… this was the path that fate had intended for me, and I have to say, she had done well!

But, seeing Bailey’s face last night at the news from my Dad of a rumor about a position for her here, told me she was heartbroken. From what I understood, the agreement had been for her to work at the school she was at until a position here became available. I could only imagine Baley hoped that day would not come for a long time. Yet, it was here already…

She loved her job at the school in Marc’s pack. I could see that, and Marc had told, as had his Mum, how wonderful she was at teaching. And, no matter how the pair of them may deny it, there was something between her and Asher. I think leaving him would hurt her more than leaving her job, in all honesty. And, when Marc and I had discussed it when we had gone to my room, he had agreed he felt it would destroy Asher.

I never realized the things that poor guy had gone through. No wonder he looked so down all the time. I think I would if I had faced the things he had. He deserved a chance at happiness, and listening to Marc, I think he had hoped that Bailey could be just that. But, if she was to be brought back here, then it would be unlikely. We would have to try hard to fix things for them…

I had loved snuggling up with Marc for a second night. It was



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the most perfect place to be. And it felt so natural. As well as bringing some of the best sleep I think I have ever had! His body fitted around mine perfectly. I felt so happy and content, in a way I never had before. I felt whole. My wolf was purring like a cat! And as I rolled over to see his beautiful eyes looking down at me sleepily, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Good morning handsome.” I whispered. “Ready for the shit show today is bound to be?”

He chuckled. “I am ready for anything with you next to me, beautiful.” He lowered his lips to my forehead. “The question is, do you think Bailey is ready for it?”

I looked up at him in confusion. She had been adamant she didn’t care about the wedding. If anything, you would think Marc would be concerned about me, considering the relationship Miles and I have had, and the feelings I have built for him over the years. Something we had talked about, and he was amazingly understanding about. Though, I have to say, having met Marc, I feel amazingly numb to the fact Miles is getting married. Like it is truly unimportant to my life or my future. I have the most perfect man by my side, and he has already shown me how well we are matched. So why would Miles matter?

Marc smiled, stroking my hair back from my face. “I know she said she couldn’t care that he was marrying this new woman, and I don’t doubt her for a moment, Morgan. But, he has been a bastard to her, going off all the things you told me. There is nothing to say he won’t attempt to make today difficult for her. This is another way for him to gain his Alpha title too, isn’t it? A show of his power. Reminding Bailey who is in charge. She is likely dreading things. So, as much as I want to enjoy our time,


Chapter 145–Morgan

let’s make sure we keep an eye on her too. Asher would not forgive me if I didn’t. She should stay with us if she can.”

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I find myself smiling at his words. I have to have found myself the sweetest and most caring mate. Everything he said I hadn’t even considered. I was so focused on showing off my mate, and while I was a little, disappointed Marc wasn’t looking at this as an opportunity to do exactly that, I understood he was also trying to be a good friend to Asher, as well as being a good brother–in–law.

I nodded. “That sounds like a good idea. I wish she would have brought Asher with her, shown them all she was moving on. He offered, you know?

Marc nodded. “That doesn’t surprise me. The thought of her coming here alone likely drove him mad. Especially if she has opened up to him about the things you told me, or more. He would desperately want to protect her. But, if this guy is as crazy as you say, then surely he would see Bailey bringing another guy here as an attempt to rile him. She is likely planning to come, be as undetectable as possible and escape. So if we can, we should help her with that. Get her home to Asher. Then somehow try to help fix things between them.”

I smiled. He seemed good at understanding things. “I think that is going to be down to them.” I reached up and stroked his face. “But, I think they will be fine with a push in the right direction.

“Well, I suppose we should go and get showered and ready for this wedding.” Marc kissed my hand where it laid upon his cheek. “As much as I would prefer to stay in bed with you.”

I nodded. “Mmmm, staying in bed would be so much better.” I smiled up at him sweetly. “But, I will go and help Bailey with her


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hair and make–up, I think, while you shower. We can chat then too. See how she is feeling. Try to be a good sister.” I suggested, and Marc smiled with a nod.

Time for the two of us, me and my sister, to go out there looking like the gorgeous girls we were and show Miles fucking Davenport he isn’t all that, and that we couldn’t give a damn about him. That both of us were doing perfectly well without him, and had never needed him in our lives. This new woman in his life would need all the luck in the world to put up with his psycho ass!

