All I Wanted

Chapter 40


Acar pulled by the house and I assumed it must be Chase, I lazily stood up to open the door to let my husband in.

Earlier today I had begged Chase to get some groceries from the nearest supermarket and he reluctantly agreed after I promised to treat him well tonight.

Leni could have been the one to go shopping but she took a break last week to visit her sister who was feeling sick, she will be coming today but I don’t wish to bother her with the petty stuffs so I requested Chase to do the shopping.

I walked towards the door and opened it for Chase to come in, I collected some grocery bags from him and he shut the door behind.

“Argh, f**k it” Chase yelled as he stepped on Nicholas toys by accident.

Ever since Nicholas knew how to play withhtoys he had always litter not just his room but the whole house with toys that seemed really annoying and sometimes I wondered why we got the toys for him in the first place.

“Nick!” Chase yelled and I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud, he used to tease and call me a drama queen because I had been complaining about how Nick toys hurts but now I'm kind of happy because he has gotten to feel the pain.

“sorry baby” Nick apologized, Nick calls Chase by “baby’ because he often hears me calling him baby.

“Don't baby me you little cute baby” Chase pouted and Nick giggled.

I had thought Nick was asleep while I was going through some fashion magazine in the living room but it turned out he had been awake all the while probably playing with his toys.

“When will Leni be here?” Chase asked.

“Sooner, she should be here before the party starts” I said and Chase nodded.

Nick was going to turn three today and we had planned to celebrate his birthday for him by inviting his school buddies and their parents, Leni couldn't afford to miss his birthday so she had said she would be here and so would my father.

We were interrupted from the loud knock on the door, I rushed to open the door after hearing Lens voice and I would be honest I really missed her company.

Nick flung his toys immediately he sighted Leni and ran to hug her, she immediately caught him in her hands and ruffled his curly hair that looked like that of Chase.

Chase greeted Leni and immediately excused the family re union, even though I had somehow made Chase a little bit nicer he still didn't like this type of environment.

I hadn't bothered myself to try to talk to him about this because I knew he had tried his best for me.

The birthday preparations was soon to finish and I had ordered some cake online which would be delivered soon, would have tried to bake a cake but then I was just too occupied.

The birthday cake came in quite late than the agreed time but I didn't seem to mind as it was still before the party, Nick's friends started to come to the house one after the other and I welcomed then in.

Nick seemed to be really overwhelmed with joy at the sight of his friends in his house for the first time, he went to meet them and before I could say anything they were engaged in a serious play and I was left hoping that they don't ruin the decorations or worst ruin the cake.

I noticed some unusual change in my stomach that made it seem like I needed to poop but I didn't want to leave Nick alone and Leni was in the kitchen preparing some snacks.

I felt uneasy as the feeling started to become worse and I had no other option but to leave Nick with his friends and quickly visit the toilet for five minutes.

I rushed into the toilet and the poop fell immediately I opened the toilet seat, I was relieved that I hadn't waited any longer but at the same time what could have caused this?

I only took a sip out if the fruit juice but the juice couldn't possibly make me purge.

After pooping and draining all of my strength for twenty minutes, I finally came out as I had mixed feelings in me.

I tried to assure myself that everything was fine and nothing would happen because I left Nick for about twenty minutes.

I walked towards the event and I saw Nick smiling and playing with his friends, I had been overthinking about such a small thing that had no possibility of happening. Nick couldn't get lost in his house.

“Hey!” A lady's voice greeted and I turned to look at her.

“Hi” I said back not being able to recognize her face.

“Ym Nick's teacher” she reminds me and I slapped my head at how forgetful I could be but it wasn't totally my fault after all Nick had just started the school.

“Ym so glad you could make it” I smiled at her and she shone her perfect set of teeth.

turned to look back at Nick but couldn't see him with his friends, I walked to the kitchen thinking that he would be with Leni since he loved to be around Leni but he wasn't there.

“Leni have you seen Nick?” I asked and she shook her head telling me she hasn't seen Nick regardless know about his whereabouts.

I searched the whole house looking for Nick but couldn't seem to find him so I decided to tell Chase I had no idea about Nick's whereabouts.

“What do you mean you can’t find him?” Chase immediately jumped from the bed.

“I don't know where he could be” I said and his muscles tensed, we decided to not call off the party yet hoping we would se: Nick on time but we couldn't find him so we had no choice but to call the party off.

I was filled with worried and tension, anxiety and curiosity were boldly written on my fore head while Leni continued to search for Nick. She was already crying.

Chase sat on the chair as different thoughts ran threw his head. His phone buzzed immediately bringing us all out of our thoughts.

The caller ended the call immediately and Chase's face immediately turned red, he folded his fists together and his eyes were bloodshot.

“What or who is itz" I asked but it took a lot of while before I could get a response.

“It was..Justin”

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