Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 380: Finally Reaching the Trapped Mystic Art Society

The fight was really stressful and risky. After a couple of hours of moving forward, with my spear trying to break the upfront resistance, my two demons defending the rear of the balloon, and me eating pearls while holding the shield, we were almost overrun by a sneaky sudden attack from the two sides!

It happened so fast as huge pillars rose from the distant ground, and strangely their top ends started to rotate, tilting towards my balloon, trying to crush it!contemporary romance


I had no other choice, and when my spear appeared after many tries, humming and buzzing as its usual, I just glanced at it while saying:

"You are so incompetent! I sent you again to kill them and here you are, have the audacity to express your anger on me!! such a worthless piece of artifact, a shame on all artifacts! If I had another spear I wouldn't have kept using you! Pathetic!!"

I was tired of its attitude and grumping each time I summoned it back. I sent it flying, heading towards the nearby pillars, instantly clearing them, before recalling it again and sending it out.

I kept doing this until the whole space around me was cleaned once more, then I sent my spear out without saying a single word to it.

I knew it wasn't its fault, facing such a crazy suicidal enemy, dead fixed on delaying my advance on any cost! However I needed it to vent its anger and frustration over them, not me.

The spear moved and disappeared instantly, and my hunger value returned to its crazy consumption, while my two demons kept defending the balloon, taking into account the sides this time in their consideration.

More hours passed, and I felt it was endless moving here, as everything seemed the same, the whole world was filled with monsters, demons, and masters trying to crush me, halt my advance, without me or them reaching to mutual grounds so far.

And mine was to penetrate their siege and went directly to save the mystic art society. I was pretty sure the battle was just as brutal as the one I was currently facing, and I also knew this was the last hurdle, the desperate struggle my enemies were doing before finally crumbling and crashing into nothing.

This mere thought gave me enough strength and confidence in my victory, so I persisted! After more hours, I summoned my spear again, and this time it was acting docile, afraid to even hum a little to annoy me, to make me reprimand him harshly like I did before.

The balloon wasn't overwhelmed yet with enemies, but I decided to play it safe. This was a long and hard attrition battle, one that would take a week or even two for me to finish. I didn't have two weeks, so I decided to finish it in a week, or even shorter.

The key was to keep moving forward, the fastest speed, not to kill everyone here. The moment of me gathering up with the mystic art army, I wouldn't hesitate to turn my blade and exterminate them all, all together, with each other.

Day after day passed, and the battle turned to be monotonous. My enemies were like mad dogs, attacking crazily, relentlessly, not caring about tactics, strategy, or even their lives.

All they cared about was one thing, delaying me! And all I persisted upon was not to decrease the speed of my ongoing flying for even a moment!

We kept battling like this, and the world kept tumbling, thundering with sounds of explosions caused by me and my two demons attacks, combined with the attacks deflected over the surface of my shield.

It wasn't until the sixth day that I started to hear a new sound; and echo of a distant explosion occurring somewhere too far to be detected clearly from here.

"Finally," I muttered with a long sigh, as this sound was the sweetest thing I ever heard in my life, or that what I just felt right there.

"What?" my demoness asked, while waving her long whip, lashing a large monster and crushing it into small pieces. "What happened?" my demon asked as he waved his calibre sword, the really mighty sword, only second to my spear in brutality and effect.

"We are getting so near to the mystic art trapped society."

"Finally," the both said, each in his and her own tone and attitude. My demon was eager to fight, while my demoness was like me, feeling relieved to reach there in time, while a hint of worry was there in her words.

She worried, seemingly like me, that the total number of masters and disciples alive wouldn't be enough to crush the remnants of my enemies; at least kill all the nobles and devastate some of my enemies' hidden goals.

The distant echo started to grow in intensity and number, however this took more time than I initially thought! After three more days, I finally was able to glance over the mystic art society once more, with its huge walls and this sturdy shield supporting it, making the attacks over the society invalid.

"It's still standing, thanks heavens!" I sighed with relief as the society wasn't in fire and ruins like my darkest thoughts played the dirty tricks all the way to here.

The mystic art society appeared like a lonely island stormed heavily by an angry weather that rained monsters and demons instead of rain. The walls were raised high, supported with layers upon layers of shields that covered the whole grand layer with impregnable shields.

And the monsters and demons were crawling like little freaks, gluing themselves over the dome, trying to eat it away, while master of the nobles were flying in the air, lashing out their deadliest attacks towards the dome.

And the whole world was roaring with the endless merciless all kinds of attacks that kept flashing constantly turning the whole mystic art layer into a small shining star.

And this star was boiling with anger and rage! The fight wasn't one sided at all! A huge amount of attacks flashed out of the shields, attacking, hacking, wounding, and killing the demons and monsters one after another.

However their rate of attacks and their efficiency were much lower than me and my demons! "They don't have the witch artifacts, they don't have the monsters' bonuses added to their weapons!" I muttered the moment I absorbed the whole picture in mind, understanding what was really happening here!

"Your orders?" the demoness asked, and I knew there was no time to waste. Despite their resilient defense, the shields were consumed rapidly layer upon layer, and the death toll caused by the trapped masters and disciples wasn't enough to balance the battle.

They were already losing!

"Use everything, and clear a path around the shield for us to enter," I coldly said, while I snapped my fingers, calling back my spear that I just sent to attack the close by demons and monsters.

"Hear my voice, see my lightning, know I'm here," I muttered as I didn't do anything more than holding my spear normally and raising it to the sky.

The spear responded to my silent request and humbly sent out huge arcs of lightning, eating away any enemy around me, making my balloon look from far away like a suspended huge tree of lightning coming from far towards the trapped layer.

Reinforcements arrived! Get ready to welcome me!

The distance wasn't the short, and just moving a mile forward proved to be challenging. Demons decided to play an interesting game with me, as they jumped from the ground, like being thrown directly towards the balloon, to crash and smash directly the shield, decreasing the momentum of my advance.

I became greatly annoyed, however I couldn't risk sending my spear out, unleashing its full power, attacking the fragile shield by accident, making us lose the war!

And so I started to use my spear in short range attacks, while my demons used their artifacts to the maximum effect, killing a huge number of masters, demons and monsters, leaving behind many corpses of my enemies.

The fight kept increasing in intensity, and after long hours, I found that we weren't able to cross that much of a distance. These demons used strange arthodox suicidal methods to stop my advance, and apparently they managed to do so.

"Listen up, I don't know the art to do that, but I'm pretty sure you have something similar to it. I want you to shield the entire balloon, move at once towards the distant shield, like a spear thrown by my fingers. can you do this for me?"

The spear stayed silent for a moment before buzzing a couple of times in a way that made me realize it was hesitating. "Don't worry, it's worth everything we will pay, this small distance must be crossed, then you can explode onto them as much as you like."

It stopped humming and rested calmly over the tips of my fingers. I smiled as I screamed while sending it to the front: "Go and take us there!"

The spear moved for a single moment before it stopped, got enlarged, engulfing the whole balloon. My eyes, as usual, were attracted to the hunger value, and this time I was shocked to see the rapid acceleration in the consumption, moving unhindered like a meteorite!

"Damn it! this is what was troubling you then?" I shouted as I waved my hand to completely fill my balloon with pearls, then dived literally into the depth of it.

I didn't have to use hands and waste the time; I didn't have such time to waste even in chewing! I swallowed, opened my mouth and swallowed every pearl in there in one deep breath, barely balancing the insane consumption of the spear of mine.

But it really was worth doing this!

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