All I Wanted

Chapter 39

“We'll have to operate on her and save the baby, hopefully she would be alive” the doctor said and Chase started to panick as he yelled at the doctors in the room, he was later asked to leave the room because he couldn't keep himself calm and In no time I was left alone with some strange people in blue outfits.

The doctor turned to look at me and smiled at me, “you'll be okay” she reassured me and injected some sedatives in my body that made me feel numb immediately.

I could see them operating and cutting my stomach open but I couldn't feel any pain, the only thing I could hear was how th doctors kept on telling me to stay awake while a doctor was assigned to entertain me by starting a conversation but I wasn't interested in what they were saying, I just want my baby to come out alive.

“Congratulations ma'am” The doctor said and I could hear the loud cry of the baby, my baby, I was filled and overwhelmed with joy but everything soon became blurry and the last thing I saw was the doctors trying to make me stay conscious. CHASE'S POV

I'stood impatiently outside the door anxiously and hoping that both my wife and baby survive.

Jane's Dad had reassured me countless of times that everything would be fine and I shouldn't worry then he would go back to Leni and they both will pray fiercely not minding if they were disturbing people.

I heard the loud cry of a baby coming from the room and I froze in the spot immediately, I tried to open the door but it seemed like my hands were too feeble to open the door.

Leni and Dad also heard the cry and they were both happy as they were thanking the Lord for bring merciful.

I opened the door and saw my baby in a nurse's arm but as I looked towards my wife I saw her lying unconsciously on the tiny hospital bed with doctors all around her trying to revive her.

My heart fell immediately at the sight of Jane and worried filled my face, “wha.what's happening here?" I questioned and immediately they sighted me in the room they locked me out again.

I panicked in confusion, Jane's Dad and Leni came towards me to ask what was happening but how was I supposed to answe them if I don't even know what was happening myself.

The door soon opened and Jane was wheeled out of the room into another room with her eyes closed, I wanted to follow th doctors to know what exactly was going on but they kept on stopping me. Bullshit

The only thing I could do was to sit and hope that my wife would be fine and perhaps pray too, I can't afford to lose her because I don't think I would ever stop myself from thinking about her and I might end up killing myself but I won't want my child to suffer.

Leni walked towards me and held my hands tightly as she started to pray, I had never prayed and I never knew how to pray but right now if praying would save the most dearest to me then I would pray for as long as it will take.


My eyes blinked open and I felt some throbbing ache in my head that hurt really bad.

“You're finally awake!” Chase happily exclaimed beside me and I took the time to figure out what had been happening. “Where's my baby!" I yell immediately I remembered that I lost consciousness whole giving birth.

“He's right here honey” Leni said and handed over my little baby to me, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing as the thought of me putting to bed safely overwhelmed me.

“It's a boy” my father said and I smiled widely at the adorable boy before me.

I had gone for medical scans some couple times and I knew I was going to give birth to a boy, Chase and I both knew so it didn't come much as a surprise.

“How long have I been unconscious?” I asked because I was starting to wonder.

“Five days but we thank God you're now okay” Leni said while looking up to the ceiling.

“What do you want to call him?” Leni asked

“Chase hasn't told you his name?”

“No dear he hasn't, he said you would tell us when you wake up” Leni replied

“Oh! Well ... Chase and I decided to call him Nicholas” I said and Leni clapped her hands in excitement

Chase kept on staring at me without saying a word and my father and Leni knew it was time to excuse us.

“Why are you staring...” he crashed his lips on mine before I could finish what I was saying and I kissed him back.

He shortly broke the kiss and held my face into his palms," I really missed you and I was so scared that I would lose you,you know how terrifying that is?” He asked and I connected our lips back together.


It was time for me to be discharged and Leni had made sure she took care of everything, she was really more than a nanny. Chase helped me up from the bed and they all treated Nicholas and I like we were eggs as they cleared our path and shoved everyone aside.

We soon got into the car and my Dad drove us, Chase and I sat at the back seat while my Dad and Leni sat at the front seat. On getting to the house the clouds were darker than they were when we left the hospital and as soon as I entered the house balloons fell o my head and the lights were turned on.

There was a congratulations sign and writing everywhere even on the foot mat and I gave Chase a “really” type of look and he shrugs his shoulders saying he wasn't part of the plan.

We had a little family party for the sake of the safe child delivery and it was really fun even though it was just the four of us.

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