Chapter 146 Miles Chapter 146 – Miles

Well, the day was here, and oddly, I was filled with nerves! Nervous about the fact that my future wife and mate may have changed her mind. She had never responded to my message the previous night while she was out with her friends, when, in the past, as snappy as she could be, she would always ensure she responded to my messages. But, I had tried to reassure myself that she was likely having such a good time with her friends that replying to me had slipped her mind. I could understand that.

As I walked toward the transformed training field I was taken aback by the way my pack had come together to transform the area so beautifully for my wedding. They had evidently worked so hard to make it look so good. It was now a delicately decorated wedding venue. Rows of chairs lined the field, creating an aisle, leading to a flower-laden wooden gazebo where Kaia and I would meet and say our vows. The chairs were all adorned with a delicate silver ribbon, and delicate, beautiful flowers. Music was already playing from the speakers dotted along the field, adding to the atmosphere. I could not believe this was all for me. When this was done, I will be married! Kaia would be my wife!

As I moved toward the gazebo, Jordan made his way to meet me. “Good morning dude.” He said with a grin. “Feeling nervous?”

Was I that obvious? I sure hoped not! I rolled my eyes, in an attempt to dismiss him. He did not need to know that I was. “Why would I be?”



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He chuckled. “Hmm. Sure. Looking smart though.” he looked me up and down. Though why he had to, I don’t know. We had been for suit fittings together, him, Ellis, and our Dads in preparation for the wedding. So it wasn’t like he didn’t know what I would look like. A deep charcoal gray three-piece suit, with a white shirt and black tie. I think it was the smartest I have dressed, and I have to say I felt extremely uncomfortable! I could only hope Kaia appreciated it. But in truth, I could not wait to take it all off!

“You don’t look too bad yourself.” I added with a half smile, noticing the seats were already beginning to fill up. Many with faces I did not recognize, that I could only assume were people Kaia and her family had selected from her pack to be eligible for an invitation.

We made our way to the end of the aisle where Ellis was waiting for us, with a big smile for us. “Aww, don’t you guys make a beautiful couple?”

I scowled at him for his attempt at a joke. I was not in the mood right now. My mind was so on edge at the prospect of Kaia deciding all this was not for her after all. Showing me up in front of all these people. I would never live it down. Not to mention, I did not want to have a laugh with my brother. He and I had avoided each other as much as possible since his return from Alpha training, unless absolutely necessary. But today was a day for the pack looking united, so we had to act close. Pretend we got along. Put on an act for all these guests, and even our own pack members. So nobody doubted there were any issues within the pack.


But Jordan grinned, I knew he and Ellis had been hanging out a lot more of late, especially with the fact they had both found


Chapter 146-Miles

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their mates. And both of their mates were now pregnant. It had seemed the natural thing for them to do. Their new mates became good friends, naturally, when they had both arrived in a strange and new pack around the same time. But, it meant that Jordan seemed to find little time for me now. Although, a part of me did wonder if that was more to do with the fact he had discovered some of the things that had happened between me and his sisters…

I moved forward slightly, leaving the two of them chatting, so I was standing close to where I could have a good view of the field. I could view all the guests arriving, and see the moment my beautiful bride arrived. I could not wait to see her. She had described her dress to me, and I knew she would look stunning. She always did… but as my eyes glanced up at the many guests arriving I noticed something else.

Two very familiar faces. And at the sight of them my heart rate picked up. Morgan and Bailey West. Morgan looked beautiful as always. She had always taken care of her appearance and had done so since her teens. But Bailey… well… she looked different. Not her usual self. In truth, she was never ugly, but she never made the most of what she had. Yes, when she came back from university her image had changed a little, like she was trying too hard. Straightening her curls, her glasses gone, and

experimenting with various fashion styles. But today, she looked stunning. Classy even. In a simple, form-fitting maroon dress with a scooped neck, with a hem line finishing just above her knees. Showing off her long legs. And she had heeled shoes and a bag in a matching color.

