Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 381: Hi Uncle, Can You Bring Everyone Over Here, Please?

The spear enveloped the balloon and shielded it much more aggressively and efficiently than the shield; as it wasn't only defending, it was also attacking.

The balloon turned into a huge bullet made out of lightning, arcs of lightning danced off the balloon as I could easily spot them smashing, burning, and killing any demon, monster, or master daring to come near me.

And the balloon's speed caught up to reach levels it never reached before. The distance that I estimated to take days was covered in mere hours, an hour that passed so stressful on me; but it was worth the stress.


The moment we crashed into the outer shield of the mystic art society, this explosive sound erupted. My heart fell to my feet as I hurriedly cancelled the attack, recalling my spear back, while jumping off to catch my shield, to cover up my balloon with its defensive aura again.

However just when I did all that, I realized the explosion wasn't caused by the spear of mine, but from the shield itself. The outer layers exploded one after another, creating a small tunnel, just barely enough for my balloon to enter through.

Despite that, the balloon seemed to be larger than the opening created by the masters, and thus the upper half of it was crushed, and only the boat-like wooden part, supported by my shield, persisted, as my shield covered it barely in time.

Like a dead rock we fell, from this high opening in the magnificent shield towards the ground, rapidly gaining momentum that went beyond my control!

"Be prepared for the impact!" I screamed while feeling bitter; I didn't pass all this to die just like that in the end! This couldn't be happening! Not after all this!!


I felt like I hit a large bubble, a thick fluid surrounded the balloon and us, making our falling speed decrease markedly. I totally forgot; I wasn't alone anymore, the mystic art masters were here!


Despite that last minute move, the balloon hit the ground strongly, causing many cracks on its body. I glanced at the balloon and sighed, it was fortunate for us to be alive after such a fall! As for my precious balloon, well it was destroyed beyond repair the moment we passed through that opening.

The fluid around us vanished, and I didn't remove my shield at once. I heard a close by sounds of fight, and this wasn't coming from the outside, instead from the inside.

"Oh, it's you!" a female voice, a familiar one, appeared from my back, as I turned to glance at her. She was Camilia, one of the venerable ten masters who I met on my first and only visit to this place. "You sure love to make an entrance," she giggled, as she glanced over my demons with shining eyes, "Oh, you managed to claim another animal. How can you have all the luck in the world? tell me your secret and I will make you my little sis."

My eyes twitched, this master never dropped the dream of killing my demons. In an instant I took them both back, leaving the place empty except for me.

"Oh, this is so harsh of you, so cold as your master, sigh. Sorry, but I have no time to waste with you. Things are out of control here. just move away and try to hide, there are enemies here and they aren't yet under control."

Her words were rushed, as she was about to move when I raised my arm as I said: "Wait!"

She paused, glanced strangely at me, however the next moment she was even more speechless. I threw my spear high up before letting it rest over the tips of my fingers. "Stop, you will kill you…"

She didn't have time to continue her worried warning, which I greatly appreciated, as I threw my spear the next moment to hit one of the masters fighting against my allies.

The fight in the distance was divided into two sections, one side was led by Antoine, Terick's master and the leader of the anti-witch group in the mystic art society. Antoine had the support of two other venerable masters, Terick was also there leading a large number of masters and disciples to lead the charge with Antoine over the other party.

The allies of me were formed mainly of four venerable masters, leading the charge with a lot more of masters and disciples than the other side. The only problem was that my supporters and allies weren't only facing their rivals of the venerable masters, masters, and disciples, but also a huge army of giant demons and soul sucker monsters that managed to infiltrate the shield by some way.

And they also had to maintain the shields up, facing the relentless attacks from the outside at the same time.

This battle was really disadvantageous, if things continued to keep going the way it was happening up till now. However, I was now here, and I didn't intend to coward myself away at a corner and watch this losing fight going on like this.

The spear hit its mark, killing one venerable master in a single hit, while arcs of lightning caught up to those around him, humans, demons, or monsters, and killed them all.

My sudden swift attack came to silence everyone, as all stole glances at me, the weak little girl they met a couple of months ago, standing alone on the ruckus of a destroyed balloon, while throwing out an artifact like it was a little toy.

