All I Wanted

Chapter 36

“you still won't forgive me?” Chase said and I realized he had followed me here.

I kept quiet hoping he would leave me alone because I wasn't in a mood to talk to him but instead he came to sit beside me on the floor carefully sipping a glass of wine.

“Why are you here, aren't you satisfied of how hurt I am already?"I angrily questioned but he doesn't respond to me making me angrier and more furious.

I wiped my tears and sniffed the goo in my nose, he doesn't worth any of my tears.

Istood up to leave but he pulled me back to him on the floor and crashed his lips on mine.

I wanted to fight it and I wanted to free myself but my body was submissive to him.

I placed my hands on his face pulling him closer and kissed him back hungrily, his hands slipped into my gown and I wondered if we could be seen from this position.

I didn't seem to mind about being seen as I continued to kiss him and his hands massaged my bare behind.

I let out a moan in his mouth and he broke from the kiss looking straight into my eyes, his lips were plumped already from the kiss and he looked so hot.

He stood up and lifted me up to as he walked towards another side of the garden.

“want to f**k you right here” He said and my tummy knotted because my body also wanted to feel him but I wasn't sure if this was right or not.

He interrupted me from my thoughts as he continued the kiss and I kissed him back, this time his hands didn’t only massaged my behind but rubbed on my clit making me feel really good and I couldn't control myself from moaning really loud.

“I want you to trust me, can you bend over that chair?” He asked and I nodded and did exactly as he said.

He opened my gown and shifted it to a convenient position,he bent and his lips connected to my p***y sucking it really hard and I couldn't control myself as the moans came out freely, right now I hope no one sees us.

I forgot all about my worries immediately I felt his huge, warm assistant in me and I rolled my eyes backwards enjoying the feeling.

He continued to thrust in me continuously and I didn’t want him to stop, I really needed to feel this.

“Please harder and faster” I begged and he answered as his thrusts went faster, harder and deeper to the point of my legs shaking

Iwas about to cum when I heard a feminine voice, “jane?!” The voice exclaimed and I immediately pulled my dress down anc Justin also wore back his pants.

It was Kate and I realized she really didn't see much as this area was dark but she knew we were having s*x.

She flashed me a weird smile and I nervously adjusted my hair as I stood beside Chase who had anger written all over his face.

“Uhm Kate meet Chase, Chase Kate” I nervously introduced the two and Kate let out a knowing smile.

“Oh! You're the infamous Chase” she reached for a hand shake but Chase didn't respond and I felt embarrassed.

I looked at Chase and he sighed and took her hands into his, I didn't know what to believe but i really think Chase has been changing for the better.

“I think I should excuse you” Kate said and left immediately.

“Can we finish what we've started please?”Chase begged with sincerity in his eyes and I knew it was from the lack of coming. “No way!” I laughed at him and he pouted like a baby.

“I don't like her already” he laughed and I missed the nice and soft part of him.

“Do you love him?” He asked me and I didn't know what to say because if I actually loved him I don't think I would make out with Chase again.

I'shook my head in disapproval and he seemed to be pleased with my answer.

“Have he seen your nakedness?” He asked again and I understood that he was being insecured so I was going to honestly answer him.

“Yes,he has seen my nakedness” I said and his face immediately tured red with anger.

“So you two had s*x?” He questioned

“No” I said and it relieved him a little bit he wasn't pleased of the idea that Justin saw my nakedness.

“I should probably go inside now, they would be looking for me” I said and left Chase alone in the garden as I made my way into the mansion.

I walked into the house and the party was still on, Justin sighted me and walked towards me he noticed my messy hair and smeared makeup but didn't say anything.


“You look gorgeous in that” Kate complimented as I stared at my self in the mirror.

The simple white gown hung perfectly on my body revealing my perfect curves, the light make up on my face made me look like a saint and the five inches heels I wore made me look like a model that was advertising a wedding gown.

I continued to stare at my reflection in the mirror hoping I was making the right choice, I was tensed and my whole environment was suffocating.

My hands began to sweat and I was scared that my make up will be ruined.

“Kate?” I called out her name and she left what she was doing to attend to me.

“Yes sunshine?” She flashed a smile at me and I didn't know what to do or say anymore, she seemed to have noticed how tensed and nervous I was so she pulled me closer to her and gave me a warm hug.

“Don’t worry love you'll be fine besides it's coming to get nervous and anxious on or before your wedding day, it happens to a lot of people”

“It does?” I nervously asked and she nodded her head.

“It's okay to be nervous love but everything would be fine"she said and pulled me back into the hug.

“I love you Kate” I said

“I love you too Jane, now let's get going your groom must have been death worried already” she said and we both left to the Benz car that Justin had prepared for us.

My body felt uneasy through out the ride and even though the church wasn't far I tried to gather up as much courage as I could gather.

Guilt filled up my mind again from what happened to Chase and I last night, I had been cheating on Justin and I even cheate on the night before my wedding. I just hope that I won't want to do it anymore and perhaps I'll just have to accept that Justin's my husband and totally forget about Chase.

“We've arrived!” Kate exclaimed immediately we got to the church clapping her hands in a dramatic way and the driver pulled the car over.

I got down from the car carefully trying my best not to stomp and trip on my dress.

Kate held my hands and we both walked into the church hall, the pastor heaved a sigh of relief immediately he saw me and 50 did Justin.

There was a worried look on his face but it all seem to disappear immediately he sighted me in the white wedding dress. My body felt heavy but the only thing that I was actually holding was a bouquet of flowers while my second hand was intertwined with Kate's whose face was brightly lit up.

Justin soon came to collect my hands from Kate and I nervously smiled at him, we walked towards the alter where the priest stood with bible in his hands.

There were different faces if people that sat with a smiling face on and I couldn't recognize or identify any familiar face, they were all new and Justin's parents were still no where to be found.

The priest started the and I couldn't concentrate on the words he spoke as my heart kept on racing but I managed to keep a cool and calm face.

“I Justin Palmer, take you Jane Fisher to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life” Justin said and k realized that we were sharing the vows already.Posted by

“I Jane Fisher, take you Justin Palmer to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. will love and honor you all the days of my life” I gulped some saliva immediately after I said those words.

The priest blessed us and joined our hands together and I felt insecured of my sweaty palms but Justin didn’t seem to mind. The priest cleared his throat, “Do you take Jane Fisher as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?” He asked Justin and Justin immediately replied with ” I do’, then the priest turned to me.

“Do you take Justin Palmer as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”

I didn’t know what to say because I knew this was the final stage of this marriage and anything I said here determines what would happen.

My silence seemed to be putting the whole all in suspense and Justin pressed on my palms softly reminding me that I had tc say something.

I wondered what worse could happen, Justin's a really cool guy and I'm sure he would make a very good husband.

f; End

“She does not”

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