Her hair was in its natural curls, but not in the untamed way she had so often worn them in high school. This was tamed, and managed. Luscious locks of deep brown curls hanging down


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her back. And her make-up was smoky-eyed, with lipstick to match the tone of her dress. Her face lit up as she laughed at something her sister said, and she looked beautiful. Relaxed


I could barely take my eyes from her. As she walked through the group of pack members, occasionally smiling or chatting to others, she walked with an air of confidence she didn’t have before. This was not the same Bailey that had left my pack. The shy, timid, scared, unassuming girl. Now, this was a confident and self-assured, stunning young woman. I felt my mouth go dry.

I noticed them coming a little closer, waving in our direction, as I saw them approaching. Were they coming to see me?! My heart pounding harder at the thought, wondering what they would want with me. Were they going to confront me together now?!

But, they veered off slightly and Jordan wrapped Bailey in a hug. “Hey Bai!” he greeted her. “You scrub up quite well, don’t you. He teased lightly.

Hell, that was an understatement. I quickly made my way over to them, desperate to be closer, get a better look at this transformation. Yet, not one person glanced in my direction. My anger was bubbling…

She chuckled. “Aww, thanks. I would say you don’t look too bad either, but I fear it would make you even more big-headed. Where is Gia?”

I rolled my eyes, while holding back a smirk at her little dig at her brother. F**g Gia. The perfect mate. The way Jordan talks of her, you’d think the sun shone from her a**..

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“She is sitting down with Mum.” He explained. “Baby tiring her out.”

“Aww, my friend was like that.” Bailey explained, and I instantly wondered who she was talking about. Did she even have friends? 1 was sure the persistent bullying over the years we had forced her to endure had ensured not many people remained friends with her…

Jordan suddenly turned his attention to Morgan. “And you, finding your fated mate! Growing up, aren’t you Morgan? Be you with a baby in your belly soon enough, eh?” he teased. And it was only then that I noticed a tall, toned guy stood next to Morgan. I had been so distracted by Bailey I hadn’t even paid attention to him. So, Morgan had found her fated mate, had she? Ah well. No great loss. She was only ever a space filler. A way to gain information on Bailey. Least I didn’t have to worry about her getting on my case demanding attention now.

I heard Morgan giggle. “Who knows?” I watched her look up at the man by her side, who looked down at her with a look of affection. Yeah, good for her. Did she think I would care?

I allowed my eyes to fall back to Bailey, who was smiling warmly at her sister and her new mate. She was obviously very happy for them. But, then, she had always been too soft. A fucking romantic. Expecting true love to shine through. Well, I would have thought the mess that happened with us would have brought an end to that. Her big brown eyes momentarily met mine, and I smiled.

“Maybe we should go and find our seats?” she suddenly spoke, and I was shocked by the confidence in her tone. Yes, she looked uncomfortable near me, but she did not seem to fear me

Chapter 146-1ões

the same… but looking at her now, would I want her to?

Chapter 147 – Miles

After what felt like an eternity of chatting to people I didn’t want to speak to, and plastering a fake smile upon my face, the wedding was close to starting, everyone was in their seats, and myself and Jordan stood at the front of the seats, next to the Gazebo, now waiting for the arrival of my soon-to-be wife. I could not help but fear she may have changed her mind… I had heard nothing from her since yesterday before she left for her night out with her friends… surely she would not do that to me? Humiliate me so greatly? Not in front of all these people?

“You could try looking happy?” Jordan suggested from beside me with a grin.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Just a lot of attention and fuss, everyone is looking at us.” I muttered under my breath.

Jordan laughed. “Oh please, you normally love all the attention being on you. And you definitely love it when everyone is looking at you. Is it because you are scared they are looking at you, and she might not turn up?” he teased, earning him a dark scowl from me. He evidently thought he was funny, but today I was definitely not in the mood for his attempts at humor. Nor did he need to know I was f***k**g terrified right now that Kaia had seen sense, and realized she could likely do so much better than me, and she had run for the hills… In truth, I don’t even think I would blame her if she had. I knew she deserved more

than me…

So, instead of giving my friend an answer, I chose to ignore him, allowing my dark scowl to do the talking, while letting my eyes





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slowly drift across the crowds of people that were here to watch me wed my new mate. And instantly I found myself looking at Bailey. It was like my eyes were drawn to her, and once on her, they did not want to leave her… it was hard to explain… I still could not get over how different she looked. How a little bit of a makeover and a little self-confidence could change somebody’s appearance so much! She was like a whole different person! Had I been hasty in dismissing my fated mate? I couldn’t help but ponder, especially as the fear of my bride-to-be not turning


‘You didn’t think it would be nice to say hey?’ I mindlinked Bailey, unable to help myself, curious what her reaction would be.

