Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 379: It's Hard to Move Forward, but This Doesn't Stop Me!

The balloon took us towards the border of layer twenty five. The place was dead quiet, and after some argument about their origins, they both stayed silent in the balloon, acting weird without speaking to each other.

'We are heading to layer twenty three now with all the selected players I chose.'

Suddenly Aria sent this message to me. if she was about to enter layer twenty three, then I was separated from her by one week at least. I sighed, as I wasted twelve days so far and still about to enter layer twenty five.

'Press on, we are running low on time,' I sent, before adding, 'keep players transferring points to us all the time.'

'They already are doing that,' she replied, and I just glanced at my contribution point to find it was moving like a snail. I sighed, it wasn't their fault that my current contribution score was this terrifying. 'Make them only donate to you guys,' I sent to her as it seemed what they gave to me weren't enough to make me satisfied.

'Don't you need some?'

'I have enough, just raise your contribution points.'

I then closed the chat and watched the barrier of the twenty five layer ahead of me coming closer minute after minute. It was really boring flying in all this stillness, without a single demon to kill.

The moment we passed through the barrier, I was met with a really strange scene; a huge army of demons and monsters were waiting for me there!

"Weird, didn't your spear kill them?" my demon asked, with a tone clear of any sadness or depression. He jumped with much energy, wielding his artifacts, while preparing himself to the fight!

Despite moving in cleaned layers, I never lowered my guard and always kept my shield raised high and activated. As such, even with a sudden ambush, the highly unexpected one that my enemies did here, I didn't suffer any damage at all.

"It seems they came from the mystic art layer, trying to delay your advance forward," the demoness said, as she took out her artifacts, and were ready to fight.

"Let's kill them all then, and go fast towards the front," I said while my balloon kept moving forward, I took out my spear once more. The moment it appeared, it crazily hummed like it was reprimanding me for what I did earlier.

"Buddie, just check the place, it's all full of monsters and demons. So lousy of you, I'm really disappointed!"

The spear paused, as it was really checking the situation, before it hummed twice then went silent. I didn't know what this meant, but I just hoped it would release its all anger towards the enemies everywhere.

'Sigh, why can't I take two artifacts instead of one? I just can't help losing you, babe!' I thought to myself, while throwing my spear to the front, unleashing the killer into the peasants.

And the whole layer started to shake from the violent battle going on here.

I had to admit, they tried their best, really hard, to stop me; however all the demons and monsters that stood in front of me were all slain by my spear, my demon and demoness' artifacts.

And my balloon was like an iron clad arrow sent to fly from a huge ballista, with nothing to stand in its way, nothing to cause it any harm.

Even when they sent the witch killers, those energy sucker demons, I didn't faze as my spear was already out fighting them. they tried everything, even sending many masters to stop me, but they couldn't!

Any attack was doomed to be negated on the surface of my shield; and any defense couldn't stand a minute against the brutality of three of us, especially my spear.

It acted with much domineering way, killing everything in its path. I knew it was mad, and I purposely instigated that in it so I could use it for my own benefit here.

The balloon moved towards the next layer, and the more we moved deeper, the more it seemed like the whole world was collapsing over our heads! Attacks started to be like rain, and demons started to jump over the air, crossing a huge distance, trying to hit our balloon. And eventually they did.

"Secure the balloon," I shouted, as my shield protected against attacks, but didn't prevent any demon from entering the balloon. The fight started to be much harder, as more and more demons jumped over my balloon, until I entered a whole area full of pillars!

The earth was literally covered with long thick pillars heading to the sky! The way was blocked, and when I moved closer to them, I was astonished to see these pillars weren't real pillars, but demons.

"Are you trying this hard to trap me?" I muttered, while snapping my fingers hard, a couple of times, to retract the spear back over my head.

Just before it started whining again, I sent it flying, directly hitting the pillars, one by one, group by group. I sent my spear out for a moment, snapped my fingers, and then threw it again!

The battle turned into a direct clash between my balloon, me and my two demons, and the whole world! any single meter was gained by much effort and challenge. The fight turned into such a dog fight, without any strategy, without any planning; just mere force against force, and I was the one winning so far.

"This can't go on," I muttered, while glancing at the demons to see they were trapped already dealing with all the demons escaping from the reach of my spear.

"Listen well, I need you to explode in the same way you do when you conquer your enemies, but this time I need you to do it right away from the start!"

I talked to my spear, trying to make it use the killer move of it early on from the beginning. It hummed, and buzzed, in a way that told me he wasn't agreeing. "Mate, it's no time for arrogance, if not you do this we all are going to die!"

I had no time arguing with it, so I just held it with my nervous fingers, hoping this spear would be sane enough to follow my words and understand them.

Then I threw it!


The moment it left my hand, the whole world rumbled. I hurriedly opened my hunger value window to see it was skyrocketing in a crazy manner. Without any further ado, I filled the balloon with pearls, and dived into them.

The spear sudden explosion came to take the enemies clustered around me by surprise. The spear explosion covered a large area, killing every single enemy of mine in these areas, creating a place void of any life there.

It wasn't like its usual great devastation, but it was acceptable.

"Round two b*tches, snap!" I retreated it, patted on its shaft as I muttered:

"Good job, let's do it all the time then."

The spear just hummed once, and then it went silent. I didn't know if it was agreeing or not with me, but I didn't care. The whole world had a large piece missing, and now I could move to the front without much annoyance of these demons.

"Keep attacking!"

I screamed at the two demons who were astonished by the new attack of my spear. I kept throwing my spear, clearing large pieces of this world of any form of life.

I kept doing this until I regained my former travelling speed, with an area void of any monster or demon around us stretched for miles.

"I want you to go and kill them all; every single one inside the layer."

Once I felt the place was much quieter than before, and the fight started to be easier, after breaking the sudden trap and momentum of my enemies, I decided to let my spear loose, freely attacking the layer as much as it liked.

This time the spear didn't hum or vibrate at all, like it was readying itself to vent all the frustration and anger swelled up in it over the demons, monsters, and players.

"Go!" I threw it, and then I watched the whole world rumble under the might attacks of the spear. In the next second I didn't see it anywhere, as it went far ahead, pumping directly onto the enemies of mine, sweeping them like a cleaner without any pause or mercy.

As for my two demons, they were assigned to keep the demons and monsters away from my balloon as far as possible. This wasn't easy, despite the spear of mine sweeping the front, as the rear was filled with huge numbers of demons and monsters.contemporary romance

"They are really good at wasting my time like this," I muttered with great frustration, while venting my anger on eating as many pearls as possible, resupplying the lost hunger value consumed by my spear.

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