Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 383: Getting Lost! Really?!!!

I followed her through many doors and a large number of twisted corridors until I finally entered a spacious room, resembling a throne hall but no throne was there!

The room was covered entirely with gold and silver painting on the walls. The ground wore a thick layer of extravagant carpets, with many images describing the mighty battles of many masters. There was a single square table, a single rounded table, and a single oval table in the centre of this place, plus the presence of many closets and many desks on the sides.

"This is our own secret lair inside the society," Camilia said, introducing what I already deducted. "Wait for a moment," she then went to one of the closets, played at it for a few minutes like she was unlocking a very complicated combination lock.

Then she finally opened the closet, took out a leather bag that could be worn on the back, double handles, each would rest on one of my shoulders perfectly.

The bag itself was tall, reaching half of my height at least. It looked heavy, looked full, looked precious.

"Why do I have the feeling I need to wear it?" I asked, as since the moment I spotted it, I couldn't shake this feeling off my head.

"That's because it can't be stored inside your inventory," Camilia said as she handed the bag to me, and believe me it was really heavy!

"You can consider it as a portable inventory," she said.

"Like porins?" I asked.

"Hahaha, silly girl, porins were made as a cheap copy of this legendary treasure," she then led me out while I put the bag over my back, and the heavy weight of it greatly reduced when stretched over my shoulders. "What's inside it? it's very heavy!"

"It's indeed heavy, as there are all the mystic art medallions we currently have in the society. Hmm… let me think…" she kept thinking for a moment while I speechlessly followed her, waiting for the figure she would throw at my face right now. Was it ten million? Twenty million?

"It has over two hundred million medallions, or even more!"

She threw such a bomb on my face, almost making me stumble and fall, like she was speaking about a normal daylight breakfast meal! "Are you giving me such a priceless thing?" I hurriedly asked with extreme shock in my tone.

"You are the one who said everything would end soon, so why are you surprised of this?" Camilia replied without even sparing a glance to me. "If the world is about to end, what's the value of such medallions then? Just send them to your players, make them all be on our side, here and in the future."

I didn't know what to say, so I just opened the chat and sent a simple question to Aria:

'How much are the players without medallions?'

After a few moments she replied:

'Twenty five millions alive so far.'

'Good, I will send to you then medallions to make them all use it. make sure to transfer what I send to you instantly or else I won't be able to send more.'

'Gimme a second. By the way, have you reached the society?'

Aria was smart, so smart that made me smile. 'Sure, or else how do you think I had these medallions from?'

'Lucky us, we are now at layer twenty four.'

'Stay at the border and don't cross yet. I will come to you soon.'

'Alright, send them over boss.'

I closed the chat, took off the bag and tried to move while carrying it by both hands; however it was really hard to do that; so I wore it on my chest, letting my shoulders bear the weight.

"Oh shit!"

Camilia suddenly shouted, and I had an instant scare! Did wearing it on my chest destroy the bag? Did I do something wrong?

"We lost our way in this mess! Damn you all freaks!"

She shouted again, and this time? She really gave me a real scare! "What do you mean we lost the way?" I hurriedly asked, forgetting everything about Aria and the medallions.

"Oh, it's nothing. This network of tunnels were made to confuse others, and it occasionally confused me, ahem, us. Don't worry, just follow me and I will surely take you off of here soon, so soon."

Her tone and words made me lose any trust and hope in getting out soon! We were lost! And she seemed to be usually losing her way in here! What luck!

'Listen, I might take longer than I expected,' I hurriedly sent to Aria as I had a very bad feeling about this.

'Oh, something up at your place?' she asked with a worry.

'Sure, some disaster occurred here,' I replied while fixing my angry gaze on the back of Camilia, who was moving out like an idiot, glancing here and there, while walking to the front like she was already walking on the right path! And I had this irresistible feeling that she was leading us into a wrong path –again!

'Ok, do you want us to come to you then?'

'No, the demons and monsters are forcing a tight zone around the society starting from layer twenty five.'

'But we wanted to know what is going on?'

I sighed, she was right, she had the right to know. Per my assumptions, we have less than ten days at most, and I planned to just travel to them during these days and meet up to tell them the truth face to face.

However, time and circumstances weren't that merciful, not on me, not upon them.

'Alright, I will send you the medallions and tell you everything in the meantime,' I sighed before sending this reply to her, while glancing again at the back of Camilia. 'God, I hope we can exit here before the apocalypse starts!' I prayed inwardly, as I lost all hope and confidence in getting out soon under her guidance.

The next moment I glanced at the leather bag in front of my chest. it had a strange button sealing it from the top. I just touched it to feel the engravement on its surface; a strange creature with three heads and nine tails!

The moment I touched it, the button was clicked open, and a dark abyss waited for me inside the bag. I glanced at Camilia in the front, and shook my head. I couldn't trust her in anything anymore!

So I extended my arm deeply inside the bag, where I felt I was touching shelves with many rounded things over it. so these medallions were stored in these seemingly endless shelves. I didn't see them, and that made me feel quite strange, but this was the only explanation I had.

'Should I take them one by one? That will take much longer than expected!'

I opened Aria's profile and selected to send her items. Just as I was thinking of taking one medallion after another to send them to her, a system option appeared in front of me.

"System prompt: Player has selected player Aria to send her items. Does the player want to send the stored items inside to her? Please specify the name and number of items to be sent, and the system will send them constantly until the number is reached."

"Oh, there is such a thing!" I muttered to myself as this came just in time to help me in this mess. ���Pardon, what just you said?" Camilia asked without even turning to glance at me.contemporary romance

"Nothing, I was just humming a song of my home," I lied, as I didn't want her to butt her silly head into my business. Enough with her lousy actions that led us astray, and still did!

"Sing as you like, but try to keep your sound as low as possible. I don't need any more distraction!"

'The only distraction to yourself is yourself!' I inwardly cursed before I glanced at the system option and found many things stored inside the bag. There were many things that I didn't have time to inspect, so I hurriedly selected the one I knew, the medallions, and specified twenty five million in the number of them.

The next moment the interface was closed, and there was a small progress bar appearing in the lower left corner of my eyesight.

'So it would take around a day to completely send the medallions to her,' I thought to myself before opening the chat with her as I said:

'I started sending you medallions, try to distribute them fast.'

'I have received them,' she replied after a long moment, 'now tell me what is going on!' she said.

'Make a group of those you selected and trusted so I won't repeat my words or leave things unclear.'

'One minute.'

It took her ten minutes to form the team and send me an invitation to it. the moment I accepted it I got the notification that she made me the leader of the team. The team was formed of five thousand players, a decent number that exceeded my initial expectations.

'Listen and don't interrupt me at all. What I'm going to tell you now is confidential and proved to be right, so don't question, don't doubt, just listen and accept no matter what shocking opinion you might have. The truth is…'

I started narrating everything I knew about to them, and they kept their silence, out of curiosity first, then of fear and shock later on, something I could relay well with them.

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