Her eyes suddenly met mine, and I was surprised to see some fire and attitude within them. Yes, it seemed the girl had changed in the short time she had been away. ‘Why would I say hey, we do not get along, Miles.’ She stated coldly.

I raised my brows at her response. Wow. The girl is going for the jugular today… ‘Come on Bai’ I used the nickname I don’t think I have used much since we were kids. ‘I am getting married today, can we not let things go now?’ I suggested.

‘Oh, so suddenly you expect me to forget everything you did to me? And put me through? All because you are getting married?’ she snapped harshly through the link. ‘Go to hell, Miles.’

‘Hey, come on, I feel bad for all that now.’ I told her, despite most of it being a lie. It had been fun. ‘I have had treatment, and I have changed. Can we not move on?’ Again, all lies, but she did not need to know that. I was intrigued by this new Bailey, and wanted to see what she was like.

I could see from where I was standing she was doing well to




maintain a calm expression, likely not wanting to draw attention to the fact she was holding a conversation with me through the mindlink. But, I knew Bailey, I knew I was getting under her skin, so I intentionally added a little more to rile her up even further. ‘Especially when you are likely to be moving back here soon enough.’ I added with a small smile in her direction, knowing that returning here was the last thing she wanted. But, as my father had promised, I had allowed her go to this other pack to work until a vacancy here was available. And now a vacancy was becoming available. So, she would return home, as expected, and agreed. I would get her home, and the strength she would bring me… the way it was meant to be.

I saw her face turn into a pained grimace. ‘F**k off, Miles.’ She snapped, before the blocks were put up, meaning I was unable to mindlink her again. But I had gained the reaction I had been hoping for, and I doubted it would be the last time I saw her while she was visiting, and soon enough she would be home for good.

The music began to play, quickly snapping me out of my thoughts of Bailey, making me take my gaze to the end of the aisle that had been created by the rows of seats, to see Kaia standing with her father, and I instantly felt like my breath had been taken away from me… a sense of relief hit me, as I took in the sight of my bride, she looked stunning. Like a vision in white lace and satin. I felt my face break into a smile as her gaze met mine, and she smiled back.

I could not tear my eyes away from her as she walked arm in arm with her Dad down the aisle to meet me… I couldn’t quite believe she was here! She hadn’t changed her mind… she wanted to marry me… I watched as her eyes darted across the crowds of people here to witness our wedding, wondering why





her focus was not solely on me, like mine was upon her, but soon enough she was in front of me, and her Dad passed me her hand.

“Hey.” She whispered to me quietly as we moved a little closer to the wedding officiant who had been arranged to conduct our ceremony, who was standing inside the decorated gazebo.

“Hey to you too. New dress?” I joked, and she grinned.

“This old thing?” she shrugged.

I felt a warmth running through me, this already felt so good. So right, and I looked forward to what the rest of the day may hold. “You look beautiful.” I added, as I squeezed her hand. Her eyes met mine, and I could swear there was a tear or two forming. Was she emotional about becoming my wife? My heart raced at the thought.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today for the wedding of Miles and Kaia…” the wedding officiant said formally, and there was a loud cheer from the crowd while Kaia and I both smiled at one another. I couldn’t wait for what was to come, especially later when we would finally be alone…

Chapter 148 – Kaia

I awoke feeling satisfied and content in a warm embrace. I rolled over sleepily, as I looked toward the man beside me. Mmmm, last night had been so good! I smiled at him

seductively, and he smiled back.

“Good morning beautiful.” He said, his voice a little h**se, as he placed a gentle kiss on the end of my nose. “So, did you enjoy your night?” he raised his brows suggestively, and I felt color filling my cheeks, as I nodded in response.

