Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 382: We Are in A Dark Hour!

Tricking a little girl like me was a simple feat, but tricking such strong and experienced masters was really a grand performance. I kept replenishing the lost hunger value caused by my artifact while waiting for the master to appear with the others.

What should I tell them? That was the question ringing deeply in my mind right now! I either would tell them the truth, the full truth, without anything to hide, or I could hide a piece here or there.

When I thought about it, it wasn't wise hiding anything from my allies, especially at this dark hour! I didn't expect them to change the fated apocalypse, but the more surviving humans the better.

At least I wouldn't be the only sore thorn in my enemies' side, and wouldn't be subjected to their focused retaliation all the time!

In less than ten minutes, I sensed the appearance of many, really more than what I initially expected.

"Sigh, I need to pause my attack then," I rose up while I snapped my fingers to call back my spear. Again, it expressed its anger and frustration by humming and buzzing for a long time, and didn't stop until I grabbed it normally and showed it the area around us.

Hundreds of masters stood there, faces bruised, many had deep wounds, while some even lost a limp or even two! this group made me realize how simple and easy my fights were so far, how low of me to think to shelter the truth of those heroes!

If they didn't deserve to know everything, who then did?

"We are all here now, disciple Agatha," the venerable master said, and I glanced at all the faces, tired and exhausted, pained and saddened by their losses.contemporary romance

"Sigh!" I sighed, loudly, as many eyes I saw weren't in need to hear bad news, they needed to hear some good celebratory news, a kind that I had nothing of right now!

"I… I really wanted to tell you good news, not be the one who will come to spoil your happiness of victory, be the one who would turn to be a bad omen; but I have to, I have no choice but to tell you… you were all played, we all, not just you alone, every single one in the game, in the empire, in the whole universe was played by our enemies."

I started my talk by saying this, speaking deeply from the heart bounding strongly inside my chest. I wasn't trying to look majestic or wise; I was just trying to show my sympathy to them, especially if what I knew was something crucial to people like them.

"I'm not the only one who came to rescue you; since the moment you were trapped a grand plan was drawn, using the minds of the remaining masters behind with the guardian of the game, with me. I lost players, lost hundreds of thousands even millions, was on the verge of dying more than once, even I think I died for real one time before being sent back in a strange unfathomed way to me so far. Behind me there is a huge army of millions of mystic art players, followed by tens of millions of normal players –all are coming here to your rescue.

And still, this whole thing was just a trap, a big dirty deep abyss our enemies dug for us and we all fell into it."

I started to explain everything, speaking about the apocalypse, the post-apocalyptic world, the gossips I heard from my demons, even the tips I learnt from an old lizard. I told them all and kept none, as in front of those heroes I felt small, really small if I hid anything off them.

They were all silent, listening to me attentively without stopping me for even once. even after I finished, they stood still there for a long time, trying to ingest what I said and accept the bitter truth; things weren't over, things weren't even this close from over!

"So, you said the enemies were trying to isolate and kill us so we won't help in building human civilization in the new world?" Camilia was the first to speak, while I just nodded. "And the most important currency we should seek is the contribution points, right?" she asked again, and again I nodded.

"That's not a problem for them, each one of us has accumulated millions of these points during this fight, which is something we shouldn't stress ourselves about," she said, and her words gained the recognition of others.

"My current points are one billion and half, and I still see them lacking! What a handful of millions you are this happy about?" I didn't mean to be mean or rude, but I had to slap them on the face, real hard, so they would wake up from their illusion. "Even the weakest player in my team has hundreds of millions of points, not even tens of them exist among my army!" I said, directing my words to everyone, and the shocked expression over their faces told me exactly how they felt.

"A-Are you sure of these numbers?" the venerable master, their leader, said as he was the first to speak up; and again I simply nodded.

"Alright, no time to rest guys," he then said, shouting at everyone around him, "we will follow the plan our little disciple here used; we will all attack and we will select only us the leaders here to take most of the points, leaving a small amount to our disciples."

His words were received coldly by his men and women, but none complained or argued. I sighed, inwardly, as it seemed it was really hard to ask from a warrior just ended a grand fight to enter another and be enthusiastic about it.

No matter what, my role here ended, and I saved the mystic art society; and currently we have less than ten days to work hard, amass points, and make them able to form a strong force not to be reckoned with in the new world.

"Uncle, may I ask you about something?" amidst the feverish preparations for the whole mystic art society to go out to war, I went towards their leader as I said, attracted his attention and gained his approving nod.

"I have something that was a great help to me and my army in killing more of those monsters and demons, do you have any blacksmiths here?"

"Sure, what do you need us to do?" he asked, and the next moment I waved my hand, and huge piles of butchered blocks of the soul sucker monster's body piled one after another. Many one piece killed monster bodies piled on one place as well. "Let them imbed these into the weapons, gears, even balloons; the more pieces they use the better."

The eyes of the great master shone brightly as he nodded in satisfaction. "Thanks a lot little disciple, your idea is really perfect. John, take these plus all the dead monster bodies everywhere and send them to the blacksmiths; make them strengthen anything we use before heading out."

He started relaying orders to John, who started relaying orders to others as well. Instantly the whole place was filled with many disciples, working hard and in complete organization, taking all the pieces I took out plus pieces from other places and going towards a certain direction.

"Uncle, may I ask another thing?" I asked, and the master was in a good mood as he nodded. "If there are any spare medallions here, I would appreciate having them for my players. we have no time and I can send them directly to players to be used before it's too late."

He glanced silently for a moment there before pointing to Camilia to come closer and whispered something in her ear. "Go with her, and she will give you what you asked for," he said, before patting over my head, considering his huger body than mine, "I'm very proud of Sam, he really chose a very good disciple like yourself."

I felt flattered and didn't know what to say, so I just nodded and said nothing. "Come with me, this way," Camilia said, saving me from this embarrassing moment. I followed her towards a building, and from it she started activating certain mechanisms, opening secret passages, one after another.

"We always were skeptical and wary of the anti-witch faction members, so we decided to make a secret place for our leaders loyal to the witch not accessible or known to our enemies."

Camilia said as she was walking through the third secret passage she opened. "I'm one of the current generation of leaders, and it's quite a shame for my generation to see the long and deep history of the mystic art society end, sigh, what a shame, what a regret."

I felt she was speaking to herself, not just to me, and so I decided to remain silent. This dark hour was so stressful over everyone, and I felt great sympathy for those who were trapped here all this time; kept away from the truth, having no time to prepare, not even to bury their dead, mourn their losses.

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