Heavy silence prevailed, as everyone was glancing at me in a very dreadful and shocked way!

"Master Camilia, I have no time to waste, so please leave my two pets alone," I said without glancing at master Camilia, snapping my fingers to recall my spear, before taking out the two demons once more.

"You two move and clear all the monsters and demons your attacks can reach," I then threw my spear once more, and this time I took the life of the shocked Terick and a large group of his traitorous supporters and allied monsters and demons before turning to look at master Camilia:

"May I bother mastering another balloon? I can't fully exert my strong strength from this far, from down below."

Master Camilia wasn't an exception, feeling much speechless and shocked from my attack I just used. What they didn't know was the fact that my hunger value was now in thousands, and this mere attack of the spear, just attacking a single target, only depleted less than one tenth of my hunger value.

If I let my spear use its full power, it would be able to kill all of them and only use one half of my hunger value, something that I wouldn't do as it would endanger other masters fighting so close with my enemies.

"Hahaha, you are really his disciple! Alright, take this balloon and go show me your wonders, hahaha!"

In the next moment a larger and more advanced balloon appeared in front of me. I wasn't polite as I jumped into it with the two of my demons, before flying high up, letting my shield wrap around it.

"Attack! Kill them all!!"

My shouts came to fill the whole silent place, and the next moment my attacks, the attacks of my demons appeared on this trapped large layer, killing everyone and everything standing in their way.

And just like that, the tables were flipped, and my enemies were on the back foot now, trying helplessly to defend against my attacks, even using the terrifying demons and monsters, without any effect at all!

I kept pushing them back, killing and wounding anyone I spot. After five or six attacks I filled the balloon with pearls, leisurely started eating them.

My spear consumption wasn't that high yet, so I didn't need to act that crazy, yet.

As for my demons, they targeted the monsters and demons on the other side, killing their numbers in large amounts. After a few hours, the fight's result seemed to be obvious to everyone, especially to my enemies.

"Damn you witch filthy descendant, we will meet later!" Antoine shouted with extreme anger, and I was much more frustrated than him!

All this time I tried to hit and kill him, however his specialty was space torsion mystic arts, making himself able to evade at the last second any attack I launched at him.

And that also explained how these monsters appeared inside the mystic art lands despite the shields being raised.

The next moment he vanished, taking with him the rest of the surviving masters and disciples, being the last venerable master standing on the anti-witch camp.contemporary romance

"Yeah, we are victorious!"


"The cowards retreated! It's a celebration time!"

These shouts erupted from everywhere in this huge layer, while they were feeling so happy and relaxed, I directed my spear towards the outer world of the shield, preparing to launch my spear's deadly real attack on the endless army outside.

"Calm down child, we are now safe inside. They won't be able to come here."

A venerable master, the one who I recognized from before as the head of the venerable master council, came to me from far, flying in the air, with a deep wound over his right shoulder, covered in bandages that were hastily put there to stop the bleeding it seemed.


I didn't listen to his words, as the next moment I threw my spear, penetrating the shield instantly, hitting the endless number of enemies outside, while creating this massive explosive sound.

And the next moment my hunger value started to be crazily consumed. I had no breaths to waste on this respected venerable and others, so I hurriedly said:

"Uncle, please gather all those you trust and bring them instantly here. you were tricked, the fight didn't end, it even didn't start yet!"

I dived directly into the large balloon filled with pearls while leaving the venerable master speechless for a while before me. However, when he saw me working so hard, plus my two demons never stopped fighting, using their deadliest attacks as much as they could, as fast as they could, with such determination and seriousness, he realized my words weren't groundless.

And thus he went to summon those who he could trust, and I was pretty sure his mind was wreaking havoc with all the info he knew so far about the invasion without being able to get a single clue.

It was unfortunate for me to admit it, but this time our enemy had really outsmarted us, all of us, without any exception.

Even the old witch from the ancient times, with all her wisdom and foretelling, all her machinations and schemes, she failed to anticipate this move from our enemies.

And if they didn't act now, they would be doomed to fail themselves, everyone, and me!

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