“I would have thought that was obvious, wasn’t it?” I said with another smile. There was no denying we worked well together. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he had brought me to breaking point so many times last night, and into the early hours…

He chuckled. “Well, I always aim to please. But then, I think you know that.” he brought his lips to mine, and I felt myself surrendering to the softness of his kisses once more. A sensation I don’t think I could tire of.

His lips devoured mine greedily, like it was the last time he would kiss me, as his tongue found mine, his naked body pressing against mine and once more I felt the desire he was feeling for me. I don’t think that ever tired…

“Again?” I giggled lightly. Wow, I will be struggling to walk today…

“You know you love it.” He murmured against my lips as he




nibbled playfully at my lower lip, as his hands began to wander across my naked body.

“Mmmm.” I responded. The thing was, I think I did love it. I knew I loved him. I think I always had since we first met…

His phone began to buzz persistently from the bedside table, causing him to release me from his grip in frustration to answer it, sitting himself up as he did. “Oh good morning beautiful.” He said, his voice dripping with charm, making me twist myself to look up at him. And the moment his gaze met mine, he brought his finger to his lips, signaling for me to be quiet. At that moment, I felt like my heart was being shredded into pieces. But I did as I was asked, not wanting to anger him. “Oh, you wanted to talk now, huh?” he questioned, a little attitude to his voice.

Had they had a fall-out? Either way, when I chosen to meet Jacob last night, he had told me they were over… Said there was no going back. He said the timing was perfect, because it meant he got to save me from the pending wedding before it was official. He said he would save me from making a mistake. But this did not sound like they were over. Far from it!

“Well, we will have to see, won’t we?” He said haughtily. “But I need to go, things to do, you know that.” he hung up his phone, dropping it back to its place on the bedside table, looking at me, his eyes all pleading like a little puppy dog begging for food.

I glared at him. “You said you were done.”

“We were, she has obviously realized, like you did, that she simply can’t live without me. So, are you coming for some breakfast?” he wiggled his brows at me suggestively, as he whipped the sheet back from over us, exposing his naked body to me, as he gripped his already hard c**k in his hands.





I rolled my eyes in disgust at him, “I think I will give it a miss, actually. I do believe I have a wedding to get ready for.”

As I sat myself up, pulling the sheet around me, Jacob tried to pull me closer to him once more, likely in an attempt to gain control. “You plan to go ahead with it?” he demanded and I nodded.

“Why wouldn’t I? Miles has more to offer than you, I can see that now.” I held back the tears, hurting at the fact he had deceived me yet again. And, I s**dly had fallen for it. After we spoke last night, I had been ready to leave. Ready to call off the wedding and go back to Jacob. Jacob grabbed his things and left me alone to get ready for the ceremony.

Soon enough, my room was a flurry of people coming to help me, and I was a flurry of emotions as I felt like I was falling apart. Still unsure if it was truly what I wanted, but I moved in almost automatic mode, as we made our way to the ceremony, and the moment I saw Miles’s face light up at the sight of me, I realized he genuinely cared for me, and as I allowed my eyes to drift across the crowd and met the dark glare of Jacob, sitting with a few of the warriors who had been invited by my brother I knew I had to go through with this. I couldn’t continue to allow myself to be treated so badly by Jacob, not when I had a man, not just a man, but an Alpha offering me so much.

‘Stunning as you look, Kai, he could do better, I am sure. You not wanting to come back to me? You know I could please you so much better.’ Jacob mindlinked as I moved along the aisle, and I had to fight the pain within my chest. Yes, he likely could please me so much better, but I needed this. I needed to get away from the hell that was bringing me down in my pack.




I kept moving. ‘You know I love you, Kal. You love me too. I just find it hard to show it sometimes Jacob linked again and this time my steps faltered a little at his show of emotion and feeling, but I felt the grip of my Dad’s hand on mine tighten, as he looked at me.

‘Do not even think of changing your mind. Imagine the

humiliation you would cause us. Not to mention the money they have paid to the pack.’ He linked coldly, as he all but dragged me to continue along the aisle, and as I reached Miles he smiled brightly at me while my Dad placed my hand into his.

It seemed the wedding was happening whether I wanted it or not. ‘Hey,’ I greeted him, nervously, stumbling through nervous chat with him before the wedding vows were done. All of it a massive blur, my mind so focused on everything else, how unsure I was of all of this. Trying hard to fight my wolf from whimpering loudly. Not to mention keeping the block up against Jacob, knowing he would be wanting to mindlink me, trying to sway my decision. I truly don’t know this is what I wanted…

“And I now pronounce you man and wife!” the wedding officiant announced loudly, to a cheer from our guests. “You may kiss the bride.” He said with a smile to Miles, who tentatively reache for me, softly placing his hand upon my face to bring my face to his. His lips met mine in a tender but emotionless kiss. I felt nothing. The fire and passion I had hoped for was simply not there. I felt nothing for the man I had just married. As kind as h may be trying to be toward me, there was no draw to him. No connection like I had to Jacob. I think I made a mistake…


Chapter 149 – Bailey

Well, the wedding had gone ahead, and amazingly, the bride had not seen sense and ran away. There was no denying she was beautiful. I just hoped now, with her by his side, Miles could leave me alone. His strange mindlinks before the ceremony had unsettled me, as had his frequent gazes now the wedding celebrations were underway. This was not the same Miles I had left, but I still did not trust him, I knew that much. I had never thought him possible of change, and I could not see that altering.

“Is it time to go yet?” Morgan asked playfully from my side, and I grinned at her.

“There was me thinking you would be wanting to go and show that mate of yours off.” I said to her.

“I don’t think anybody is going to care I found my mate when Alpha D**khead just got married.” She said with a shrug. “And besides, I am bored. I want to go home and get settled into this new life with Marc.”

I found a smile spreading onto my face. Who would have thought my little sister would be wanting a little domesticated life? Having a mate was certainly good for her. “I don’t think we will be expected to stay too much longer.” I said to her, hoping that was true. Dad had told me we would be expected to stay for some of the celebrations, but he believed it would be understandable if we left early given our drive home. And I definitely planned to drive home before they decided to keep me locked up here in preparation for this apparent vacancy that


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Chapter 149 – Bailey

was coming up!

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“Aww, you girls are visiting your home pack and you both want to escape?” Marc teased with a wink. “We will head off as soon as we are able, I promise.”

He offered Morgan his hand, suggesting a dance. Now many of the pack members were on the dance floor that had been set up on one of the many garden areas outside the packhouse. Morgan grinned at me. “I am off to boogie!”

I saw my Dad sitting down close by and wanted to talk to him about Asher. About the potential of staying in their pack officially. I had already messaged Eden while in bed last night, and she was giddy at the potential of me becoming an official pack member in her pack. And that was without me even mentioning the possibility of being with Asher. I smiled at my Dad as I joined him. He looked as bored as me. He was not really one for parties, especially not when they were for someone he didn’t particularly like…

“Hey Bai.” He smiled. “You enjoying being home?”

I looked at my feet awkwardly. “Not particularly.” I admitted, and he chuckled.

“Can’t say I am surprised. Morgan did say something along those lines. So, you got something to tell me about you and that grumpy

bastard in Autumn Valley then?” he asked me with a grin and I looked at him in shock. Had my sister been telling tales on me?!

shook my head. “Nothing really to tell, I don’t think. We do get along, we are pretty close and are considering things between us.” I mumbled quietly, embarrassed to be discussing this with


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my Dad. Discussing a relationship with your Dad is so not something you want to be doing, especially when my Dad has a habit of teasing… I would kill my sister, who was currently being swirled around the dance floor by Marc, a big smile upon her face, like she was loving every moment.

“Well, if you want to make him your mate, act on it. Nothing stopping you. Neither one of you have mates, Bailey.” He told me bluntly with a shrug. “But, be warned, Alpha is talking about bringing you back for that vacancy that is coming up. Like they agreed when I convinced them to let you go.”

I nodded. I kind of figured with the amount it had been mentioned, and it was part of the conditions of me being allowed to go and work at Autumn Valley Pack. I just hadn’t expected it to come to an end so soon. “Thing is, Dad, I like it at Autumn Valley, and I am friends with the Luna. She offered me an official place there, regardless of things with Asher. Would that not be seen as acceptable? I have been keeping quiet because I am scared of letting you down, but Morgan will be there, I will have a secure job, and I won’t be in your way…” my voice faltered a little and my Dad chuckled.

“In my way? I think out of the three of my kids, Bai, you have been the one that was always least in the way. The least trouble without a doubt. We barely knew we had you. Always blended into the background. But, why would you be letting me down?” he looked at me curiously.

“You have always taught us to ensure the things we do don’t affect your reputation as the Beta. Always putting family first.” I reinforce all the things we were taught growing up.

He smiled sadly, reaching for my hand. “But this is your


Chapter 149-Bailey

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happiness, Bai. Your future. Not to mention, those things were more with regard to doing the right things. And, no, while we don’t usually accept pack members denouncing the pack, in certain circumstances, it is considered. You are settled there, if you are in a relationship there now too, and now your sister is there, they are all good reasons in my mind.” he squeezed my hand reassuringly.

I smiled up at my Dad, realizing I had maybe misinterpreted how things were all this time. Not to mention, I may have not had much faith in him. He cleared his throat. “Maybe it is time you put yourself first, you always seem to think of everyone else, maybe that is our fault for expecting that of you.” his shoulders sagged as if he was in deep thought. “Look, stay a little while longer, an hour or so. And then escape before anyone notices, with your sister and Marc, get back to your home, and I will clear things with your Uncle. Oh, but while you are here, I do believe, a certain, warrior friend of yours was invited by Ellis, if you fancied catching up?”

I looked at him in surprise. “Harley is here?!”

And Dad grinned again, pointing to the doorway, where Harley was leaning. He hadn’t changed a bit in the time since I had seen him. That same smile… the handsome face. Though this time, there was a beautiful woman by his side. Who I could only assume was his mate. She was every bit as beautiful as he had described. His face lit up as he saw me looking over, and he waved at me and I walked over.

He wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. “Alright, sweet cheeks?” he asked me with a cheeky laugh, and I grinned as he asked. “How are things with you?”


Chapter 149 Bailey

“Things are pretty good, actually. Pretty d**n good.” I told him with a smile. “You?”

“Perfect.” He told me with a wink, as he reached for the hand of his mate to introduce her, and I smiled in response.

Chapter 150 – Kaia

I had so many well-wishers come to congratulate me and Miles on our wedding, my head felt like it was spinning! The wedding ceremony was complete, as was the meal afterward. My Dad kept looking at me with a proud smile, and for once, I actually felt his approval and his pride in me, and it felt good. He looked happy with me, which was a rarity.

Miles had barely let go of my hands, showering me with compliments, telling me how much he was looking forward to our wedding night. I can’t say that I was, considering the emptiness his kiss had brought to me… the wedding night. brought little hope! He was showing me off like a f**k**g prize right now, and quite honestly it irritated me. Because I wanted to be anywhere but with him.

“Aww, you look beautiful Kaia.” Mile’s brother Ellis said to me with a smile. “You ready for married life now?” he asked me with a cheeky wink, but I simply shrugged. I wasn’t sure that I was. I had held off having to live with Miles whilst the wedding was planned and I was within his pack, but now we were actually married, I don’t think I could hold him off any longer.

I saw Ellis watching me through slightly narrowed eyes, which made me feel uncomfortable. I nudged Miles with my elbow to make him aware of how his brother was looking at me, because I knew things were still difficult between the two of them. Hell, he had complained about him often enough to me when we had spoken about his family.

“You going to stop looking at my wife like she is a piece of

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meat, Ellis?” Miles said haughtily. “I know Hazel is getting a bit round now with the baby growing and all, but that doesn’t give you the right to be eyeing up my own mate.” he added with a smirk upon his face. I don’t think for a moment that was what Ellis had been doing, but Miles had said it to rile him up, I knew that, as did he. He was so childish. Such a d**k.

A small snarl slipped from Ellis. “That was not what I was doing, Kaia, and you know it wasn’t, I would hope. My brother likes to cause drama. Enjoy the rest of your day.” He quickly strode away, and as I turned to look at Miles he had a sly smirk upon his face. He had enjoyed doing that. I gave him a disgusted look.

“You are pathetic, you know that?” I muttered.

“Aww, why? It was good fun.” He chuckled, as I went to move away, but gripped my hand a little tighter. “You nudged me, obviously not liking how he looked at you, and quite honestly I didn’t like how he looked at you either. But, don’t ask for my help if you don’t like how I deal with people, it is quite simple, Kaia.” He raised his brows at me as if to challenge me, and I felt my stomach churning at the sight. This was the third or fourth time since the ceremony he had spoken down to me, and I did not like it. Not in the slightest. I was beginning to wonder where the sweet guy who had near enough begged me to marry him had gone. Because the man in front of me was a hell of a lot similar to the guy who had first turned up at our treatment center…

“I am going to the toilet.” I told him quietly, knowing that was the only way he would give me any space. Space I so desperately craved. And he nodded.

“Don’t be long, I want another dance. Show the pack what a


Chapter 150-Kaia

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beautiful mate I have.” He smiled sweetly at me, and I felt my stomach clenching at the thought. I wasn’t so sure he did care for me after all. He saw me as a trophy and nothing else…

I quickly walked toward the packhouse, avoiding people as I went. Walking along the quiet corridor once there, knowing that everybody was outside enjoying the celebrations currently ongoing. I turned the corner of the corridor where the music was now just a distant humming, as I leant against the wall, and felt myself begin to crumble. My wolf had long since withdrawn herself after I had decided to go through with today. I don’t think she was likely to ever forgive me for agreeing to marry someone that wasn’t our mate. Whether it was for our pack or not…

The kind and sweet Miles I believed I was marrying seemed to have been drifting away before my own eyes. I think I have made a mistake. One I don’t know how to get out of. I felt tears filling my eyes, as I thought about the mess I found myself in. I had focused so much on the things I would gain by being with him, not realizing the things I was risking, the things I would lose. And now, here I was, falling apart, facing a life with a man who saw me as nothing more than a trophy wife.

I had no clue how long I stood there fighting the tears when, suddenly, I heard footsteps, and I quickly wiped my eyes, trying to compose myself, not wanting to be caught crying. Knowing it would not look good, the bride being caught crying on her wedding day. But, as I turned to see where the footsteps were coming from, Jacob turned the corner.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice full of concern. “You didn’t look too happy when you rushed away from that perfect little Alpha of yours.”

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“You were watching me?” I found myself asking in shock. I would have assumed he would have been making the most of the free drinks and the food, not to mention all the women that were out there, along with his friends that were here, like they did at most parties.

“Of course I was. Not taken my eyes off you. Wasn’t that the plan?” he asked, moving closer, gently wiping a stray tear away from my face. “Now, again, are you okay?”

I slowly shook my head. “I think I made a mistake.” I mumbled, and I saw Jacob nodding.

“I think you might be right. He doesn’t know you like I do, Kai, you know that, right? Yeah, things get complicated here and there. We mess up, but we always end up back together, right?” he rested his hand upon my hip, pulling me closer to him.

I looked up at him, my whole body trembling at his touch. The thing was, he was right. I know he is. We always seemed to find our way back to one another. As much as we fight it. “But, you hurt me.”

“I messed up, Kai, that was all. But you can’t deny we are good together. Last night was amazing, right? You always come back to me. It felt so good to be with you again.” Jacob said as he moved his face closer to mine, his eyes focused upon mine, making my heart race.

I nodded as he continued. “The moment we touched, the moment you screamed my name, I knew I had made a mistake letting you go. We were always meant to be, you and me, Kai.” His hand stroked my cheek softly as his lips found mine, an urgency so deep as he pushed me against the wall.

Chapter 150-Kala

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My hands instantly ran through the thick hair on his head, gripping it tightly as the intensity of our kiss grew, his tongue. finding mine with a passion I didn’t want to end. I had missed him terribly, and knew it was him that I wanted. It always had been, and I feared it always would be. Jacob pushed my dress up along my leg, caressing my thigh as he did, lifting me up against the wall, as I h**ked my legs around his waist, while our kisses deepened, a moan escaping my lips…

When, suddenly, a deep growl came from the end of the corridor. “Care to explain what the f** is going on?!”

My eyes opened, my heart pounding for an entirely different reason now as I tentatively looked toward the source of the voice, knowing exactly who I would find. As my eyes met a very angry gaze. Miles looking like he was ready to kill…

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.